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Re-enter invalid CMRs, or press return. @(#)chksid.c 6.1invalid sid (co8)@(#)date_ba.c 6.1@(#)dodelt.c 6.1clock set wrong!!! (co10)Cl1@(#)any.c 6.1@(#)xlink.c 6.1can't link `%s' to `%s' (%d)xlink@(#)xopen.c 6.1`%s' unreadable (ut5)`%s' unwritable (ut6)`%s' unreadable or unwritable (ut7)xopen@(#)xunlink.c 6.1xunlink@(#)cat.c 6.1@(#)dname.c 6.1@(#)fatal.c 6.1hMZMRMERROR []: @(#)userexit.c 6.1@(#)zero.c 6.1@(#)zeropad.c 6.1 PFM:/ESTEDTDay Mon 00 00:00:00 1900 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTZ%/etc/passwdrrf_j_b_ Wtete   AtepB  s @w% p4 7D B B-wVf 4@f@www705 JhU7JfU7xJhvJfnJlJnJAe vBTJ5 7JJ JJ 7DJ  %"55 a  a!_rE -I%f wnI ,tIe !e vu@t 5 r $ rf5`5`II @5eock may be set wrong! 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K%  w K % % % % z_A% _@%{&! x <_A! x _A! _A!| K%%%x_@ ^ X_:dƷ `_A|_:% <%@ @ 5 b 5%# >5 A p x_0B@  @ @ @ 5 b 5%#  >5 A p x @  5>w _"B x<  r_"B&   m v 7`&   m%(  v 7`ze-| r m\h mP AH_"B _"B& %7V_"B7N_"B%x  7(& %77 ݷ N_"B  4% , %|$%/_@_:% %_@"-   2"-"-  7c T _: %}"-  2"-8"-  "- z _A ms T% ^_@\ "- z # %> "- %,2"- _@"-  ?ŷ %>?ķ  u-u-wu%! wx_:Nf J @ ȋ r%"% %\ X "- %& z%  67 7  %7 <ݮ#|ݷ xݷ %  #zVݷ Rݷ p%j?Bݷ >8e-2 >JF  7. _"B  _E&_E&_E    7& %7 %7& %7v z"_"B4- 7X4N  z_"B762   %7޷ 7- ʋW-x0 ʋ x5ʕX05-eW-da5+Z5V S v r@ r ! f e0 9e'5e= !AӋC~ @ AB 5wHBA 5u`u` u`ff` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N  R @ ȕ N E& R @ @ EH @ @(#)main.c 1.2 venturcom  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~N  R @ ȕ w7$ 4Re-@w7D w  R X  X4 44  7D4  wv   - T 7ND E%B: 0#p^@E<EE % @EE@E54 fe& U%% ) T%"E%E%    -  D T wlD T  @EE& R   Pd  /usr/lib/lex/ncform/usr/lib/lex/nrformRatfor not currently supported with lexUnknown option %crCan't read input file %sstandard inputINITIALINITIAL/usr/lib/lex/ebcformrLex driver missing, file %sToo little core to beginToo little core for state generationToo little core for final packingOOPS - calloc returns a 0line %d: %s @(#)sub1.c 1.2 venturcom@ T b v : Z n `vvff~~~ @55@e5Neff $N%=w7D 5 s0 s"Wp C0` s+  xl s  wz 7~AupuN VN& & \K%wF7PN Xw67@DC  ԋ@w7 @e5Nff $N%@ w 7 DCT w 7 D  UND @ Re-  p& @EE< 7*DD  p4 p  @  U & U%  w 7DE%wzEU4  U -D p4 p  @  U 7 D* Wtef(te   Atepp  X @w% V4 7D p p-wVf 4@f@& M%4 E %  4 w 7 Bff L%w 7 D 4Rff L%w 7 D _pM _pM_pM r) w_ U"@+ @ a U  f N%5'4 t  r4a & f Me  w 4 1p7 - w ef@www tw f@wwwww705 1U7 1U71 1Ae vB5 7 7  %"55 a  a!_WE -^% 1 wnP pY@e !e vu@t 5 r $ rf5`5` @5e vu@t 5@me@ u%| | pY%|N pY% Y|@m@e he \U?TP 1U?D_ZV a72 *,?$ َ|w fwzwvwrw 7 5 uDC5 5 5  % _P @w e@-U +U U  #U 0U  `u5 U5  . >u5 u-u @  A ZU5Bw JU5   5 5  5     U &  C ~CB5W-o0U 7!e_V7.DE -w7C5 X 5N VD-wA vuA-u@ f& Y% @ ` ݂@ ` `Nf@w 7\NeTf LY%  w,70DCB 5Ԕ @wBFN& fwFwBw>wNfw*m&"w.wmÅfww w 7FOPVAL %d verifadvanstoffsfallextramatchatable# define YYTYPE %s intcharstruct yywork { YYTYPE verify, advance; } yycrank[] = { %d,%d, 0,0, 0,0}; struct yysvf yysvec[] = { 0, 0, 0, yycrank+%d, yysvec+%d, 0, yyvstop+%d,0, 0, 0, 0}; struct yywork *yytop = yycrank+%d; struct yysvf *yybgin = yysvec+1; char yymatch[] = { '%c' ,0%-3o,No space for char table reverse0%-3o,0}; char yyextra[] = { %d,0}; block data common /L%s/ %s define S%s %d integer %s (S%s) data %s (%d)/%d/,(%%o)J888$9F9??Z@APA"-#+" ). "  "  *$%&'(, end block data common /L%s/ %s define S%s %d integer %s (S%s) data %s (%d)/%d/, %s (%d)/%d/end @(#)header.c 1.2 venturcom# include "stdio.h" # define U(x) ((x)&0377) # define U(x) x # define NLSTATE yyprevious=YYNEWLINE # define BEGIN yybgin = yysvec + 1 + # define INITIAL 0 # define YYLERR yysvec # define YYSTATE (yyestate-yysvec-1) # define YYOPTIM 1 # define YYLMAX 200 # define output(c) putc(c,yyout) %s%d%s # define input() (((yytchar=yysptr>yysbuf?U(*--yysptr):getc(yyin))==?!!!!! ,)&J  .