/* make_test.cpl --- make a test and run it /* /* Eugene Spafford /* SWT Math Library Test Support /* School of Information and Computer Science /* Georgia Institute of Technology /* Atlanta, GA 30332 /* &args type:char; mathlib:tree &s testname := test%type% &if [exists %testname%.f77] &then &do f77 %testname% -intl -dynm -dclvar -debug -frn -l no -64v -logs -noopt &data seg vload %type%f77.seg mix off load main.b load %testname% load sublib load %mathlib% library vswtlb library map 6 save quit &end delete %testname%.bin &end &if [exists %testname%.ftn] &then &do ftn %testname% -intl -dynm -dclvar -debug -frn -l no -64v &data seg vload %type%ftn.seg mix off load main.b load %testname% load sublib load %mathlib% library vswtlb library map 6 save quit &end delete %testname%.bin &end como c.%type% -ntty seg %type%f77.seg swt como -end -tty como b.%type% -ntty seg %type%f77.seg primos como -end -tty &if [exists %type%ftn.seg] &then &do como a.%type% -ntty seg %type%ftn.seg primos como -end -tty &end &stop