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At the end of this time he reported himself pleased and proud of the work he was aked to do. Many of the unfortunate accidents that have occurred in computation centers would have had a much lower probability of occurrence were technically competent supervisory personnel in charge. .pg For these engineers on the technical Director's staff, there is a lot of engineering work to be done in their non-duty time. Much of it is involved in the planning that must go on to be able to accept new procedures, new equipment, new environment (a new power sub-station, say) new software, new projects. There are engineering reports to be written about the planning recommendations, and about the center's activities as they are affected. It is common practice for many scientific centers to use their most efficient and experienced staff during prime shift and deliberately schedule the long or complex computing tasks for the non-prime shift. In a new center this can be a disastrous policy for everyone. It is strongly suggested that the absolute minimum professional operating staff during any operation of the computer be an engineer qualified on the center's console. Further when complex programs are schedules for non-prime operation an appropriate staff should be selected and briefed. .nx mt58.j [paper2]0000644000175000017500000004211714733113363010713 0ustar0000000000000000.br .ul Program Consulting .pg Program consulting is a .m4 1 highly specialized form of data analysis. The customer thinks he knows what he was trying to do; he thinks he has conformed to the input/output specification; and he is confident in his programming skill. Generally, he is not accustomed to careful study of the center specifications relating to the language he is using, the data format requirements pertinent to his problem, and the control language instruction set necessary to do his computation. .pg In most cases, the program consultant is shown some computer output and asked to provide guidance to produce a program which produces correct results. Computer programs can have two .m4 3 dramatically different deficiencies. The program style, and computational techniques, together with associated resources utilization of the computer system may be very bad, uneconomic, but the results may be correct. On the other hand the program may contain logical error, or control error, or faulty data definitions, or keypunch errors which mimic these error types, or any combination of these four, in any number of occurrences. .pg Of course, a great many programs written by inexperienced programmers will have both types of program deficiencies. Since it is possible to write programs after a 20 lecture course, a new center will find that not only are the students inexperienced but many of the customer programmer groups fall into the same category. .pg In those centers where the control software and/or hardware configurations are changing, or where the systems programmers in charge of the control software are permitted to experiment, the consultant is often faced with the situation wherein a computer program produced correct and satisfactory results on day 1 but on day 2 did not reproduce these results. It may be that the over-all system has been modified or that the programs that entered the computing part of the system were not identical due to operator, or peripheral, or transmission malfunction. .pg Western university practice, in the main, accepts computer wastage to avoid the staff problem of providing adequate and effective consulting. You will not want to afford the luxury of unnecessary wastage which can be avoided by using your human resources. Yet, even you, cannot find the number of staff necessary to cover this activity unless you can reduce the demand, without sacrificing efficiency. .pg Computing centers have earned the bad reputation of providing poor to erroneous information about their own requirements. Many are prepared to change these requirements without notice. If the marketing concept proposed in Chapter 4 has any validity it must be effective in this problem area. The following action can reduce the information transfer problem at a very low price. .pg For each program language, FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL etc. a set of displays will be built. Small typical programs (say 3) in good style will be written and the source deck used in the display. Then these three boards of a size to permit mounting 32 cards with adequate surround space will have the cards mounted in sequence. A skilled sign-maker or draftsman will then letter each card with the instruction code on the top row, and a brief definition or explanation of the card's function .m4 5 in a vernacular language. The groups of cards performing computation "tasks" or "activities" will be bracketed by the draftsman and along the brackets a vernacular description of that task and a reference to the appropriate standard program manual will be written. Another smaller panel will be constructed with the proper set and sequence of center system control cards .m4 3 required to permit the sample programs to enter the computer. Again each of these control cards would be labelled and carry an explanation of its function. Any special comments would be displayed in the margins of the display. Warning:||If these displays become obsolete, then they assist in developing faulty programs. As soon as the center starts to operate, the types of error due to carelessness, inattention, lack of information, or misunderstandings will emerge. If the department selects key samples of such errors and modifies the programming code to protect the identity of the person, then a display of each error can be built QUICKLY. Each error should have its own board. The error cards should be on side and the corrected version on the other; all cards labelled and defined. On the margins should be an explanation of the error and what the output would look like. For example:||Many systems spell out the diagnosed error as a numerical code, say 52. But no readable list exists which explains for the customer what 52 implies. The display would give the most likely causes and an offer to help if the suggested correction does not cure the difficulty. This program is not a well-defined task in the sense that it must be brought up to date immediately there is a change which invalidates a display, or which requires a new procedure. If done properly it can reduce the load on the program consultants. The consultant examining a problem finds that the error is on a display. He points out the error, refers the client to the proper display and is finished. The consultant may find a new type error which has become too frequent. He would then request a display which should sharply reduce the number of queries. In a bi or multi-lingual region the vernacular language is enlarged to cover all necessary languages. .pg In a new center where the number of experienced personnel will be limited, the program consultants will be chosen to play a role which will change over time. Specifically, they will be mature individuals who have successfully mastered the training programs provided. They will screen out the customer difficulties they know they cannot handled and pass them over to the "experts." They will assist in repairing the program flaws within their sphere of competence. These experts will consult jointly with the customer and the program consultant on the difficult problems, hopefully answering the customer query and improving the constultant's background. Gradually, with support from below with displays and from the expert above, the program consultant will develop into a valuable consultant. .pg Who is this expert? He may be a technical director, a professor, a foreign visiting member of the center or a gifted applications programmer. There are circumstances where the computing system itself is interacting with the program in a strange way and the expert must come from the systems programmer group or from the computer manufacturer's customer service group. .pg Since the computation center is responsible for technical guidance about its computing system to the customer community, the program consultant represents the interface of the center with the user. He is accountable to both for most effective use and development of the center. He exerts control over the development of the center by providing information as to customer needs, habits, and problems. This is important to the center, but vital to the customer. The customer should not have to wander through the center seeking aid from whomsoever he can find. Under this system, the user first goes to the information room and checks the error layouts against his problem. If the layout system is good, more than half the time he will find a solution, and never need the consultant. If he fails to find a solution among the displays, he goes to a consultant and remains a client of that individual until a solution is reached. .pg Policy must now be set for allocation of costs. It is in general set so that a reasonable number of consultant minutes per resource unit of computation is built into the price structure as overhead. If the customer is inept, then the consultant is guided by the marketing supervisor and the customer offered consulting on a charge basis where warranted. It may be recommended that the customer take more training, as the center cannot allocate any more of its resources to his problem. .pg For a program consultant to achieve maximum development, and to remain an expert with respect to the center system, it is helpful for him to be assigned carefully selected