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"  "  *$%&'(, end block data common /L%s/ %s define S%s %d integer %s (S%s) data %s (%d)/%d/, %s (%d)/%d/end @(#)header.c 1.2 venturcom# include "stdio.h" # define U(x) ((x)&0377) # define U(x) x # define NLSTATE yyprevious=YYNEWLINE # define BEGIN yybgin = yysvec + 1 + # define INITIAL 0 # define YYLERR yysvec # define YYSTATE (yyestate-yysvec-1) # define YYOPTIM 1 # define YYLMAX 200 # define output(c) putc(c,yyout) %s%d%s # define input() (((yytchar=yysptr>yysbuf?U(*--yysptr):getc(yyin))==?!!!!! ,)&J  .^( *+?|/$,})}}  (yylineno++,yytchar):yytchar)==EOF?0:yytchar)# define unput(c) {yytchar= (c);if(yytchar=='\n')yylineno--;*yysptr++=yytchar;} # define yymore() (yymorfg=1) # define ECHO fprintf(yyout, "%%s",yytext) # define REJECT { nstr = yyreject(); goto yyfussy;} int yyleng; extern char yytext[]; int yymorfg; extern char *yysptr, yysbuf[]; int yytchar; FILE *yyin = {stdin}, *yyout = {stdout}; extern int yylineno; struct yysvf { struct yywork *yystoff; struct yysvf *yyother; int *yystops;}; struct yysvf   XC`C`CC"B"BD"B"B"BD"B~EEEE"BEE(FFFFFFGG GGbHH8IFIPIItH# define YYNEWLINE %d yylex(){ int nstr; extern int yyprevious; Too little core for parse treeToo little core for parse treech table needs redeclaration%T%tCharacter value %d out of rangeCharacter '%c' used twiceCharacter %o used twiceToo late for language specifier%}%s Premature eof , , ,# define %s %d Too many start conditionsStart conditions t *yyestate; extern struct yysvf yysvec[], *yybgin; integer function yylex(dummy) define YYLMAX 200 define ECHO call yyecho(yytext,yyleng) define REJECT nstr = yyrjct(yytext,yyleng);goto 30998 integer nstr,yylook,yywrap integer yyleng, yytext(YYLMAX) common /yyxel/ yyleng, yytext common /yyldat/ yyfnd, yymorf, yyprev, yybgin, yylsp, yylsta integer yyfnd, yymorf, yyprev, yybgin, yylsp, yylsta(YYLMAX) for(;;){ 30999 nstr = yylook(dummy) goto 30998 30000 k = yywrap(dummy) if(k .ne. 0){ yyleoo longInvalid request %s%s Substitution strings may not begin with digitsNo translation given - null string assumed%d case %d: goto 30997 break; Executable statements should occur right after %%%}%s %d case %d: Definition %s not foundUndefined start condition %sToo many start conditions usedString too longNon-terminated stringNon-portable Character ClassToo many large character classes%s yacc stack overflowsyntax errorToo many definitionsDefinitions too longToo many large charactex=0; return; } else goto 30998 while((nstr = yylook()) >= 0) yyfussy: switch(nstr){ case 0: if(yywrap()) return(0); break; case -1: break; default: fprintf(yyout,"bad switch yylook %%d",nstr); } return(0); } /* end of yylex */ 30998 if(nstr .lt. 0 .or. nstr .gt. %d)goto 30999 nstr = nstr + 1 goto( %d, 30999),nstr 30997 continue } end %d/%d nodes(%%e), %d/%d positions(%%p), %d/%d (%%n), %ld transitions , %d/%d packed char classes(%%k), %d/%d packed transitions(%%a), %d/%d output slotsr classesExtra slash removedIteration range must be positiveCan't have negative iterationCan't have negative iterationJJJ ((((( H |OdROofOxPfPePgPcPsJOlOuPrOh(null)vv   E% ,@ 2  & E  &E   EHT J &@ <E%_8f ,w7 @ =@w7ue @ 5B@tf  5@f  5 N f  5%zA eu-_= =uuAf  5@ Af 8%w7 %@tf@t5  @w7 _22 0tw-@2 7:2%CC w7 5 t %  B tz B -5 ,% tze   B tz  %t 7 1tVC  -`5 v1 (  F5 t % Be% %tz  B tz  B tz -4w|7j7 0474h7.h pEh %he bj0gg  %5 @ %y@ 0 y d4  %N i6 -V0w )%8@n|~6 |OdROofOxPfPePgPcPsJOlOuPrOh(null)vv>i >A޶ >e , :@=?A >e ::bA >e9 i r&A >e9 &( 9嘨 &AP >e rx9A8 >e|9d9 A >%`9Z9 B >eB9-B >%29>B >% (9 &93`B$S > 9 9mB$S >% 8  8}B$S > 8 8B$S >%B$S > f` , ZT ,w7 8B$S > Nf$S >%\8B$S >% L8  w/usr/bin/yacc 755 2 2 65612 3467745067 6372 7 5 @ @mH u-w7|DC5  5T T- -lL@wP7>CB)Bx > EtWt `A@0  B@ >% -Z;B* > w7 5 _: Ce@ 0ؗ7 :7  B Be -;@ 0!