# Adm42 --- Lear-Siegler ADM42


rows             24          # rows
columns          80          # columns
clear_screen     ESC +       # clear screen sequence
clear_to_eol     ESC T       # clear to eol sequence
clear_to_eos     EOS         # clear to eos sequence
cursor_home      EOS         # cursor home
cursor_left      BS          # cursor left
cursor_right     EOS         # cursor right
cursor_up        EOS         # cursor up
cursor_down      EOS         # cursor down
delete_line      ESC R       # delete line
insert_line      ESC E       # insert line
abs_pos          ESC =       # absolute cursor positioning
vert_pos         EOS         # absolute vertical positioning
hor_pos          EOS         # absolute horizontal positioning
coord_type       1 1 US      # 'coordinate character' for coordinate computation
clear_delay      0           # msec delay after clear screen
line_delay       20          # msec delay after ins/del line
pos_delay        0           # msec delay after cursor pos


move_left               BS
tab_left                ENQ
skip_left               ETB
scan_left               FF
gobble_left             NAK
gobble_tab_left         FS
kill_left               EM
gobble_scan_left        SO
move_right              BEL
tab_right               HT
skip_right              SI
scan_right              DC3
gobble_right            DC2
gobble_tab_right        RS
kill_right              DC4
gobble_scan_right       STX
return                  SYN
kill_right_and_return   LF
funny_return            ACK
move_up                 EOT
move_down               VT
insert_blank            ETX
insert_tab              CAN
insert_newline          US
toggle_insert_mode      SOH
shift_case              SUB
kill_all                DEL
fix_screen              DC1
escape                  ESC ESC
define                  ESC d
undefine                ESC u