applications programming work. Wherever possible these assignments should not have a severe completion date. This permits him to have useful work when his consulting does not fill his working day. In addition some of the program consultants may turn out to have real programming skill, and it is in the center's interest to find useful work which does not supplant their main function. .br .ul Technicians .pg The people who will operate the simple machines such as keypunches, sorters, reproducers, who will under engineering supervision operate the card readers, line printers, tape and disk decks, graphical plotters, who will handle the input and output offices organizing the customer demands make up the cadre of staff considered technicians. There are two distinct aspects to their training. The first is the basic machine, programming, or procedural background required in any center; the second consists of those special considerations required by the overall center system. The latter will touch every skill, from special keypunch codes, color requirements for cards of special use, tape and reel labelling, job authorization and priority control, individual customer budget control, to constraints imposed by policy considerations. .pg After the basic training has been absorbed, the qualified individuals should be screened for employment on the basis of alertness, reliability, and a sense of service. These qualities are so important that it is very helpful if all employment is provisional for three to six months, and those individuals seeking a routinized senecure be transferred out of the center. The selected groups are then trained as units for the system. .pg These positions are difficult to maintain as cheerful jobs. The never-ending flow of work, and job related queries and complaints tends to dull the enthusiam of most workers. Regular refresher courses during stable operating intervals and special courses when incipient changes are planned are strongly recommended. Occasional low level staff meetings where their work as a part of the center is evaluated and occasionally praised, and where they are encouraged to question, to suggest changes is also good for the center. These jobs are so necessary and take sufficient time to learn well that it is NOT recommended that transfers be easy or often. However, after a skill ranking of the different jobs have been made by the center management from their evaluation of their own staff, it is recommended that individuals be considered for training courses for the higher level jobs. Promotion should be primarily on merit with seniority a secondary fact. .br .ul Technical Librarian .pg This job is not programming, engineering, nor that of a technician. Furthermore, it is unlikely that an experienced individual can be found. This individual must be fluent in English and any other foreign language represented by substantial amounts of printed matter in the library. The library material which will be controlled will be very valuable in the sense that there will be few copies available elsewhere. .pg Any help which you can get from your National Library in locating candidates and in offering guidance as to the mechanics of library work should be sought. In some countries there is a Naional Document Center which can be of great help. U.N.E.S.C.O. may be able to help. The critical skill is language and the important attributes are intelligence and desire to help. The technical skills can be .m4 1 learned. .pg A copying machine is very important to the center and especially to the library, and should be included in the equipment considered by the committee. .br .ul Training .pg These paragraphs are written under the constraint that the availability of .m4 3 scientific computation centers in the region has been so limited that there does not exist a free unemployed or readily available population of technicians. Consequently, the training program must be all inclusive. It is true the computer manufacturer often gives basic training which is most useful. But it does not replace the need for proper training by the center. For example:||Keypunchers are often trained at manufacturer's schools, and they learn to operate the machines and to keypunch from data. They are almost never trained to keypunch programs written in the higher languages such as ALGOL, FORTRAN, etc. They are trained as production workers to produce as many cards as possible with a reasonable quality index. .pg This philosophy is just not good enough for a scientific computation center, where the highest percentage of error free cards possible even at the cost of lower overall cards per day output is the best strategy. This strategy is best since a substantial keypunch load is that of program description punched cards. This situation can best be described as information at near zero redundancy level. Error detecting in general is usually difficult, and it is an inefficient way to use the time of high level people. In the case of punched card program decks a high error rate is not only wasteful of professional time but very costly in terms of computer costs. Consequently, any reasonable minimum cost philosophy dictates maximum effort to reduce keypunch error. This requires that the operators be given as much training in reading and comprehending program statements as they can absorb. This type of training not only tends to reduce the transcription error but as the operators become experienced they will spot apparent recording errors on the part of the programmer. The operator should be encouraged to take action. Some installations permit the operator to correct an obvious error but to underline it in red on the original; some only permit the operator to query. The planning for the training program must include the establishment and, where necessary approval of educational and skill levels and working conditions taking into account the legal, economic, level of employment, and cultural constraints. Here the guidance of experience from the more technologically advanced nations, may not only be unhelpful but actually harmful. Their problems are not representative of the problems of your region. Hence their solutions may .ne 2 well not be relevant. .pg In a multi-language nation with substantial or severe under-employment it makes very good sense to use well-educated personnel at all levels of the computation system except for janitors and porters. And even here, the janitors must be able to carry out much more complicated assignments than they would in more regular employment. Cleanliness and trash control is very important. A dirty littered computation center is "an accident or catastrophe waiting to happen". .pg Even where skilled and educated people are in short supply but where the scientific computation center is a scarce resource, minimum cost or maximum benefit philosophy suggests the importance of using the best people available. The maxim of "Hire brains and add training" should apply throughout the center. .pg In the keypunching example, the use of educated personnel has a number of advantages. 1.||Their language skills should be better and hence the natural transcription error rate should be much lower. 2.||The rapid changes in requirements, types of problems, and languages together with the sense of belonging to research and development projects of national value can give job satisfaction to the educated person. 3.||The educated are always candidates for promotion. 4.||The better the keypunch job, the cheaper it is to complete a project on the computer. This will reduce both local and foreign currency requirements. In one instance in Egypt, where linguistic ability, and accuracy would have a substantial effect on cost and length of time to completion, not only were university people trained as keypunchers but a bonus system for correct cards punched was approved. The decision gave excellent results and the morale of the keypunch organization rose with their increasing competence. .pg A strong point was made in the chapter on Organization about the need for cooperation among the managers. The same need applies to the supervisory groups of technicians. In the early days of a new center there are going to be many mistakes, misunderstandings and changes in the operations flow among these groups. If the operations department has open discussion for the group as a whole as a means of developing efficiency, there is grave danger that the supervisors will view criticism as hostile, personal, and attempt to avoid or shift responsibility. A far better procedure is to have regular, closed supervisor's meetings where the supervisor does not feel pressed from below. Here, where necessary, heads can be knocked, supervisors can be reassigned, and they, the supervisors, can begin to understand the management environment. Meetings of the whole then become the forum of information and statements of policy and procedure. In general, the level of technical achievement by the center will depend more on the type of organization authorized, the abilities of the cadre of leaders, and the collective competence of the staff than on the equipment. .nx mt58.k [paper3]0000644000175000017500000004546714733113363010727 0ustar0000000000000000.bp .ce .ul Chapter 6 .ce Reports of the Committee .pg The style of the reports that the committee will prepare is clearly beyond the scope of a monograph. However, certain features of an effective report should be mentioned. For each acceptable building evaluated in the report, there should be included a working sketch of an effective center together with another sketch of the building requirements after three years of operation. And it must be the latter