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No such terminal: corrupted term entry term entry too long LINESCOLUMNSsqrtsqrt: DOMAIN error PFM:/ESTEDTDay Mon 00 00:00:00 1900 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTZ/etc/utmpPPP/etc/utmp/etc/passwdrr"V&VVUnknown error: ʁځ(:J]ôނ 1EVetʃ char hello[120] = "*** VENIX *** venix *** VENIX *** venix "; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i, j, l; register char *p, *q, *e; /* take greeting from command line, if any */ if (argc > 1) { hello[0] = '\0'; while (--argc) { strcat(hello, *++argv); strcat(hello, " "); } } for (e = hello; *e != '\0'; ++e) ; l = e - hello; p = hello; for (i = 0; i <= l*3; ++i) { q = p; Skip forward k screenfuls of text [1] ' Go to place where previous search started = Display current line number / Search for kth occurrence of regular expression [1] n Search for kth occurrence of last r.e. [1] ! or :! Execute in a subshell v Start up vi at current line h Display this message ctrl-L Redraw screen :n Go to kth next file [1] :p Go to kth previous file [1] :f Display current file name and line number . Repeat previous command ---------- if (--p < hello) p = e-1; for (j = 0; j < l; ++j) { putchar(*q++); if (*q == '\0') q = hello; } for (j = 0; j < l; ++j) putchar('\b'); fflush(stdout); } putchar('\n'); } { int i, j, l; register char *p, *q, *e; /* take greeting from command line, if any */ if (argc > 1) { hello[0] = '\0'; while (--argc) { strcat(hello, *++argv); strcat(hello, " "); } } for (e = hello; *e != '\0'; ++e) ; l = e - hello; p = hello; for (i = 0; i <= l*3; ++i) { q = p; --------------------------------------------------------------------- search started = Display current line number / Search for kth occurrence of regular expression [1] n Search for kth occurrence of last r.e. [1] ! or :! Execute in a subshell v Start up vi at current line h Display this message ctrl-L Redraw screen :n Go to kth next file [1] :p Go to kth previous file [1] :f Display current file name and line number . Repeat previous command ----------./usr/guest/.profile 644 144 144 144 3447076142 7653 ./usr/help/ 40755 2 2 0 3465746327 5706 echo "Hello, $LOGNAME." PS1="$LOGNAME: " # Set up EXINIT (used by vi) EXINIT="set ai" export EXINIT [M G@C B/bin/shsh-c;0!/dev/:odoo$oxpfpepghpcnpsolJouprnh(null)8p6./usr/help/more.help 444 2 2 2106 3433707673 7534 ./usr/guest/hello.c 664 144 144 1306 3450377766 7516 Most commands optionally preceded by integer argument k. Defaults in brackets. Star (*) indicates argument becomes new default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Display next k lines of text [current screen size] z Display next k lines of text [current screen size]* Display next k lines of text [1]* d or ctrl-D Scroll k lines [current scroll size, initially 11]* q or Q or Exit from more s Skip forward k lines of text [1] f file load the program from "file" merge file merge "file" with existing program old file load the program from "file" renumber L1,L2 renumber program starting at L1 with increment L2 run L1 start program running (at L1) save file save the current program in "file" scr scratch the program, variables etc. timeoff turn off run command timing timeon turn on run command timing unsave file remove the file vars print variable names and values vi use visual editor on program m between lines L1 and L2 load linders */ ushort d_maxbad; /* max # of bad tracks */ daddr_t d_diaddr; /* disk info table address (blocks) */ daddr_t d_bbaddr; /* boot block address (blocks) */ }; #ifndef MAXBTRK # define MAXBTRK 102 /* max # bad tracks (pads to full block) */ #endif #define DF_MAGIC 0131517 /* magic # at diskinfo block */ #define NPARS 10 /* # of partitions */ #define PPHYS 8 /* phys partition */ #define PVENIX 9 /* full venix partition */ struct diskinfo { short df_magic; /* magic # (DF_MAGIC) */ struct d./usr/include/sys/ 40775 2 2 0 3502366661 7210 parm df_parm; /* hard parameters */ struct pparm df_par[NPARS]; /* partition info */ struct bad { /* bad track table */ ushort b_btrk; /* bad track */ ushort b_rtrk; /* replacement track */ } df_bad[MAXBTRK+1]; /* (1 for terminator) */ char df_pad[2]; /* pad to full 512 block */ }; o block */ #define NPARS 10 /* # of partitions */ #define PPHYS 8 /* phys partition */ #define PVENIX 9 /* full venix partition */ struct diskinfo { short df_magic; /* magic # (DF_MAGIC) */ struct d./usr/include/sys/devparm.h 644 2 2 3461 3471473641 11044 ./usr/include/sys/types.h 644 2 2 540 3471473644 10530 ./usr/help/basic.help 444 2 2 1741 3434222724 7645 /* @(#)devparm.h vc1.7 */ /* * ioctl calls to disk drivers. * This must be applied to the character ("raw") interface. */ #define I_FORMAT (('X'<<8)|1) /* format a disk */ #define I_GETDPP (('X'<<8)|2) /* get disk partition parameters */ #define I_GETHDP (('X'<<8)|3) /* get hard disk parameters */ #define I_BADFMT (('X'<<8)|4) /* format track unreadable */ #define I_ERROFF (('X'<<8)|5) /* turn off error reporting */ #define I_ERRON (('X'<<8)|6) /* turn on error reporting */ #define I_SETVD (('X'<<8)|7Help information for UBC Basic: ! cmd issue system command "cmd" (e.g. !who) auto L1,L2 provide line numbers starting at L1, increment of L2 bye exit from basic catalog list files in user's catalog (directory) clear clear stack + clear vars clear stack clear execution stack clear vars clear variable symbol table del L1,L2 delete lines between L1 and L2 dump print out current variable names edit use system editor on program help print out help file list L1,L2 list program between lines L1 and L2 load ) /* set virtual device */ #define I_GETVD (('X'<<8)|8) /* return current virtual device */ #define I_RINIT (('X'<<8)|9) /* force driver to reread disk info */ struct pparm { /* partition info, returned by GETDPP */ daddr_t p_offset; /* blocks offset from start of disk */ daddr_t p_nblock; /* blocks in this partition */ }; struct dparm { /* hard disk info, returned by GETHDP */ ushort d_nsect; /* number of sectors per track */ ushort d_nhead; /* number of heads */ ushort d_ncyl; /* number of cy./usr/include/sys/user.h 644 2 2 13077 3472746630 10412 */ ushort u_uid; /* effective user id */ ushort u_gid; /* effective group id */ ushort u_ruid; /* real user id */ ushort u_rgid; /* real group id */ struct proc *u_procp; /* pointer to proc structure */ caddr_t u_base; /* base address for IO */ unsigned u_count; /* bytes remaining for IO */ off_t u_offset; /* offset in file for IO */ short u_fmode; /* file mode for IO */ ushort u_pbsize; /* bytes in block for IO */ ushort u_pboff; /* offset in block for IO */ dev_t u_pbdev; /* real device /* @(#)user.h 6.1 vc1.5 */ #ifdef m86 /* Descriptor table entry for 286 based machines */ typedef struct { /* Descriptor table */ unsigned dt_range; /* Range (offset) */ unsigned char dt_lobyt; /* low byte 0f 24 bit address */ unsigned char dt_midb; /* middle byte */ unsigned char dt_hib; /* high byte */ char dt_access; /* Access byte (see low.s) */ int dt_unused; /* Intel reserved */ } DTABLE; #endif /* * The user structure. * One allocated per process. Contains all per process data for IO */ daddr_t u_rablock; /* read ahead block addr */ struct inode *u_cdir; /* pointer to inode of current directory */ struct inode *u_rdir; /* pointer to inode of root directory */ caddr_t u_dirp; /* current pointer to inode */ struct direct u_dent; /* current directory entry */ struct inode *u_pdir; /* inode of parent directory of dirp */ struct file *u_ofile[NOFILE]; /* pntrs to file struct of open files */ char u_pofile[NOFILE]; /* per-process flags of open files */ #ifdef pdp11 int u_* that doesn't need to be referenced while the process is swapped. * The user structure contains the system stack per user and is * cross referenced with the proc structure for the same process. */ struct user { #ifdef m86 /* the following must be first and in order (see mch.s) */ unsigned u_cs; /* code segment */ unsigned u_ds; /* data & stack segment */ unsigned u_es; /* extra segment */ unsigned u_cso; /* code segment offset */ unsigned u_dso; /* data segment offset */ unsigned u_eso; /* earg[8]; /* arguments to current system call */ unsigned u_tsize; /* text size (clicks) */ unsigned u_dsize; /* data size (clicks) */ unsigned u_ssize; /* stack size (clicks) */ unsigned u_toff; /* text offset for mapped code */ char u_sep; /* flag for I and D separation */ char u_cmap; /* flag for code mapping */ #endif int u_signal[NSIG]; /* disposition of signals */ time_t u_utime; /* this process user time */ time_t u_stime; /* this process system time */ time_t u_cutime; /* sum of childs' utxtra segment offset/prototype */ unsigned u_fpsaved; /* flt pt saved */ struct { /* 8087 context storage (see 8087 FSAVE) */ int u_fpcw; int u_fpsw; int u_fptag; int u_fpip[2]; int u_fpop[2]; struct { int u_fpman[4]; int u_fpexp; } u_fpregs[8]; } u_fps; DTABLE u_dt_cs; DTABLE u_dt_ds; DTABLE u_dt_es; #endif #ifdef pdp11 unsigned u_fper; /* FP error register */ unsigned u_fpsaved; /* FP regs saved for this proc */ struct { int u_fpsr; /* FP status register */ imes */ time_t u_cstime; /* sum of childs' stimes */ int *u_areg; /* address of users saved register(s) */ struct { /* profile arguments */ short *pr_base; /* buffer base */ unsigned pr_size; /* buffer size */ unsigned pr_off; /* pc offset */ unsigned pr_scale; /* pc scaling */ } u_prof; short *u_ttyp; /* pointer to pgrp in "tty" struct */ struct { /* header of executable file */ short ux_mag; /* magic number */ #ifdef m86 short ux_ssize; /* stack size */ #define XSIZE long #endif #ifde/* @(#)types.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ typedef struct { int r[1]; } * physadr; typedef long daddr_t; typedef char * caddr_t; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef ushort ino_t; typedef char cnt_t; typedef long time_t; typedef int label_t[8]; typedef short dev_t; typedef long off_t; typedef long paddr_t; typedef long key_t; */ #define PPHYS 8 /* phys partition */ #define PVENIX 9 /* full venix partition */ struct diskinfo { short df_magic; /* magic # (DF_MAGIC) */ struct d double u_fpregs[6]; /* FP registers */ } u_fps; short u_uisd[16]; /* prototype of segmentation descriptors */ short u_uisa[16]; /* prototype of segmentation addresses */ #endif char u_segflg; /* IO flag: 0:user D; 1:system D; 2:u_xaddr */ char u_error; /* return error code */ ushort u_xaddr; /* physical address for segment IO */ label_t u_rsav; /* label variable when changing contexts */ label_t u_qsav; /* label variable for quits and interrupts */ label_t u_ssav; /* label variable for swappingf pdp11 #define XSIZE unsigned #endif XSIZE ux_tsize; /* text size */ XSIZE ux_dsize; /* data size */ XSIZE ux_bsize; /* bss size */ XSIZE ux_syms; /* symbol table size */ XSIZE ux_entloc; /* entry location */ #ifdef m86 XSIZE ux_trel; XSIZE ux_drel; #endif #ifdef pdp11 XSIZE ux_hitext; /* high address of text size */ XSIZE ux_relflg; #endif } u_exdata; dev_t u_ttyd; /* controlling tty dev */ short u_cmask; /* mask for creat & mknod */ daddr_t u_limit; /* maximum write address */ tim/* @(#)buf.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Each buffer in the pool is usually doubly linked into 2 lists: * - the hash list with which it is currently associated (always), * - and also on a list of blocks available for allocation for * other use (usually). * The latter list is kept in last-used order, and the two lists * are doubly linked to make it easy to remove a buffer from one * list when it was found by looking through the other. A buffer * is on the available list, and is liable to be reassigned toe_t u_start; /* process start times */ time_t u_ticks; char u_comm[DIRSIZ]; /* command name for 'ps' */ long u_mem; /* memory and */ long u_ior; /* IO byte counts for accounting */ long u_iow; long u_ioch; char u_acflag; int u_stack[1]; /* kernel code mapping stack * per user starts here and extends * upwards */ /* kernel stack per user extends * from u + ctop(USIZE) backwards * not to reach here */ }; extern struct user u; #define EXCLOSE 01 #ifdef m86 #ifdef * another disk block, if and only if it is not marked BUSY. When * a buffer is busy, the available-list pointers can be used for * other purposes. Most drivers use the av_forw ptr as a link in * their IO active queue, as maintained by disksort. A buffer * header contains all the information required to perform the IO. * Most of the routines which manipulate these things are in bio.c. */ struct buf { int b_flags; /* see defines below */ struct buf *b_forw; /* headed by hash list ancho M286 /* Access codes to DTABLE */ #define USER_PL 0140 #define KERN_PL 0 #define DT_EXECUT 010 #define DT_WRITE 2 #define DT_READ 2 #define DT_SEGMENT 020 #define DT_PRESENT 0200 #define DT_ACCESD 1 #define DS_ACCESS (DT_ACCESD|USER_PL|DT_WRITE|DT_SEGMENT|DT_PRESENT) #define CS_ACCESS (DT_ACCESD|USER_PL|DT_READ|DT_SEGMENT|DT_PRESENT|DT_EXECUT) #define U_CS *((unsigned *) &u.u_dt_cs.dt_midb) #define U_DS *((unsigned *) &u.u_dt_ds.dt_midb) #define U_ES *((unsigned *) &u.u_dt_es.dt_midb) #else #define U_Cr */ struct buf *b_back; /* " */ struct buf *av_forw; /* position on free list, */ struct buf *av_back; /* if not BUSY */ dev_t b_dev; /* major+minor device name */ unsigned b_bcount; /* transfer count */ caddr_t b_addr; /* kernel or low memory address */ short b_xmem; /* hi memory address */ daddr_t b_blkno; /* block # on device */ unsigned b_resid; /* bytes not transferred after error */ struct proc *b_procp; /* requesting process, iS u.u_cs #define U_DS u.u_ds #define U_ES u.u_es #endif #endif e KERN_PL 0 #define DT_EXECUT 010 #define DT_WRITE 2 #define DT_READ 2 #define DT_SEGMENT 020 #define DT_PRESENT 0200 #define DT_ACCESD 1 #define DS_ACCESS (DT_ACCESD|USER_PL|DT_WRITE|DT_SEGMENT|DT_PRESENT) #define CS_ACCESS (DT_ACCESD|USER_PL|DT_READ|DT_SEGMENT|DT_PRESENT|DT_EXECUT) #define U_CS *((unsigned *) &u.u_dt_cs.dt_midb) #define U_DS *((unsigned *) &u.u_dt_ds.dt_midb) #define U_ES *((unsigned *) &u.u_dt_es.dt_midb) #else #define U_Cf A_AIO */ }; /* * This is the head of the queue of available buffers-- all unused * except for the 2 list heads. */ extern struct buf bfreelist; extern struct buf buf[]; extern char buffers[][SBUFSIZE]; /* * These flags are kept in b_flags. */ #define B_WRITE 0 /* Non-read pseudo-flag */ #define B_READ 01 /* Read when IO occurs */ #define B_DONE 02 /* Transaction finished */ #define B_ERROR 04 /* Transaction aborted */ #define B_BUSY 010 /* Not on av_forw/back list */ #define B_P./usr/include/sys/buf.h 644 2 2 5707 3471473653 10172 HYS 020 /* Physical IO; memory address is physical */ #define B_MAP 040 /* This transfer has the UNIBUS map allocated */ #define B_WANTED 0100 /* Issue wakeup when BUSY goes off */ #define B_AGE 0200 /* Delayed write for correct aging */ #define B_ASYNC 0400 /* Don't wait for IO completion */ #define B_DELWRI 01000 /* Don't write till block leaves available list */ #define B_STALE 02000 /* Data in buffer is unusable */ /* * Fast access to buffers in cache by hashing. */ #define bhash(d,b) ((s/* @(#)clock.h 1.2 venturcom * header for real-time perpetual clock */ #define CLKSET (('c'<<8)|0) #define CLKGET (('c'<<8)|1) struct clkbuf { int clk_sec; /* second (0-59) */ int clk_min; /* minute (0-59) */ int clk_hour; /* hour (0-23) */ int clk_mday; /* day of month (1-31) */ int clk_mon; /* month (0-11) */ int clk_year; /* year (00-99) */ int clk_wday; /* day of the week (Sunday = 0) */ int clk_yday; /* day of the year (0-365) */ int clk_dst; /* non-zero if daylight savings */ }; /* @(#)dir.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ #ifndef DIRSIZ #define DIRSIZ 14 #endif struct direct { /* structure of directory entry */ ino_t d_ino; /* inode number */ char d_name[DIRSIZ]; /* file name */ }; s is in the file conf.c. */ struct bdevsw { int (*d_open)(); int (*d_close)(); int (*d_strategy)(); }; extern struct bdevsw bdevsw[]; /* * Character device switch. */ struct cdevsw { int (*d_open)(); int (*d_close)(); int (*d_read)(); int (*d_write)(); int (*d_ioctl)(); }; extern struct cdevsw cdevsw[]; etruct buf *)&hbuf[((int)d+(int)b)&v.v_hmask]) struct hbuf { int b_flags; struct buf *b_forw; struct buf *b_back; }; extern struct hbuf hbuf[]; /* * These bits decode the minor device number for async IO. */ #define A_AIO 0200 /* Raw I/O is to be asynchronous */ #define A_SSIG 0100 /* Send signal SIGAIO when async i/o finished */ /* * Ioctl commands for async IO. */ #define AIOCWAIT (('a'<<8)|0) /* wait/test outstanding requests */ o buffers in cache by hashing. */ #define bhash(d,b) ((s./usr/include/sys/conf.h 644 2 2 1047 3471473653 10334 ./usr/include/sys/callo.h 644 2 2 644 3471473641 10460 /* @(#)conf.