.hd ttyp$f "obtain the user's terminal type" 03/25/82 integer function ttyp$f (ttype) character ttype (MAXTERMTYPE) .sp Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) .fs 'Ttyp$f' looks in the file "=termlist=" to see if a terminal type is defined for the user's terminal line. 'Ttyp$f' returns a character string which is the name of the user's terminal type in 'ttype'. It returns YES if it could determine the terminal type, and NO otherwise. .im 'Ttyp$f' tries to find the terminal name from the terminal list file in "=termlist=" (nominally "//extra/terms"); if it can find it, it returns the name found, sets the associated terminal attribute values in the Subsystem common area, and returns YES. If the terminal name could not be determined from the "=termlist=" file, it returns NO. .am ttype .ca ctoi, close, date, getlin, open, ttyp$v .sa term_type (1), other ttyp$?* routines (6)