^( *+?|/$,})}}  (yylineno++,yytchar):yytchar)==EOF?0:yytchar)# define unput(c) {yytchar= (c);if(yytchar=='\n')yylineno--;*yysptr++=yytchar;} # define yymore() (yymorfg=1) # define ECHO fprintf(yyout, "%%s",yytext) # define REJECT { nstr = yyreject(); goto yyfussy;} int yyleng; extern char yytext[]; int yymorfg; extern char *yysptr, yysbuf[]; int yytchar; FILE *yyin = {stdin}, *yyout = {stdout}; extern int yylineno; struct yysvf { struct yywork *yystoff; struct yysvf *yyother; int *yystops;}; struct yysvf   XC`C`CC"B"BD"B"B"BD"B~EEEE"BEE(FFFFFFGG GGbHH8IFIPIItH# define YYNEWLINE %d yylex(){ int nstr; extern int yyprevious; Too little core for parse treeToo little core for parse treech table needs redeclaration%T%tCharacter value %d out of rangeCharacter '%c' used twiceCharacter %o used twiceToo late for language specifier%}%s Premature eof , , ,# define %s %d Too many start conditionsStart conditions t~~~~~~r    %d: (Error) %d: (Warning) lex.yy.%cwCan't open %s# EOF inside commentNon-terminated string or character constantEOF in string or character constantAction does not terminatePremature EOFrCannot open file %sParse tree too big %s Try using %e numParse tree too big %s Try using %e numParse tree too big %s Try using %e numToo many characters pushed@(#)sub2.c 1.2 venturcom*&&*X,fToo many packe *yyestate; extern struct yysvf yysvec[], *yybgin; integer function yylex(dummy) define YYLMAX 200 define ECHO call yyecho(yytext,yyleng) define REJECT nstr = yyrjct(yytext,yyleng);goto 30998 integer nstr,yylook,yywrap integer yyleng, yytext(YYLMAX) common /yyxel/ yyleng, yytext common /yyldat/ yyfnd, yymorf, yyprev, yybgin, yylsp, yylsta integer yyfnd, yymorf, yyprev, yybgin, yylsp, yylsta(YYLMAX) for(;;){ 30999 nstr = yylook(dummy) goto 30998 30000 k = yywrap(dummy) if(k .ne. 0){ yyled character classesToo many positions %s Try using %p numblockdata common /Lvstop/ vstop define Svstop %d integer vstop(Svstop) int yyvstop[] = { 0, bad state %d %oToo many states %s Try using %n numend 0}; bad transition %d %dToo many transitions %s Try using %a numToo many positions for one state - acomputeToo many right contextsdata vstop(%d)/%d/ %d, data vstop(%d)/%d/ %d, data vstop (%d)/0/ 0, output table overflowj %d nchar %d ctable.nch %d output table overflowdefine YYTx=0; return; } else goto 30998 while((nstr = yylook()) >= 0) yyfussy: switch(nstr){ case 0: if(yywrap()) return(0); break; case -1: break; default: fprintf(yyout,"bad switch yylook %%d",nstr); } return(0); } /* end of yylex */ 30998 if(nstr .lt. 0 .or. nstr .gt. %d)goto 30999 nstr = nstr + 1 goto( %d, 30999),nstr 30997 continue } end %d/%d nodes(%%e), %d/%d positions(%%p), %d/%d (%%n), %ld transitions , %d/%d packed char classes(%%k), %d/%d packed transitions(%%a), %d/%d output slotsr classesExtra slash removedIteration range must be positiveCan't have negative iterationCan't have negative iterationJJJ ((((( H |OdROofOxPfPePgPcPsJOlOuPrOh(null))+v(v( # lint's options are "abchl:no:puvx" # cc/cpp options are "I:D:U:gO" # for OPT in "$@" do if [ "$optarg" ] then if [ "$optarg" = "LLIB" ] # special case... then OPT=`basename $OPT` fi eval "$optarg=\"\$$optarg \$pre\$OPT\$post\"" pre= post= optarg= continue fi case "$OPT" in *.c) FILES="$FILES $OPT" NDOTC="x$NDOTC";; *.ln) FILES="$FILES $OPT";; -*) OPT=`echo $OPT | sed s/-//p` while [ "$OPT" ] do O=`echo $OPT | sed 's/\\(.