.CH "The SWT Math Library"
.MH "In General"
The Software Tools Subsystem (SWT) is a major software package developed
at Georgia Tech for Prime 50-series machines.  It includes an
advanced command interpreter with command pipes and i/o re-direction,
a full screen editor with advanced regular pattern matching and
replacement, and a large library of utility routines.  One of the libraries
which is to be included in further releases of the Subsystem is
the SWT Math Library.
The SWT Math Library contains thoroughly tested routines to
calculate various useful functions, including standard trigonometric
All of the routines share a number of common features which will
be described in the next section.  The individual routines will
be described in the sections following.
.SH "Source"
Most of the routines were obtained from the book
Software Manual for the Elementary Functions
by William Cody, Jr. and William Waite {7}.  The random number
generator was written utilizing material from {8}, and a few
routines such as 'dble$m' and 'dint$m' were developed by the author.
Testing of the routines is described in the next chapter.
.SH "Implementation"
All of the SWT Math routines have been coded in Prime assembly language.
Although this may make the code somewhat harder to read, it
helps to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the routines.
A number of actions, such as direct manipulation of the exponent
in the register file, are not available in higher level languages and
this was a major factor in the decision to use assembler.
One factor which helps to increase the accuracy of the routines is
the manner in which constants for the routines were obtained.
Almost all of the constants used in the SWT Math Library are
given as hexadecimal data constants in the assembly language programs.
These values were derived from the constants given in {7}
and the program in Appendix III.  The program in Appendix III was
run on a Cyber 760 which has over 90 bits of precision in the mantissa
of double precision floating point values.
The program calculates the proper rounded representation of the
given input constants and returns the appropriate hex values.
It is interesting to note that some of the standard Prime library
routines were also derived from {7} but many of the constants
are given in the source code as decimal values.  Tests by the author
indicate that the PMA assembler does not always translate double
precision decimal values into the correct bit pattern, thus inducing
.SH "Timing"
One factor that is of interest to users of any math package is
that of the efficiency of the code.  Unfortunately, it is
not possible to make a direct comparison of the speed of routines
in the SWT Math Library to that of equivalent routines in the
standard Prime libraries.  The Prime native compilers are able
to generate special "shortcalls" to known library subprograms
which enhance their apparent speed.  The SWT Math library routines
are all done as regular procedure calls and will thus appear
much slower if compared directly.  The only statement that can
be made about the efficiency of these routines is that they
were coded in PMA by someone expert in that language, and they
have been optimized as much as possible without sacrificing accuracy.
.SH "Naming and Function"
All of the functions in the SWT Math Library return double precision
values.  Most of the functions have two entry points for every
calculation -- one for a single precision argument and one for
a double precision argument.  The routines which take single
precision arguments do argument verification and will not
return a value which is out of range for a single precision
floating point value.  Thus, the value returned by those functions
can be considered to be single precision.  Since the single
and double precision registers overlap, it is trivial to use
these functions as either single or double precision.
In general, routines whose names begin with the letter 'd' are
intended to take double precision arguments.  Specific considerations
are given in the sections below.
.SH "Errors"
In the standard Prime library routines, calling a function with
an improper value (such as trying to take the square root of
a negative value) results in a signal to the condition ERROR.  This signal
cannot be returned from and thus execution of the program is terminated.  Furthermore,
the nature of the error and the routine involved is not well specified.
In the Fortran 66 library the cause of the error is better identified
but the general result is the same.
In the SWT Math Library whenever an error condition is
encountered, the condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled.
The "ms" structure indicated by the call to SIGNL$ is the stack frame
of the routine calling the math routine, and the "info" structure
is composed of the faulty argument (4 words), default return
value (4 words), and a pointer (2 words) to a message describing the error.
The user may specify an on-unit which can
examine and change the default return value.  The signal can
be returned from and thus execution may continue.