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Declaration of block device switch. Each entry * (row) is the only link between the main VENIX * and the driver. The initialization of the device * switches is in the file conf.c. */ struct bdevsw { int (*d_open)(); int (*d_close)(); int (*d_strategy)(); }; extern struct bdevsw bdevsw[]; /* * Character device switch. */ struct cdevsw { int (*d_open)(); int (*d_close)(); int (*d_read)(); int (*d_write)(); int (*d_ioctl)(); }; extern struct cdevsw cdevsw[]; e/* @(#)callo.h 6.1 vc 1.1 */ /* * The callout structure is for a routine arranging * to be called by the clock interrupt * (clock.c) with a specified argument, * in a specified amount of time. * Used, for example, to time tab delays on typewriters. */ struct callo { int c_time; /* incremental time */ caddr_t c_arg; /* argument to routine */ int (*c_func)(); /* routine */ }; extern struct callo callout[]; wait/test outstanding requests */ o buffers in cache by hashing. */ #define bhash(d,b) ((sxtern int bdevcnt; extern int cdevcnt; ation of block device switch. Each entry * (row) is the only link between the main VENIX * and the driver. The initialization of the device * switches is in the file conf.c. */ struct bdevsw { int (*d_open)(); int (*d_close)(); int (*d_strategy)(); }; extern struct bdevsw bdevsw[]; /* * Character device switch. */ struct cdevsw { int (*d_open)(); int (*d_close)(); int (*d_read)(); int (*d_write)(); int (*d_ioctl)(); }; extern struct cdevsw cdevsw[]; e./usr/include/sys/clock.h 644 2 2 1000 3471473645 10470 ./usr/include/sys/dir.h 644 2 2 301 3471473642 10133 */ #define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */ #define ENOTTY 25 /* Not a typewriter */ #define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */ #define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */ #define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */ #define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */ #define EROFS 30 /* Read only file system */ #define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */ #define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */ #define EDOM 33 /* Math arg out of domain of func */ #define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable */ #define ENOMSG./usr/include/sys/file.h 644 2 2 1600 3471473642 10317 35 /* No message of desired type */ #define EIDRM 36 /* Identifier removed */ #define ECHRNG 37 /* Channel number out of range */ #define EL2NSYNC 38 /* Level 2 not synchronized */ #define EL3HLT 39 /* Level 3 halted */ #define EL3RST 40 /* Level 3 reset */ #define ELNRNG 41 /* Link number out of range */ #define EUNATCH 42 /* Protocol driver not attached */ #define ENOCSI 43 /* No CSI structure available */ #define EL2HLT 44 /* Level 2 halted */ #define EDEADLK 45 /* Deadly embrace on lock r/* @(#)file.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * One file structure is allocated for each open/creat/pipe call. * Main use is to hold the read/write pointer associated with * each open file. */ struct file { char f_flag; cnt_t f_count; /* reference count */ union { struct inode *f_uinode; /* pointer to inode structure */ struct file *f_unext; /* next entry in freelist */ } f_up; union { off_t f_off; /* read/write character pointer */ } f_un; }; #define f_inode f_up.f_uinode #define f_next f_up.f_unext #./usr/include/sys/errno.h 644 2 2 4102 3471473642 10525 equest */ #define ENOLCK 46 /* No more record entries in fcntl */ er removed */ #define ECHRNG 37 /* Channel number out of range */ #define EL2NSYNC 38 /* Level 2 not synchronized */ #define EL3HLT 39 /* Level 3 halted */ #define EL3RST 40 /* Level 3 reset */ #define ELNRNG 41 /* Link number out of range */ #define EUNATCH 42 /* Protocol driver not attached */ #define ENOCSI 43 /* No CSI structure available */ #define EL2HLT 44 /* Level 2 halted */ #define EDEADLK 45 /* Deadly embrace on lock r/* @(#)errno.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * Error codes */ #define EPERM 1 /* Not super-user */ #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */ #define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */ #define EINTR 4 /* interrupted system call */ #define EIO 5 /* I/O error */ #define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */ #define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */ #define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */ #define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */ #define ECHILD 10 /* No children */ #define EAGAIN 11 /* No more processes./usr/include/sys/fblk.h 644 2 2 132 3471473651 10275 */ #define ENOMEM 12 /* Not enough core */ #define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */ #define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */ #define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */ #define EBUSY 16 /* Mount device busy */ #define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */ #define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */ #define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */ #define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */ #define EISDIR 21 /* Is a dirtecory */ #define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */ #define ENFILE 23 /* File table overflow/* @(#)fblk.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ struct fblk { int df_nfree; daddr_t df_free[NICFREE]; }; ECHRNG 37 /* Channel number out of range */ #define EL2NSYNC 38 /* Level 2 not synchronized */ #define EL3HLT 39 /* Level 3 halted */ #define EL3RST 40 /* Level 3 reset */ #define ELNRNG 41 /* Link number out of range */ #define EUNATCH 42 /* Protocol driver not attached */ #define ENOCSI 43 /* No CSI structure available */ #define EL2HLT 44 /* Level 2 halted */ #define EDEADLK 45 /* Deadly embrace on lock r/* @(#)filsys.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Structure of the super-block */ struct filsys { ushort s_isize; /* size in blocks of i-list */ daddr_t s_fsize; /* size in blocks of entire volume */ short s_nfree; /* number of addresses in s_free */ daddr_t s_free[NICFREE]; /* free block list */ short s_ninode; /* number of i-nodes in s_inode */ ino_t s_inode[NICINOD]; /* free i-node list */ char s_flock; /* lock during free list manipulation */ char s_ilock; /* lock during i-list manipulation */ char s_fmod; * 39 used; 13 addresses * of 3 bytes each. */ s it appears on the disk. */ struct dinode { ushort di_mode; /* mode and type of file */ short di_nlink; /* number of links to file */ ushort di_uid; /* owner's user id */ ushort di_gid; /* owner's group id */ off_t di_size; /* number of bytes in file */ char di_addr[40]; /* disk block addresses */ time_t di_atime; /* time last accessed */ time_t di_mtime; /* time last modified */ time_t di_ctime; /* time created */ }; /* * the 40 address bytes: /* super block modified flag */ char s_ronly; /* mounted read-only flag */ time_t s_time; /* last super block update */ short s_dinfo[4]; /* device information */ daddr_t s_tfree; /* total free blocks*/ ino_t s_tinode; /* total free inodes */ char s_fname[6]; /* file system name */ char s_fpack[6]; /* file system pack name */ long s_fill[15]; /* ADJUST to make sizeof filsys be 512 */ long s_magic; /* magic number to indicate new file system */ long s_type; /* type of new file system */ }; #de./usr/include/sys/inode.h 644 2 2 5706 3471473643 10512 fine FsMAGIC 0xfd187e20 /* s_magic number */ #define Fs1b 1 /* 512 byte block */ #define Fs2b 2 /* 1024 byte block */ te */ short s_dinfo[4]; /* device information */ daddr_t s_tfree; /* total free blocks*/ ino_t s_tinode; /* total free inodes */ char s_fname[6]; /* file system name */ char s_fpack[6]; /* file system pack name */ long s_fill[15]; /* ADJUST to make sizeof filsys be 512 */ long s_magic; /* magic number to indicate new file system */ long s_type; /* type of new file system */ }; #de/* @(#)inode.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * The I node is the focus of all * file activity in unix. There is a unique * inode allocated for each active file, * each current directory, each mounted-on * file, text file, and the root. An inode is 'named' * by its dev/inumber pair. (iget/iget.c) * Data, from mode on, is read in * from permanent inode on volume. */ #define NADDR 13 #define NSADDR (NADDR*sizeof(daddr_t)/sizeof(short)) struct inode { struct inode *i_forw; /* hash chain forw */ struct inode *i_bdefine f_offset f_un.f_off extern struct file file[]; /* The file table itself */ extern struct file *ffreelist; /* Head of freelist pool */ /* flags */ #define FOPEN (-1) #define FREAD 00001 #define FWRITE 00002 #define FNDELAY 00004 #define FAPPEND 00010 #define FSYNC 00020 #define FMASK 00377 /* open only modes */ #define FCREAT 00400 #define FTRUNC 01000 #define FEXCL 02000 { off_t f_off; /* read/write character pointer */ } f_un; }; #define f_inode f_up.f_uinode #define f_next f_up.f_unext #./usr/include/sys/ino.h 644 2 2 1061 3471473643 10167 ./usr/include/sys/filsys.h 644 2 2 2167 3471473642 10722 /* @(#)ino.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Inode structure as it appears on the disk. */ struct dinode { ushort di_mode; /* mode and type of file */ short di_nlink; /* number of links to file */ ushort di_uid; /* owner's user id */ ushort di_gid; /* owner's group id */ off_t di_size; /* number of bytes in file */ char di_addr[40]; /* disk block addresses */ time_t di_atime; /* time last accessed */ time_t di_mtime; /* time last modified */ time_t di_ctime; /* time created */ }; /* * the 40 address bytes: read-ahead) */ }i_blks; struct locklist *i_locklist; /* locked region list */ }; struct locklist { struct locklist *ll_link; /* link to next locked region */ int ll_flags; /* misc flags */ struct proc *ll_proc; /* process which owns region */ off_t ll_start; /* starting offset */ off_t ll_end; /* ending offset */ }; extern struct locklist locklist[]; extern struct inode inode[]; /* The inode table itself */ /* flags */ #define ILOCK 01 /* inode is locked */ #define IUPD 02 /* file has bee/* @(#)iobuf.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Each block device has a iobuf, which contains private state stuff. * The disksort routine uses the b_actf entry to head a sorted list * of pending IO requests. The b_active entry indicates if the * hardware is busy with a transfer, b_errcnt counts error retrys. */ struct iobuf { struct buf *b_actf; /* head of I/O queue */ char b_active; /* busy flag */ char b_errcnt; /* error count (for recovery) */ }; WRITE 0200 #define IEXEC 0100 #define i_addr i_blks.i_p.n modified */ #define IACC 04 /* inode access time to be updated */ #define IMOUNT 010 /* inode is mounted on */ #define IWANT 020 /* some process waiting on lock */ #define ITEXT 040 /* inode is pure text prototype */ #define ICHG 0100 /* inode has been changed */ #define ISYN 0200 /* do synchronous write for iupdate */ /* modes */ #define IFMT 0170000 /* type of file */ #define IFREE 0000000 /* Free */ #define IFDIR 0040000 /* directory */ #define IFCHR 0020000 /* character special */ #define ./usr/include/sys/ioctl.h 644 2 2 34 3471473651 10452 IFBLK 0060000 /* block special */ #define IFREG 0100000 /* regular */ #define IFMPC 0030000 /* multiplexed char special */ #define IFMPB 0070000 /* multiplexed block special */ #define IFIFO 0010000 /* fifo special */ #define ISUID 04000 /* set user id on execution */ #define ISGID 02000 /* set group id on execution */ #define ISVTX 01000 /* save swapped text even after use */ #define IREAD 0400 /* read, write, execute permissions */ #define IWRITE 0200 #define IEXEC 0100 #define i_addr i_blks.i_p./* @(#)ioctl.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Each block device has a iobuf, which contains private state stuff. * The disksort routine uses the b_actf entry to head a sorted list * of pending IO requests. The b_active entry indicates if the * hardware is busy with a transfer, b_errcnt counts error retrys. */ struct iobuf { struct buf *b_actf; /* head of I/O queue */ char b_active; /* busy flag */ char b_errcnt; /* error count (for recovery) */ }; WRITE 0200 #define IEXEC 0100 #define i_addr i_blks.i_p.i_a #define i_lastr i_blks.i_l #ifdef m86 # define i_rdev i_blks.i_p.i_f[0] #endif #ifdef pdp11 # define i_rdev i_blks.i_p.i_f[1] #endif #define i_faddr i_blks.i_p.i_a #define NFADDR 10 #define PIPSIZ NFADDR*BSIZE #define i_frptr i_blks.i_p.i_f[NSADDR-5] #define i_fwptr i_blks.i_p.i_f[NSADDR-4] #define i_frcnt i_blks.i_p.i_f[NSADDR-3] #define i_fwcnt i_blks.i_p.i_f[NSADDR-2] #define i_fflag i_blks.i_p.i_f[NSADDR-1] #define IFIR 01 #define IFIW 02 IWRITE 0200 #define IEXEC 0100 #define i_addr i_blks.i_p../usr/include/sys/ipc.h 644 2 2 1506 3471473651 10160 ack; /* hash chain back */ char i_flag; cnt_t i_count; /* reference count */ dev_t i_dev; /* device where inode resides */ ino_t i_number; /* i number, 1-to-1 with device address */ ushort i_mode; short i_nlink; /* directory entries */ ushort i_uid; /* owner */ ushort i_gid; /* group of owner */ off_t i_size; /* size of file */ struct { union { daddr_t i_a[NADDR]; /* if normal file/directory */ short i_f[NSADDR]; /* if fifo's */ } i_p; daddr_t i_l; /* last logical block read (for ./usr/include/sys/iobuf.h 644 2 2 707 3471473643 10474 /* @(#)ipc.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* @(#)ipc.h 6.1 */ /* Common IPC Access Structure */ struct ipc_perm { ushort uid; /* owner's user id */ ushort gid; /* owner's group id */ ushort cuid; /* creator's user id */ ushort cgid; /* creator's group id */ ushort mode; /* access modes */ ushort seq; /* slot usage sequence number */ key_t key; /* key */ }; /* Common IPC Definitions. */ /* Mode bits. */ #define IPC_ALLOC 0100000 /* entry currently allocated */ #define IPC_CREAT 0001000 /* create entry if key doesn/* @(#)map.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ struct map { ushort m_size; ushort m_addr; }; extern struct map swapmap[]; extern struct map coremap[]; same as PROLOCK on VENIX */ #define DATLOCK 4 /* same as PROLOCK on VENIX */ fine IPC_RMID 0 /* remove identifier */ #define IPC_SET 1 /* set options */ #define IPC_STAT 2 /* get options */ key_t key; /* key */ }; /* Common IPC Definitions. */ /* Mode bits. */ #define IPC_ALLOC 0100000 /* entry currently allocated */ #define IPC_CREAT 0001000 /* create entry if key doesn't exist */ #define IPC_EXCL 0002000 /* fail if key exists */ #define IPC_NOWAIT 0004000 /* error if request must wait */ /* Keys. */ #define IPC_PRIVATE (key_t)0 /* private key */ /* Control Commands. */ #define IPC_RMID 0 /* remove identifier */ #define IPC_SET 1 /* set options */ #define IPC_STAT 2 /* get options */ key_t key; /* key */ }; /* Common IPC Definitions. */ /* Mode bits. */ #define IPC_ALLOC 0100000 /* entry currently allocated */ #define IPC_CREAT 0001000 /* create entry if key doesn./usr/include/sys/mount.h 644 2 2 653 3471473647 10536 ./usr/include/sys/lock.h 644 2 2 324 3471473652 10313 /* @(#)mount.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Mount structure. * One allocated on every mount. */ struct mount { int m_flags; /* status */ dev_t m_dev; /* device mounted */ struct inode *m_inodp; /* pointer to mounted on inode */ struct buf *m_bufp; /* buffer for super block */ struct inode *m_mount; /* pointer to mount root inode */ }; #define MFREE 0 #define MINUSE 1 #define MINTER 2 extern struct mount mount[]; entry currently allocated */ #define IPC_CREAT 0001000 /* create entry if key doesn/* @(#)lock.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * flags for locking procs and texts */ #define UNLOCK 0 #define PROCLOCK 1 #define TXTLOCK 2 /* same as PROLOCK on VENIX */ #define DATLOCK 4 /* same as PROLOCK on VENIX */ fine IPC_RMID 0 /* remove identifier */ #define IPC_SET 1 /* set options */ #define IPC_STAT 2 /* get options */ key_t key; /* key */ }; /* Common IPC Definitions. */ /* Mode bits. */ #define IPC_ALLOC 0100000 /* entry currently allocated */ #define IPC_CREAT 0001000 /* create entry if key doesn./usr/include/sys/msg.h 644 2 2 3767 3471473645 10211 ./usr/include/sys/map.h 644 2 2 205 3471473650 10134 /* @(#)msg.