\\).*/\\1/p'` OPT=`echo $OPT | sed s/.//p` casn~(61 |OdROofOxPfPePgPcPsJOlOuPrOh(null))+v(v(e $O in p) LINTF="$LINTF -p" CCF="$CCF -Wp,-T" DEFL=$LLDIR/llib-port.ln;; n) LINTF="$LINTF -n" DEFL=;; c) CONLY=1;; [abhuvx]) LINTF="$LINTF -$O";; [gO]) CCF="$CCF -$O";; [IDU]) if [ "$OPT" ] then CCF="$CCF -$O$OPT" else optarg=CCF pre=-$O fi break;; l) if [ "$OPT" ] then FILES="$FILES $LLDIR/llib-l$OPT.ln" else optarg=FILES pre=$LLDIR/llib-l post=.ln fi break;; o) if [ "$OPT" ] then OPT=`basename /usr/bin/lint 755 2 2 6315 3470155166 6361 $OPT` LLIB="llib-l$OPT.ln" else LLIB= optarg=LLIB pre=llib-l post=.ln fi break;; *) echo "lint: bad option ignored: $O";; esac done;; *) echo "lint: file with unknown suffix ignored: $OPT";; esac done # # Second, walk through the FILES list, running all .c's through # lint's first pass, and just adding all .ln's to the running result # if [ "$NDOTC" != "x" ] # note how many *.c's there were then NDOTC=1 else NDOTC= fi if [ "$CONLY" ] # run lint1 on *.c's onl: lint.sh 1.1 # # @(#)lint.sh 1.5 # # New lint shell script. Changed to make lint(1) act as much as is possible # like a different version of the cc(1) command. This includes the notion of # a ``lint .o'' (.ln) and incremental linting. Thu Jan 27 10:07:15 EST 1983 # TOUT=/usr/tmp/tlint.$$ # combined input for second pass HOUT=/usr/tmp/hlint.$$ # header messages file LDIR=/usr/lib # where first & second pass are LLDIR=/usr/lib # where lint libraries are found PATH=/bin:/usr/bin CCF="-E -C -Dlint" #y producing *.ln's then for i in $FILES do case $i in *.c) T=`basename $i .c`.ln if [ "$NDOTC" ] then echo $i: fi (cc $CCF $i | $LDIR/lint1 $LINTF -H$HOUT $i >$T) 2>&1 $LDIR/lint2 -H$HOUT rm -f $HOUT;; esac done else # send all *.c's through lint1 run all through lint2 rm -f $TOUT $HOUT for i in $FILES do case $i in *.ln) cat <$i >>$TOUT;; *.c) if [ "$NDOTC" ] then echo $i: fi (cc $CCF $i|$LDIR/lint1 $LINTF -H$HOUT $i >>$TOUT)2>&1;; esac done if [ "oo longInvalid request %s%s Substitution strings may not begin with digitsNo translation given - null string assumed%d case %d: goto 30997 break; Executable statements should occur right after %%%}%s %d case %d: Definition %s not foundUndefined start condition %sToo many start conditions usedString too longNon-terminated stringNon-portable Character ClassToo many large character classes%s yacc stack overflowsyntax errorToo many definitionsDefinitions too longToo many large characte options for the cc command LINTF= # options for the lint passes FILES= # the *.c and *.ln files in order NDOTC= # how many *.c were there DEFL=$LLDIR/llib-lc.ln # the default library to use LLIB= # lint library file to create CONLY= # set for ``compile only'' pre= # these three variables used for post= # handling options with arguments optarg= # list variable to add argument to # trap "rm -f $TOUT $HOUT; exit 2" 1 2 3 15 # # First, run through all of the arguments, building