authorization that is sought. Some of the spare office space can be loaned back until required, but the air conditioning, temperature, humidity and other environmental control equipment must have enough capacity to handle the larger requirements even during the peak periods. It is also helpful to sketch a typical computer system configuration with typical cabling requirements. This can be done without regard to the supplier or model which will be chosen later. With this sketch, the flow of work and workers together with a description of size, weight, number of occurrences of input and output should be included. Estimated intervals for renovation, building, ordering, delivery, and installation of the elements of this report should be as realistic as possible. Promises by interested groups to reduce their known intervals substantially should be viewed with reserve if not pessimism. .pg Consider now your actions after the committee's first study and survey assignments have been completed. You have now completed the survey of possible and unacceptable building(s) in the study region as well as locations and general requirements for a new building as an alternative. You have developed an organizational structure in depth, complete except for numbers of members of the support groups which are dynamic and a function of load. For these support groups, (applications programmers, program consultants, financial assistants, operating personnel), your proposal will list start-up staff size and growth increments expressed as a function of demand. Your education and training subcommittee has drafts of the first programs for both university level education and the training courses required for the center and for a specified community of users. That is to say the training draft proposal would be quite specific in describing the elements of the community requiring personnel trained at center, the number and type of job as well as the estimated dates of need. If there exists other training agencies in the regions whose activities are complementary to the activities under consideration for this center, it can be helpful to specify those areas which will .ul not be included in the programs of the center. .pg The committee has the list of computer manufactureres licensed to market their products in your country. A sub-committee has received from them a list of organizations in your region using their product together with a brief description of the computing system except for those users operating within the official Secret Act(s) of your region. Under proper safeguards to national security some members of your committee may be knowledgeable about these centers and be authorized to disclose whether or not the systems they operate can be considered helpful in the growth of your new center. .pg From the several subcommittees' study results together with the estimates of the computational needs of the principal classes of users, an aggregate detailed demand estimate has been derived. A computer survey subcommittee has asked each of the licensed computer manufacturers to submit preliminary proposals. In this request the committee will inform the potential suppliers the 1)|that only a study authorization is at hand and that the preliminary report has been submitted for approval;||2)|that the suppliers preliminary responses will be used to evaluate the options expected to be open to the committee as a result of the authorities consideration and action on the submitted report; and 3)|that subsequently a request containing specific requirements will be sent those suppliers whose product seems capable of meeting the needs of the center. Outside of a few countries this is a relatively small list, and in those countries with a long list, there is more experience so that the list would be restricted to suppliers known to be active in this field, and to be likely candidates. .pg It will take four to six weeks for a supplier to respond to the subcommittee, if your request is reasonably well defined. If there are ambiguities which require discussion with you, or financing problems are involved it may take much longer. In any case your preliminary report about the center as a national resource can well be submitted without a proposed computer. There are real advantages to a report limited to the local issues. These issues must be considered by the authority and decisions reached before action on the selection of a computer system is meaningful. A report on local matters without a proposed computer makes it self-evident that the committee views itself as an agent and has not assumed acceptance of the report. In order to talk to suppliers beyond the survey stage you must have a commitment for space, supporting equipment and staff. .pg This preliminary report should outline the scope of computational activity in the region and its relevance to national needs. Citing specific projects and their impact on the center can be helpful. Based on these estimates of load, the report would then spell out working estimates of plant requirements, specifying either acceptable existing buildings or estimates of amount of new building space required. These plant requirements should include air-conditioning specifications and all other environmental control needs and estimates of installation, operating and maintenance costs. Other plant requirements affecting personnel such as cafeteria, sanitary facilities, and communication equipment should be stated together with load carrying capacity. This last item is important since additions of this type to correct deficiencies can be expensive. Staff requirements should form the next section. The organization at the managerial level should be spelled out and justified. In many cases it can be helpful to the decision makers if actual names can be suggested as typically well suited for a specific post. Then the operational organization and staffing levels should be developed, describing the minimum cadre required to start each main division, teaching, training, computer operations, financial, and computer support operations. Your committee may decide to request that on the approval of the proposed center, the management posts described in the organization section, and a selected set of subordinate personnel openings be filled on an immediate basis. This will permit the committee to institute a vigorous program of specification development to develop the final report which will define all of the activities, efforts, and equipment required to open a new scientific research and development computation center. The time required to open such a center is on the order of two years, during which this skeleton organization will be very busy indeed. .pg Approval in principle should be requested for the remaining posts in the proposed center and the screening of applicants of these remaining posts. The start time of each group will be justified in the final report for authorization in principle. This approval permits all of the necessary training commitments with the responsible agencies, and the interaction with the manpower control agencies, university and technical institute faculties. .pg For example, the first year Diploma course might require 18 lecture hours and 21 laboratory hours (say) which will justify N_ teachers of specified skills. M_ specified training courses each of one semester length will be offered which will require T_ instructors with specified skills. The operation of the computer will require (say) 5 qualified console operators or engineers, 1 technical documentor, 1 technical clerk, 3 qualified card reader and line printer operators, 4 qualified tape and disc unit operators and 2 vault clerks. The computer support operations will require (say) 2 sorter-gang punch operators, 9 alpha numeric qualified keypunch operators, 1 supervisor- keypunch, 2 results technical clerks, 4 input technical clerks, 4 applications programmer groups for a total of 4 programmer analysts, 4 programmers, 2 programmer trainees, 2 technical documentors, 1 technical clerk with typing skills, 2 technical clerks, 2 senior program consultants, 2 program consultants, 1 librarian, or a staff of some 63 people ranging in training from secondary school graduate through post graduate engineers. Finally the breakdown of the staff in the several accounting departments must be developed. .pg With these skeletal manpower requirements, would be appended the education, training, and experience requirements, an approximation to the starting salary requirements, and the proposed increments required by the estimated promotions in the first year. .br Note:||If a provisional appointment policy is approved the incremental salary requirements could be substantial. .pg The preliminary report would conclude with a summary of estimated costs exclusive of computer costs, and an estimate of ratio of revenue producing or nonuniversity load to total load, high and low estimates of known computing systems deliverable to the center which computer experts say can handle estimated total load in six (6) hours. .br Note:||If the load estimate is not too low, a computing system selected on this basis should have a life to saturation of 5 to 7 years based on a doubling rate of two years. It is also assumed that as load exceeds 12 shift day per week that the center will staff to operate 21 shift days per week including holidays, as do all the other utilities of the nation. .pg Once this report together with such detailed appendices as may be required has been reviewed and an affirmative decision reached, you now have a detailed charter against which you can develop a detailed proposal with all of the hardware elements