The routine 'err$m' is a default on-unit handler which can be
used to print the name of the faulting routine and the value of
the faulting argument.  This guide is not intended to present the information
necessary to understand the Prime on-unit mechanism, so the interested
reader is directed to the code for 'err$m' and to {10}.
Each routine sets the 'owner' pointer at offset 18 within the stack
frame, and each routine has its ECB labelled according to standard
conventions.  Thus, the Primos DMSTK command will print the
names of activations of SWT Math Library routines, as will
programs such as DBG.
To the best of my knowledge, no error can occur during the execution
of any of the SWT Math  routines which does not signal the condition
SWT_MATH_ERROR$.  Thus, unlike many of the Prime routines, the user
will not encounter errors such as 'SIZE' or 'OVERFLOW' during
execution of these routines (see the section on Tests for more
specific details).
.MH "The Routines"
These two functions calculate the inverse cosine of an angle.  The argument
to the functions is the cosine of the angle, and the function returns the
measure of the angle, in radians.  The 'dacs$m' function expects
a double precision argument, and the 'acos$m' function expects
a single precision argument.  Arguments to the functions must
be in the closed interval [-1.0, 1.0] or else the condition
SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled. In the case of an error, the
default return value is zero.
The functions are implemented as rational minimax approximations
on a modified argument value.
These two functions calculate the inverse sine of an angle.  The argument
to the functions is the sine of the angle, and the function returns the
measure of the angle, in radians.  The 'dasn$m' function expects
a double precision argument, and the 'asin$m' function expects
a single precision argument.  Arguments to the functions must
be in the closed interval [-1.0, 1.0] or else the condition
SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled.
If an error is signalled, the default function value is zero.
The functions are implemented as rational minimax approximations
on a modified argument value.
These two functions calculate the inverse tangent of an angle.  The argument
to the functions is the tangent of the angle, and the function returns the
measure of the angle, in radians.  The 'datn$m' function expects
a double precision argument, and the 'atan$m' function expects
a single precision argument.
The functions will not signal any errors based on
input values.
The functions are implemented as a rational approximation
on a modified argument value.
Note that there is no equivalent to the ATAN2 function which is available
in some implementations of Fortran; if users wish such a
function, they may construct it from this function.
.SH "COS$M and DCOS$M"
These two functions return the cosine of the angle whose measure
(in radians) is given by the argument.  The 'dcos$m' routine
expects a double precision argument, and the 'cos$m' routine
expects a single precision argument.  If the absolute value of
the angle plus one-half pi is greater than 26353588.0
then the condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled.
If an error is signalled, the default function return is zero.
The functions are implemented as minimax polynomial approximations.
These two routines calculate the hyperbolic cosine of their arguments,
defined as cosh(x) = [exp(x) + exp(-x)]/2.  The function
'dcsh$m' expects a double precision value as argument, and the
'cosh$m' function expects a single precision argument. The
condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled if the absolute value of
the argument is greater than 22623.630826296.
In the single precision case, arguments which produce a value
too large for single precision storage will also signal the
error condition.
If an error is signalled, the default function value is zero.
.SH "COT$M and DCOT$M"
These two functions calculate the cotangent of the angle whose
measure is given (in radians) as the argument to the functions.
The 'dcot$m' function expects a double precision argument, and the
'cot$m' routine expects a single precision argument.
The arguments must have an absolute value greater than
7.064835966E-9865 and less than
13176794.0 or else the condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ will be signalled.
If an error is signalled, the default function return is zero.
The functions are calculated based on a minimax polynomial approximation
over a reduced argument.
The 'dble$m' function implements something akin to the Fortran 66
'dble' function, or the Fortran 77 'dreal' function.  It takes
as an argument a 32 bit integer and returns a double precision
floating point number of the same value.  This function should
always be used when converting 32 bit integers to double precision
real numbers because the code generated by some of the compilers
will (potentially) lose up to 8 bits of mantissa precision
(see the discussion in the previous chapter).