lists #$LLIB" ] then cp $TOUT $LLIB fi if [ "$DEFL" ] then cat <$DEFL >>$TOUT fi if [ -s "$HOUT" ] then $LDIR/lint2 -T$TOUT -H$HOUT $LINTF else $LDIR/lint2 -T$TOUT $LINTF fi fi rm -f $TOUT $HOUT -H$HOUT rm -f $HOUT;; esac done else # send all *.c's through lint1 run all through lint2 rm -f $TOUT $HOUT for i in $FILES do case $i in *.ln) cat <$i >>$TOUT;; *.c) if [ "$NDOTC" ] then echo $i: fi (cc $CCF $i|$LDIR/lint1 $LINTF -H$HOUT $i >>$TOUT)2>&1;; esac done if [ "E z_:%(/: -EE?E E:PA I-\E\E?VE RE:A  : %)_|: x: 1-"EE?E EV:PA  DJ: @: : 6:7De7D$:-D:_7 :_-DD_9PA?9%@-DD?D D9PA  |DtDenD-lDhD `D9tA  I-x  0  6 >  67T % :7@=   &@ . %   &@ .  @@ "17J J ,  =HwJNefe  z @ %_ e"@f + _$@f B xJ 1AN _bJ A x6 TJPJ 7~K^J_ e6J %JA(J A x6@ȥ-J JA&@ INefe  % I_I 7 I_I .?  $?(@  I-IIIAm67AAm67AAm67A U75  @t&A X % t A LA@ X %w37&3D %4N  l N " "A mA3A mA& ' 5 & l Bm̋ "N J w272D7 @̋ @ 7r5w@@ m@7`@f + wH2 T7D2 @ b@LN5 >@ vf@J 6,e /@ @J 6,%@ @m @J 6,% u-@J 6, @J 6,  I>A  I 5?I@ _ erI-pIlI dI>tA  >e> HI>>I>>I6Ie0I&I z-,I(I?"I I`>PA  J-HH?H H:>A  %(C@ HHeH>0 _[>AA  _,E>GA  0 _-HH?~H zH=PA  >AA   DH z ?6H2H0=!=!%F@  f= =< H#=  v=&E 07 d= `=EH@EE% D= 0 := 0=&Ea̵bffEt A%PIeB- @m f % 5̥#̥*̥@$Bu ̥@FA  @m ̥@@A  @ ->>?> > ̋w0$->>4A  70D> &@ 1  1|> @l@ p> 1@f> K*4J 0 wD07N0D j>>%J; 4-2,>7 3">2> K72@& 6,% @& 6,  ~2= -t2K= K7b2@& 6,%w/7/D(3@& 6,%  @@& 6,% 07 = =EH )=;A  rG z_<PA  ?RGNG0<!%S@  < -8G4Gރ?.G *G << "G#<  <&E 07 v< r<EH@EE% V< 0 L< B<&E 072< .<EH  ;_ ; -FF_?F FA ;= zF#;  ;&E 07 ; ;EH@EE% ; 0 ;  ;&E 07 ; ;EH :?EE0%_|I_p;!_X;!Q;5A  -=wx/7/ .  .  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(ut10)write error (ut8)errno = %d, function = `%s' (ut11)@(#)fdfopen.c 6.1wr@(#)imatch.c 6.1@(#)index.c 6.1@(#)lockit.c 6.1: sccsdiff.sh 1.1 # @(#)sccsdiff.sh 6.1 # DESCRIPTION: # Execute bdiff(1) on two versions of a set of # SCCS files and optionally pipe through pr(1). # Optionally specify bdiff segmentation size. trap "rm -f /tmp/get[abc]$$;exit 1" 0 1 2 3 15 if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "Usage: sccsdiff -r -r [-p] [-s] sccsfile ..." 1>&2 exit 1 fi for i in $@ do case $i in -*) case $i in -r*) if [ ! "$sid1" ] then sid1=`echo $i | sed -e 's/^-r//'` elif [ ! "$sid2" ] then @  0  6 >  67|S % 76 7 C%0@-*%fCBNL \% C :L  L %L ]"CC7 C @m*@L  eL& % D-L   0LL BBB wP7Zc5 7jK72K7J7H 7B5uX 4J %[   -9 uV @Vm ' x@ AV@II - )U@B%2Lf  5dLLU@A7|DI D% %B  5 5 B  t- t- wI D%D I 7DCB W `5 ȥ@ ȥdwf#?58NN  C  DC  `5./ c e  g i m x . u/>  5(8U 8 7De. ` ӥ˥s w7D AWpAaeZNf  5  UA A  A .@fXA (%w0@/@ 3WpAaeZN1@4J %LdL2L4J e]8A4A 2A   $A4JfXA (% D-4J4@@ (%7 55557@NC  N 5@ v 8@f d 7B U@U @B nwC `ԥԥhE& 7 xBF N  U>@NfC % TB nU @CU  hFQVFNCt  CT  @  g l &S %pSSwB eS % S %l\G7" 5d 55  D74rA -44ed44 4 n 74A @  D5A  4 4m4H@w74   mx4H-N Fb4 ! X4  mR4 A w<7F 4404 m.4 "4 m 4 F 4 4 4 F7 47 3w7DCԤ̋w 7Nfefef New7DC ̥9 Wp @@`e̥0wzFC  ԥ9ԥf5 ̥ ̥   & %̥t ef   ̥m ef   C `t EU>?E N gf B & .%&  U?VE  7DC ˥ ˥ ̔ ˥ ˥ ˥  ˥  ˥ ˥ ˥  ˥  ˥ ˥ ˥  ˥  ˥ ˥ ˥  ˥  ˥ ˥ ˥  ˥  ˥ ˥     %w7DӥK7N  @`ȥ/ @`ȥ/ @mD̥/ 5 ̋@w7&DC Bʋ @ wҢ@@m 7DBeԔ e@w7 @5@HTB "% @ZB "%? ? 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N f@ &7 ~@ 5 2@ 5xA @l E w%%5 N@t&j Ee Ž7 _: <> E2> .>E%CpNeH%B w7 @55@e5Neff I%=w7DC  ԋ@wl7v @e5Nff I%@ w47: 0#^@E<EE % @EE@E54 fe& P%% ) N%"E%E%    -  D |O wlD N  @EE& M @EE< 7*DD  4   @  P & P%  w 7DE%wzEU4  P -D 4  tem(%s), state %d out of state spacenonterminal %s never derives any token string%d: %s %d, working set overflow State %d, nolook = %d flag set! %s too many lookahead sets@(#)y2.