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* @(#)msg.h 6.1 */ /* ** IPC Message Facility. */ /* ** Implementation Constants. */ #define PMSG (PZERO + 2) /* message facility sleep priority */ /* ** Permission Definitions. */ #define MSG_R 0400 /* read permission */ #define MSG_W 0200 /* write permission */ /* ** ipc_perm Mode Definitions. */ #define MSG_RWAIT 01000 /* a reader is waiting for a message */ #define MSG_WWAIT 02000 /* a writer is waiting to send */ /* ** Message Operation Flags. */ #define MSG_NOERROR 0/* @(#)param.h 6.1 vc1.10 */ /* * User tunable variables. * May be changed within reason. * Requires relinking the kernel. */ #define CMAPSIZ (NPROC+NSEG) /* Size of core allocation area */ #define SMAPSIZ (NPROC+NSEG) /* Size of swap allocation area */ #ifdef pdp11 #define RMEMB 0 /* Reserved memory base (phy addr) */ #define RMEML 0 /* Reserved memory length (phy addr) */ #endif /* * Fundamental variables. * Requires recompiling OS sources. */ #define NOFILE 20 /* Max open files per process ock (bytes) */ #define SBUFSIZE (BSIZE*2) /* system buffer size */ #define BSHIFT 9 /* LOG2(BSIZE) */ #define NINDIR (BSIZE/sizeof(daddr_t)) #define BMASK 0777 /* BSIZE-1 */ #define INOPB 8 /* inodes per block */ #define INOSHIFT 3 /* LOG2(INOPB) */ #define NMASK 0177 /* NINDIR-1 */ #define NSHIFT 7 /* LOG2(NINDIR) */ #define FsBSIZE(dev) (BSIZE*2) #define FsBSHIFT(dev) 10 #define FsNINDIR(dev) 256 #define FsBMASK(dev) 01777 #define FsBOFF(dev, x) ((x)&01777) #define FsBNO(dev, x) ((x)>>10) #define Fs10000 /* no error if big message */ /* ** Structure Definitions. */ /* ** There is one msg queue id data structure for each q in the system. */ struct msqid_ds { struct ipc_perm msg_perm; /* operation permission struct */ struct msg *msg_first; /* ptr to first message on q */ struct msg *msg_last; /* ptr to last message on q */ ushort msg_cbytes; /* current # bytes on q */ ushort msg_qnum; /* # of messages on q */ ushort msg_qbytes; /* max # of bytes on q */ ushort msg_lspid; /* pid of last ms*/ #define MAXPID 30000 /* Max process id */ #define MAXUID 60000 /* Max user id */ #define MAXLINK 1000 /* Max links */ #define NCARGS 5120 /* Max # characters in exec arglist */ #ifndef HZ #define HZ 60 /* Default clock frequency */ /* NOTE: for time-of-day purposes, */ /* the value in "hz" is used (settable */ /* by "config") */ #endif /* * Priorities. * Should not be altered too much. */ #define PMASK 0177 #define PCATCH 0400 #define PSWP 0 #define PINOD 10 #define PRIBIO 20 #definegsnd */ ushort msg_lrpid; /* pid of last msgrcv */ time_t msg_stime; /* last msgsnd time */ time_t msg_rtime; /* last msgrcv time */ time_t msg_ctime; /* last change time */ }; /* ** There is one msg structure for each message that may be in the system. */ struct msg { struct msg *msg_next; /* ptr to next message on q */ long msg_type; /* message type */ short msg_ts; /* message text size */ short msg_spot; /* message text map address */ }; /* ** User message buffer template for msgsnd an PZERO 25 #define NZERO 20 #define PPIPE 26 #define PWAIT 30 #define PSLEP 39 #define PUSER 60 #define PIDLE 127 /* * Fundamental constants of the implementation-- * cannot be changed easily. */ #define NBPW sizeof(int) /* number of bytes in an integer */ /* * VENIX does not support FsTYPE 3 (dual 512/1024 system). * 1024 is recommended for faster throughput. * 512 is best for non-DMA disks. */ #ifndef FsTYPE # ifdef pdp11 # define FsTYPE 1 /* 512 byte */ # else # define FsTYPE 1 /* 1024 byte *d msgrecv system calls. */ struct msgbuf { long mtype; /* message type */ char mtext[1]; /* message text */ }; /* ** Message information structure. */ struct msginfo { int msgmap, /* # of entries in msg map */ msgmax, /* max message size */ msgmnb, /* max # bytes on queue */ msgmni, /* # of message queue identifiers */ msgssz, /* msg segment size (should be word size multiple) */ msgtql; /* # of system message headers */ ushort msgseg; /* # of msg segments (MUST BE < 32768) */ }; msgsnd an/ # endif #endif #if FsTYPE==1 /* Original 512 byte file system */ #define BSIZE 512 /* size of file system block (bytes) */ #define SBUFSIZE BSIZE /* system buffer size */ #define BSHIFT 9 /* LOG2(BSIZE) */ #define NINDIR (BSIZE/sizeof(daddr_t)) #define BMASK 0777 /* BSIZE-1 */ #define INOPB 8 /* inodes per block */ #define INOSHIFT 3 /* LOG2(INOPB) */ #define NMASK 0177 /* NINDIR-1 */ #define NSHIFT 7 /* LOG2(NINDIR) */ #define FsBSIZE(dev) BSIZE #define FsBSHIFT(dev) BSHIFT #define FsNINDIR(dev./usr/include/sys/param.h 644 2 2 15331 3501356171 10515 ) NINDIR #define FsBMASK(dev) BMASK #define FsBOFF(dev, x) ((x)&BMASK) #define FsBNO(dev, x) ((x)>>BSHIFT) #define FsINOPB(dev) INOPB #define FsLTOP(dev, b) b #define FsPTOL(dev, b) b #define FsNMASK(dev) NMASK #define FsNSHIFT(dev) NSHIFT #define FsITOD(dev, x) (daddr_t)(((unsigned)x+(2*INOPB-1))>>INOSHIFT) #define FsITOO(dev, x) (((unsigned)x+(2*INOPB-1))&(INOPB-1)) #define FsINOS(dev, x) ((x&~(INOPB-1))+1) #endif #if FsTYPE==2 /* New 1024 byte file system */ #define BSIZE 512 /* size of file system bl)&07) #define FsINOS(dev, x) (FsLRG(dev) ? \ ((x&~017)+1) : ((x&~07)+1)) #endif #define NICFREE 50 /* number of superblock free blocks */ #define NULL 0 #define CMASK 0 /* default mask for file creation */ #define CDLIMIT (1L<<13) /* default max write address */ #define NODEV (dev_t)(-1) #define ROOTINO ((ino_t)2) /* i number of all roots */ #define SUPERB ((daddr_t)1) /* physical block number of the super block */ #define SUPERBOFF 512 /* byte offset of the super block */ #define DIRSIZ 14 /* max char./usr/include/sys/proc.h 644 2 2 5422 3471473641 10350 acters per directory */ #define NICINOD 100 /* number of superblock inodes */ /* * Machine dependent constants. */ #ifdef pdp11 /*** PDP-11 ***/ #define UMODE PS_CUR #define USERMODE(ps) ((ps&UMODE)==UMODE && (ps&PS_IPL)==0) #define BASEPRI(ps) ((ps & PS_IPL) != 0) #define lobyte(X) ((char )X) #define hibyte(X) (((char *)&X)[1]) #define loword(X) (((ushort *)&X)[1]) #define hiword(X) (((ushort *)&X)[0]) #define NBPC 512 /* Number of bytes per click */ #define BPCSHIFT 9 /* LOG2(NBPC) */ #define NBPP/* @(#)proc.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * The proc structures. * One structure allocated per active process. It * contains all data needed about the process while * the process may be swapped out. Other per process * data (user.h) is swapped with the process. */ struct proc { ushort p_flag; char p_xxxx; char p_stat; char p_pri; /* priority, lower value is high */ char p_time; /* resident time for scheduling */ char p_cpu; /* cpu usage for scheduling */ char p_nice; /* nice for cpu usage */ ushort INOPB(dev) 16 #define FsLTOP(dev, b) (b<<1) #define FsPTOL(dev, b) (b>>1) #define FsNMASK(dev) 0377 #define FsNSHIFT(dev) 8 /* NOTE: inodes start on log blk 1 (phys 2), not 2 */ #define FsITOD(dev, x) (daddr_t)(((unsigned)x+(1*16-1))>>4) #define FsITOO(dev, x) (((unsigned)x+(1*16-1))&017) #define FsINOS(dev, x) ((x&~017)+1) #endif #if FsTYPE==3 /* Dual system */ #define BSIZE 512 /* size of file system block (bytes) */ #define SBUFSIZE (BSIZE*2) /* system buffer size */ #define BSHIFT 9 /* LOG2(BSIZE) 64 /* Number of bytes per physical */ #define BPPSHIFT 6 /* LOG2(NBPP) */ #define CPU_SEP 1 /* CPU has split I&D space */ #define CPU_MAP 2 /* CPU has 22 bit UNIBIS map */ #define kpcopy(k,p,c) ppcopy((long)k,p,c) #define pkcopy(p,k,c) ppcopy(p,(long)k,c) #define MKLARG(msw,lsw) msw,lsw #endif #ifdef m86 /*** 8086 ***/ #define USERMODE(ps) (mode!=0) #define BASEPRI(ps) ((ps&0101000)==0) #define lobyte(X) (((char *)&X)[0]) #define hibyte(X) (((char *)&X)[1]) #define loword(X) (((ushort *)&X)[0]) #defi*/ #define NINDIR (BSIZE/sizeof(daddr_t)) #define BMASK 0777 /* BSIZE-1 */ #define INOPB 8 /* inodes per block */ #define INOSHIFT 3 /* LOG2(INOPB) */ #define NMASK 0177 /* NINDIR-1 */ #define NSHIFT 7 /* LOG2(NINDIR) */ #define Fs2BLK 0x2000 #define FsLRG(dev) (dev&Fs2BLK) #define FsBSIZE(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? (BSIZE*2) : BSIZE) #define FsBSHIFT(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? 10 : 9) #define FsNINDIR(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? 256 : 128) #define FsBMASK(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? 01777 : 0777) #define FsBOFF(dev, x) (FsLRG(dev) ? (ne hiword(X) (((ushort *)&X)[1]) #define NBPC 512 /* Number of bytes per click */ #define BPCSHIFT 9 /* LOG2(NBPC) */ #ifdef M286 #define NBPP 256 /* Number of bytes per physical */ #define BPPSHIFT 8 /* LOG2(NBPP) */ #else #define NBPP 16 /* Number of bytes per physical */ #define BPPSHIFT 4 /* LOG2(NBPP) */ #endif #define MKLARG(msw,lsw) lsw,msw #endif /* * Generate some useful constants from the above. */ #define USIZE (2048/NBPC) /* Size of user block (clicks) */ #define SSIZE (2048/NBPC) /* Ini(x)&01777) : ((x)&0777)) #define FsBNO(dev, x) (FsLRG(dev) ? ((x)>>10) : ((x)>>9)) #define FsINOPB(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? 16 : 8) #define FsLTOP(dev, b) (FsLRG(dev) ? b<<1 : b) #define FsPTOL(dev, b) (FsLRG(dev) ? b>>1 : b) #define FsNMASK(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? 0377 : 0177) #define FsNSHIFT(dev) (FsLRG(dev) ? 8 : 7) #define FsITOD(dev, x) (daddr_t)(FsLRG(dev) ? \ ((unsigned)x+(2*16-1))>>4 : ((unsigned)x+(2*8-1))>>3) #define FsITOO(dev, x) (daddr_t)(FsLRG(dev) ? \ ((unsigned)x+(2*16-1))&017 : ((unsigned)x+(2*8-1)tial stack size (clicks) */ #define SINCR (2048/NBPC) /* Increment of stack (clicks) */ #define CMAX (int)(65536/NBPC)/* Maximum size of segment (clicks) */ #define NCPD (BSIZE/NBPC) /* Size of disk block (clicks) */ */ #else #define NBPP 16 /* Number of bytes per physical */ #define BPPSHIFT 4 /* LOG2(NBPP) */ #endif #define MKLARG(msw,lsw) lsw,msw #endif /* * Generate some useful constants from the above. */ #define USIZE (2048/NBPC) /* Size of user block (clicks) */ #define SSIZE (2048/NBPC) /* Iniess creation */ #define SZOMB 5 /* intermediate state in process termination */ #define SSTOP 6 /* process being traced */ /* Flag codes */ #define SLOAD 040000 /* in memory */ #define SSYS 020000 /* locked in memory */ #define SSWAP 010000 /* process is being swapped out */ #define STRC 004000 /* process is being traced */ #define SWTED 002000 /* another tracing flag */ #define SWAIO 000400 /* waiting for async i/o */ #define SFAST 000200 /* process needs fast response (realtime) */ #define SLOC86 #define PS_T 0x100 /* trace enable bit */ #define PS_IE 0x200 /* Interrupt Enable bits */ #endif #define PS_V 0x02 /* overflow bit */ #define PS_Z 0x04 /* zero bit */ #define PS_N 0x08 /* negative bit */ #define PS_T 0x10 /* trace enable bit */ #define PS_IPL 0340 /* interrupt priority level */ #define PS_PRV 0030000 /* previous mode */ #define PS_CUR 0140000 /* current mode */ #define PS_PRI4 0200 /* priorities */ #define PS_PRI5 0240 #define PS_PRI6 0300 #define PS_PRI7 0340 #endif #ifdef mK 000177 /* counting lock for raw/async IO */ /* * Structure used to access saved times and status of a * dead (zombie) process, by the parent. * Overlays the proc structure. */ struct xproc { ushort xp_flag; char xp_xxxx; char xp_stat; char xp_pri; /* priority, negative is high */ char xp_time; /* resident time for scheduling */ char xp_cpu; /* cpu usage for scheduling */ char xp_nice; /* nice for cpu usage */ ushort xp_uid; /* real user id */ ushort xp_suid; /* set (effective) user id */./usr/include/sys/reg.h 644 2 2 1354 3471473646 10167 short xp_pgrp; /* name of process group leader */ short xp_pid; /* unique process id */ short xp_ppid; /* process id of parent */ short xp_xstat; /* Exit status for wait */ time_t xp_utime; /* user time, this proc */ time_t xp_stime; /* system time, this proc */ }; negative is high */ char xp_time; /* resident time for scheduling */ char xp_cpu; /* cpu usage for scheduling */ char xp_nice; /* nice for cpu usage */ ushort xp_uid; /* real user id */ ushort xp_suid; /* set (effective) user id *//* @(#)reg.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Location of the users' stored registers relative to R0/AX. * Usage is u.u_areg[XX]. */ #ifdef pdp11 #define REGSEQ dev,sp,r1,nps,r0,pc,ps #define MAXREG 6 /* number of regs to be cleared */ #define R0 (0) #define R1 (-2) #define R2 (-9) #define R3 (-8) #define R4 (-7) #define R5 (-6) #define R6 (-3) #define R7 (1) #define SP (-3) #define PC (1) #define PS (2) #endif #ifdef m86 #define REGSEQ es,dx,sp,mode,ds,cx,bx,ax,pc,cs,ps #define MAXREG 7 /* number of regs to be clearep_uid; /* real user id */ ushort p_suid; /* set (effective) user id */ short p_pgrp; /* name of process group leader */ short p_pid; /* unique process id */ short p_ppid; /* process id of parent */ ushort p_addr; /* address of swappable image (core or disk) */ ushort p_size; /* size of memory image (clicks) */ long p_sig; /* signals pending to this process */ caddr_t p_wchan; /* event process is awaiting */ #ifdef m86 ushort p_tod; /* size of swappable data (top of data) */ ushort p_ssize./usr/include/sys/psl.h 644 2 2 1146 3471473645 10206 ; /* size of swappable stack (0==stack below) */ #endif struct text *p_textp; /* pointer to code structure */ struct text *p_datap; /* pointer to data structure */ struct proc *p_link; /* linked list of running processes */ int p_clktim; /* time to alarm clock signal */ } ; extern struct proc proc[]; /* the proc table itself */ /* Stat codes */ #define SSLEEP 1 /* awaiting an event */ #define SWAIT 2 /* (abandoned state) */ #define SRUN 3 /* running */ #define SIDL 4 /* intermediate state in proc/* @(#)psl.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * processor status */ #ifdef pdp11 #define PS_C 0x01 /* carry bit */ #define PS_V 0x02 /* overflow bit */ #define PS_Z 0x04 /* zero bit */ #define PS_N 0x08 /* negative bit */ #define PS_T 0x10 /* trace enable bit */ #define PS_IPL 0340 /* interrupt priority level */ #define PS_PRV 0030000 /* previous mode */ #define PS_CUR 0140000 /* current mode */ #define PS_PRI4 0200 /* priorities */ #define PS_PRI5 0240 #define PS_PRI6 0300 #define PS_PRI7 0340 #endif #ifdef m./usr/include/sys/seg.h 644 2 2 1317 3471473641 10162 e GETNCNT 3 /* get semncnt */ #define GETPID 4 /* get sempid */ #define GETVAL 5 /* get semval */ #define GETALL 6 /* get all semval's */ #define GETZCNT 7 /* get semzcnt */ #define SETVAL 8 /* set semval */ #define SETALL 9 /* set all semval's */ /* ** Structure Definitions. */ /* ** There is one semaphore id data structure for each set of semaphores ** in the system. */ struct semid_ds { struct ipc_perm sem_perm; /* operation permission struct */ struct sem *sem_base; /* ptr to first semaphore in se/* @(#)seg.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * memory management addresses and bits */ #ifdef pdp11 /* * KT-11 addresses and bits. */ #define UISD ((physadr)0177600) /* first user I-space desc reg */ #define UISA ((physadr)0177640) /* first user I-space addr reg */ #define UDSA ((physadr)0177660) /* first user D-space addr reg */ #define RO 02 /* access abilities */ #define RW 06 #define ED 010 /* extend direction */ #define TX 020 /* Software: shared text segment */ #define DAT 040 /* Software: shared data segment */ ushort sem_nsems; /* # of semaphores in set */ time_t sem_otime; /* last semop time */ time_t sem_ctime; /* last change time */ }; /* ** There is one semaphore structure for each semaphore in the system. */ struct sem { ushort semval; /* semaphore text map address */ short sempid; /* pid of last operation */ ushort semncnt; /* # awaiting semval > cval */ ushort semzcnt; /* # awaiting semval = 0 */ }; /* ** There is one undo structure per process in the system. */ struct sem_undo { strut */ #define ABS 060 /* Software: absolute segment */ physadr ka0; /* 11/40 KISA0; 11/45 KDSA0 */ /* * address to access 11/70 UNIBUS map */ #define UBMAP ((physadr)0170200) #endif #ifdef m86 #endif sadr)0177640) /* first user I-space addr reg */ #define UDSA ((physadr)0177660) /* first user D-space addr reg */ #define RO 02 /* access abilities */ #define RW 06 #define ED 010 /* extend direction */ #define TX 020 /* Software: shared text segment */ #define DAT 040 /* Software: shared data segmenct sem_undo *un_np; /* ptr to next active undo structure */ short un_cnt; /* # of active entries */ struct undo { short un_aoe; /* adjust on exit values */ short un_num; /* semaphore # */ int un_id; /* semid */ } un_ent[1]; /* undo entries (one minimum) */ }; /* ** semaphore information structure */ struct seminfo { int semmap, /* # of entries in semaphore map */ semmni, /* # of semaphore identifiers */ semmns, /* # of semaphores in system */ semmnu, /* # of undo structures in system *./usr/include/sys/sem.h 644 2 2 4736 3471473650 10200 / semmsl, /* max # of semaphores per id */ semopm, /* max # of operations per semop call */ semume, /* max # of undo entries per process */ semusz, /* size in bytes of undo structure */ semvmx, /* semaphore maximum value */ semaem; /* adjust on exit max value */ }; /* ** User semaphore template for semop system calls. */ struct sembuf { ushort sem_num; /* semaphore # */ short sem_op; /* semaphore operation */ short sem_flg; /* operation flags */ }; * # of undo structures in system *d */ #define AX (0) #define BX (-1) #define CX (-2) #define DX (-6) #define BP (-9) #define SI (-10) #define DI (-11) #define SP (-5) #define PC (1) #define PS (3) #define CS (2) #define DS (-3) #define ES (-7) #define MODE (-4) #endif 0) #define R1 (-2) #define R2 (-9) #define R3 (-8) #define R4 (-7) #define R5 (-6) #define R6 (-3) #define R7 (1) #define SP (-3) #define PC (1) #define PS (2) #endif #ifdef m86 #define REGSEQ es,dx,sp,mode,ds,cx,bx,ax,pc,cs,ps #define MAXREG 7 /* number of regs to be cleare/* @(#)sem.