The 'dble$m' function has no single precision counterpart in this
library.  The routine, as defined, does not recognize or signal
any error conditions.  It is written so as to work on both
550 and 750 style machines, despite the internal difference
in register structure.
The algorithm involved was derived from known register structure
by the author.
The 'dint$m' function implements the Fortran 'dint' function.
That is, it takes one double precision value and resets bits
in the mantissa to remove any fractional part of the value.
The return value is a double precision real.  This routine also
has a shortcall (JSXB) entrance labelled 'dint$p' which is used
in some of the other math routines; users should not attempt
to use this shortcall entrance unless they are aware of its structure.
The 'dint$m' of 1.5 is 1.0, the 'dint$m' of -1.5 is -1.0, and the 'dint$m'
of anything less than 1.0 and greater than -1.0 is equal to zero.
The dint$m function has no single precision counterpart in this
library.  The routine, as defined, does not recognize or signal
any error conditions.  It is written so as to work of both
550 and 750 style machines, despite the internal difference
in register structure.
The algorithm involved was developed by the author based on the
known register structure.
The 'err$m' procedure is provided as a default  handler
for the SWT_MATH_ERROR$ condition.
It takes a single argument, a 2 word pointer as defined by the
condition mechanism, and prints information about the routine
and values which signalled the fault.  All output from the
'err$m' routine is sent to SWT ERROUT.  Included in the output
is the name of the faulting routine, the location from which
the faulting routine was called, the value of the argument
involved, and the default return value to be used.
The following code illustrates how to set up this default handler
for use in Fortran 66 programs:
.ne 5

The following code illustrates how to set up this default handler
for use in Fortran 77 programs:
.ne 5

The user may wish to copy and modify the source code for the 'err$m'
procedure so as to provide a more specific form of error handling.
If this is done, it would probably be a good idea to rename the
user's version to something other than 'err$m.'
.SH "EXP$M and DEXP$M"
These two functions implement the inverse of the 'ln$m' and 'dln$m'
functions.  That is, they raise the constant [bf e] to the power
of the argument.
The 'dexp$m' function takes a double precision argument, and the
'exp$m' function takes a single precision argument.
Arguments to the 'exp$m' routine must be in the closed interval
[-89.415985, 88.029678] and arguments to the 'dexp$m' routine
must be in the closed interval [-22802.46279888, 22623.630826296],
or else the SWT_MATH_ERROR$ condition will be signalled.
If an error is signalled, the default function return value is zero.
It should be noted that the functions could simply return zero
for sufficiently small arguments rather than signalling an error
since the actual function value would be indistinguishable
from zero to the precision of the machine.  However, there is
no mapping to zero in the actual function, and that is
why the function signals an error in this case.
The routines are implemented as a functional approximation
performed on a reduction of the argument.
.SH "LN$M and DLN$M"
These two functions implement the natural logarithm (base [bf e]) function. The
'ln$m' function works for single precision arguments, and the
'dln$m' function works for double precision arguments.
Arguments less than or equal to zero will signal the SWT_MATH_ERROR$
condition; the default return is the log of the absolute value of
the argument, or zero in the case of a zero argument.
The algorithm involved uses a minimax rational approximation
on a reduction of the argument.  All positive inputs will return
a valid result.
.SH "LOG$M and DLOG$M"
These two functions implement the common logarithm (base 10) function. The
'log$m' function works for single precision arguments, and the
'dlog$m' function works for double precision arguments.
Arguments less than or equal to zero will signal the SWT_MATH_ERROR$
condition; the default return is the log of the absolute value of
the argument, or zero in the case of a zero argument.
The algorithm involved uses a minimax rational approximation
on a reduction of the argument.  All positive inputs will return
a valid result.
The 'powr$m' function raises a double precision real value to
a double precision real power.  The function return is also double
precision; there is no single precision equivalent.  The algorithm is
taken from {7}.