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.»<xy.outputwcannot open y.outputy.tab.hwcannot open y.tab.h`o' flag now default in yacc Ratfor Yacc is dead: sorry... illegal option: %cyacc.debugwcannot open yacc.debugy.tab.cwcannot open y.tab.cyacc.tmpwyacc.actswcannot open temp filercannot open i @  P 7 D* Wtete   Atep  S @w% P4 7D  -wVf 4@f@w*w& w705 U7xU7nldbdAe vBJ5 7@ @ 7:  %"55 a  a!_RE -% wn \Tԍe !e vu@t 5 r $ nput file$enderror$acceptbad %%start constructionbad syntax in %%typetype redeclaration of token %stype redeclaration of nonterminal %sredeclaration of precedence of %sredeclaration of type of %splease define type number of %s earliersyntax errorunexpected EOF before %%#define yyclearin yychar = -1 #define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0 extern int yychar; extern int yyerrflag; #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH #define YYMAXDEPTH 150 #endif #ifndef YYSTYPE #define YYSTYPE int #endif YYSTYPE yylval, yyval; typedefr4a & f He  w 4 17 -` w efwBw& 7 DCԔw~ f@ww w w f@www fwwww 7 5 uDC5 5 5  % _K @w e@-U +U U  #U 0U  `u5 U5  . >u5 u-rf5`5`턍 @5e vu@t 5@me@ u%| | \T%|N \T% T@m@e e U?U?،_FQ a7ƌ ?U 7!e_Q7.DE -|zw7C5 R 5N PD-wA vuA-u@ f& S% @ ` ݂@ ` `f@w 7\NeTf 8T%  w,u @  A ZU5Bw JU5   5 5  5     U &  C ~CB5W-o0ʋW-x0 ʋ x5ʕX05-eW-da5+Z5V S v r@ r ! f e0 9e'5e= !AӋC~ @ AB 5wHBA 570DCB 5Ԕ @wBFN& fwwwwNfwm|w.pwmjfwZw wL 7<F@(#)y1.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.X 0/usr/lib/yaccparrcannot find parser %s/usr/lib/yaccparyyr1yyr2yychkyydefyacc.debugrcannot re-open yacc.debugyacc.debugyacc.actsrcannot reopen action tempfileyacc.acts : item too big (%d) %d/%d terminals, %d/%du`u` u`ff` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N  M @ ȕ N E& M @ @ EH @ N  M @ ȕ w7$ Me-w7D w  M S | R4 44  7D4  wv   - N 7ND E%B: nonterminals %d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported %d/%d working sets used memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d %d/%d distinct lookahead sets %d extra closures %d shift entries, %d exceptions %d goto entries %d entries saved by goto default conflicts: %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce fatal error: , line %d NULL { %s }nonterminal %s not defined!internal Yacc error: pyield %d %s: %d yacc state/nolook errortoo many statesputitax on $ clauseyyval.%sIllegal use of $%dyypvt[-%d]must specify type of $%d.%sEOF inside commentnewline in string or char. const.EOF in string or character constantaction does not terminate /* empty */ "%s :%s", typedef struct { char *t_name; int t_val; } yytoktype; #ifndef YYDEBUG # define YYDEBUG %d /*%sallow debugging */ #endif don't #if YYDEBUG yytoktype yytoks[] = { "-unknown-", -1 /* ends search */ }; char * yyreds[] = { "-no such reduction-", }; #endif /* YYDEBUG */usr/include/a.out.h 644 2 2 25607 3453177533 7567 / @(#)y3.