# mailgateway recipients
# bidirectional gatewaying utility.
# - forward a news article to recipients (typically a single alias in
#   /usr/lib/aliases or equivalent, to avoid long lists of recipients in 
#   messages)
# - filter out news control message.
# - messages fed to the newsgroup from the mailing list are not sent back.
#   we assume that "distribute" did the feed, and we look for the tell-tale
#   "Approved" line it tacks on to messages.
# Jean-Francois Lamy (lamy@ai.toronto.edu) 88-02-27

magic="@mail.ai.toronto.edu"  # what distribute uses in Approved: line
mail="/usr/lib/sendmail -t"

case $# in
0) echo "$0: no argument (check /usr/lib/news/sys)" | $mail usenet
   exit 1 ;;
*) ;;
cat >$article

check=`awk '
   /^Subject: cmsg/		 { print "nope" ; exit }
   /^Control:/			 { print "nope" ; exit }
   /^$|^[ ][ \t]*$/		 { exit }
				 { next }
   ' $article`

if [ ! "$check" ] ; then
   if /bin/grep -s $magic $article ; then
	   : came from distribute
	   echo "rcvdfrom USENET"  # zmailer feature, delete for sendmail.
	   echo "To: $@"
	   cat $article ) | $mail
/bin/rm -f $article