ؗ @tB  -:@ 0ؗ6 6  : e!: e@ B  w7r:Wpeiw6 B KWpe if % 5ڗ ؗ(@ tze5 Vl 0  6 >  67 % 7 SISSeSSeS%TS7S>  xStS&lShS7bS> ^N& BF7Ff@wQwQRwf@wRwR Swf@wQwQw QRw7bNf Z Be r7bS l .    l   w7 Y@H@  7 q@[@  bB›@ x% NB % D @B e%Wp @AWt@` e i&AEtPeC-Ղ -95  2 5ڗ ؗ$AWpe iNWpe if  5P@ tee5eC-ق -b9  Wpe iN  1& -89 b5& # tB >% & X tBʱ >% -8wx7f4 5rw4 5twu- wJ@e5-@e5}/u}}@5Ap@pu-݃u-χA A vu%@  @P 1 -B B@ x%> % ~~  Wtp   -A  P   p   -A=@ x%=@ x%@@  7<@ .  $&E   EH  &좿 E%֢ ,@ 2_h%$_<z p &f bE%A $  [v rȕ$T@@  7\@ J  @&E  . *EH  &P_@ ~~" 5rw 5twA A vuu uu;   3C 3 pvw3 %,C %q3 A pP_@ 3P_p}/ eeu-u-Z3 T3 prwtw F3_Z uu45 @ AAB `ph -G@h   yh A1eeu-Ȃ2 A p~~@ 2~~2 y2 2_Z 7 2 @v2f &,C& >eV2 twL F2N 4e  d6677 ަ7 ަ_4@-_@A1`@ȋ_*@ r yDLDDD  7NDP - 7- - 7-bD$S >   $ % &D @D     ! 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f e0 9e'5e= !A 7^NeTf %  wJ72DCB 5Ԕ @wfwNwJwFSw ʅfw2m.*SwwmfwSww @(#)y1.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.i/usr/lib/yaccparrcannot find parser %s/usr/lib/yaccparyyr1yyr2yychkyydefyacc.debugrcannot re-open yacc.debugyacc.debugyacc.actsrcannot reopen action tempfileyacc.acts : item too big (%d) %d/%d terminals, %d/%dSӋC~ @ AB D5wHBA 5u`u` u`ff` ew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N   @ ȕ N E&  @ @ EH @ N   @ ȕ w7S ,e- $w7D w    R 4 44  7zD4  nonterminals %d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported %d/%d working sets used memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d %d/%d distinct lookahead sets %d extra closures %d shift entries, %d exceptions %d goto entries %d entries saved by goto default conflicts: %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce fatal error: , line %d NULL { %s }nonterminal %s not defined!internal Yacc error: pyield %d %s: %d yacc state/nolook errortoo many statesputi wr   -  7.D E%B: 0#S^@E<EE % @EE@E54 fe& %% ) %"E%E%    -  D  whD   @EE&  @EE< 7 DD  S4 S  @   & %  w 7DE%wtem(%s), state %d out of state spacenonterminal %s never derives any token string%d: %s %d, working set overflow State %d, nolook = %d flag set! %s too many lookahead sets@(#)y2.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.$Hy.outputwcannot open open`o' flag now default in yacc Ratfor Yacc is dead: sorry... illegal option: %cyacc.debugwcannot open open open temp filercannot open ivEU4   -D S4 S  @   7D* WteNte   AStepS   @w% 4 7rD S S-wRf R@725 U7U7ٌلAe vBj5 7` ` 7Z  %"55 a  a!_.5E -% w enput file$enderror$acceptbad %%start constructionbad syntax in %%typetype redeclaration of token %stype redeclaration of nonterminal %sredeclaration of precedence of %sredeclaration of type of %splease define type number of %s earliersyntax errorunexpected EOF before %%#define yyclearin yychar = -1 #define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0 extern int yychar; extern int yyerrflag; #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH #define YYMAXDEPTH 150 #endif #ifndef YYSTYPE #define YYSTYPE int #endif YYSTYPE yylval, yyval; typedef !e vu@t 5 r $ rf5`5` @5e vu@t 5@me@ u%| | %|N % 80@m@e e U?U?