The function is coded so as to adhere to ANSI Fortran standards
which do not allow raising negative values to a floating
point power, and which do not allow zero to be raised to a
zero or negative power.
Other inputs may trigger an error if the result of the
calculation would result in overflow.
The function implements the following equivalent operation
in Fortran:
.be 8
A = B ** C
[bl 8]as
A = POWR$M (B, C)
There are four cases where this function may signal SWT_MATH_ERROR$.
If an attempt is made to raise a negative value to a non-zero
power, then the default return value will be the absolute value
of that quantity raised to the given power.  If an attempt is
made to raise zero to a zero or negative power, the default return
is zero.  If the result would overflow then the default return
value is the largest double precision quantity that can be represented.
If the result would cause underflow, the default return is the smallest
positive value which can be represented on the machine.
The 'seed$m' procedure is used to reset the pseudo-random number
generator to a known state.  It is called with any 4 byte value
which is not equal to 32 bits of zero.  The seed can therefore
be 4 characters, a long pointer, a long integer, or a real number.
If the input is identical to zero then the SWT_MATH_ERROR$
condition is signalled.
'Seed$m' does not return a value.
The 'rand$m' function returns a double precision floating value
in the open interval (0.0, 1.0).  The argument to the function
is set to a 32 bit integer in the range (0, 2**31 - 1).  The generator
is a linear congruential generator derived from information presented
in {8}.  The values returned seem to be very well distributed, both
from the standpoint of spectral tests and lattice tests.
The 'rand$m' routine does not detect or signal any errors.
The first time the 'rand$m' function is called, if
the generator has not been initialized with the 'seed$m'
procedure, a seed is derived based on the current time of day
and cpu utilization.
.SH "SIN$M and DSIN$M"
These two functions return the sine of the angle whose measure
(in radians) is given by the argument.  The 'dsin$m' routine
expects a double precision argument, and the 'sin$m' routine
expects a single precision argument.  If the absolute value of
the angle is greater than 26353588.0
then the condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled.
If an error is signalled, the default return value will be zero.
The functions are implemented as minimax polynomial approximations.
Note that for angles sufficiently small the value of the sine
function is equal to the measure of the angle.
These two routines calculate the hyperbolic sine of their arguments,
defined as sinh(x) = [exp(x) - exp(-x)]/2.  The function
'dsnh$m' expects a double precision value as argument, and the
'sinh$m' function expects a single precision argument. The
condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ is signalled if the absolute value of
the argument is greater than 22623.630826296.
If an error is signalled, the default return value will be zero.
These two functions calculate the square root of a floating
point value.  The 'sqrt$m' function calculates the root of
a single precision value, and the 'dsqt$m' routine works for
double precision arguments.  Attempts to take the square root
of negative values will result in an error (signal to
SWT_MATH_ERROR$).  The default return in this case will
be the square root of the absolute value of the argument.
All other arguments are in range and return valid results.
The algorithm involved is based on Newton's approximation
method with an initial multiplicative approximation.  The
argument is scaled to within the range [0.5, 2.0) and then
the algorithm is iterated to a solution.
.SH "TAN$M and DTAN$M"
These two functions calculate the tangent of the angle whose
measure is given (in radians) as the argument to the functions.
The 'dtan$m' function expects a double precision argument, and the
'tan$m' routine expects a single precision argument.
The arguments must have an absolute value of less than
13176794.0 or else the condition SWT_MATH_ERROR$ will be signalled.
If an error is signalled, the default return value will be zero.
The functions are calculated based on a minimax polynomial approximation
over a reduced argument.
These two routines calculate the hyperbolic tangent of their arguments,
defined as tanh(x) = 2/[exp(2x) + 1].  The function
'dtnh$m' expects a double precision value as argument, and the
'tanh$m' function expects a single precision argument. The
functions never signal an error and return valid results for
all inputs.