.hd pause "suspend command interpretation" 06/10/80 .nf pause ([ for ] <interval> [ <units> ] | until <time>) .fi .ds 'Pause' causes a user's traffic with the system to cease for a fixed interval of time or until a specific wall clock time. .sp In the first usage format, <interval> is the number of time units to pause, expressed as a positive decimal integer. It must be less than 32768. <Units> specifies the time unit. It may be: .sp .nf "seconds" for seconds, "minutes" for minutes, "hours" for hours, .fi .sp or omitted, in which case "seconds" is assumed. Abbreviations consisting of any initial substring of the above units are allowed. The word "for" may be included to enhance readability; its presence or absence is otherwise insignificant. .sp In the second format, traffic will be suspended until the system clock registers the time of day specified by <time>. <time> may be expressed in almost any common format. One guideline should be observed, however: a colon must be used to separate hours from minutes and minutes from seconds. .es pause 5 seconds pause for 2 hours pause until 3pm pause until 18:45:30 .me [cc]mc | "Usage: pause ..." for invalid argument syntax. [cc]mc .sa sema (1), date (2), Primos sleep$