_3 a7 ޣ?أԣU 7!Уģȣe_470DE -w7C5  5N D-wA vuA-u@ f& % @ ` ݂@ ` `f@w int yytabelem; bad syntax on first ruletoken illegal on LHS of grammar ruleillegal rule: missing semicolon or | ?illegal %%prec syntaxnonterminal %s illegal after %%prec case %d: break;$$%dmore than %d rulesmust return a value, since LHS has a typedefault action causes potential type clashmore than %d rules # line %d "%s" # define YYERRCODE %d too many nonterminals, limit %dtoo many terminals, limit %dinvalid escapeillegal \nnn construction'\000' is illegal "%s", %d, "%s", %d, # defi  %d zero maximum spread: %d, maximum offset: %d # define YYLAST %d yyactyypactyypgoyytabelem %s[]={ %6d }; ,out of space ((((( H ,d,o,xF.fF.eF.g&.c,.s,l-ud.r,h(null)^^7X7T7P7L7H7D7@7<7874707,7(7$7 77777 777f& & D 7VFf@wԎwЎ^wf@wwwf@www Vw7  z  _~@ȥ-_ 5_t@ r y@<_p7 <_p<_p<@C_p @e5% B@ d _pw_p;_p;_p;_p;;_p;_p @ c- nne %s %d # define %s %d too many characters in id's and literalsunterminated < ... > clauseillegal or missing ' or "termtokenleftnonassocbinaryrightprecstarttypeunioninvalid escape, or illegal reserved word: %smust specify type for %s%s should have been defined earlier # line %d "%s" typedef union typedef union EOF encountered while processing %%union YYSTYPE; YYSTYPE; extern YYSTYPE yylval; # line %d "%s" eof before %%}illegal commentEOF inside comment # line %d "%s" bad synSf6&S,d,o,xF.fF.eF.g&.c,.s,l-ud.r,h(null)^^tax on $ clauseyyval.%sIllegal use of $%dyypvt[-%d]must specify type of $%d.%sEOF inside commentnewline in string or char. const.EOF in string or character constantaction does not terminate /* empty */ "%s :%s", typedef struct { char *t_name; int t_val; } yytoktype; #ifndef YYDEBUG # define YYDEBUG %d /*%sallow debugging */ #endif don't #if YYDEBUG yytoktype yytoks[] = { "-unknown-", -1 /* ends search */ }; char * yyreds[] = { "-no such reduction-", }; #endif /* YYDEBUG */usr/lib/f77pass1 755 2 2 253116 3467745151 7034 / @(#)y3.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.N;:@;yytabelem yyexca[] ={ %d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s }; YYNPRODoff = %d, k = %d action table overflow %d no space in action table$ %d,%d,%d %s: gotos on %s %d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d, red'n %d) on %s-1, %d, %d, %d, %d,%d, -2, %d, state %d %s %s %s accepterrorshift %dreduce %d . reduce %d . error %s goto %d # define %s %d yytabelem %s[]={ %6d }; ,Rule not reduced: %s %d r VU: 0  6 >  67V % 7 HI@@e:6e0%V*7">  &7> ^N& BF7C  *5!'ABA  D & r&@rr @`   BJw& @N   C 5  N & A- A B A @ A- A    BJw 7D @ C@ppC`pLw7C  %5!"BA  D ules never reduced @(#)y4.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.T iyacc.tmproptimizer cannot open tempfilebad tempfilebad tempfileState %d: null %4d %4d yacc.tmpa array overflowa array overflowNonterminal %d, entry at %d cannot place goto %d State %d: entry at %d equals state %d out of space in optimizer a arrayclobber of a array, pos'n %d, by %dState %d: entry at %d Error; failure to place state %d nxti = %d, max = %d Optimizer space used: input %d/%d, output %d/%d %d table entries, & r&@rr @`   w& BAN   C 5 N & A-  A B A @ A-  A    w7C  5!BAf  r@rr `  wBA  C 5 A- A B A @ A-  A    wT7BB A@ C@ppC`pw.fAW @w fD1D75 ewP 5w7|7x7t7p7l7h7d7`7\   4 eni& h5 4 eza&  4 e ^wt7bf , )u- 'N f Bfe eNe u @ A p╵ u- w Nf 4 5% 5 5 u @ pz@ p u- 1_>4&)|&T&b&R \_>*4!d"( !4n6V336j5 *06+,0B2<34_>'/,'3>0@1^0010 -+  ", F+` |, ,7 , _@A vE%` _@EU_@  _@7 + _@ a  _@ 7 7 _6  _ %7*7 **&  z*A v5f*f& V%a  _@@*5$E-&*A vE%*f& %8a d ~E)E1P)U)A vE%_@) _@ 7)7_@& :   )ia &&  z5 J2f,>//00t2T3v36::;99_>-.N,>.,&*$&3n8 %2$0&%`&(<)_>$ 0   6"0+x+t#B,#&",v1,2"(34_>$<96L553348  :4735'$ !