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.8688yytabelem yyexca[] ={ %d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s }; YYNPRODoff = %d, k = %d action table overflow %d no space in action table$ %d,%d,%d %s: gotos on %s %d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d, red'n %d) on %s-1, %d, %d, %d, %d,%d, -2, %d, state %d %s %s %s accepterrorshift %dreduce %d . reduce %d . error %s goto %d # define %s %d yytabelem %s[]={ %6d }; ,Rule not reduced: %s %d r/* @(#)a.out.h 1.6 venturcom */ /* @(#)a.out.h 2.4 */ #ifndef m86 #include /* included for all machines */ #if u3b || vax || u3b5 /* COMMON OBJECT FILE FORMAT File Organization: _______________________________________________ INCLUDE FILE |_______________HEADER_DATA___________________| | | | File Header | "filehdr.h" |.............................................| | | | Auxilliary Header Information | "aouthdr.h" | | ules never reduced @(#)y4.c 1.1 VenturCom, Inc.$0ȏyacc.tmproptimizer cannot open tempfilebad tempfilebad tempfileState %d: null %4d %4d yacc.tmpa array overflowa array overflowNonterminal %d, entry at %d cannot place goto %d State %d: entry at %d equals state %d out of space in optimizer a arrayclobber of a array, pos'n %d, by %dState %d: entry at %d Error; failure to place state %d nxti = %d, max = %d Optimizer space used: input %d/%d, output %d/%d %d table entries, |_____________________________________________| | | | ".text" section header | "scnhdr.h" | | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section header | '' | | |.............................................| | | | ".bss" section header | '' | | |_____________________________________________| |______________RAW_DATA_______________________| | | | ".text" int yytabelem; bad syntax on first ruletoken illegal on LHS of grammar ruleillegal rule: missing semicolon or | ?illegal %%prec syntaxnonterminal %s illegal after %%prec case %d: break;$$%dmore than %d rulesmust return a value, since LHS has a typedefault action causes potential type clashmore than %d rules # line %d "%s" # define YYERRCODE %d too many nonterminals, limit %dtoo many terminals, limit %dinvalid escapeillegal \nnn construction'\000' is illegal "%s", %d, "%s", %d, # defi%d zero maximum spread: %d, maximum offset: %d # define YYLAST %d yyactyypactyypgoyytabelem %s[]={ %6d }; ,out of space ((((( H hJd>JoRJxKfKeKgKcKs6JlxJuKrJh(null)טne %s %d # define %s %d too many characters in id's and literalsunterminated < ... > clauseillegal or missing ' or "termtokenleftnonassocbinaryrightprecstarttypeunioninvalid escape, or illegal reserved word: %smust specify type for %s%s should have been defined earlier # line %d "%s" typedef union typedef union EOF encountered while processing %%union YYSTYPE; YYSTYPE; extern YYSTYPE yylval; # line %d "%s" eof before %%}illegal commentEOF inside comment # line %d "%s" bad syn6߄ hJd>JoRJxKfKeKgKcKs6JlxJuKrJh(null)ט |_____________________________________________| |__________LINE_NUMBER_DATA_(SDB)_____________| | | | ".text" section line numbers | "linenum.h" | | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section line numbers | '' | | |_____________________________________________| |________________SYMBOL_TABLE_________________| | | | ".text", ".data" and ".bss" section | "syms.h" | symbols NIX/RT) */ #define A_MAGIC2 0410 /* read-only text */ #define A_MAGIC3 0411 /* separated I&D */ #define A_MAGIC4 0412 /* code-mapped */ #define A_MAGIC5 0413 /* code-mapped, separated I&D */ #if u370 struct relocation_info { long r_address; /* relative to current segment */ unsigned int r_symbolnum:24, /* if extern then symbol table */ /* ordinal (0, 1, 2, ...) else */ /* segment number (same as