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\ PRO380*) K=venix.p380 N="PRO 380" ;; \ 86*) K=venix.86.xt N="PC XT" ;; \ 286*) N="PC AT" ;; \ *) echo "make: don't know what kind of \"venix\" to make." >&2 \ exit ;; \ esac ; \ echo "=== Making venix for $$N ===" ; \ if make $$K && rm -f venix && ln $$K v./usr/sys/conf/ 40755 2 2 0 3505614671 6510 enix ;\ then echo "=== venix is now made ===" ;\ else echo "=== ERROR in making venix === " ;\ fi install: venix mv venix /venix.test @echo "=== Reboot next on \"venix.test\" and rename \ it \"venix\" when verified === " clean: rm -f a.out conf.c conf.o config.h c.*.o uts.*.o # # Intel 86 kernels # venix.86.xt: $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 low.86.xt.o c.86.xt.o $(CHECK) make uts.86 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o venix.86.xt low.86.xt.o c.86.xt.o\ $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 uts.86.o vstrip86 venix.86.xt ch./usr/sys/conf/Makefile 644 2 2 16056 3502363115 10210 mod 444 venix.86.xt c.86.xt.o: params.xt master $(INC) config -m master params.xt $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o c.86.xt.o venix.86.xt.f: $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 low.86.xt.o c.86.xt.f.o $(CHECK) make uts.86 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o venix.86.xt.f low.86.xt.o c.86.xt.f.o\ $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 uts.86.o vstrip86 venix.86.xt.f chmod 444 venix.86.xt.f c.86.xt.f.o: params.xt.f master $(INC) config -m master params.xt.f $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o c.86.xt.f.o venix.86.xt.x: $M.86 $I.86.xtINC) config -m master $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o ../ as -o ../ ../io.286/low.s as -o ../io.286/low.s # # Pro 350/380 kernels # # ld flags to force proper loading of modules U =-u _sureg -u _mapallo venix.p380: $M.11.p380 $ $O.11 c.p380.o last.o $(CHECK) make uts.p380 $(LD) -k -i -X -x $U c.p380.o \ $M.11.p380 $ $O.11 uts.p380.o last.o kfix a.out venix11.c config: cd config.d make -f \"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.p380.o uts.86: cc -c -DMACH='"86\0 "' -DVERS=\"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.86.o uts.286: cc -c -DMACH='"286\0 "' -DVERS=\"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.286.o kfix: kfix.c cc -s -O -o kfix kfix.c sysfix: sysfix.c cc -s -O -o sysfix sysfix.c vstrip86: vstrip86.c cc -s -O -I/usr/8086/include -o vstrip86 vstrip86.c vstrip11: vstrip11.c cc -s -O -o vstrip11 vstrip $O.86 low.86.xt.o c.86.xt.x.o $(CHECK) make uts.86 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o venix.86.xt.x low.86.xt.o c.86.xt.x.o\ $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 uts.86.o vstrip86 venix.86.xt.x chmod 444 venix.86.xt.x c.86.xt.x.o: params.xt.x master $(INC) config -m master params.xt.x $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o c.86.xt.x.o $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 low.86.xt.o $(CHECK) make uts.86 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o low.86.xt.o\ $M.86 $I.86.xt $O.86 uts.86.o vst.p380 vstrip11 venix.p380 rm a.out chmod 444 venix.p380 c.p380.o: params.p380 master $(INC) config -m master params.p380 $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o c.p380.o venix.p350: $M.11.p350 $ $O.11 c.p350.o last.o $(CHECK) make uts.p350 $(LD) -m -k -X -x $U c.p350.o \ $M.11.p350 $ $O.11 uts.p350.o last.o kfix a.out venix.p350 vstrip11 venix.p350 rm a.out chmod 444 venix.p350 c.p350.o: params.p350 master $(INC) config -m master params.p350 $(CC) -c -I$(HD) confrip86 chmod 444 master $(INC) config -m master $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o low.86.xt.o: as -o low.86.xt.o ../io.86.xt/low.s $M.86 $ $O.86 $(CHECK) make uts.86 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o\ $M.86 $ $O.86 uts.86.o vstrip86 chmod 444 master $(INC) config -m master $(CC).c mv conf.o c.p350.o venix.p350f: $M.11.p350 $ $O.11 c.p350f.o last.o $(CHECK) make uts.p350 $(LD) -m -k -X -x $U c.p350f.o \ $M.11.p350 $ $O.11 uts.p350.o last.o kfix a.out venix.p350f vstrip11 venix.p350f rm a.out chmod 444 venix.p350f c.p350f.o: params.p350f master $(INC) config -m master params.p350f $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o c.p350f.o venix.p350x: $M.11.p350 $ $O.11 c.p350x.o last.o $(CHECK) make uts.p350 $(LD) -m -k -X -x $U -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o $M.86 $ $O.86 $(CHECK) make uts.86 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o\ $M.86 $ $O.86 uts.86.o vstrip86 chmod 444 master $(INC) config -m master $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o $M.286 $ $O.286 $(CHECK) make uts.286 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o venix.286o.o c.p350x.o \ $M.11.p350 $ $O.11 uts.p350.o last.o kfix a.out venix.p350x vstrip11 venix.p350x rm a.out chmod 444 venix.p350x c.p350x.o: params.p350f master $(INC) config -m master params.p350x $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o c.p350x.o ../ as -o ../ # Utsname structure. Note that target never # gets made, to force recompilation every time uts.p350: cc -c -DMACH='"PRO350\0 "' -DVERS=\"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.p350.o .at\ $M.286 $ $O.286 uts.286.o vstrip86 chmod 444 master $(INC) config -m master $(CC) -c -I$(HD) conf.c mv conf.o $M.286 $ $O.286 $(CHECK) make uts.286 $(LD) -u _sureg -x -i -o\ $M.286 $ $O.286 uts.286.o vstrip86 chmod 444 master $( uts.p380: cc -c -DMACH='"PRO380\0 "' -DVERS=\"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.p380.o uts.86: cc -c -DMACH='"86\0 "' -DVERS=\"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.86.o uts.286: cc -c -DMACH='"286\0 "' -DVERS=\"`date +%y%m%d%H`\" -I$(HD) uts.c mv uts.o uts.286.o kfix: kfix.c cc -s -O -o kfix kfix.c sysfix: sysfix.c cc -s -O -o sysfix sysfix.c vstrip86: vstrip86.c cc -s -O -I/usr/8086/include -o vstrip86 vstrip86.c vstrip11: vstrip11.c cc -s -O -o vstrip11 vstripV? 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devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root winchester 0 swap winchester 0 -1 0 pipe winchester 1 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 sem./usr/sys/conf/params.p350x 644 2 2 1114 3474162712 10611 msl 25 semopm 10 semume 10 semvmx 32767 semaem 16384 autosync 120 350 * running from hard disk * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root winchester 0 swap winchester 0 -1 0 pipe winchester 1 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 sem* @(#)params.p350x 1.4 * system parameter file for DEC Professional 350 * (or 380) running XFER: virtual disk driver is system device * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console vdisk * 2 - partition usage root vdisk 0 swap vdisk 0 688 100 pipe vdisk 0 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 1 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 1 msgseg 1 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 sem./usr/sys/conf/params.p350f 644 2 2 1067 3474162711 10575 mnu 30 semmsl 25 semopm 10 semume 10 semvmx 32767 semaem 16384 autosync 120 r 380) running XFER: virtual disk driver is system device * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console vdisk * 2 - partition usage root vdisk 0 swap vdisk 0 688 100 pipe vdisk 0 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 1 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 1 msgseg 1 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 sem prtopen prtclose prtread prtwrite prtioctl clock c clkopen clkclose nodev nodev clkioctl vdisk c nulldev nulldev vdread vdwrite vdioctl slu c sluopen sluclose sluread sluwrite sluioctl v nulldev vdstrategy tty c syopen nulldev syread sywrite syioctl mem c nulldev nulldev mmread mmwrite nodev console c cslopen cslclose cslread cslwrite cslioctl comm c comopen comclose comread comwrite comioctl floppy c nulldev nulldev flpread flpwrite flpioctl winchester c nulldev nulldev winread winwrite winioctl printer c* @(#)params.p350f 1.4 * system parameter file for DEC Professional 350 * running from floppy * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root floppy 0 swap floppy 0 688 100 pipe floppy 0 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 semmsl 25 semo./usr/sys/conf/params.p350 644 2 2 1102 3474162710 10414 pm 10 semume 10 semvmx 32767 semaem 16384 autosync 120 Professional 350 * running from floppy * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root floppy 0 swap floppy 0 688 100 pipe floppy 0 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 semmsl 25 semo* @(#)params.p380 1.9 * system parameter file for DEC Professional 380 * running from hard disk * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root winchester 0 swap winchester 0 -1 0 pipe winchester 1 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 45 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 50 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 sem./usr/sys/conf/vstrip11 755 2 2 15530 3472205376 10175 msl 25 semopm 10 semume 10 semvmx 32767 semaem 16384 autosync 120 380 * running from hard disk * * 1 - devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root winchester 0 swap winchester 0 -1 0 pipe winchester 1 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 45 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 50 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 semF2 0  6 >  67 % 74   X . 