$v#< 2=z7h404@84 @ e _@&& & &xr& L)%)%) ya  && &  _@ L b} \  (a 7 _@7_@  & b  _@ & b & h 74_@ a  _@ ^(a 7 N&}_@b } n 5m|w$_@ (a |_@ (_@a _@' t' z_@ '_@b&& R % _@څ& X %_@&& R % _@&7 _@. q s  x@d@ p AWp B`euAA AAA5 @C v@ v}_p 2:47 ::s:@@ p ::P _ '_ 2_ 8_@@ p 3 _ !_ $ '_V *_D :_L ;@6_:6_:9e _( e _#N@ p @ 7@ 7@ 7 N 8 N(:99;T: 9:3;<(;_>:;<29:L<< v_>"!f ! 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descriptorunformatted internal I/O not alloweddirect list-directed I/O not alloweddirect namelist I/O not alloweduflnbad unit in openbad file in openbad reclf_openf_closbad unit in close statementinquire by unit or by file, not bothmust inquire by unit or by file0/d/o/x61f61e61g1c1s/l/uT1r/h(null)t|ܚܚP6f_inqubad unit in I/O motion statementnon-character control clauseimpossible inquire parameter %s~<~<<<<=@ddPFH.,aZ0/1&-&'T'j'''l&l&^&^&''f&:&~(''(((("('d(impossible element in concatenationputconstputconstnon-logical expression in IF statementcomputed goto index must be integer !!!! 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operatorold-fashioned initialization: use =operands of %s have incompatible typespointeedefinition hides earlier one%.8s set but not used in function %.8s%.8s undefinedbad structure offset%.8s unused in function %.8s& before array or function: ignored=<%c illegal=>%c illegalBCD constant exceeds 6 charactersa function is declared as an argumentambiguous assignment: simple assign, unary op assumedargument %.8s unused in function %.8sarray of functions is illegalassignment of different structuresbad asm constructionbad scalar initializationcan't take & of %.8scannot initialize er requiredpossible pointer alignment problemprecedence confusion possible: parenthesize!precision lost in assignment to (sign-extended?) fieldprecision lost in field assignmentquestionable conversion of function pointerredeclaration of %.8sredeclaration of formal parameter, %.8spointer casts may be troublesomesizeof returns value less than or equal to zerostatement not reachedstatic variable %.8s unusedstruct/union %.8s never definedstruct/union or struct/union pointer requiredstructure %.8s nxtern or unioncase not in switchcomparison of unsigned with negative constantconstant argument to NOTconstant expectedconstant in conditional contextconstant too big for cross-compilerconversion from long may lose accuracyconversion to long may sign-extend incorrectlydeclared argument %.8s is missingdefault not inside switchdegenerate unsigned comparisondivision by 0division by 0.duplicate case in switch, %dduplicate default in switchempty array declarationempty character constantenumeratiever definedstructure reference must be addressablestructure typed union member must be namedtoo many characters in character constanttoo many initializerstype clash in conditionalunacceptable operand of &undeclared initializer name %.8sundefined structure or