.# let's redefine some things to make the title page work right.
.# TP --- begin title page
.de TP
@[cc]sp 6
@[cc]ce 100
@[cc]bf 100
.en TP
.# AU --- begin authors' names on title page
.de AU
@[cc]bf 0
@[cc]sp 8
.en AU
.# PD --- enter publication date on title page
.de PD <publication_date>
@[cc]sp 4
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia  30332
@[cc]sp 2
@[cc]sp 6
Copyright (c) 1983
Georgia Tech Research Institute
225 North Avenue NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
@[cc]sp 2
@[cc]ce 0
@[cc]ad c
Reproduction of all or part of this technical report is prohibited
without the express written consent of the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
Inquiries should be directed to the author.
@[cc]sp 2
PR1ME is a registered trademark of Prime Computer, Incorporated
@[cc]ad b
@[cc]ce 0
@[cc]bp 1
.en PD
A Report on the Accuracy of PR1ME Computers'
Floating Point Software and Hardware
- and -
The SWT Math Library User's Guide
.bf 0
Technical Report GIT-ICS-83/09
Eugene H. Spafford
.PD "April 24, 1983"