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* @(#)sem.h 6.1 */ /* ** IPC Semaphore Facility. */ /* ** Implementation Constants. */ #define PSEMN (PZERO + 3) /* sleep priority waiting for greater value */ #define PSEMZ (PZERO + 2) /* sleep priority waiting for zero */ /* ** Permission Definitions. */ #define SEM_A 0200 /* alter permission */ #define SEM_R 0400 /* read permission */ /* ** Semaphore Operation Flags. */ #define SEM_UNDO 010000 /* set up adjust on exit entry */ /* ** Semctl Command Definitions. */ #defin./usr/include/sys/signal.h 644 2 2 2176 3472220045 10652 /* @(#)space.h 6.1 vc1.4 */ /* * Create space for various tables. */ #ifdef m86 #include "sys/acct.h" struct acct acctbuf; struct inode *acctp; #endif #include "sys/tty.h" struct cblock cfree[NCLIST]; /* memory for char buffers */ #include "sys/buf.h" struct buf bfreelist; /* head of freelist of buffers */ struct buf buf[NBUF]; /* block buffer headers */ char buffers[NBUF][SBUFSIZE];/* memory for block buffers */ struct buf rawbuf[NRBUF]; /* raw/async buffer headers */ struct hbuf hbuf[NHBUF]; /*/* @(#)signal.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ #define SIGHUP 1 /* hangup */ #define SIGINT 2 /* interrupt (^C or BREAK) */ #define SIGQUIT 3 /* quit (^Z) */ #define SIGILL 4 /* illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */ #define SIGTRAP 5 /* trace trap (not reset when caught) */ #define SIGIOT 6 /* IOT instruction */ #define SIGEMT 7 /* EMT instruction */ #define SIGFPE 8 /* floating point exception */ #define SIGKILL 9 /* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */ #define SIGBUS 10 /* bus error */ #define SIGSEGV 11 /* block buffer hash table */ #include "sys/file.h" struct file file[NFILE]; /* file table */ #include "sys/inode.h" struct inode inode[NINODE]; /* inode table */ #ifndef NO_RLOCK struct locklist locklist[NFLOCKS]; /* locklist table */ #endif #include "sys/proc.h" struct proc proc[NPROC]; /* process table */ #include "sys/text.h" struct text text[NSEG]; /* shared segment table */ #include "sys/map.h" struct map coremap[CMAPSIZ]; /* core map table */ struct map swapmap[SMAPSIZ]; /* swap map table */ segmentation violation */ #define SIGSYS 12 /* bad argument to system call */ #define SIGPIPE 13 /* write on a pipe with no one to read it */ #define SIGALRM 14 /* alarm clock */ #define SIGTERM 15 /* software termination signal from kill */ #define SIGUSR1 16 /* user defined signal 1 */ #define SIGUSR2 17 /* user defined signal 2 */ #define SIGCLD 18 /* death of a child */ #define SIGPWR 19 /* power-fail restart */ #define SIGAIO 30 /* asynchronus IO finished */ #define SIGAERR 31 /* error on async IO */ #include "sys/callo.h" struct callo callout[NCALL]; /* callout table */ #include "sys/mount.h" /* mount table */ struct mount mount[NMOUNT]; #include "sys/var.h" int hz = HZ; struct var v = { NBUF, NCALL, NINODE, (char *)(&inode[NINODE]), NFILE, (char *)(&file[NFILE]), NMOUNT, (char *)(&mount[NMOUNT]), NPROC, (char *)(&proc[1]), NSEG, (char *)(&text[NSEG]), NCLIST-1, MAXUP, NHBUF, NHBUF-1, (char *)(&rawbuf[NRBUF]), AUTOSYN, (char *)(&locklist[NFLOCKS]), }; #include "sys/init.h" #if#define NSIG 31 #define SIG_DFL (int (*)())0 #if lint #define SIG_IGN (int (*)())0 #else #define SIG_IGN (int (*)())1 #endif e to read it */ #define SIGALRM 14 /* alarm clock */ #define SIGTERM 15 /* software termination signal from kill */ #define SIGUSR1 16 /* user defined signal 1 */ #define SIGUSR2 17 /* user defined signal 2 */ #define SIGCLD 18 /* death of a child */ #define SIGPWR 19 /* power-fail restart */ #define SIGAIO 30 /* asynchronus IO finished */ #define SIGAERR 31 /* error on async IO */ def pdp11 int rmemb = RMEMB; int rmeme = RMEMB + RMEML; #endif #include "sys/ipc.h" #include "sys/msg.h" struct map msgmap[MSGMAP]; struct msqid_ds msgque[MSGMNI]; struct msg msgh[MSGTQL]; struct msginfo msginfo = { MSGMAP, MSGMAX, MSGMNB, MSGMNI, MSGSSZ, MSGTQL, MSGSEG }; #include "sys/sem.h" struct semid_ds sema[SEMMNI]; struct sem sem[SEMMNS]; struct map semmap[SEMMAP]; struct sem_undo *sem_undo[NPROC]; #define SEMUSZ (sizeof(struct sem_undo)+sizeof(struct undo)*SEMUME) int semu[((SEMUSZ*SEMMNU)./usr/include/sys/space.h 644 2 2 4347 3471473646 10512 +NBPW-1)/NBPW]; union { short semvals[SEMMSL]; struct semid_ds ds; struct sembuf semops[SEMOPM]; } semtmp; struct seminfo seminfo = { SEMMAP, SEMMNI, SEMMNS, SEMMNU, SEMMSL, SEMOPM, SEMUME, SEMUSZ, SEMVMX, SEMAEM }; AX, MSGMNB, MSGMNI, MSGSSZ, MSGTQL, MSGSEG }; #include "sys/sem.h" struct semid_ds sema[SEMMNI]; struct sem sem[SEMMNS]; struct map semmap[SEMMAP]; struct sem_undo *sem_undo[NPROC]; #define SEMUSZ (sizeof(struct sem_undo)+sizeof(struct undo)*SEMUME) int semu[((SEMUSZ*SEMMNU)./usr/include/sys/sysarg.h 644 2 2 5363 3474135360 10715 ] #define ARG2_4 u.u_areg[DI] #define ARG2_5 fuword(u.u_areg[SP]+2) #define ARG2_6 fuword(u.u_areg[SP]) #define RET0 u.u_areg[AX] #define RET1 u.u_areg[DX] #define LRET_LSW u.u_areg[AX] #define LRET_MSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LARG0_LSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LARG0_MSW u.u_areg[CX] #define LARG1_LSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LARG1_MSW u.u_areg[CX] #define LARG2_LSW u.u_areg[AX] #define LARG2_MSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LIPC_LSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LIPC_MSW u.u_areg[CX] #define TYPE_LSW ARG2_4 #define TYPE_MSW ARG2_5 ./usr/include/sys/stat.h 644 2 2 2605 3471473651 10361 /* @(#)sysarg.h vc1.7 */ /* * Machine independent macros to access system call * arguments. These have been taylored to the 11 family in * which 0, 1 or 2 system call arguments can be in registers. * System calls are therefore classified according to their * 11 family register usage regardless of port. */ #ifdef pdp11 /* * No arguments in registers. */ #define ARG0_0 u.u_arg[0] #define ARG0_1 u.u_arg[1] #define ARG0_2 u.u_arg[2] #define ARG0_3 u.u_arg[3] /* * One argument in registers. */ #def/* @(#)stat.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * Structure of the result of stat */ struct stat { dev_t st_dev; ino_t st_ino; ushort st_mode; short st_nlink; ushort st_uid; ushort st_gid; dev_t st_rdev; off_t st_size; time_t st_atime; time_t st_mtime; time_t st_ctime; }; #define S_IFMT 0170000 /* type of file */ #define S_IFDIR 0040000 /* directory */ #define S_IFCHR 0020000 /* character special */ #define S_IFBLK 0060000 /* block special */ #define S_IFREG 0100000 /* regular */ #define S_IFIFO 001ine ARG1_0 u.u_areg[R0] #define ARG1_1 u.u_arg[0] #define ARG1_2 u.u_arg[1] #define ARG1_3 u.u_arg[2] /* * Two arguments in registers. */ #define ARG2_0 u.u_areg[R0] #define ARG2_1 u.u_areg[R1] #define ARG2_2 u.u_arg[0] #define ARG2_3 u.u_arg[1] #define ARG2_4 u.u_arg[2] #define ARG2_5 u.u_arg[3] #define ARG2_6 u.u_arg[4] /* * Returned values of system calls. */ #define RET0 u.u_areg[R0] #define RET1 u.u_areg[R1] #define LRET_LSW u.u_areg[R1] #define LRET_MSW u.u_areg[R0] /* * Special case for ulimi0000 /* fifo */ #define S_ISUID 04000 /* set user id on execution */ #define S_ISGID 02000 /* set group id on execution */ #define S_ISVTX 01000 /* save swapped text even after use */ #define S_IREAD 00400 /* read permission, owner */ #define S_IWRITE 00200 /* write permission, owner */ #define S_IEXEC 00100 /* execute/search permission, owner */ #define S_ISBLK(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK) #define S_ISCHR(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) #define S_ISDIR(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) #det() system call. */ #define LARG0_LSW u.u_arg[2] /* Least significant word */ #define LARG0_MSW u.u_arg[1] /* Most significan word */ /* * Special case for lseek() system call. */ #define LARG1_LSW u.u_arg[1] #define LARG1_MSW u.u_arg[0] /* * Special case for stime() system call. */ #define LARG2_LSW u.u_areg[R1] #define LARG2_MSW u.u_areg[R0] /* * Special case for ipc (msg/sem) system calls. */ #define LIPC_LSW u.u_arg[0] #define LIPC_MSW u.u_areg[R1] /* * Special case for msgrcv call. */ #dfine S_ISFIFO(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO) #define S_ISREG(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) #define S_ENFMT S_ISGID #define S_IRWXU 00700 #define S_IRUSR 00400 #define S_IWUSR 00200 #define S_IXUSR 00100 #define S_IRWXG 00070 #define S_IRGRP 00040 #define S_IWGRP 00020 #define S_IXGRP 00010 #define S_IRWXO 00007 #define S_IROTH 00004 #define S_IWOTH 00002 #define S_IXOTH 00001 IFMT) == S_IFBLK) #define S_ISCHR(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) #define S_ISDIR(mode) ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) #deefine TYPE_LSW ARG2_5 #define TYPE_MSW ARG2_4 #endif #ifdef m86 /* * For Venix/86, the arguments are always in registers * regardless of the pdp11 type of system call. */ #define ARG0_0 u.u_areg[AX] #define ARG0_1 u.u_areg[DX] #define ARG0_2 u.u_areg[CX] #define ARG0_3 u.u_areg[SI] #define ARG1_0 u.u_areg[AX] #define ARG1_1 u.u_areg[DX] #define ARG1_2 u.u_areg[CX] #define ARG1_3 u.u_areg[SI] #define ARG2_0 u.u_areg[AX] #define ARG2_1 u.u_areg[DX] #define ARG2_2 u.u_areg[CX] #define ARG2_3 u.u_areg[SI(16-BPPSHIFT)) /* * Core clicks to bytes, disk blocks, and physical. */ #define ctob(x) ((x) << BPCSHIFT) #if BSHIFT != BPCSHIFT #define ctod(x) (((x)+(NCPD-1)) >> (BSHIFT - BPCSHIFT)) #define ctodt(x) ((x) >> (BSHIFT - BPCSHIFT)) #else #define ctod(x) (x) #define ctodt(x) (x) #endif #if BPCSHIFT != BPPSHIFT #define ctop(x) ((x) << (BPCSHIFT-BPPSHIFT)) #else #define ctop(x) (x) #endif /* * Disk block to physical and to core */ #define dtop(x) ((x) << (BSHIFT - BPPSHIFT)) #if BSHIFT != BPCSHIFT #heduling */ extern char syncflg; /* scheduler should do a sync */ extern struct proc *runq; /* head of linked list of running processes */ extern struct proc *rtq; /* head of linked list of real-time processes */ extern unsigned maxmem; /* actual max memory per process */ extern daddr_t swplo; /* block number of swap space */ extern int nswap; /* size of swap space */ extern int nuser; /* maximum number of users */ extern char regloc[]; /* locs of saved user registers (trap.c) */ extern dev_t rootdev;define dtoc(x) ((x) << (BSHIFT - BPCSHIFT)) #else #define dtoc(x) (x) #endif /* * Physical to bytes, and core clicks. */ #define ptob(x) ((x) << BPPSHIFT) #define ptohb(x) ((x) >> (16-BPPSHIFT)) #if BPCSHIFT != BPPSHIFT #define ptoc(x) (((x)+NBPC/NBPP-1) >> (BPCSHIFT-BPPSHIFT)) #define ptoct(x) ((x) >> (BPCSHIFT-BPPSHIFT)) #else #define ptoc(x) (x) #define ptoct(x) (x) #endif /* * Inumber to disk address, and disk offset. */ #define itod(x) FsITOD(-1,x) #define itoo(x) FsITOO(-1,x) /* * Major a /* device of the root */ extern dev_t swapdev; /* swapping device */ extern dev_t pipedev; /* pipe device */ dev_t getmdev(); daddr_t bmap(); struct inode *ialloc(); struct inode *iget(); struct inode *owner(); struct inode *maknode(); struct inode *namei(); struct buf *alloc(); struct buf *getblk(); struct buf *geteblk(); struct buf *bread(); struct buf *breada(); struct filsys *getfs(); struct file *getf(); struct file *falloc(); int uchar(); /* * Structure of the system-entry table. */ #define NS#endif /* * Venix/86 clears RET0 to indicate a successful call. The 11 * family does not. Both share provisions for setting * an error condition. */ #ifdef pdp11 #define CLRSYSERR() #endif #ifdef m86 #define CLRSYSERR() RET0 = 0 #endif g[DX] #define LARG0_MSW u.u_areg[CX] #define LARG1_LSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LARG1_MSW u.u_areg[CX] #define LARG2_LSW u.u_areg[AX] #define LARG2_MSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LIPC_LSW u.u_areg[DX] #define LIPC_MSW u.u_areg[CX] #define TYPE_LSW ARG2_4 #define TYPE_MSW ARG2_5 nd minor part of a device. */ #define major(x) (int)(hibyte(x)) #define bmajor(x) (int)(hibyte(x)&037) #define brdev(x) (x&0x1fff) #define minor(x) (int)(lobyte(x)) /* * Make a device number. */ #define makedev(x,y) (dev_t)(((x)<<8) | (y)) ((x)+NBPC/NBPP-1) >> (BPCSHIFT-BPPSHIFT)) #define ptoct(x) ((x) >> (BPCSHIFT-BPPSHIFT)) #else #define ptoc(x) (x) #define ptoct(x) (x) #endif /* * Inumber to disk address, and disk offset. */ #define itod(x) FsITOD(-1,x) #define itoo(x) FsITOO(-1,x) /* * Major a./usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h 644 2 2 3364 3471473646 11440 ./usr/include/sys/systm.h 644 2 2 3476 3471473644 10576 /* @(#)sysmacros.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * Some macros for types conversion. * "core clicks" == internal OS memory granularity * "physical" == physical memory granularity * "byte" == virtual address in bytes * "disk block" == disk blocks */ /* * Bytes to core clicks, physical. */ #define btoc(x) (((x)+(NBPC-1)) >> BPCSHIFT) #define btoct(x) ((x) >> BPCSHIFT) #define hbtoc(x) ((x) << (16-BPCSHIFT)) #define btop(x) (((x)+(NBPP-1)) >> BPPSHIFT) #define btopt(x) ((x) >> BPPSHIFT) #define hbtop(x) ((x) << /* @(#)systm.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Random set of variables used by more than one routine. */ #ifdef pdp11 extern short cputype; /* type of cpu bits: CPU_MAP, CPU_SEP */ #endif extern struct inode *rootdir; /* pointer to inode of root directory */ extern time_t lbolt; /* time in HZ since last boot */ extern time_t time; /* time in sec from 1970 */ extern char runin; /* scheduling flag */ extern char runout; /* scheduling flag */ extern char runrun; /* scheduling flag */ extern char curpri; /* more sc/* @(#)termio.