unionunexpected EOFunknown sizeunsigned comparison with 0?void function %.8s cannot return valuevoid type for %.8svoid type illegal in expressionzero or negative subscriptzero size fieldzero sized structure} expectedlong in case or son type clash, operator %sfield outside of structurefield too bigfortran declaration must apply to functionfortran function has wrong typefortran keyword nonportablefunction %.8s has return(e); and return;function declaration in bad contextfunction has illegal storage classfunction illegal in structure or unionfunction returns illegal typegcos BCD constant illegalillegal array size combinationillegal breakillegal character: %03o (octal)illegal classillegal combination of pointer and integer,witch statement may be truncatedbad octal digit %cfloating point constant folding causes exceptionold style assign-op causes syntax errormain() returns random value to invocation environmentPQTURSXYVW889 9N9& error""@ 298S9S3GE:PR:QV"4-+$4%#85191 FZXY^QOP ;,OP:= </ =/=)>%?%= @<<A<<= 0B>>C>>= 0|h|=i ^h^=i N++ O-- E->FCALLIFCALLP==Q!=R<=S<T>=U>YUGTXUGEWULTVULE]A>>!TYPE6[mCBRANCHgFLDjPMCONVkPVCONV$RETURN oCAST %GOTObSTASG 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combinationstruct/union or struct/union pointer requiredassignment of different stru/usr/lib/lint2 755 2 2 37560 3467745154 6477 4','L't'#|''##'''(##(('"(0(H(##P(\((((##(>)6)f)v)))))f)v))))))***D*D*##(#N*#v****###**####***:+F+#Z+N+l+T,,N-v.&/f////0####0 11*1V1~1122#6)#2j2,2242>2H22j2Z2222222222222232# 33*33Z3`33333334X44$5B5)J5d5l55f))))5bad bdtydimension table overflowwhiles, fors, etc. too deeply nestedswitch table overflowswitch table overflowblock nesting too deepyacc stack overflowsyntax errorfunction level error$%dFcturesnonunique name demands struct/union or struct/union pointerillegal member use:illegal member use:illegal member use:member of structure or union requiredcannot take address of:structure reference must be addressablenull effectstatement not reachedpointer casts may be troublesomelong in case or switch statement may be truncated%.8s in %.8soperator %.8soperator %.8s%.8s%.8sperhaps %.8s.%.8s%.8s@(#)lint.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc. @ @AKEarg list in declarationarg list in declarationnesting too deepbad while loop code gen valuebad while loop code gen. valuebad for loop code gen. valuebad for loop code gen. value@(#)lerror.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.d:P:x:;x:x:x: ;p<\<<<<<<<>.>>>>>>> %.14s ============== /usr/tmp%s/clint%d/usr/tmpwcannot open message buffer filer+wcannot open header message buffer filecannot write header message buffer filecannot read header message bufferj ##############t$t$z$z$$$$$$$$$z$z$z''((4)V)r))))))`...,-,-..`222n4n4n4n44444n444444lint's little mind is blownno line number for %.8sdeclare the VARARGS arguments you want checked!mainandable errorbad conversion%.15s: compiler error: filename too long (%d) %s(%d): abchnpuvxH:LT:X:lint: -c option ignored - no longer available ?--: illegal option -- : illegal option -- : option requires an argument -- : option re filecannot seek in header message buffer filecannot write header message buffer filelint error: %s message buffering scheme flakeycannot seek in message buffer filecannot write to 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