specified. Your report to the authorities will produce a set of decisions. If this set is such that your committee cannot develop a proposal for a viable center you have a real problem. It is beyond the scope of this monograph to advise you. We can warn you that if you try to bring in a center so seriously deficient that its viability is in serious question, you have harmed rather than helped the technical progress of your nation. It is better to defer action until the authorities can support a viable entity. Let us assume that the set of decisions do support a viable center. Your committee can then structure out the activities that must take place to build the center. .pg Each computer manufacturer has now submitted preliminary proposals with prices, plant layout, and environment requirements for each configuration of his product line that he believes could process the load specified in the demand detail estimate in a 6 hour, 6 day shift operation, on a batch process basis. In addition, each manufacturer has been previously supplied with written details of adverse environmental conditions known to exist (see chapter 2) and within which his product must function. This should be done, because many computer manufacturers have a policy and practice of configuring their products for such centers in their base location. The base location engineers may be totally unaware of the occurrence of dust storms (say) or chaotic disruption of electric current which you know to be an environmental condition in your area. For each proposed system the supplier should list the location and organization of the three closest similar systems. This piece of information is important to your decision process. If the nearest neighbor is (say) 3000 miles away and you accept this system, you are prepared to "go it alone". You will have no back-up, no friend nearby. This is not to rule out this system as a candidate but this isolation cannot be considered a plus factor in your decision. In listing the prices of these configurations on a sale basis, you should demand the list price in the best currency break that he is authorized to make. You may discover that this is a negotiable item. You should further stipulate the salvage value for a trade-up in n years. That is, suppose for reasons of economy or lack of knowledge about customer demand you install six (6) tape decks of 24 kilo-character transmission rate and within one year, know you can justify replacing them with 48 kilo-character units. The supplier in his proposal should make firm price commitments for trade-up at the end of 1 year, 2 years, and subsequent after two years. This especially important because all peripherals are supplied in different modules based on capacity. These include line printers, card readers, tape and disc decks, which you have already discovered are very expensive, very load sensitive, but absolutely indispensable. Do not expect the supplier to be eager to make these commitments. As has been mentioned earlier, this is a most competitive field, and many of the practices have been labeled aggressive by some and sharp by others. The option to install a system with reasonable peripheral facilities with respect to costs and then to upgrade at an appropriate time the capacity of the system by selective upgrading of specific peripheral units is important to the center. Your committee may choose to select one or more possible strategies and request a pricing from the supplier. In the final stages of specifying needs, if the trade-up policy of the supplier with the most acceptable system is harsh, then here are some suggestions about your choices of peripherals. Wherever possible get two units so that if one faults, the other can keep you going until the repairs are completed. If more than two are required, buy the fastest units you can afford and still meet the minimum requirements, providing the system is still operable. It may put a burden on the staff, but this is a local human problem which you can solve. One qualification must be made. If all the tape units in your country are either 556 or 800 B.P.I. do not invest in 1600 B.P.I. units. You can vary the transmission rate without affecting compatability among systems. Recently a university research center sent a data tape to another university research group. The tape was a 7 track 800 B.P.I., the other university had only 9 track tape drives and a systems whose code was essentially incompatible. It required an expert, and a very sophisticated center to convert this tape to one of use to the research group. Because ill-advised attempts were made to modify the original tape, reconstructs were necessary and nearby fifteen months elapsed until the useful version became available. .pg You can now take the several configurations given you by the computer manufacturers and use them to test the acceptability of the buildings you have been authorized to consider or to evaluate the proposed layout of a new building. You will get your first good estimates of the amount of floor space required. It is recommended that the discussion on building increments be reviewed as the committee attempts to layout each system. It can be helpful and enlightening to consider the layouts with reasonable expansion of peripherals and controlled environment storage space. You may discover that the space is excellent for the initial installation but that a load-bearing wall must be removed to make any substantial addition! Such a situation is unacceptable. .pg Many computer manufacturers make much of the fact that the central processor(s) and core banks are getting smaller. However, the rapidly growing demand for data analysis in fields ranging from library science, hospital administration, economic systems, major engineering projects, to census activities has increased the need for magnetic storage devices (tape, disc, and drum), input devices, output devices such as plotters, printers, optical devices, and for space to handle the customer's data media and results. This space accounts for more than 80% of that of the entire computing system. This space is also worker sensitive in that humans (engineers, operators and technicians) are in constant activity throughout this region. If the layout does not provide for a smooth activity flow, the congestion can degrade seriously an otherwise very effective computer. Once again, the computer manufacturer engineers and builds computing components, but your committee must engineer a computation system to meet your needs. This is your responsibility, not that of the supplier of components. It is now suggested that a report on the computer system be produced. This report will show how the previously approved plant, equipment organization and staff will use this equipment as the new center. If the authorized space (say) is inadequate, then a most careful justification will be required. If the computing system found best is not of the most popular family of computers, or if another system could meet your requirements within the approved space, very well documented justification will be required. .pg Your report should reduce the considerable amount of technical and financial information furnished by these companies to the essentials. What is important is the first estimates of computer equipment costs which can be folded into the first report as a set of typical costs. Each supplier submitting a proposal no matter how unresponsive should be mentioned in the report. Failure to acknowledge a supplier's response can cause comment in both the business and political community. .pg The committee at this time should avoid extensive discussion of remote operation by customer either in a batch mode or in real time. The communications interface for any of these options is most important and introduces many issues which are not germane to the first set of decisions and approvals sought by your committee. It is probably sufficient to check whether telephone circuits are readily available and what is the condition of the central offices servicing the proposed location during peak periods. If the telecommunications office states no circuits available without priority or special authorization, or that there is severe congestion during peak periods in the relevant central offices of the telephone system, then it is clear that any utility-supported form of remote operation must be deferred. Notice that this does not preclude some permanently wired remote terminals within the center or its environs. If circuits are available, and the computer transmission load acceptable to the telephone agency, these more sophisticated configurations can be considered in subsequent stages. Since you have not established a working center, you are in no position to justify such facilities even where the telecommunications facilities are not at issue. It is worthy of note that, in terms of computer resources and job cost, remote operation in whatever mode is almost never the most economic. .bp .nx mt58.l [paper4]0000644000175000017500000003765414733113363010727 0ustar0000000000000000.ce .ul Chapter 7 .ce .ul Miscellanea .pg This chapter treats briefly a variety of topics relating to both computation, and the computer center. They are grouped under the following subheadings, Input, Analysis, Results, Confidentiality, Documentation, Leadership and Liability, Addenda. These topics have been deliberately isolated since they are either elements related to more than one topic or have their own importance. .br .ul Input .pg .ul Source document - (endogenous)|-| a set of records developed .ul within the customer's organization|-|examples:||a surveyor's notebook, a salesman's order book, a survey enumerator's logsheet, and a respondent's questionnaire, a list of cusomters together with the corresponding itemized list of current purchases and total amount due. These records are often unique|-|there is no copy. If they are lost, destroyed or mislaid the data contained in these missing records is not available for analysis. The loss of a few records among a great many is seldom catastrophic but the loss of a block of data|-|a month's bills (say) may well cause doubt about the validity of an overall analysis. (See methods of transmission). .pg .ul Source documents|-|exogenous. A set of records|-| or a set of values about factors which do .ul not occur within the customer's organization. Examples:||United Nations Statistical Yearbook, World trade and other economic indices published by the Ministry of the Treasury, Handbook of Physical and Engineering Constants. The main problem areas here deal with questions of which set of values are to be used, in what units, and with what accuracy. .pg .ul Source data|-|the information to be extracted from each of the source documents. It is generally thought to be in numeric form but can often be alphabetic. The source data is also sometimes derived from component information contained in several documents. For example:||Material utilized for process B in Factory A, for a given period|=| .in7 .ti-4 1.