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * Ioctl control packet. */ #define NCC 8 struct termio { unsigned short c_iflag; /* input modes */ unsigned short c_oflag; /* output modes */ unsigned short c_cflag; /* control modes */ unsigned short c_lflag; /* local modes */ char c_line; /* line discipline */ unsigned char c_cc[NCC]; /* control chars */ }; /* * Terminal input control modes (c_iflag). */ #define IGNBRK 0000001 /* Ignore break condition */ #define BRKINT 0000002 /* Signal interrupt on break */ */ #define B134 0000004 /* 134 baud */ #define B150 0000005 /* 150 baud */ #define B200 0000006 /* 200 baud */ #define B300 0000007 /* 300 baud */ #define B600 0000010 /* 600 baud */ #define B1200 0000011 /* 1200 baud */ #define B1800 0000012 /* 1800 baud */ #define B2400 0000013 /* 2400 baud */ #define B4800 0000014 /* 4800 baud */ #define B9600 0000015 /* 9600 baud */ #define EXTA 0000016 /* External A */ #define EXTB 0000017 /* External B */ #define CSIZE 0000060 /* Character size: */ #define IGNPAR 0000004 /* Ignore characters with parity errors */ #define PARMRK 0000010 /* Mark parity errors */ #define INPCK 0000020 /* Enable input parity check */ #define ISTRIP 0000040 /* Strip character */ #define INLCR 0000100 /* Map NL to CR on input */ #define IGNCR 0000200 /* Ignore CR */ #define ICRNL 0000400 /* Map CR to NL on input */ #define IUCLC 0001000 /* Map upper-case to lower-case on input */ #define IXON 0002000 /* Enable start/stop ouput control */ #define IXANY 0004000 /* #define CS5 0 /* 5 bits */ #define CS6 0000020 /* 6 bits */ #define CS7 0000040 /* 7 bits */ #define CS8 0000060 /* 8 bits */ #define CSTOPB 0000100 /* Send two stop bits, else one */ #define CREAD 0000200 /* Enable receiver */ #define PARENB 0000400 /* Parity enable */ #define PARODD 0001000 /* Odd parity, else even */ #define HUPCL 0002000 /* Hang up on last close */ #define CLOCAL 0004000 /* Local line, else dial-up */ #define LOBLK 0010000 /* Block layer output */ /* * Local modes (Enable any character to restart output */ #define IXOFF 0010000 /* Enable start/stop input control */ /* * Terminal output control modes (c_oflag). */ #define OPOST 0000001 /* Postprocess output */ #define OLCUC 0000002 /* Map lower case to upper on output */ #define ONLCR 0000004 /* Map NL to CR-NL on output */ #define OCRNL 0000010 /* Map CR to NL on output */ #define ONOCR 0000020 /* No CR output at column 0 */ #define ONLRET 0000040 /* NL performs CR function */ #define OFILL 0000100 /* Use fc_lflag) for line discipline 0. */ #define ISIG 0000001 /* Enable signals */ #define ICANON 0000002 /* Canonical input (erase and kill processing) */ #define XCASE 0000004 /* Canonical upper/lower presentation */ #define ECHO 0000010 /* Enable echo */ #define ECHOE 0000020 /* Echo erase character as BS-SP-BS */ #define ECHOK 0000040 /* Echo NL after kill character */ #define ECHONL 0000100 /* Echo NL */ #define NOFLSH 0000200 /* Disable flush after interrupt or quit */ /* * Relative position of sYSCALL (64+8) /* number of system calls */ #ifdef pdp11 # define NARG(x,y) (x-y), /* only args in memory are copied */ #else # define NARG(x,y) /* all args in regs on 8086 */ #endif extern struct sysent { #ifdef pdp11 int sy_nmarg; /* number of args in memory */ #endif int (*sy_call)(); /* handler */ } sysent[]; *geteblk(); struct buf *bread(); struct buf *breada(); struct filsys *getfs(); struct file *getf(); struct file *falloc(); int uchar(); /* * Structure of the system-entry table. */ #define NSill characters for delay */ #define OFDEL 0000200 /* Fill is DEL, else NUL */ #define NLDLY 0000400 /* New-line delays (not implimented): */ #define NL0 0 #define NL1 0000400 #define CRDLY 0003000 /* Carriage-return delays (not implimented): */ #define CR0 0 #define CR1 0001000 #define CR2 0002000 #define CR3 0003000 #define TABDLY 0014000 /* Horizontal-tab delays (not implimented): */ #define TAB0 0 #define TAB1 0004000 #define TAB2 0010000 #define TAB3 0014000 /* Expand tabs to spaces */ #define BSDL./usr/include/sys/termio.h 644 2 2 12433 3471473644 10727 Y 0020000 /* Backspace delays (not implimented): */ #define BS0 0 #define BS1 0020000 #define VTDLY 0040000 /* Vertical-tab delays (not implimented): */ #define VT0 0 #define VT1 0040000 #define FFDLY 0100000 /* Form-feed delays (not implimented): */ #define FF0 0 #define FF1 0100000 /* * Hardware control modes (c_cflag). */ #define CBAUD 0000017 /* Baud rate: */ #define B0 0 /* Hang up */ #define B50 0000001 /* 50 baud */ #define B75 0000002 /* 75 baud */ #define B110 0000003 /* 110 baud<^U> kills entire line (was '@') */ #define CEBUF ('E'& 037) /* <^E> erases entire type-ahead buffer */ #define CRETYPE ('R'& 037) /* <^R> retypes the type-ahead buffer */ #define CEOF ('D'& 037) /* <^D> sends EOF to reader (logoff) */ #define CSTART ('Q'& 037) /* <^Q> restarts transmission */ #define CSTOP ('S'& 037) /* <^S> stops transmission */ /* * IOCTL commands. */ #define TIOC ('T'<<8) #define TCGETA (TIOC|1) /* get parameters */ #define TCSETA (TIOC|2) /* set parameters */ #define TCSETAW (TIOC|3./usr/include/sys/timeb.h 644 2 2 262 3471473646 10467 ) /* wait and set parameters */ #define TCSETAF (TIOC|4) /* wait, flush and then set parameters */ #define TCSBRK (TIOC|5) /* wait and send break */ #define TCXONC (TIOC|6) /* start/stop output */ #define TCFLSH (TIOC|7) /* flush specified queues */ /*#define TCDSET (TIOC|32) /* */ smission */ #define CSTOP ('S'& 037) /* <^S> stops transmission */ /* * IOCTL commands. */ #define TIOC ('T'<<8) #define TCGETA (TIOC|1) /* get parameters */ #define TCSETA (TIOC|2) /* set parameters */ #define TCSETAW (TIOC|3/* @(#)timeb.h vc1.1 */ /* * Structure returned by ftime system call. * Ftime is obsolete. */ struct timeb { long time; ushort millitm; short timezone; short dstflag; }; le */ #define XLOCK 010 /* Being swapped in or out */ #define XWANT 020 /* Wanted for swapping */ #define XDATA 040 /* Segment is data */ sk address of segment (if established) */ ushort x_caddr; /* core address, if loaded; 0 otherwise */ ushort x_size; /* size (clicks) */ struct inode *x_iptr; /* inode of prototyp./usr/include/sys/text.h 644 2 2 1477 3471473647 10405 ./usr/include/sys/times.h 644 2 2 376 3471473651 10512 /* @(#)text.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Text and data structure. * One allocated per shared segment. * Manipulated by text.c. */ struct text { char x_flag; char x_ccount; /* number of loaded references */ char x_count; /* reference count */ char x_xxxx; /* unused */ ushort x_daddr; /* disk address of segment (if established) */ ushort x_caddr; /* core address, if loaded; 0 otherwise */ ushort x_size; /* size (clicks) */ struct inode *x_iptr; /* inode of prototyp/* @(#)times.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Structure returned by times() */ struct tms { time_t tms_utime; /* user time */ time_t tms_stime; /* system time */ time_t tms_cutime; /* user time, children */ time_t tms_cstime; /* system time, children */ }; Wanted for swapping */ #define XDATA 040 /* Segment is data */ sk address of segment (if established) */ ushort x_caddr; /* core address, if loaded; 0 otherwise */ ushort x_size; /* size (clicks) */ struct inode *x_iptr; /* inode of prototyppecial control characters in c_cc. */ #define VINTR 0 #define VQUIT 1 #define VERASE 2 #define VKILL 3 #define VEOF 4 #define VEOL 5 #define VEOL2 6 #define VSWTCH 7 #define VMIN 4 #define VTIME 5 #define CNUL '\0' #define CDEL '\177' /* * Default control chars. */ #define CESC '\\' #define CINTR ('C'& 037) /* <^C> sends INTR signal (was DEL) */ #define CQUIT ('Z'& 037) /* <^Z> sends QUIT signal (was FS) */ #define CERASE CDEL /* DEL erases previous character (was '#') */ #define CKILL ('U'& 037) /* e */ }; extern struct text text[]; /* * Flag bit definitions. */ #define XWRIT 02 /* Segment written into, must swap out */ #define XLOAD 04 /* Currently being read from file */ #define XLOCK 010 /* Being swapped in or out */ #define XWANT 020 /* Wanted for swapping */ #define XDATA 040 /* Segment is data */ sk address of segment (if established) */ ushort x_caddr; /* core address, if loaded; 0 otherwise */ ushort x_size; /* size (clicks) */ struct inode *x_iptr; /* inode of prototyp./usr/include/sys/ttold.h 644 2 2 3465 3471473647 10546 ./usr/include/sys/tty.h 644 2 2 7076 3471473650 10234 /* @(#)ttold.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ /* * Structure of arg for old ioctl. */ struct sgttyb { char sg_ispeed; /* input speed */ char sg_ospeed; /* output speed */ char sg_erase; /* erase character */ char sg_kill; /* kill character */ unsigned int sg_flags; /* mode flags */ }; /* * Modes - note that character delays are not supported on VENIX */ #define O_TANDEM 01 /* ^S ^Q processing on i/o */ #define O_CBREAK 02 /* c-by-c wakeup on read */ #define O_LCASE 04 /* upper case only terminal */ #define /* @(#)tty.h 6.1 vc1.2 */ /* * A clist structure is the head of a linked list queue of characters. * The lists are manipulated by the 'getc' and 'putc' routines. * The actual data structure is defined below in "cblock". */ struct clist { int c_cc; /* character count */ char *c_cf; /* pointer to first character */ char *c_cl; /* pointer to last character */ }; /* * A tty structure is needed for each VENIX character device that is used * for normal terminal IO. The routines in ttO_ECHO 010 /* echo characters when typed */ #define O_CRMOD 020 /* map - */ #define O_RAW 040 /* raw (no processing of characters) */ #define O_ODDP 0100 /* odd parity */ #define O_EVENP 0200 /* even parity */ #define O_NBREAD 0400 /* non-blocking read */ #define O_NLDELAY 01400 /* new line delays (not supported on VENIX) */ #define O_TBDELAY 06000 /* tab delays (not supported on VENIX) */ #define O_XTABS 06000 /* expand tabs on output */ #define O_CRDELAY 030000 /* return delays (y.c handle the common code * associated with these structures. The definition and device dependent * code is in each driver. */ #define NCC 8 struct tty { struct clist t_rawq; /* input chars from device */ struct clist t_outq; /* output list to device */ ushort t_iflag; /* input modes */ ushort t_oflag; /* output modes */ ushort t_cflag; /* control modes */ ushort t_lflag; /* line modes */ unsigned t_state; /* internal state, not visible externally */ dev_t not supported on VENIX) */ #define O_SCROLL 040000 /* Stop output every NSCRL lines */ #define O_CRT 0100000 /* CRT terminal */ /* * TTY ioctl commands. */ #define tIOC ('t'<<8) #define TIOCGETD (tIOC|0) /* get line disipline */ #define TIOCSETD (tIOC|1) /* set line disipline */ #define TIOCHPCL (tIOC|2) /* hangup on close */ #define TIOCGETP (tIOC|8) /* get current parameter */ #define TIOCSETP (tIOC|9) /* set parameters */ #define TIOCSETN (tIOC|10) /* set parameters without flush */ #define TIOCEX t_dev; /* major+minor device */ int (*t_proc)();/* device dependent function */ short t_pgrp; /* process group associated with terminal */ unsigned t_count; /* character count */ unsigned char t_col; /* printing column of device */ unsigned char t_row; /* printing line of device */ unsigned char t_cc[NCC];/* settable control characters */ }; #define TTIPRI 28 #define TTOPRI 29 #define CBLKSIZ 64 /* size of cblock (must be power of 2) */ #define CLSIZE (CBLKSIZ-2) /* characters per CL (tIOC|13) /* set exclusive use */ #define TIOCNXCL (tIOC|14) /* clear exclusive use */ #define TIOCFLUSH (tIOC|16) /* flush i/o */ #define TIOCSETC (tIOC|17) /* set special characters */ #define TIOCGETC (tIOC|18) /* get special characters */ #define TIOCQCNT (tIOC|30) /* get char counts on i/o queues */ |2) /* hangup on close */ #define TIOCGETP (tIOC|8) /* get current parameter */ #define TIOCSETP (tIOC|9) /* set parameters */ #define TIOCSETN (tIOC|10) /* set parameters without flush */ #define TIOCEXcblock */ #define CROUND (CBLKSIZ-1) /* wrap-around mask */ /* * Actual structure of the data manipulated by getc/putc. */ struct cblock { struct cblock *c_next; char c_info[CLSIZE]; }; extern struct cblock cfree[]; extern struct cblock *cfreelist; /* * Limits. */ #define TTHIWAT 100 #define TTLOWAT 40 #define TTYHOG 256 #define TTMXFR 10 /* max chars xferred at high priority */ /* * Fix up limits if using a large CLSIZE. */ #if TTHIWAT < 2*CLSIZE-1 #undef TTHIWAT #define TTHIWAT (2*CLSIZE-1)./usr/include/sys/utsname.h 644 2 2 271 3471473650 11036 /* VenturCom 1.2 */ /* * Define the Boot Record/Partition Table on Block 0 of the XT/AT and * compatables hard disk. */ struct xp { char xp_code[446]; /* bootstrap record */ struct { unsigned char xp_boot; /* boot indicator */ unsigned char xp_s_h, xp_s_s, xp_s_c; /* starting address */ unsigned char xp_sys; /* system type */ unsigned char xp_e_h, xp_e_s, xp_e_c; /* ending address */ long xp_start; /* starting sector */ long xp_size; /* size in sectors */ } xp_tab[4]; /* 4 part /* sleep on at least 2 cblocks full */ #endif #if TTLOWAT < CLSIZE+1 #undef TTLOWAT #define TTLOWAT (CLSIZE+1) /* wakeup process when down to last cblock */ #endif /* * Internal state bits. */ #define TIMEOUT 01 /* delay timeout (used only for breaks) */ #define WOPEN 02 /* waiting for open to complete */ #define ISOPEN 04 /* device is open */ #define TBLOCK 010 /* tandem queue blocked */ #define CARR_ON 020 /* software copy of carrier-present */ #define BUSY 040 /* output in progress */ #define /* @(#)utsname.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ struct utsname { char sysname[9]; char nodename[9]; char release[9]; char version[9]; char machine[9]; char sn[9]; }; extern struct utsname utsname; t next interrupt */ #define T_UNBLOCK 5 /* send CSTART at next interrupt */ #define T_RFLUSH 6 #define T_WFLUSH 7 /* abort any output in progress */ #define T_BREAK 8 /* apply break and schedule a T_TIME command */ #define T_INPUT 9 #define T_PARM 11 #define T_SWTCH 12 /* * Minor device number bits with special meaningsASLEEP 0100 /* wakeup when output done */ #define XCLUDE 0200 /* exclusive-use flag */ #define XOFF 0400 /* output was stopped */ #define TACT 02000 /* timeout is active */ #define CLESC 04000 /* last char was an escape ('\') */ #define RTO 010000 /* raw timeout */ #define TTXON 020000 /* send a CSTART on next xmit interrupt */ #define ISLEEP 040000 /* wakeup on input */ #define TTXOFF 0100000 /* send a CSTOP on next xmit interrupt */ /* * Device commands. */ #define T_OUTPUT 0 /* startup output./usr/include/sys/var.h 644 2 2 604 3471473644 10155 */ #define T_TIME 1 /* clear break */ #define T_SUSPEND 2 /* suspend output for later resumption */ #define T_RESUME 3 /* resume suspended output */ #define T_BLOCK 4 /* send CSTOP at next interrupt */ #define T_UNBLOCK 5 /* send CSTART at next interrupt */ #define T_RFLUSH 6 #define T_WFLUSH 7 /* abort any output in progress */ #define T_BREAK 8 /* apply break and schedule a T_TIME command */ #define T_INPUT 9 #define T_PARM 11 #define T_SWTCH 12 /* * Minor device number bits with special meanings/* @(#)var.h 6.1 vc1.1 */ struct var { int v_buf; int v_call; int v_inode; char * ve_inode; int v_file; char * ve_file; int v_mount; char * ve_mount; int v_proc; char * ve_proc; int v_text; char * ve_text; int v_clist; int v_maxup; int v_hbuf; int v_hmask; char * ve_rbuf; int v_autosync; #ifndef NO_RLOCK char * ve_lock; #endif }; extern struct var v; extern int hz; E command */ #define T_INPUT 9 #define T_PARM 11 #define T_SWTCH 12 /* * Minor device number bits with special meanings. */ #define D_MODEM 0200 /* allow modem control of line */ suspend output for later resumption */ #define T_RESUME 3 /* resume suspended output */ #define T_BLOCK 4 /* send CSTOP at next interrupt */ #define T_UNBLOCK 5 /* send CSTART at next interrupt */ #define T_RFLUSH 6 #define T_WFLUSH 7 /* abort any output in progress */ #define T_BREAK 8 /* apply break and schedule a T_TIME command */ #define T_INPUT 9 #define T_PARM 11 #define T_SWTCH 12 /* * Minor device number bits with special meanings./usr/include/sys/xtblk0.h 644 2 2 1533 3471473653 10613 icks */ comp_t ac_etime; /* acctng elapsed time in clock ticks */ comp_t ac_mem; /* memory usage */ comp_t ac_io; /* chars transferred */ comp_t ac_rw; /* blocks read or written */ char ac_comm[8]; /* command name */ }; extern struct acct acctbuf; extern struct inode *acctp; /* inode of accounting file */ #define AFORK 01 /* has executed fork, but no exec */ #define ASU 02 /* used super-user privileges */ #define ACCTF 0300 /* record type: 00 = acct */ ; /* acctng system time in clock t%0  w&@|"@@ % A : w"7"         !w"7"  wr"7|" ~5  :A 5  5p- N 5u5 fI ^%7G NBAI h% Iw!7!N % w!NoAaAXAfe hefe t %7!"Nef  %5@E%@ 5 w>!u-u r @-@Et@E./usr/include/sys/init.h 644 2 2 516 3471473654 10333 t5555555@7 j=d= 7 \= Z=T= 7 L= N=A z7 @=w 7 N 5% Nf  @w` 7j < < < DA < 0 7  67I % !7$5 N x  @ *&  @ : % NF@ 0  !Z@fe< h Y@ @m5:N:  N:d@D h% D : 5N:fe h %N:@ N:@Ne dNeD_ % U RNuu & & @ef& 5`u`u  5u   5 u  5 u Lmt wd N ff& @e5u4 # n4 Ŗ7DCB ԋ   w@fwR 7 @e5Nff %@ w7DCB  w` W f r @  W f r@  @ 7 B A@ C@ppC`pw7D  NDD @ ne-D/  D&& l%4 E %  4 w(P fA@ N ff& @e5u%%7@ 0 @% & @& @e5u  5`u`u A@wb@  @A@@72D   E%    -  D ^   w 5DAupC4##%f& !%     5r`@u@ %@m A &@ ff $%` D # I#EBEFNfAW @wj- f$L1$L7^-5 edwL-C 5w$7|7x7t7p7l7h7d7`7\7X7T7P7L7H7D7@7<7874707,7(7$7 77777 777f&h & $L 7D2  & 6 w 7 DC ԥ==̋ w f BR7 Bff %wf 7p D ff %wD 7N D _ __ r) w_   @  v!DAupN & z%  @_& f/@f@7DCB 5 Ԕ @wr7| &  &f %  0wD7N 3 xBhB | 733 w7$ 33 7 |3w7 D̥:̥  ̥̋  ̋w7 >3 zBhB | 7*3 w3 ^7NJ %*7< 7< ̥: fe& %5u :& z%@- w(  % %U"@+ @ a U  f %5'4 t  r4a & f @e  wN 4 1D7B D-+ w" efw*Cw 7 D ԋw f7 DCԔw f@wN*wJ*w F*Cw f@w**w&*Cw fw*w*w *Cw fw)w)Cw fw)w)Cw  & ; e;f  w7Nhf ew7 ; ;4BD <%N9BD <%D n   ; ;N !wr7| fff (e  wFN u- 764 @5NBfe h%Nfef %%3Nef  %Ne dA@@A 5 u N Nfef %  w7N wt7~ VBfe h%Ne wH7R $f  5w&fef !%N`a A@w < ̥: fe& %5u :& z%@-  % %`a A@w;tB;7; 7; 7; l;̥, ̋̋7Z;L7BDCu F  %u-; w , f xe5B`` D  @  v!  =@7DC T wf 7lD n & & @e4  0w 7*DC5 $Nf  N N  7 f  w7 @e5Dff % ;w7 @55@e5Neff %=wFfw9^Bw fw9w9bBw 7D  .3! wf7  w  5   55 5 u-u @@5u5 N   J  N  x   5 N    NNm  @ = %$ wB B+  x|B  %0 xXBBe Bee5 %%0B xXeBe Bee 5 e*f ff e 5u BBBee5  = A@_ A@  _ 7vDC  ԋ@wFfw.w.Bw fw.w.Bw-eW-da5+Z5V S v r@ r ! f e0 9e'5e= !ACӋC~ @ AB 5wHBA 5u`u` u`ff` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N   @ ȕ N E&  @ @ EH @ N   @ ȕ w7$D by LP Administratorsusage: %s dest ... acceptingdestination "%s" non-existentdestination "%s" has disappeared!destination "%s" was already accepting requestsdestination "%s" now accepting requests /usr/spool/lpspool directory non-existent@(#)getname.c 3.1LOGNAME%d@(#)isdest.c 3.1%s/%s/%s/usr/spool/lprequest@(#)eaccess.c 3.1@(#)qstatus.c 3.1QSTATLOCKQSTATLOCKQSTATLOCKcan't lock acceptance statusqstatusr+qstatusrcan't open acceptance status fileqstatus@(#)fatal.c 3.1 e-&w7D w  n $ & #4 44  7D4  wv   -  7ND E%B: 0#D^@E<EE % @EE@E54 fe& !