symbol types) */ r_pcrel:1, /* if so, segment offset has already */ /* been | "storclass.h" | | |_____________________________________________| |________________STRING_TABLE_________________| | | | long symbol names | |_____________________________________________| OBJECT FILE COMPONENTS HEADER FILES: /usr/include/filehdr.h /usr/include/aouthdr.h /usr/include/scnhdr.h /usr/include/reloc.h /usr/include/linenum.h /usr/include/syms.h /usr/include/storclass.h STANDARD FILE: /usr/include/a.out.h "object filsubtracted */ r_length:2, /* 0=byte, 1=word, 2=long */ r_extern:1, /* does not include value */ /* of symbol referenced */ r_offset:1, /* already includes origin */ /* of this segment (?) */ r_pad:3; /* nothing, yet */ }; #endif /* in invocation of BADMAG macro, argument should not be a function. */ #define BADMAG(X) (X.a_magic != A_MAGIC1 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC2 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC3 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC4 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC5 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC0) /* e" */ #include "filehdr.h" #include "aouthdr.h" #include "scnhdr.h" #include "reloc.h" #include "linenum.h" #include "syms.h" #else /* u370 || pdp11 */ /* * Format of an a.out header */ struct exec { /* a.out header */ #if u370 int a_magic; /* magic number */ int a_stamp; /* The version of a.out */ /* format of this file. */ #else short a_magic; /* magic number */ #endif unsigned a_text; /* size of text segment */ /* in bytes */ /* padded out to next */ /* page bouvalues for type flag */ #define N_UNDF 0 /* undefined */ #define N_TYPE 037 #define N_FN 037 /* file name symbol */ #if pdp11 #define N_ABS 01 /* absolute */ #define N_TEXT 02 /* text symbol */ #define N_DATA 03 /* data symbol */ #define N_BSS 04 /* bss symbol */ #define N_REG 024 /* register name */ #define N_EXT 040 /* external bit, or'ed in */ #define FORMAT "%.6o" /* to print a value */ #else #define N_ABS 02 /* absolute */ #define N_TEXT 04 /* text */ #define N_DATA 06 /* data */ #define N_BSS 010 #dndary with */ /* binary zeros. */ unsigned a_data; /* size of initialized data */ /* segment in bytes */ /* padded out to next */ /* page boundary with */ /* binary zeros. */ unsigned a_bss; /* Actual size of */ /* uninitialized data */ /* segment in bytes. */ unsigned a_syms; /* size of symbol table */ unsigned a_entry; /* entry point */ #if u370 unsigned a_trsize; /* size of text relocation */ unsigned a_drsize; /* size of data relocation */ unsigned a_origin; efine N_GSYM 0040 /* global sym: name,,type,0 */ #define N_FNAME 0042 /* procedure name (f77 kludge): name,,,0 */ #define N_FUN 0044 /* procedure: name,,linenumber,address */ #define N_STSYM 0046 /* static symbol: name,,type,address */ #define N_LCSYM 0050 /* .lcomm symbol: name,,type,address */ #define N_BSTR 0060 /* begin structure: name,,, */ #define N_RSYM 0100 /* register sym: name,,register,offset */ #define N_SLINE 0104 /* src line: ,,linenumber,address */ #define N_ESTR 0120 /* end structure: name,, section data (rounded to 4 | | bytes) | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section data (rounded to 4 | | bytes) | |_____________________________________________| |____________RELOCATION_DATA__________________| | | | ".text" section relocation