||New Material accepted as good produce|+ .ti-4 2.||New Material rejected as Nonconforming-Rework|+ .ti-4 3.||New Material rejected as Scrap|+ .ti-4 4.||Old Material reworked and accepted|+ .ti-4 5.||Old Material reworked and rejected as Scrap. .in0 .pg If the component source data is not provided and only the derived data is used in the analysis, recording or transcription error is almost impossible to correct without referral to the component source documents. Considerable care needs to be taken to assure that the source data on which the analysis is to be based has the supporting documents available for .ul error correction (see error detection and correction). .pg .ul Responsibility|- |originator. The source documents are the property and responsibility of groups of people with their set of rules regarding possession, access, and use. The same conditions often apply to the sets of data making up the source data. Often conditions arise wherein the various sets of rules of the several organizations involved collide and make very difficult the development of a carefully controlled flow of source data with adequate error correction and timely data transmission. Example:||The source documents are slips of paper for each transaction and the billing group keeps these for two months and then destroys them. If the error correction feature of the project requires four months retention we have a problem. Space and files must be found to store two additional months of records|-|this may be so costly that a different (and perhaps more expensive) error correction feature must be developed which can operate within the two months retention feature. .pg .ul Acceptable error rates:|| This rate will generally be calculated as a per record rate, this, a 2.5% error rate will mean that with respect to this record type, 2.5% of these records have one___ or .ul more errors in them. .pg Sometimes it is important to divide the variables in a record into classes and specify .ul acceptable error rates per class per record. Example||a record contains the following:||Day, Month, Year, Location, Customer Code, Transaction Code, Credit Status, Amount Ordered, Unit Price, Shipping Date, Gross Bill, Tax, Discount, Net Bill. .pg If Customer Code, or Amount Ordered, or Gross Bill, or Net Bill is missing or unreadable this is serious, and the economics analyst may say that if more____ than 2% of the records lack such information he suspects the validity of the answers. Thus for the class of variables listed here the A.E. Rate per this class is 2%. .pg If both the Month and Shipping Date are missing, this double error may be given at A.E. rate of 2% (say). If these two variables are independent the occurrence of this second type of error with an overall allowable per item____ error rate of (say 7%) will be acceptable. The other variables can have a much higher error rate except that if the overall error rate per record is too high (say 7%) then the whole data source for that period is suspect. That is, the Acceptable Quality level of the data, considered as a process, has been exceeded and the process is ruled to be out of control and the appropriate data source groups notified promptly to take corrective action. These error rates refer to the errors on the source documents themselves. When a transcription system is superimposed, additional error (both random and systematic) can or will be introduced. Any error control system must identify and control errors introduced in the source documents as well as those caused by faults in the transcription system. .br .ul Multiple Card-Unit Record: .pg When the information of a unit record contains more than eighty (80) characters, more than one punched card is required. Then extra identification is required so that each card of the set can be identified with respect to both the card sequence number (that is, this information is the data reserved for the second data card in the set), and the unit identification. This extra identification is sometimes called the .ul linkage. When the number of cards required for a unit records is variable, the actual number of cards punched for each unit record must be recorded as a variable of the unit record. When variable fields of substantial length are required (say up to 43 characters are permitted), it is sometimes practical to locate these 43 columns at the extreme right hand of the card. Then if 44 characters are tried, there is an automatic rejection. When this is done the column just to the left many require a common code to guarantee correct alignment, that is require the punching is column 37 of an alphameric code. .pg The placing of identification fields should be such as to aid in quality control. One way to assist in the control of quality is to place a common code at the end of the punching string. Then by merely holding a deck to light one can easily verify that the punching string terminated in the right column. It may be that there are two source records and hence two consecutive strings on each card. Then the common code may be placed at the end of the first and most important string or two code columns may be available and used. Better key punch results are often obtained when care is taken to process each operators results separately or to have a punch identification on the card so that quality results for each operator can be obtained. .br .ul Methods of transmission is taken in this monograph to mean the complete clerical system involved in providing data to the computation center. Example:||Consider a project which has 3 groups responsible for one type of source document each, which must be transmitted to the project group at the computation center each month, the actual number of documents from each group will vary from month to month depending on the activity of the study elements. Then each group will be instructed. .in7 .ti-4 1.||To count the number of documents for the given month; .ti-4 2.||Write a letter stating the shipping date of the documents, and whether they were shipped by post or messenger, the number of documents, and the name and telephone number of the clerk-supervisor currently in charge; .ti-4 .ne3 3.||Mail this letter by the 5th day of the month to the leader for the project at the computation center. The leader will hold all received letters until he has received the letters from the three groups or until 9th day (say), whichever comes first. Then he will give the three letters to the keypunch supervisor to use in the control of the incoming documents or he will call the supervisor(s) of the missing source(s) and take necessary action. .in0 .pg The keypunch supervisor will check that the count of documents reported agrees with his count of documents received. If there is a discrepancy he will call the clerk-supervisor and they will clear up the problem. .br .ul Analysis, Arithmetic Procedures: .pg The calculation of numerical values of mathematical formulae, or arithmetic procedures using a binary digital computer is not always the simple coding of the equation or algorithm by a programming language. Examples of such problems and constraints are:||Banks have legal definitions as to the number of significant digits to be used in the calculating of Bond Yields, Amortization Schedules, etc. Internation tariff regulations which enter econometric Planning models often have such constraints. The concept of distance as d829|=|x829|+|y829 is not necessarily correct when airline route or shipping (sea) mileage, satelite or submarine cable telephony distances are involved. The arithmetic procedures represented by arithmetic, algebraic or other types of mathematical formulae do not always have a simple transformation to computer procedures. What is worse there is no guarantee that a proven algorithm on computer A, will produce identical numeric results when transcribed to computer B by a compilation of the same algorithm. Example:||A proven nuclear physics program from the Neil Bohr Laboratory using an 8 bit byte machine gave results differing in the 5th decimal place when run on a 24 bit half word machine and a propagation of error analysis was required before the program results could be understood and the program used. .br .ul Statistical procedures: .pg These procedures are often incorrectly identified as arithmetic procedures by numerical analysts who