%% ) %"E%E%    -  D ^  wlD   @EE&  @EE< 7*D%s: %s @(#)lock.c 3.1LTMP.%dLTMP.%d /etc/passwdrr<@8  ((((( H 0 Jd o4xfegxc~slZurh(null)EGPEPED  D4 D  @  v! & !%  w 7DE%wzEU4  -D D4 D  @  v! 7 D* Wte@Ete   ACtepD  $ @w% !4 7D D D-wVf 4@f@w4"w0"Cw705 |*fLUDXE6pL 0 Jd o4xfegxc~slZurh(null)EGPEPE7n*dLU7d*fLb*dLZ*X*Z*Ae vB@*5 76* 6* 70*  %"55 a  a!_#E -)%dL wn) >%)e !e vu@t 5 r $ rf5`5`z)z) @5e vu@t 5@me@ u%| | >%%|N >%% h%))@m@e (e (U?((dLU?(_(" a7( ((?((U 7!(((e_"7.D|(E./usr/lib/acct/ 40755 2 2 0 3465746360 6433 7 5 uDC5 5 5  % _ @w e@-U +U U  #U 0U  `u5 U5  . >u5 u-u @  A ZU5CBw JU5   5 5  5     U &  C ~CB5W-o0ʋW-x0 ʋ x5ʕX05 -r(p(w7C5 # 5N !D-wA vuA-u@ f& $% @ ` ݂@ ` `'f@w 7\NeTf %%  w,70DCB 5Ԕ @wBFN& fwwwDwNfwmDw.zwmtfwdDw wV 7F@(#)accept.c 3.2lpthis command for use only./usr/lib/acct/diskusg 755 2 2 30400 3446075241 10060 ZRt0Z&RteZ& %7#D  &v& :%  w" -#7"D̥̋ ̥, w" 7"D l# -&  7Z#T#  L# w"7" 6#0# 8$7 (#wb"7l"D̥:̥  ̥̋  ̋w0"7:" " _ "L %7 7  < 5u %%`a A@wؖ  < 5u %%`a A@w 7 7 7 l̥, ̋+$o 0  6 >  67 % '7+$5 +5 w01 p$ s u v$ l+ i 2 ,  7J+ ޘ ? ,ff  %% ,&0 n% ' H%:w-,0 Jx, @mdQ,&0 ne X,w-R,  'w)O,:, @m&   J 8$N   , @m&  + @me,&0 ne +w-+Ne  $@E% @E̋7ZNw0!7:! @e50ff 4 % %w 7!D o.%05 o.. fe le0 5`u`u  o.+  x- o.  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Day 248 AAzE֘j rDjGeB j?e8B?ej712412ter Thanksgiving 360 Dec 26 Christmas u+p [M G@C B of*,d*Gek7e &  C ~CB5W-o0ʋW-x0 ʋ x5ʕX05-eW-da5+Z5V S v r@ r ! f e0 9e'5e= !AӋC~ @ AB 5wHBA 5u`u` u`ff` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N  0 @ ȕ wv 7nF@(#)calprog.c 1.4<CJQX_fmt{[Jj]an[Ff]eb[Mm]ar[Aa]pr[Mm]ay[Jj]un[Jj]ul[Aa]ug[Ss]ep[Oo]ct[Nn]ov[Dd]ec(^|[ (,;])((%s[^ ]* *|0*%d/|\*/)0*%d)([^0123456789]|$) PFM:/ESTEDTDay Mon 00 00:00:00 1900 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTZ d o x f e g c s l u, rX h(null)" N E& 0 @ @ EH @ N  0 @ ȕ w7$ x e- w7D w      P4 44  7D4  wv   - T 7ND E%B: 0#8^@E<EE % @EE@E54 fe& ,%% ) T%"E%E%    -  D66d]ug[Ss]ep[Oo]ct[Nn]ov[Dd]ec(^|[ (,;])((%s[^ ]* *|0*%d/|\*/)0*%d)([^0123456789]|$) PFM:/ESTEDTDay Mon 00 00:00:00 1900 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTZ d o x f e g c s l u, rX h(null)"  wlD T  @EE& 0 @EE< 7*DD  84 8  @   & ,%  w 7DE%wzEU4  ^ -D 84 8  @   7 D* Wterte   Atep8  " @w% N4 7./usr/lib/cron/ 40755 2 2 0 3502602505 6442 ./usr/lib/cron/at.deny 644 2 2 0 3464751215 7670 mm@ f& 6e5;  A mtmr@ f& e  mFmD@ f&& e&   %Ne& D- %%_0 _b7Z 2 f& ee@ f&  4 & ee@ f&6 f|frl $e  & mXmV@ f&& e58   m*m(@ f&& e D- 7`w`w   =  ( mm@ f& pe5B   mm./usr/lib/cron/cron.deny 644 2 2 0 3464751217 10227 @ f& "e D- 7`w`w w7Nff f%NG  Nf f f%J w7%@ffL ffR Ne A @mAm@ f&ffV e w>7H : Nf^ % @ @  @  @ }  @A@w7e f  g f  &v i r Nerf %Nw r @vE%@@@e5B"w> @ =/ u/./usr/lib/diffh 755 2 2 15754 3413234160 6563 @/ 5 @ A H@e5 f 5N r @7N r w7Nf R" e wl7v @@ $e    r w(72 @e5J"ff % Hw7DCu F  0 %u-; w , f  e5B`` "  @  ~  =@7F @e5Nff %@./usr/lib/cron/queuedefs 644 2 2 31 3416364232 10334 R 0  6 >  672( % 7@AWt@ @ #  \ AWp` A#@w  \% \@ # AWp` D#AWp` e#f     \@ #&  %@ #7@AWt@   AWpa N#AWpa` f#  `A @,#A@e@ f&@t  A 1#w^7hDCwJ7T@- e@ȥb !ea.100j2n60w b.100j15n60w $< 3 * Prime/Nonprime Table for UNIX Accounting System * * Curr Prime Non-Prime * Year Start Start * 1985 900 1700 * * Day of Calendar Company * Year Date Holiday * 52 Feb 21 Wash. 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Missing closing delimiter@for regular expression Re too complex|Regular expression too complicated Unmatched \(|More \('adly formed address No match to BOTTOM|Address search hit BOTTOM without matching pattern No match to TOP|Address search hit TOP without matching pattern Fail|Pattern not found Marks are ' and a-z Undefined mark@referenced Negative address@- first buffer line is 1 Not that many lines@in buffer Offset out-of-bounds|Offset after command too large Preserve failed! File preserved. No write@since last chage (:rewind! overrides) What?|Unknown command character '%c' Home directory unknown Bad registes than \)'s in regular expression Awash in \('s!|Too many \('d subexressions in a regular expression Extra \)|More \)'s than \('s in regular expression Replacement pattern contains &@- cannot use in re Replacement pattern contains \d@- cannot use in re Illegal *|Can't * a \( ... \) in regular expression Illegal *|Can't * a \n in regular expression Bad character class|Empty character class '[]' or '[^]' cannot match Missing ] No newlines in re's|Can't escape newlines into regular expressions Bad \nr At EOF|At end-of-file Old tty driver|Not using new tty driver/shell Mark what?|%s requires following letter Bad mark|Mark must specify a letter Extra chars|Extra characters at end of command [Warning - %s is incomplete] No more files@to edit Extra chars|Extra characters at end of "%s" command %d more file %s@to edit No write@since last change (:%s! overrides) What?|%s: No such command from open/visual What?|%s: Not an editor command [Hit return to continue] Out of memory@- too many lines |\n in regular expression with n greater than the number of \('s Badly formed re|Missing closing delimiter for regular expression Re internal error %s: No such option@- 'set all' gives all option values Option %s is not a toggle Missing =@in assignment to option %s Digits required@after = String too long@in option assignment Can't change type of terminal from within open/visual Nonzero address required@on this command No lines@in the buffer Out of memory@saving lines for undo - try using ed Erroin file Line overflow|Result line of join would be too long %s where?|%s requires a trailing address That move would do nothing! Move to a moved line Cannot put inside global/macro Line too long|Result line after shift would be too long Bad tag|Give one tag per line No previous tag %s: Bad tags file entry No write@since last change (:tag! overrides) No tags file %s: No such tag@in tags file Can't yank inside global/macro At EOF At EOF Hit BOTTOM Hit TOP Can't undo in global@commands Nothr 0 Not super-user No such file or directory No such process Interrupted system call Physical I/O error No such device or address Argument list too long Exec format error Bad file number No children No more processes Not enough core Permission denied Bad address Block device required Mount device busy File exists Cross-device link No such device Not a directory Is a directory Invalid argument File table overflow Too many open files Not a typewriter Text file busy File too large N./usr/lib/help/ad 644 2 2 10073 3477113437 7016 -18 "d not allowed with n" You are trying to delete flags from a non-existent but being-created SCCS file. You can only do this to old files. -19 "file ... exists" You are trying to create the named SCCS file, but it already exists. -20 "file ... does not exist" You are trying to modify the named file, but it does not exist. -21 "... illegal data on line ..." The named line in the file you supplied for the 'i' or 't' keyletter begins with the SCCS control character (ASCII 001). It is illegal to input such o space left on device Illegal seek Read-only file system Too many links Broken pipe Math argument Result too large Quota exceeded System error %d emt trap, _ovno is %d @ - try again Interrupt Input line too long %s: Unknown terminal type Incomplete shell escape command@- use 'shell' to get a shell Command too long No previous command@to substitute for ! No filename@to substitute for %% No previous command@to repeat Can't make pipe for filter Can't make pipe Can't make pipe for recover* @(#)ad 6.1 * Messages for SCCS admin command. * -1 "d has no argument" You did not supply the one-letter flagname to be deleted. -2 "flag ... has no value" On 'f' keyletter, the flagname supplied should have been given a value, but you did not supply one. -3 "unknown flag" You supplied a flag (on 'd' or 'f' keyletter) which admin does not recognize. -4 "flag twice" A flag was specified twice. -5 "f has no argument" You did not name a flag when you specified the 'f' keyletter. -6 "r arg not numeric" You suy Can't fork to execute recovery No recovery routine Fail|Pattern not found on addressed line Recursive open/visual not allowed I don't know what kind of terminal you are on - all I have is '%s'. [Using open mode] Visual needs addressible cursor or upline capability Can't use visual on a terminal which overstrikes Visual requires clear screen capability Visual requires scrolling Screen too large for internal buffer Don't know enough about your terminal to use %s Terminal too wide Screen too pplied a non-numeric value for the 'r' argument. -7 "r out of range" You supplied a value for the 'r' argument which is either less than 1 or greater than 9999. -8 "bad a argument" You did not follow the 'a' keyletter with a name. -9 "too many 'a' keyletters" You supplied more than ten 'a' keyletters. If you really need to, do more admins. -10 "bad e argument" You did not follow the 'e' keyletter with a name. -11 "too many e keyletters" You supplied more than ten 'e' keyletters. If you really need to, do molarge Input read error Macro too long@ - maybe recursive? Infinite macro loop Q gets ex command mode, :q leaves vi Line too long Internal error: vclreol Internal error: vgoto Line too long for open ing open mode] Visual needs addressible cursor or upline capability Can't use visual on a terminal which overstrikes Visual requires clear screen capability Visual requires scrolling Screen too large for internal buffer Don't know enough about your terminal to use %s Terminal too wide Screen too re admins. -12 "value after ... flag" You supplied a 'd' keyletter to delete the flag named, but you followed the flag with a value. This is not allowed. -13 "value after ... flag" You supplied an 'f' keyletter to add the flag named, and you also supplied a value for the flag. However, the named flag cannot be assigned a value. -14 "no default sid" You are trying to add the 'd' flag (default SID) to the SCCS file, but you did not supply an SID for it. This flag must have an SID. -15 "more than one file" You./usr/lib/help/ 40755 2 2 0 3477113541 6441 are trying to create more than one SCCS file, and you supplied the 'i' keyletter. You can only create one file when you supply the 'i' keyletter. -16 "r only allowed with i" You specified the 'r' keyletter for an SCCS file without also specifying the 'i' keyletter. The 'r' keyletter may not be specified except with the 'i' keyletter. -17 "t has no argument" You were creating a new SCCS file, and you specified the 't' keyletter, but you did not supply the name of the text file from which to take commentary.cdc" to change comments or MR numbers of an existing file. reater than 9999, the maximum release number. -29 directory `...' specified as `...' keyletter value The value specified with the named keyletter argument is a directory. This is not allowed since the SCCS file created would not be accessible by other SCCS commands. -30 illegal use of `y' or `m' keyletter The `y' and `m' keyletters for "admin" may only be used in conjunction with the `i' or `n' keyletters, i.e. when creating a new SCCS file. Use "./usr/lib/help/cb 644 2 2 1223 3477113437 6773 ./usr/lib/help/bd 644 2 2 2342 3477113437 6777 * @(#)cb 6.1 * Message for comb SCCS command * -1 "p-file exists" Someone is in the process of making a delta on the named SCCS file. Comb may only be used when no one else is modifying the named SCCS file. -2 "can't have both -p and -c" The '-p' and '-c' key letter arguments specify mutually exclusive conditions. Therefore, they may not be specified on the same command line. -3 "SID doesn't exist" The SID you specified in one of the arguments to comb does not exist in the named SCCS-file. -4 "nothing to ddata to SCCS. -22 "floor not numeric" The value you specified for the floor flag is not a number. Check for typos. -23 "floor out out of range" The value you specified for the floor flag is either less than 1 or greater than 9999. -24 "ceiling not numeric" The value you specified for the ceiling flag is not a number. Check for typos. -25 "ceiling out out of range" The value you specified for the ceiling flag is either less than 1 or greater than 9999. -26 "directory named with `i' keyletter" The name specif* @(#)bd 6.1 * Messages for bdiff. * -1 "arg count" You invoked bdiff with either too few or too many arguments. -2 "both files standard input" You supplied a name of '-' for both file-name arguments to bdiff. Since '-' means to read the standard input, you are requesting that bdiff read it for both its inputs. That would lead to highly grungeular randomness. -3 "cannot fork, try again" Bdiff could not fork to invoke 'diff'. This is a system problem which may go away, so try again. If it doesn't, report it ied for the SCCS file name was a directory. Only one SCCS file is allowed to be specified with the `-i' keyletter. -27 "bad list format" The format for the list of locked releases is syntactically incorrect. The correct format for a list is: ::= | , ::= REL_NO | ``a'' where REL_NO is considered to be the first component in a _SCCS __IDentification string (SID). -28 "element in list out of range" An element contained in the list for ``locking'' or ``unlocking'' rto the system support group. -4 "non-numeric limit" The argument supplied to bdiff to specify the segmentation limit bdiff is to use is not numeric. Only numeric characters may appear in this argument. -5 "cannot execute ..." The named program could not be executed by bdiff. It may be unexecutable, or it may have been removed. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -6 "... failed" The named program terminated with an error. It may have discovered an error condition or may have been interrupteleases is out of range. That means its value is probably greater than 9999, the maximum release number. -29 directory `...' specified as `...' keyletter value The value specified with the named keyletter argument is a directory. This is not allowed since the SCCS file created would not be accessible by other SCCS commands. -30 illegal use of `y' or `m' keyletter The `y' and `m' keyletters for "admin" may only be used in conjunction with the `i' or `n' keyletters, i.e. when creating a new SCCS file. Use "ed. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -7 "can not write ..." An attempt to write to a temporary file in /tmp has been unsuccessful. The file system is probably out of space. See your System Administrator. The named program could not be executed by bdiff. It may be unexecutable, or it may have been removed. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -6 "... failed" The named program terminated with an error. It may have discovered an error condition or may have been interrupt* @(#)cm 6.1 * Messages common to more than one SCCS command. * -1 "unknown key letter" You supplied a keyletter which the command does not recognize. -2 "key letter twice" You supplied a keyletter more than once. -3 "missing file arg" You left off the name of the file to be processed. -4 "cannot create lock file" There are two known reasons why this can occur. 1) Someone else is updating the SCCS file (or the p-file). You'll have to wait until they're through, and try again. 2) You do not have write p./usr/lib/help/cmds 644 2 2 12344 3477113437 7363 ermission in the directory where the SCCS file resides. If this is so, you are not allowed to create any files (including the ``lock file'') in that directory. If it is neither of the two reasons and the problem persists, contact your Source Code Administrator (SCA). -5 "bad date/time" The date/time must be a legitimate date/time in the form "YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]]". The program knows about things like leap years, so be precise. -6 "no id keywords" No SCCS identification keywords were substitute* @(#)cmds 6.1 * Synopsis of SCCS commands * -delta delta [-r] [-s] [-n] [-g] [-m] [-y] [-p] file ... -get get [-r] [-c] [-i] [-x] [-a] [-k] [-e] [-l