7` 7c n   %@ @m @e7@  lf  p wv7 |f 5 N~ n 8_NJ e5 @ - 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devices winchester floppy tty mem console comm printer clock * 2 - partition usage root floppy 0 swap floppy 0 688 100 pipe floppy 0 * 3 - tunable parameters buffers 25 hashbuf 32 physbuf 5 inodes 90 files 80 mounts 6 calls 25 procs 40 texts 30 clists 25 maxproc 25 hz 60 locks 30 msgmap 50 msgmax 8192 msgmnb 8192 msgmni 10 msgssz 128 msgtql 40 msgseg 64 semmap 10 semmni 10 semmns 60 semmnu 30 semmsl 25 semo 5u   5 u  5 u Lmt w$ N ff& e5u4 # 4  N ff& e5u%%7D   E%    -  D   w: 5AupC4##%f& %     5r`@u@ H%@m A &@ ff B%` \ӋC~ @ AB 5wHBA 5u`u` u`ff` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N  $ @ ȕ N E& $ @ @ EH @ N  $ @ ȕ w7$n le- w7D w      D4 44  7D4  w  @  DAupN & J%  H@_*7(DC T w 7DCB ԋ   w@W f r @  W f r@  @ 7D  RNDn @ e-  &&  %4 E %  4 wfAW @wB f."1."765 e w$ 5v   - H 7ND E%B: 0#^@E<EE % @EE@E54 fe& %% ) H%"E%E%    -  D  wlD H  @EE& $ @EE< 7*DD  4   @   & %  w 7DE%wzw7|7x7t7p7l7h7d7`7\7X7T7P7L7H7D7@7<7874707,7(7$7 77777 777f& & ." 7 Bff %w 7 D lff %w 7 D _ _ _  r) w_ U"@+ @ a U  f 8 %5'4 t  r4a & f e  w 4 17EU4  R -D 4   @   7 D* Wtette   Ajtep   @w% B4 7D  -wVf 4@f@w8w4dw705  p"U7 n"U7 p" n"  Ae vB 5 7  7  %"55 a  a!_ E - 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intrq a - data register */ int icsr1; /* - csr */ int icdr2; /* - intrq b - data register */ int icsr2; /* - csr */ }; #define ICADDR ((struct intregs *)0173200) 4. / power fail trap; br7+5. / emulator trap scall; br7+6. / system entry . = 110^. trap; br7+10. / memory parity . = 230^. kwlp; br4+6. . = 240^. trap; br7+7. / programmed interrupt trap; br7+8. / floating point trap250;br7+9. / segmentation violation . = 500^. 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 / partition table - set when VENIX / booted within other o/s ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / interface code to C ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// kwlp: #define CLSIMR 0050 /* clear single imr bit */ #define STSIMR 0070 /* set single imr bit */ #define SELRMR 0340 /* preselect response memory */ #define SELACR 0300 /* preselect acr for writing */ #define SELIMR 0260 /* preselect imr for writing */ #define SETIMR 060 /* set all imr bits */ #define GRPENB 0245 /* enable controller group ints. and select IMR for read */ #define KBRRL 01 /* kb receive request level */ #define KBXRL 02 /* kb xmitter request level */ #define COMRL 03 /* comm lijsr r0,call; Lclock / / Allocation area for linkage vectors used by setiva() / .globl _vectors, _vec_end _vectors: . = . + [6*16.] / vectors are 6 bytes _vec_end: / end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .globl _clock clkreg = 0173030 / clock status register 2 Lclock: tst *$clkreg / read to reenable clock interrupts inc clktic bit $017,clktic / ignore 1 out of 16 interrupts to bne 1f / compensate for 64 Hz clock rts pc 1: jmp _clock / / reboot() -- Softwarne request level */ #define MDMRL 04 /* modem line request level */ #define PPRRL 05 /* printer receive request level */ #define PPXRL 06 /* printer xmit request level */ #define CLKRL 07 /* real time clock request level */ #define RD50RL 00 /* rd50 winchester request level */ #define RX50RL 01 /* rx50 floppy request level */ #define KBRVEC 0200 /* keyboard receive vector */ #define KBXVEC 0204 /* keyboard xmitter vector */ #define COMVEC 0210 /* comm port vector */ #define MDMVEC 0214 /* comm port modem c*/ #define SADDR(x) ((caddr_t) (SADDR0 + x*SRSIZ)) #define SIRA(x) ((caddr_t) (SIRA0 + x*SISIZ)) #define SIRB(x) ((caddr_t) (SIRB0 + x*SISIZ)) /* registers common to all Pro controllers */ struct prodev { int idr; /* ID register */ int rar; /* rom address register */ } ; of first slot int req a */ #define SIRB0 0304 /* address of first slot int req b */ #define SRSIZ 0200 /* slot reg address range */ #define SISIZ 010 /* slot iva range */ #define IDMASK 07777 /* mask of bit to look for in ID ./usr/tmp/ 40777 2 2 0 3505614675 5555 ./usr/sys/ 644 2 2 1426 3472432423 10664 /* @(#)proslot.h 1.4 */ /* * #define's for drivers using proslot() */ #define OMPREG ((physadr) 0173702) /* option module present register */ #define NSLOT 8 /* # of slots allowed */ #define SADDR0 0174000 /* address of first slot regs */ #define SIRA0 0300 /* address of first slot int req a */ #define SIRB0 0304 /* address of first slot int req b */ #define SRSIZ 0200 /* slot reg address range */ #define SISIZ 010 /* slot iva range */ #define IDMASK 07777 /* mask of bit to look for in ID