are not also trained statisticians. When the data base is a statistical sample and where some of the variables are measurements of entities subject to variation or where the measurements of units are not independent over time, the computational algorithms should be set by trained statistical computation experts. Example:||To adjust a time series for seasonal variation effects may require the use of auto-correlation, or series adjustment or another quite dissimilar technique. The decision must be made on information from the project field and statistical theory rather than from computational elegance. .pg .ul Error Detection|-|record requires a set of algorithms which, based on a priori knowledge, will detect those values of the variables which do not fall in the acceptable intervals, or examines a check sum or set of check sums which are inserted as part of the record against a computed value(s). All records containing a value or values which fail to meet one of these criteria are classified as a .ul record in error and action specified by the programmer is then taken. .br Example:||Consider a record made up of values for the following variables together with the specified bounds of each 1|<_|Day|<_|31, 1|<_|Month 12, Year|=|69, Amount >|0, 0|<|Price <_|1000, 0|<|Total|<_|9999. An algorithm checks each value of the above record that the value for each variable falls within the specified limits, and tags and rejects each record immediately by a value is found outside its limits. Record 1 will be rejected on year, record 2 on price. .nf .sp .ta 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 D M Y A P T #1 20 09 96__ 0055 8125____ 0375 #2 20 09 69 0101 8275____ 0385 .sp .fi The incorrect price (8125) of record 1 will not be examined because the record has already been rejected. It is customary when rejecting to print the whole record and the storage or filing serial number of this record so that either it can be corrected and___9___8 reinserted in its proper order in its list, or deleted from the data base. .pg .ul Error detection|-|aggregate requires a set of algorithms which will utilize either prior information in past data sets or statistical cogency rules to detect sets of records which appear to be wrong as a set even though each individual record passes its tests. .br Example:||Using the previous example, from records for each month we can produce the average value for each variable, and the sample variance for each variable. .tr || Then we might insert an algorithm which rejects any measurement as SUSPECT if |X9i8 observed - average X9i8|>_ 4 Variance X(i)88_____________99 for each variable i. .pg No set of screening rules can be laid down which will cover every situation, but some general principles and some typical computer algorithms should prove useful. Some check rule should be sought for the set of identifications to prevent extraneous or nonsense records being included as data. All variables designated critical by the customer and for which upper and/or lower .m4 1 .tr | bounds U9i8, L9i8 can be specified should be tested. That is, an algorithm that L9i8|<_|X9i89A8|<_|U9i8, i|=|1,..., k; A|=|1,...n should be inserted in the screening program and any record set failing to satisfy this rule should be listed, and then excluded from the first construction of the data set. .pg Statistics such as mean, and variance of all accepted values of the variables which are numerically represented should be calculated for each .ul rational subgroup and listed at the end of the data archival list in an intelligible format. .m4 3 This has the further merit of giving the customer his first over-all view of his data. .br .ul Error correction: .pg There are three distinctly different forms of errors. .in7 .ti-4 1.||The variable value is obviously wrong, i.e., a gross error. .br Examples:||the individual's name is punched 789NT; the Month is punched XPQ; the Amount is -483. .ti-4 2.||The variable value is strictly numeric but zone punches (X, Y or 11, 12) are present and may have been added in error. Example:||Month is punched O/D instead of 04. If the zone punches are removed the value may be correct. .ti-4 3.||The variable value is not punched. There is a blank field. .in0 .pg In many projects there is much redundancy or dependency among the set of variables and it is possible to reconstruct a missing value exactly if the values of the redundant or dependent set exist. This type of error correction is excellent for type 3. Since it uses computer time the number of occurrences should be listed. The project leader and the reporting data source group should be notified so that they can take corrective action when indicated or where possible. .pg Algorithms can be developed to remove zone punches or to transform non-numeric characters to numeric characters. There is some risk here of introducing spurious values and an accounting of such computer activity should be programmed. When the zone punch is masked out and the residual number accepted as data, we have assumed that the cause of the error was the addition of the zone punch. This may not be true. A misunderstanding at the data source may have occurred and alphabetic information is being punched. If the computer reports, for example, that all such occurrences this month came from data source 7, a quick check will confirm or deny our assumption and encourage source 7 to take corrective action. This error is good for type 2. .pg For type 1, where the obvious gross can be replaced by a blank thus converting the error to type 3. If a routine exists for type 3 then these errors can be corrected internally. For both type 1 and type 3 where no redundancy or dependency exist we can only detect the errors internally, we cannot, however, correct these errors. Any correction must be done at the data source. .nx mt58.m [paper5]0000644000175000017500000002714114733113363010716 0ustar0000000000000000.br .ul Data Augmentation: .pg Data augmentation is simply the addition of information to basic source data. There are two basic types, .ul static and .ul dynamic. The static case involves the addition of constants, fixed values, which are known and specified by the project specialists to the specialists or experts in the .ul computation center, or assignment of values to variables which are derived from the unit source record or from subsets of unit source records. The dynamic case involve the creation of values for variables based on the values of variables in the data set, such as calculating day of week from day of month. Where time is a major analytic variable, we must structure our data file, and develop the computer algorithms to derive and augment our unit record data file with the appropriate values of specified variables for each unit of specified time. .m4 1 The optimum strategy for data augmentation for any given project is closely related to the file management practices available to and supported by the computing system. .br .ul Validation: .pg When handling large analytical problems or large volumes of data it is almost always .m4 3 undesirable or impossible to check by hand. Human validation is not effective in controlling the course of the analytic processing by a computer. Of course, in the final stages of evaluation of the results by an inference or decision making group, human validation and judgement have the greatest importance. In the analytical phase of the computerized project, validation is of the same level of importance as the calculation of the results themselves. It is interesting to mention that there is a mnemonic GIGO in wide use among computation experts. It stands for GARBAGE IN-GARBAGE OUT. If you do a very fine analytic program but do not guard against wrong data being used or if analytical validity checks are not inserted at the critical points of the analysis the results may be misleading, impossible, or may be wrong only in part. But even as you suspect error, you will not know which of these situations has occurred. .pg Further, analysis tends to be done sequentially and validation points can often be placed at the break points of the analysis. Sound practice suggests that all critical values should be screened for validity. Where no known screen exists, these critical values should be included as a part of the results. .pg In large model simulation programs there are often introduced values of variables both endogenous and exogenous to describe the economic, or engineering, or scientific situation or population which is to be studied. These parameters of the model should always be brought out as the leading pages of the report|-|they are an important part of the study. They represent a numerical interface between the customer group and the computation group. If the project requires periodic analysis using time dependent data, then generally a part of the analytic results of great importance to validation is the incremental changes from one time period to the next. When this is the case, the customer must provide the validating group with the means to examine these increments for evidence of input error. It may also be possible to specify constraints of various classes of increments to select those most likely to indicate error. In many complex models, several runs with "special case" parameters, for which analytic results are known, are made as an early validity trial. The development of a set of validation procedures demands the closest cooperation, between the technical groups of the client and the computation experts of the center. There is a temptation with inexperienced systems analysts to regard validation and documentation as nonproductive effort. Whereas the wise will regard these