] [-p] [-m] [-n] [-s] [-b] [-g] [-t] file ... -admin admin [-n] [-i] [-r] [-t] [-f>] ... [-d] ... [-a] ... [-e] ... [-m] [-y] [-h] [-z] file ... -help help [arg] (When alld for (or found). If this message came from delta then you just tryed to make a delta without any keywords. If this message came from get then your source code administrator blew it. Complain to him/her. If this message came from admin, you blew it. -7 "No id keywords" No SCCS identification keywords were substituted for. You may not have any keywords in the file, in which case you can ignore this warning. If this message came from delta then you just made a delta without any keywords. If this message cam else fails execute "help stuck".) -what what file ... -comb comb [-o] [-s] [-p] [-c] file ... -bdiff bdiff file1 file2 [numarg] [-s] -cdc cdc -rSID [-m] [-y] file ... -rmdel rmdel -rSID file ... -sccsdiff sccsdiff old-spec new-spec [pr-args] sccsfile ... -stuck First, if you know the value of the system error number (errno), you can look up a description of it in INTRO(2). If you don't know the error number, or you don't understand what's going on - Try the following, in oo" The argument specified to comb would result in no changes made to the named SCCS-file. Therefore, it can't do anything to the named SCCS-file. be used when no one else is modifying the named SCCS file. -2 "can't have both -p and -c" The '-p' and '-c' key letter arguments specify mutually exclusive conditions. Therefore, they may not be specified on the same command line. -3 "SID doesn't exist" The SID you specified in one of the arguments to comb does not exist in the named SCCS-file. -4 "nothing to de from get then the last time you made a delta you changed the lines on which they appeared. It's a little late to be telling you that you messed up the last time you made a delta, but this is the best we can do for now, and it's better than nothing. This isn't an error, only a warning. -8 "value after ... arg" You had something after the indicated keyletter argument and you weren't supposed to. -9 "User ID not in password file ..." You are apparently running on a system on which you do not have a login (v./usr/lib/help/cm 644 2 2 4706 3477113437 7017 ia a data link of some type). SCCS will not allow you to make changes to a file if your user ID is not located in the password file. -10 "invalid id keywords" The specific id keywords specified to admin via -fi"string" were not found in the file. You are trying to delta a file with expanded keywords, get a file which was admin'd to verify keywords after the last delta, or admin a new file whose keywords do not match what was specified by "string". ly running on a system on which you do not have a login (vp_r_s Command Data SCCS File Value Format Keyword Data Item Section Type Type :Dt: Whole delta line Delta Table all delta line info S :DL: Delta line stats " :Li:/:Ld:/:Lu: S :Li: Lines ins by delta " nnnnn S :Ld: Lines del by delta " nnnnn S :Lu: Lines unc by delta " nnnnn yes or no S :BF: Branch flag " yes or no S :J: Joint edit flag " yes or no S :LK: Locked releases " :R: ... S :Q: User defined keyword " text S :M: Module name flag " module name S :FB: Floor boundary " :R: S :CB: Ceiling boundary " :R: S :DT: Delta type " D or R S :I: SID " :R:.:L:.:B:.:S: S :R: Release number " nnnn S :L: Level number " nnnn S :B: Branch number " nnnn S :S: Sequence number " nnnn S :D: Date delta created " :Dy:/:Dm:/:Dd: S :Dy: S :Ds: Default SID " :I: S :ND: Null delta flag " yes or no S :FD: Descriptive text Comments text M :BD: Body Body text M :GB: Gotten body " text M :W: form of _w_h_a_t(I) str N/A :Z::M:\t:I: S :A: form of _w_h_a_t(I) str N/A :Z::Y: :M: :I::Z: Year delta created " nn S :Dm: Month delta created " nn S :Dd: Day delta created " nn S :T: Time delta created " :Th::Tm::Ts: S :Th: Hour delta created " nn S :Tm: Minutes delta created " nn S :Ts: Seconds delta created " nn S :P: Pgmr who crea S :Z: _w_h_a_t(I) str construct N/A @(#) S :F: File name N/A file name S :PN: Pathname N/A pathname S dy Body text M :GB: Gotten body " text M :W: form of _w_h_a_t(I) str N/A :Z::M:\t:I: S :A: form of _w_h_a_t(I) str N/A :Z::Y: :M: :I::Z: ted delta " logname S :DS: Delta seq number " nnnn S :DP: Pred delta seq number " nnnn S :DI: Deltas inc,exc,ignored " :Dn:/:Dx:/:Dg: S :Dn: Deltas included " :DS: :DS: ... S :Dx: Deltas excluded " :DS: :DS: ... S :Dg: Deltas ignored " :DS: :DS: ... S :MR: MR numbers ./usr/lib/help/co 644 2 2 10062 3477113437 7031 rder: 1. Make sure the answer isn't in the documentation. 2. Try to write(1) to anyone logged in as "adm". 3. Contact your UNIX counsellor. 4. File an MR (see System Administrator for instructions). -val val - val [-s] [-r] [-m] [-y] file ... -vc vc [-a] [-t] [-c] [-s] [keyword=value ... keyword=value] -prs prs [-d] [-r] [-e] [-l] [-a] file ... (do 'help prs_kywds' for description of recognized data keywords) -prs_kywds List of Data Keywords Recognized by the _ " text M :C: Comments " text M :UN: User names User Names text M :FL: Flag List Flags desc of all flags set M :Y: Type flag " module type S :MF: MR valid flag " yes or no S :MP: MR valid pgm. " text S :KF: Kywd err/warn flag " * @(#)co 6.1 * Messages from routines in 'com' directory of sccs. * -1 "not an SCCS file" A file that you think is an SCCS file does not begin with the characters "s.". -3 "more than one link" SCCS files may only have one name (link). This is because the delta program unlinks the old file and then links to the new file. -4 "format error at line ..." FIRST OF ALL, ARE YOU SURE THAT THE NAMED FILE IS A RELEASE 4 SCCS FILE? (see PIB 77-05). The format of the SCCS file is logically invalid. The error was dislease ... < ... (floor)" Either the release you specified or else the default release is lower than the lowest allowable release (the floor). If you're not sure what's wrong see your SCCS administrator. -16 "release ... > ... (ceiling)" Either the release you specified or else the default release is higher than the highest allowable release (the ceiling). If you're not sure what's wrong see your SCCS administrator. -17 "bad p-file format" The p-file is messed up. Get your local source code administrator tcovered at the stated line. See if you can find the problem with the prs command. If not, do a "help stuck". -5 "premature eof" The SCCS file ended in a strange place. Its probably a goner. You can try "help stuck", but chances are you're going to have to go to a backup copy. -6 "corrupted file" The computed hash count of the input SCCS file did not check with the stored hash count. The file may have been damaged since it was last accessed. See your local SCCS maintenance person. -7 "too long" The patho fix it. -18 "line too long" Don't type so much on a line. -19 "response too long" A response can't be so long. Try typing less (maybe you can reference some other document). -20 "cannot fork; try again" The system is busy; you'll have to try again later. -21 "too many MRs" You can't enter so many MRs. Sorry. -22 "out of space" Your MRs took up too much memory. Type less. -23 ... locked against editing The specified release (or possibly all releases) for the SCCS file have been locked using the _l flag ofname is too long. -8 "invalid sid" The specified sid is syntactically incorrect. -10 "clock set wrong!!!" The time of day is wrong. Contact your local UNIX support group immediately! (Try a "date" command.) (This error is produced whenever the creation date of the newest delta in the SCCS file is newer than the current date. This will happen whenever the date is accidently set wrong. This error will also occur if a delta was created while the clock was set ahead - but less than a year - and has since bee admin. Do a 'prs -d:LK: s.filename' to see a list of locked releases (_a means "all"). -24 "MR number too long" You entered an MR number which is much to long. Remember, multiple MRs should be separated by spaces or tabs. -25 "begins" An include/exclude conflict exists beginning here. The SID's in the include/exclude list change conflicting lines. The lines involved may not be correct. -26 "ends" An include/exclude conflict ends here. The SID's in the include/exclude list change conflicting lines. Tn corrected. In this case the current time is correct, but the date of the delta is wrong.) -11 "Clock may be set wrong!" The time of day may be set wrong. Check the current time with the "date" command. If it is wrong, contact your local UNIX support group immediately! (This message is produced whenever the difference between the current date and the creation date of the newest delta in the SCCS file is greater than one year.) -12 "bad range" In a delta list, the two limits of a range of deltas were not inhe lines preceding this message may be incorrect. t of locked releases (_a means "all"). -24 "MR number too long" You entered an MR number which is much to long. Remember, multiple MRs should be separated by spaces or tabs. -25 "begins" An include/exclude conflict exists beginning here. The SID's in the include/exclude list change conflicting lines. The lines involved may not be correct. -26 "ends" An include/exclude conflict ends here. The SID's in the include/exclude list change conflicting lines. T ascending order. -13 "delta list syntax" A list of deltas was syntatically erroneous. The correct syntax is: ::= | , ::= | - ::= | . -14 "not authorized to make deltas" Your login name or group ID is not on the list of users who are allowed to add deltas to this file. You can execute "prs -d:UN: file" to see who is allowed. See your project administrator to get your login name or group ID on the list. -15 "re./usr/lib/help/de 644 2 2 6426 3477113437 7011 pe and terminates processing of the SCCS file.) Do a "help de17" for more information. -14 "leading SOH char in line ... of file ... not allowed" The ASCII character SOH (binary 001) is in the first position of a line. This character is not allowed in the first position for any line of text in an SCCS file. However, it may be used if it is escaped. -15 "ambiguous `r' keyletter value" Which delta (SID) do you want to make? Look at the p-file, pick one, and specify it with the `-r' keyletter. -16 When delta./usr/lib/help/ge 644 2 2 3771 3477113437 7014 * @(#)de 6.1 * * -1 "missing -r argument" You must specify an SID when you are listed more than once in the p-file. -2 "login name or SID specified not in p-file" Either your login name, or the SID you specified, is not listed in the p-file. You probably forgot to do a get -e, or supplied the wrong SID. -3 "invalid sid in p-file" Get your local source code administrator to fix up the p-file. -4 "diff failed" The program delta uses to determine what changed failed, and the delta is not made. Contact SCCS su reads arguments from the standard input it will not prompt for comments or MRs, so these values must be supplied with the file argument. -17 Because of the segmentation problem which is caused by limited system work space, the SCCS file that delta created may occupy an inordinate amount of file space. To reduce the size of the SCCS file, the user may want to remove the delta just created and retry when the system is more lightly loaded (and hopefully more work space is available). If no subsequent delta hpport personnel for further assistance. -5 "internal error in delta/enter()" Report this to your local SCCS support personnel immediately. -6 "internal error in delta/enter()" Report this to your local SCCS support personnel immediately. -7 "internal error in delta/enter()" Report this to your local SCCS support personnel immediately. -8 "MRs not allowed" You specified MRs, but the file being processed doesn't allow them. -9 "invalid MRs" The MR validation program returned a non-zero status to delta. This as been made, the procedure for doing this would be: 1. get -k s.file 2. rmdel -rSID s.file 3. get -e -g s.file 4. delta s.file where, of course, SID and file are specified appropriately. Also steps 1 and 3 may require that you specify a SID, depending on your situation. ate amount of file space. To reduce the size of the SCCS file, the user may want to remove the delta just created and retry when the system is more lightly loaded (and hopefully more work space is available). If no subsequent delta hindicates that one or more of the MRs specified are invalid. -10 "MRs required" No MRs were specified, but the file being processed requires them. -11 "cannot fork, try again" Delta could not fork to invoke the program it uses to determine what has changed in the SCCS file. This is a system problem which may go away, so try again. If it doesn't, report it to the system support group. -12 "cannot execute ..." The named program, used by delta to determine what changed in the SCCS file, could not be executed. ./usr/lib/help/default 644 2 2 246 3477113437 10017 It may be unexecutable, or it may have been removed. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -13 "... failed, re-trying, segmentation = ..." The named program, used by delta to determine what has changed in the SCCS file, has failed. The most likely cause is that the files to be compared by the named program are being segmented into chunks which are too large. Therefore, delta re-tries with smaller chunks. (However, the smallest chunk it will try is 500 lines. If this fails, it gives up ho* @(#)default 6.1 * Default file (file of last resort) * -26 "can't open ..." The file couldn't be opened for reading. Either it doesn't exist or it isn't readable. e specified appropriately. Also steps 1 and 3 may require that you specify a SID, depending on your situation. ate amount of file space. To reduce the size of the SCCS file, the user may want to remove the delta just created and retry when the system is more lightly loaded (and hopefully more work space is available). If no subsequent delta hn' command is used to lock and unlock releases. -20 "curdir failed" Re-check what you did. Re-try the command. If the problem persists, contact your local UNIX administrator. -21 "cannot change directory" If you know the directory name, then check to see if it exists. Re-try the command. If the problem persists, contact your local UNIX administrator. -22 "r out of range" The release number specified with the -r keyletter is out of range. This means the number was greater than 9999 or less than 1. e `admi date" Either no cutoff date was specified, or the format of the date was not intelligible. -5 "can't specify cutoff date and SID" It makes no since to ask for a specific sid and give a cutoff date. -6 "must specify -e or -l with -c" You must say whether you want earlier or later deltas than the cutoff date. assistence. -3 "cannot change directory" Try the command again. If the situation repeats, notify your Source Code Administrator or UNIX Project Administrator for further assistence. -4 "invalid cutoff./usr/lib/help/he 644 2 2 500 3477113437 6760 ./usr/lib/help/rc 644 2 2 4340 3477113437 7016 * @(#)ge 6.1 * Messages for get command of SCCS. * -3 "e not allowed with m" You can't use both the -e and -m arguments on the same get command. -4 "writable `...' exists" For safety's sake, SCCS won't overwrite an existing g-file if it's writable. If you don't need the g-file, remove it and rerun the get command. -5 "nonexistent sid" The specified sid does not exist in the given file. Check for typos. -9 "... already included" You mentioned the same delta twice with an -i and/or an -x argument. -10 "... al* @(#)he 6.1 * Messages for help command. * -1 "not found" No helpful information associated with your argument was found. If you're sure you've got it right, do a "help stuck". -2 "argument too long" Dost thou jest? Wilst thou mock HELP?? Please limit your blitherings in arguments to less than fifty (50) characters. tact your local UNIX administrator. -22 "r out of range" The release number specified with the -r keyletter is out of range. This means the number was greater than 9999 or less than 1. e `admiready excluded" You mentioned the same delta twice with an -x and/or an -i argument. -11 "internal error in get/enter()" ``Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate'' This shouldn't have happened!! Do a "help stuck". -17 "being edited: `...'" You can't do a get with an -e argument because someone else already did and hasn't made a delta yet. If that someone else is really you, you can regenerate a new file to be edited, if necessary, by using the -k argument. If you want to cancel the reservation entirely, s./usr/lib/help/prs 644 2 2 1467 3477113437 7225 ee your SCCS administrator, and tell him/her you want the p-file edited. The data in quotes is from the p-file. -18 "being edited: `...'" Someone else has done a get with an -e argument. This can't hurt what you're doing, but isn't it nice to know that someone else is making deltas to this file too? -19 "release locked against editing" The release retrieved by `get' for editing purposes (get -e ) is locked against further editing. "prs -d:LK:" on the SCCS file tells you which releases are locked. The `admi* @(#)prs 6.1 * Diagnostic messages for the 'prs' command * -1 "nonexistent sid" You specified an SID, via the r keyletter, which is not an SID of the