.hd mapdn "fold character to lower case" 03/23/80
character function mapdn (c)
character c
Library:  vswtlb (standard Subsystem library)
'Mapdn' determines if the character passed as its parameter is an upper case
letter or not.  If not, the function return is equal to the character;
otherwise, the function return is the value of the character mapped to lower
'Mapdn' expects all upper case letters to be contiguous and arranged in
a collating sequence with capital A low and capital Z high (internal
ASCII satisfies these requirements).  If the character lies between
'A'c and 'Z'c, it is mapped to lower case by adding 'a'c - 'A'c.
The function return is the mapped value.  The parameter is left unchanged.
Depends heavily on ASCII character code, in exchange for speed.
mapup (2), mapstr (2)