efforts to be of the same importance as producing the final answers. .br .ul Results Report Generation: .pg Almost all projects terminate the computer-computation phase with report generation. This consists of first producing printed information carefully structured to be as understandable and as readable as possible. It may well have an overall summary section with condensed information for top management, a department summary for department chiefs, and a detail section for working experts who must evaluate result details and a plan for subsequent trials or analyses. Example:||Consider the problem of the model of the Egypt-Italy Submarine Cable. The Overall Summary could show routes, location of repeaters with type of cable|-|(armored, armorless)|-|switching models (if any), installation costs, manufacturing costs, manpower requirements, cutover time, traffic estimate by time of day, by year together with associated revenue for the first five years. For the traffic department there would be a detailed analysis of traffic by incoming-versus-outgoing traffic by telephone, radio and high and low speed telgraph; by holding time, by time of day, by month of year together with projections of outgoing busy hour, incoming busy hour, joint busy hour so that the overload conditions can be forecast. The engineering department responsible for maintenance would get an analysis which lists land repeater stations and mechanism, together with their life estimates, replacement costs, etc. The detail analysis will give the length of each section of coaxial cable, the exact requirement and location of the connecting repeater and all other pertinent details. .br .ul Retention period: .pg .m4 5 This is the length of time that information must be held. It is critical with respect to both input data files and report results or output data. Long retention periods affects both storage media and cost. .br .ul Summary Reports: .pg Which are reports where a substantial part of the input data is the set of detail reports. Example:||An Annual Report .m4 3 compiled from twelve monthly reports. .br .ul Distribution Lists: .pg If the report results are to be multi-copy and to have different sections for different departments then distribution lists must be made by the client together with the appointment o one of its members with authority .m4 1 to release the report to the personnel on the distribution list. In all this activity the Computation Center acts as the agent and assumes no authority to release. .br .ul Validation of Reports: .pg Reports, in general, are not published or released without prior approval by an authorized manager. With complex computer-oriented projects this often requires a special summary report sheet with those values of specified project factors which this manager can use for his evaluation. .pg The technical subcommittee .m4 3 for the project may request an ancilliary report to aid it in evaluation of the detail analysis. Example:||It may request an analysis of individuals (detail), and that for each of specified factors the computer list the individuals (together with the complete analysis on that set of individuals) with the Maximum, or Minimum value of each factor. .br .ul Confidentiality: .pg Data and related analytic models are the property and responsibility of an agency. Utilization or disclosure by any other agency without permission is a violation of confidentiality. The following terms .ul security and .ul privacy are distinct elements of this concept, while integrity is closely related. .br .ul Privacy: .pg The right and responsibility of the agency in charge of information to protect from intrusion the information it controls. Data may be temporarily the property of an individual and until he releases it by publication to his agency, or the public, no one outside his chain of command has the authority to seize it, or change its status. .br Example:||A research geologist has data on the physical features of a mineral-rich region and is using the computer to map and lay out proposed access routes. A computer technologist would like to use the data in a paper he is writing on network analysis, and proposes to borrow the data without permission. This would violate the privacy of this research data and is not permitted in a computation center. .pg There are legal aspects to the problems of responsibility for providing privacy, of invasion of privacy, and of unauthorized disclosure. Each individual juridical domain has its own set .m4 5 of pertaining laws and the computer center's procedures must be in compliance. .br .ul Security: .pg It is the responsibility of the Computation Center to guard against any intrusion on privacy, and to protect the physical forms of the information (documents, punched cards, magnetic tape, magnetic disc) from loss or damage due to innocent, malicious, .m4 3 or careless actions of persons. As discussed in Chapter|2, page 19 and in Chapter|4, page 83-87, the center is responsible for maintaining its plant security to minimize the risk to the property of its clients. Both clerical and computer systems are developed to meet this responsibility for security. A computation center never .m4 1 publicly discloses its security program. It will disclose, for approval, its proposed security plans for a given project to the agency leader. Very tight security on input and output is expensive and adequate security is always the goal. All computation center personnel having access to sensitive input or output data are trained and cautioned about security violations, just as in a bank, or medical records section of a hospital. .br .ul Integrity: .pg Physical integrity of data is the property of maintaining unchanged in .ul value all the information of the project within the responsibility of the computation center. The center guarantees not to lose or damage the data punch card decks, the data tapes, the computation algorithms and programs, and the analytic results and reports, and takes such actions and steps to meet that guarantee. How to guarantee that the .m4 3 information delivered by the client, or produced by computer analysis is maintained intact, and without a single change over the retention period is a difficult and serious problem. The computations system of storage and clerical operations must be designed for a goal of no loss of integrity. When storing data on magnetic devices, the possible loss of information on the surface of the magnetic device due to contamination, wear, or oxidation must be considered and an acceptable rate must be approved by the client and an appropriate redundancy level used. The customer has prime responsibility for the physical integrity of his project. He must take action determined by the characteristics of the media containing his information, the competency of the center to meet its responsibilities, and the relevant costs associated with each possible action. .pg The computation is responsible for informing all its clients about the binary representation of numbers as it affects the significance of digits in both logical and arithmetic operations since the .ul computational integrity can be compromised. .pg For each language supported by the center, information must be .ul given to the customer about the internal representation of a field as it affects this computational integrity. In particular, left and right adjust, single and double word characteristics, single and double precision input, fixed and floating point numbers must be explicitly defined. .br .ul Redundancy Level: .pg Redundancy level is the number of copies of a data file required to guarantee a given physical integrity level. Example:||Suppose that for a two year retention period a given type of magnetic tape has a quality level of 0.90, that is, there is for each tape a 10% chance that some portion of it will not be readable. Then if we use a Redundancy level of two, that is have two copies, then there will be a (.10) (.10)|=|.01 or 1% chance that both will be unreadable. .nx mt58.m.1 [paper6]0000644000175000017500000002344614733113363010723 0ustar0000000000000000.br .ul Documentation: .pg Fundamental to all branches of research and development is the need to keep records of all activity as well as details of all procedures and methods. The system of record keeping is called .ul Documentation. In many organizations, personnel trained in technical writing are employed as documenters, and in a scientific computation center may be a part of the library section or as will be discussed later, a part of the applications programming groups. Good computation center documentation whether it be for management progress reports, for summary of technical analysis, data and report requirements, or for the recording of program analyst development of .ul macros, subroutines, subprograms and programs for the project is .ul disclosure. Disclosure to persons authorized to receive information is highly desired|-|but disclosure to others is certainly a violation of the rights of the client to privacy. When the client's project includes features that many be copyrighted, patented, or fall into the "trade secret" category, unwarranted disclosure is not only unethical but may cause economic loss to the client organization. Sometimes the clever use of the computer in manufacturing or exploitation of national resources falls into the classification of "know-how" and has real economic value to the client organization. The scientific computation center in carrying out its documentation function is very strict about control of these documents and their distribution. .pg Every substantial project must be documented at least at three levels, .in7 .ti-4 .ul 1.