SCCS file. -2 "curdir failed" Try the command again. If the situation repeats, notify your Source Code Administrator or UNIX Project Administrator for further assistence. -3 "cannot change directory" Try the command again. If the situation repeats, notify your Source Code Administrator or UNIX Project Administrator for further assistence. -4 "invalid cutoff, as determined by the validation program specified in the 'v' flag of the SCCS file. -8 "MRs required" Chghist has determined that MR numbers are required for the SCCS file it is processing (the file has a 'v' flag), but none were supplied. -9 "delta specified has delivered MR" The delta your are processing with 'rmdel' or 'cdc' contains an MR number entry which has been marked 'delivered'. You cannot rmdel or cdc such a delta, as that would be in violation of a Change Management Prime Directive. See your s in the p-file but is not associated with your logname. -4 "`...' nonexistent" The file does not exist. Check for typos. executing _g_e_t -_e more than once for the same SCCS file). You must use the -_r keyletter and specify the SID for the new delta you no longer wish to make. -2 "login name not in p-file ..." You have not done a get for editing of the named SCCS file. -3 "specified SID not in p-file ..." You have specified a SID using the -r keyletter which is either not in the p-file at all or iSCCS administrator for further information. -10 "bad invocation" You invoked 'rmdel' or 'cdc' by some name other than (n)rmdel or (n)cdc (you have a link to it). The program's execution depends on being invoked by one of these names only. -11 "r has no sid" You specified the 'r' keyletter but did not specify the SID of the delta to be processed. Both are required. -12 "being edited -- sid is in p-file" Someone is in the process of making a delta based upon the same delta (sid) you specified with the 'r' key./usr/lib/help/ut 644 2 2 4410 3477113437 7040 letter. This is indicated by the presence of the specified sid in an entry of the p-file for the named SCCS file. Removal of the delta specified is prohibited because its removal would interfere with other work in progress. se names only. -11 "r has no sid" You specified the 'r' keyletter but did not specify the SID of the delta to be processed. Both are required. -12 "being edited -- sid is in p-file" Someone is in the process of making a delta based upon the same delta (sid) you specified with the 'r' key* @(#)ut 6.1 * Messages for libPW utilities. * -1 "directory `...' nonexistent" -2 "directory `...' unwritable" The user (effective or real) doesn't have write permission in the directory. Do a "ls -ld ..." to check the modes. -3 "no file" The system's table of open files is full, and temporarily no more opens can be accepted. If this error recurs, report it to your local UNIX support group. -4 "`...' nonexistent" The file does not exist. Check for typos. -5 "`...' unreadable" The file probably exists, bu* @(#)rc 6.1 * Messages for SCCS rmdel-cdc commands. * -1 "missing r" You did not specify the 'r' keyletter when you invoked rmdel or cdc. This argument is always required. -2 "file ... does not exist" You named a file to be processed and it does not exist. -3 "nonexistent sid" You specified an SID, via the r keyletter, which is not an SID of the SCCS file. -4 "you are neither owner nor ..." You either don't own the file you are trying to process or your login-name is not the same as the one that created th./usr/lib/help/un 644 2 2 1174 3477113437 7036 e delta. Only the creator of a delta (or your SCCS administrator, who owns the file) can rmdel or cdc a delta. -5 "not a 'leaf' delta" You are attempting to remove a delta which is not the newest (most recent) delta in its branch of the delta tree. Only the latest may be removed. -6 "MRs not allowed" Chghist has determined that MR numbers cannot be specified for the SCCS file since the file does not have a 'v' flag. -7 "invalid MRs" One of the MR numbers you entered in response to a prompt by cdc is invalid* @(#)un 6.1 * Messages for unget and sact. * -1 "SID must be specified ..." You have two or more entries in the p-file (by executing _g_e_t -_e more than once for the same SCCS file). You must use the -_r keyletter and specify the SID for the new delta you no longer wish to make. -2 "login name not in p-file ..." You have not done a get for editing of the named SCCS file. -3 "specified SID not in p-file ..." You have specified a SID using the -r keyletter which is either not in the p-file at all or i't executable. -8 "write error" The file which caused the write error is as large as a file can be (currently 1M bytes). -9 "out of space" There's no more dynamic memory left. Better go to "help stuck". -10 "no space!" The file system (on which the file which caused the error is being written) is out of space. Very serious!! Contact someone in your local UNIX Support Group immediately! Also, if you can remove any files please do so. -11 "errno = ..., function = `...'" An unusual and unexpected error occur* 0  6 >  67( % 7 5 % 5   @m 5` D-@ @- wh7rN 6 %2wHD̥0̥9 ̋̋#Nfed N = ( 8 ! e"!   Y!V\D-JNfed N @@a0d!fed  Ned( B ! e fedG !! efed N "!   l Nfed N  ! N I !  7R _ed. Try "help stuck". -12 "SIGNAL: ..." This error is most likely due to an intermittent hardware error. You should report this to your local UNIX support group immediately, since others may be getting the same error and it is useful to discover a pattern if one exists. After reporting it, if you rerun the command it will probably not recur. If it won't go away contact your UNIX counsellor (a program bug can also generate this error). (If required, a core dump will be produced if the file "dump.core" exiH <" J%  <" @%-" Ned="     _NK  <" J% -*<"Q  <" J% -  _7`j T  5* &l fe  5f  o &  5f N N  wNfe J% N  7Nfefef dew7DC Bʋ @ w|Ң@@m 7rDBeԔ e@wB7L @e5 !ff % $sts in the current directory.) -13 "fputs() could not write to file" This error is caused by failure of the fputs library call. A file could not be written to by the fputs function. Try command again later. If continues to occure contact local UNIX support group. xists. After reporting it, if you rerun the command it will probably not recur. If it won't go away contact your UNIX counsellor (a program bug can also generate this error). (If required, a core dump will be produced if the file "dump.core" exiw7 @55@e5Neff %=w7DCu F  N%u-; w , f $e5B`` !  @  |  =@7DC  ԋ@w7DCB  w 7D  ND! @ t e-  !&& %4 E %./usr/lib/help/lib/ 40755 2 2 0 3477113437 7213  4 w 7 "@ N&  aˋN j 7 " "w 7 DC ʋ ʋwv ԋ 7x DB  ˋˋ ʋ@w> 7H Bff %w" 7, D  ff %w 7 D _ __ r) w_ U"@+ @ a U  f %5'4 t  r4a & f fet the effective user doesn't have read permission. It is also possible that one or more directories in the path aren't executable. -6 "`...' unwritable" The file exists, but the effective user doesn't have write permission. It is also possible that one or more directories in the path aren't executable. -7 "`...' unreadable or unwritable" The file exists, but the effective user either doesn't have read permission, or write permission, or both. It is also possible that one or more directories in the path aren./usr/lib/help/lib/help2 755 2 2 13254 3415320517 10210  w 4 1!7 !- w e7 D ԋw 7 DCԔw f@w0w,w ( w f@w w w fwww w fww w 7 5 uDC5 5 5  % _ @w e@-U +U U  #U 0U  `u5 U5  . >u5 u-u @    @5e vu@t 5@me@ u%| | D%|N D% n@m@e e vU?nj(U?^_. a7L DF?>:U 7!6*.e_7.D E -w7C5  5N D-wA vuA-u@ f& % @ ` ݂@ ` `hf@w 7\NeTf %  w,70DCB  A ZU5 Bw JU5   5 5  5     U &  C ~CB5W-o0ʋW-x0 ʋ x5ʕX05-eW-da5+Z5V S v r@ r ! f e0 9e'5e= !A ӋC~ @ AB 5wHBA 5u`u` u`f5Ԕ @wBFN& fw w w !wNfw m !w.v wmp fw` !w wR 7F@(#)help2.c 6.2/usr/lib/help/default/usr/lib/help/%s%scmds%s%s/r %s: %s/usr/lib/help/helplocr @(#)repl.c 6.1@(#)trnslat.c 6.1@(#)cat.c 6.1P d& o: x f e g~ c s l` u r h(null)$&N$N$f` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N  @ ȕ N E& @ @ EH @ N  @ ȕ w7$!  e-w7D w  t    4 44  7D4  wv   -  7ND E%B: 0#!^@E<!V$6)@(#)help2.c 6.2/usr/lib/help/default/usr/lib/help/%s%scmds%s%s/r %s: %s/usr/lib/help/helplocr @(#)repl.c 6.1@(#)trnslat.c 6.1@(#)cat.c 6.1P d& o: x f e g~ c s l` u r h(null)$&N$N$EE % @EE@E54 fe& %% ) %"E%E%    -  D d wlD   @EE& @EE< 7*DD  !4 !  @  | & %  w 7DE%wzEU4   -D !4 !  @  | 7./usr/lib/help/term 644 2 2 2466 3477113437 7370 D* Wte>$te   A tep!   @w% 4 7D ! !-wVf 4@f@w0w, w705 (U7(U7((Ae vB5 7  7  %"55 a  a!_E -x%( wnj DZe !e vu@t 5 r $ rf5`5`* terminal types for mm and man commands -2 -Tla100 ==> DEC LA50 or LA100 -Tlqp02 ==> DEC LQP02 -Tln03 ==> DEC LN03 -Tconsole ==> Micro console (same as -Tpro and -Tpc) -T300 => DASI (DTC, GSI) 300 -T300s => DASI 300s -T450 => DASI 450 (same as Diablo 1620) DEFAULT -T300-12 => DASI 300 at 12-pitch -T300s-12 => DASI 300s at 12-pitch -T450-12 => DASI 450 (same as Diablo 1620) 12-pitch -Tdumb => Terminal types with no special features (reverse line motion, etc.) (implies "-c") -T37 => T-s typeset "entries" in small (6x9) format (usable with next 4 options) -Tst display typeset output on the MHCC STARE facility -T4014 display typeset output on a Tektronix 4014 -Ttek display typeset output on a Tektronix 4014 -Tvp display typeset output on the MH Versatec printer -12 12-pitch (effective only with DASI terminals) -c filter nroff output through col -d find "entry" in current directory rather than in /usr/man (must use complete filename, e.g., acct.1m) -w : # @(#)load_kit.sh 1.2 # # COPYRIGHT (c) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1985 # # Load a software kit from distribution media. # Install as /usr/lib/load_kit # # The options and their defaults were chosen so that this shell script could # be used directly by the user, with a minimum of typing. If no options are # specified, it will simply prompt for successive media and attempt to load # them. Enter end-of-file when done loading the kit. # # If invoked by another shell script, it is recommended that all oTY 37 -T4014 => Tektronix 4014 -Ttek => Tektronix 4014 -Thp => HP 264n (implies "-c") -T2621 => HP 2621 series (implies "-c") -T2640 => HP 2640 series (implies "-c") -T2645 => HP 2645 series (implies "-c") -Ttn300 => TermiNet 300 (implies "-c") -Ttn1200 => TermiNet 1200 (implies "-c") -Tlp => Line printer (implies "-c") (must pipe output through "lpr" or some such filter) -T2631 => HP 2631 series line printer (implies "-c") -T2631-e => HP 2631 series (expanded mode) (implies "-c") - show only path names of "entries" (relative to /usr/man or current directory for -d) -y use uncompacted macros Other "options" are passed to nroff or troff. Default is to format "entries" with nroff on your terminal, using the $TERM environment variable (or 450 if it is undefined). The "-T" options of the "mm" command (e.g. "-Tlp") are also recognized and override the value of $TERM. (Type "help term2" for a list of the available terminal types.) "Section" is 1 to 8; T2631-c => HP 2631 series (compressed mode) (implies "-c") -T4000A => Trendata 4000A -T1620 => Diablo 1620 (same as DASI 450) -T1620-12 => Diablo 1620 (same as DASI 450) 12-pitch None of the above needed if $TERM set in environment. Any unknown terminal type given will be treated as a "dumb" terminal. -3 inter (implies "-c") (must pipe output through "lpr" or some such filter) -T2631 => HP 2631 series line printer (implies "-c") -T2631-e => HP 2631 series (expanded mode) (implies "-c") -it may be changed before each "entry". -3 Usage: "mm [options] files" where "options" are: -12 => 12-pitch (effective only with DASI terminals) -e => neqn -t => tbl -c => col -E => "-e" option of NROFF (not effective with "-c") -y => use uncompacted macros (-mm) rather than compacted (-cm) -Tterm => where term is the desired terminal type, e.g., -Thp. (Type "help term2" for a list of available terminal types.) If no -T option is given then $TERM is used if it has a value otherwise the d./usr/lib/help/text 644 2 2 4165 3477113437 7403 efault is DASI 450. - => instead of "files" inside a pipeline. Other options as required by NROFF and/or PWB/MM. -4 e only with DASI terminals) -e => neqn -t => tbl -c => col -E => "-e" option of NROFF (not effective with "-c") -y => use uncompacted macros (-mm) rather than compacted (-cm) -Tterm => where term is the desired terminal type, e.g., -Thp. (Type "help term2" for a list of available terminal types.) If no -T option is given then $TERM is used if it has a value otherwise the d* 1=mmt help msg, 2=man, 3=mm -1 Usage: "mmt [options] files" (or "mvt [options] files") where "options" are: -a => output to terminal -e => eqn -t => tbl -Tst => STARE -Ttek => Tektronix 4014 -T4014 => Tektronix 4014 -Tvp => Versatec printer -y => use -mm (uncompacted) rather than -cm - => instead of "files" inside a pipeline. Other options as required by TROFF and the macros. -2 Usage: "man [ options ] [ section ] entries" where "options" are: -t typeset "entries" in normal (8.5x11) format ./usr/lib/load_kit 755 2 2 13737 3467526753 7315 IUM="$D_MEDIUM" NUMBER="$D_NUMBER" UNIT="$D_UNIT" # # Check and get the parameters. # PARAMS_OKAY=1 #initialize "parameter okay" flag COUNT=$# #initialize parameter counter while [ $COUNT -gt 0 ] #for all arguments... do SHIFT=1 #assume a parameter shift of 1 case "$1" in -c) SHIFT=2; COMMAND="$2";; -d) SHIFT=2; DONE="$2";; -k) SHIFT=2; KIT="$2";; -m) SHIFT=2; MEDIUM="$2";; -n) SHIFT=2; NUMBER=$2;; -u) SHIFT=2; UNIT=$2;; -\?) PARAMS_OKAY=0;; -*) echo "$SCRIPT: bad option (\"$1\"mand will look like after evaluating # occurrences of $UNIT and command substitution, while avoiding # problems caused by the presence of comment delimiters (#) and # command delimiters (;). # # Consider the problems involved in evaluating the following: # 'echo "test #$UNIT, \$UNIT, and \`\"`expr $UNIT + 1`\"\`"; date' # # The sed commands do the following: # double all occurrences of backslash (\) # escape all occurrences of dollar sign ($) and accent grave (`) # escape all occurrences of quote)" PARAMS_OKAY=0;; *) if [ -n "$1" ] then #if non-null (perhaps from "$@") echo "$SCRIPT: argument (\"$1\") not allowed" PARAMS_OKAY=0 fi;; esac if [ $SHIFT -le $COUNT ] then #can shift shift $SHIFT #shift specified number of parameters else #cannot shift echo "$SCRIPT: option (\"$1\") argument missing" PARAMS_OKAY=0 fi COUNT=`expr $COUNT - $SHIFT` #update parameter counter done if [ $PARAMS_OKAY -eq 0 ] then #bad parmeters cat <0 Not all media processed. # # examples # loadkit -c 'tar xf /dev/rf$UNIT' -k "DRIVER KIT" -m "diskette" -n 2 -u 1 # loadkit -c 'echo "pseudo-load from unit #$UNIT."' -d '' # loadkit -m 'trainload' -u 6 -n 47 -d 'You can go home now!' # # author # Dan Schullman 17 April 85 # BEL='\07' #BEL control character SCRIPT=`basename $0` #base name of this shell script # # Enable error trapping. # # EXMSG exists becf the kit. The default is '$D_DONE'. [ -k string ] The name of the kit, quoted if more than one word, to be displayed when prompting the user for the next medium in the kit. The default is '$D_KIT'. [ -m string ] The name of the medium from which the kit is to be loaded. The default is '$D_MEDIUM'. [ -n number ] The number of media in the kit. The default is $D_NUMBER. [ -u number ] The initial device unit to use. The default is $D_UNIT. end_usage_text STAT=2; exit fi # # Now load the kiause I didn't want two blank lines on an abnormal exit. # STAT exists because the trap string apparently clears the most recent status. # EXMSG='' #initialize "one-shot" exit message STAT=2 #assume failure trap 'echo "$EXMSG"; EXMSG="\c"; exit $STAT' 0 1 2 3 # # Set option defaults. # D_COMMAND='tar xv$UNIT' D_DONE='Loading of ${KIT:-kit} completed.' D_KIT='' D_MEDIUM='medium' D_NUMBER=9999 D_UNIT=0 # # Initialize options to their default values. # COMMAND="$D_COMMAND" DONE="$D_DONE" KIT="$D_KIT" MEDt. # N=1 #initialize medium number until [ $N -gt $NUMBER ] #until all media have been loaded... do P1="Please insert $KIT${KIT:+ }$MEDIUM${MEDIUM:+ }#$N in unit $UNIT" P2=" and press RETURN." if [ `expr "$P1$P2" : '.*'` -lt 80 ] then #prompt will fit on one line echo "\n$P1$P2$BEL\c" else #use two lines for prompt echo "\n$P1\n$P2$BEL\c" fi read READY #wait for a response from the user if [ $? -ne 0 ] then #user typed EOF echo ""; STAT=2; exit fi # # Determine what the comEnn  0  6 >  67v % A7DN jNf  Nf   5  5  5  5 \cVc " Xc Vc%Bdn  Cd V" *c    AwC7C"bkdedfe $eqdfe 87 5Z` V" bsdf 2%N = bb wvC7C 5  5  5  5 l Aw*C74C 6b% $b(b 4 "b efe $efe  %7: N 8%  @ l_@ 5w:7:85 Y/e)efe $e Y6efe 87 5B` V" @e8e 87 5B` V" >YNfe % p` V" Y npY  5NeBef 2% XNXFenn $ennv  XK5 <Xfe 2 . 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