||Scientific: .ti-4 .ul 2.||Computation program: .ti-4 3.||Computing. .in0 Without this kind of record keeping any loss of key personnel can be disastrous. .br For Example:||In one agency of a .m4 1 major governmental research institute, two and a half years work in developing a computerized procedure was lost when the program analyst leader quit and took his personal notes with him leaving a set of computer programs almost finished and completely undocumented. Recovery was economically impossible, it was cheaper to start over. .br .ul Scientific documentation: .pg Scientific documentation specifies what the client organization wants done; what scientific rules it is using and where in the analytic procedure each rule is to be applied. This permits the client to plan modification, improvement, radical .m4 3 alteration as well as to publish what has been done. It must be done jointly with computation center personnel but is the responsibility of the client. .br .ul Computation program documentation: .pg This is a highly technical document which will permit expert computation analysts to evaluate the machine procedures, or to plan to meet new analytical requirements by the client. Its form is often affected by the program language, associated compiler, and operating system used in the center. Every macro, every subroutine, every variable must be described and its function in the program made explicit. This holds even for those algorithms provided in packages by the manufacturer. Since the overall operating system used by the center is dynamic and subject to modification it has and will happen that changes in the operating environment of the computing system can adversely affect a proven program. With good documentation it is possible to detect and correct programming which would otherwise be negated by known, scheduled modifications to the system. .br .ul Computing documentation: .pg This documentation is prepared for projects whose computation is of a recurring nature and where the responsibility for repeated runs will be turned over to a center operating group formed from the input and results clerk force and a similar group from the project. This document contains a section often called the Run Book. This section documents the computational requirements in complete and systematic detail. It lays out the job request sheet which will specify each input and each output element as well as the amount of running time, the amount and type of printed output, and for each error indicator will describe in minute detail the required action. If loading an improper input tape or any other type of malfunction will cause the run to abort, the documentation will spell out the RESTART procedures in detail which will be operable by non prime shift crews. This is important to do well, because otherwise the run will be cancelled, a day lost for the project, and a substantail use of the computer may be wasted. In very important work, it is common to list emergency telephone numbers so that in the event of an abort or serious malfunction a project representative can make immediate decisions or corrections. .br .ul Leadership and Liability: .pg The project leader may be a member of the computation center although it is preferable that he come from the customer's staff. When it is desirable that the defacto leader must come from the center staff, it is often possible and certainly wise to find a respected member of the customer staff who accepts the title and delegates informally to the defacto leader the necessary authority. Someone with authority must accept the responsibility of coordinating all of the activities of the project for the duration of its initial planning and development and of making available people and information needed for the project. Occasionally he finds that inter-department rivalry within the customer group is so strong that it will threaten the success of the project. He must have the authority or have immediate access to authority to override inter-department conflicts and to permit analysts to approach any internal department associated with the project for information required by the project. It will be assumed in this monograph that our project leader has been given all necessary authority to carry out his responsibility. The project leader role may continue to exist after the project becomes operational if the project if of the regularly recurring type or if further substantial development is anticipated. .ce .ul ADDENDA .br .ul Remote Operations .pg It will be noticed that this monograph has ignored the developments of remote use of the computer system. This has been deliberate. Except for those regions where the telephone system has .ul spare capacity of transmission facilities of data grade, it is electronically not feasible for interlocation remote operation. For most nations of the world there is an acute shortage of 2400 baud, 50 kilo-bit, or 1 mega-bit transmission facilities. As fast as new circuits are built governmental agencies and industry absorb them. Furthermore, these circuits are expensive. Aside from the availability of adequate communications support, there is a further negative aspect about remote operation. Viewed from an economic point of view, remote operation in research and development is a trade-off of professional and technical manpower for money, communication and computer resources. This mode of operation is not an efficient as a good batch processor system for a national resource (which implies scarcity). It is usually not in the national interest to make such a trade-off. Sociologists are beginning to suspect another negative feature of dialogue remote operation. The use of a typewriter-like terminal with computer response in fractions of a second seems to diminish the state of reflection and though and encourage the substitution of action based on first impression for action based on careful analysis. There is some indication that slower response and controlled access reduces the ratio of number of attempts to success. Whatever the value of this technology, the addition of a remote operations capability will require all the technical and organizational support described in this monograph plus the technical supervision to control this new type of facility, plus a well organized sub-group in the results section to deliver by conventional methods the generated output. .br .ul Plotters, paper and microfilm .pg These are machines that can be .hc % very valuable to the scientific computation center. The paper plotters are used for automated engineering drawing and meet reasonable drafting standards. Their price run from 20,000-120,000\$U.S. The microfilm plotters are more versatile and can produce text, as well as mathematical and engineering drawings with the basic unit a 35 mm frame and with a large number of frames per job permitted. .hc $ The quality of text can with great care be almost to graphic arts standards. Some machines mow claim to meet electronic drafting standards. .hc % Although these machines have a high initial costs 200,000-250,000\$U.S. the unit cost when the demand is high can be very competitive. For text, one manufacturer claims 4 pages per second. In multi-lingual nations and especially for those languages which have a different character structure and should be written rather than printed this type of output can be very valuable. The following areas can profit from this facility. Catalogs of national collections, inventories in vernacular language of major national programs, passport control lists, telephone directories in the local languages. Both types of machine are usually used .hc $ in the off-line mode, but the microfilm devices are also stand-alone and with proper interface elements are computer independent. This means that this machine can serve a much greater demand than will be generated by the center's computer system. Hence demand from other areas in the region, and in neighboring regions should be examined for possible load. Sample is shown as Figure 3 which was completely done by a microfilm printer, a master produced, and then copied .m4 1 electrostatically. Each character was traced on the face of a cathode ray tube by an electron beam and captured on an exposed 35mm film. In this figure two frames were exposed and then joined .hc $ manually before a master print was made. .bp .nx mt58.n v2/exit0000644000175000017500000000003214733113363010520 0ustar0000000000000000 v2/:0000644000175000017500000000002214733113363007717 0ustar0000000000000000v2/acct0000644000175000017500000000113614733113363010467 0ustar0000000000000000N %;B(B7 $  NH E  x \0 w `-  NBew -| -x -r -l exp,N\ .NX 0NF D B @   2 . @Bew 08w@%N w w R w w47 xw Vw R:lw N w 4w 0w ,w (0ʕ 0  0 7  e0"& w # 7,N"m0 q m$ 10N 1.N0 ,Nm Nw Hm B70N> 87.N2\BCannot open 'wtmp' /tmp/wtmptotal v2/bas0000644000175000017500000001441614733113363010327 0ustar0000000000000000f!M @7 aw*  Pe  d \  I  4H .H (zH H :H& J  fH    I & & =  |7%T@ IDH T(I:H~7z   w for/next imbalance N@7FDHLI$  & " =   w LI . & |   w I  w H ,& &  HI  I  > <  =Iע= Iע> 0I Iע=  (Iע= 8I @e . + -  $ w `I  w fI . * /  w nI w tI  ^ w |I  (   )' V .  w N:A   w reserved name IT7 b  (  >w RHH ) [ 4 w 2I7 $ ] T I I& ע)  ,Tm\S \\#  @w &  D\   p[\& 7 H - Y @  \ A:477wH & L Y DH8e\%  W@eww arg count  @ e1w pbad arg % w_ @/tmp/btmalistdonerunprinifgotoretufornextargexplogsincosatnrndexprint@&w F& @ Ae7w 577577 wf@@w 7`7PwLw 7RJLXCX   BLLLLLLLLL@@!hI@!hAy1?ϑy"?D{Av#OP#C!+C|]2CU*j 4xBJh{CW*RsCL~Szf  & }  - } 0 @ e0 . 7  eww .@  m      7 z} &  - } 0  Z7`Te0 7 F W@@& &  &    @@ 8 ZX7DRmPP7 EDE!yEED545! w |\NOOOOOOOOOOOW!wPPwPP  NwJOFTNTOR SSSW! 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