data | "reloc.h" | | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section relocation data | '' | | /* The origin to which */ /* this file was */ /* relocated. */ unsigned a_actext; /* The actual size of */ /* the text segment in */ /* bytes. */ unsigned a_acdata; /* The actual size of */ /* the data segment in */ /* bytes. */ #endif #if pdp11 unsigned char a_hitext; /* high order text bits */ char a_unused; char a_flag; /* reloc info stripped */ char a_stamp; /* environment stamp */ #endif }; #define A_MAGIC1 0407 /* normal */ #define A_MAGIC0 0401 /* lpd (U, */ #define N_SSYM 0140 /* structure elt: name,,type,struct_offset */ #define N_SO 0144 /* source file name: name,,,address */ #define N_BENUM 0160 /* begin enum: name,,, */ #define N_LSYM 0200 /* local sym: name,,type,offset */ #define N_SOL 0204 /* #line source filename: name,,,address */ #define N_ENUM 0220 /* enum element: name,,,value */ #define N_PSYM 0240 /* parameter: name,,type,offset */ #define N_ENTRY 0244 /* alternate entry: name,,linenumber,address */ #define N_EENUM 0260 /* end enum: name,,, e nlist subroutine takes an old symbol table format as its argument * and it knows how to read the format actually stored in the file. */ struct nlist { char n_name[SYMNMLEN]; /* symbol name */ short n_type; /* type */ long n_value; /* value */ }; /* * Format of a symbol table entry as it really is in the a.out file. */ struct symtb { union { char *ns_name; /* for use when in-core */ unsigned short ns_strx; /* index into file string table */ } ns_un; char ns_type; /* type flag, i.e. N_TEX*/ #define N_LBRAC 0300 /* left bracket: ,,nesting level,address */ #define N_RBRAC 0340 /* right bracket: ,,nesting level,address */ #define N_BCOMM 0342 /* begin common: name,,, */ #define N_ECOMM 0344 /* end common: name,,, */ #define N_ECOML 0350 /* end common (local name): ,,,address */ #define N_STRU 0374 /* 2nd entry for structure: str tag,,,length */ #define N_LENG 0376 /* second stab entry with length information */ #define N_EXT 01 /* external bit, or'ed in */ #define FORMAT "%.8x" #define STABTYPT etc; see below */ char ns_other; /* unused */ short ns_desc; /* see */ long ns_value; /* value of this symbol */ }; #define ns_hash ns_desc /* used internally by ld */ /* * Simple values for n_type or ns_type. */ #define N_UNDF 0x0 /* undefined */ #define N_ABS 0x2 /* absolute */ #define N_TEXT 0x4 /* text */ #define N_DATA 0x6 /* data */ #define N_BSS 0x8 /* bss */ #define N_COMM 0x12 /* common (internal to ld) */ #define N_FN 0x1f /* file name symbol */ #define N_EXT 01 /* exteES 0340 #endif #endif #else /* ifdef m86 */ typedef long AOUT_T; /* * Header prepended to each a.out file. */ struct exec { short a_magic; /* magic number */ unsigned short a_stack; /* size of stack if Z type, 0 otherwise */ long a_text; /* size of text segment */ long a_data; /* size of initialized data */ long a_bss; /* size of uninitialized data */ long a_syms; /* size of symbol table */ long a_entry; /* entry point */ long a_trsize; /* size of text relocation */ long a_drsize; /* sizrnal bit, or'ed in */ #define N_TYPE 0x1e /* mask for all the type bits */ #define N_STAB 0xe0 #define N_GSYM 0x20 /* global symbol: name,,0,type,0 */ #define N_FNAME 0x22 /* procedure name (f77 kludge): name,,0 */ #define N_FUN 0x24 /* procedure: name,,0,linenumber,address */ #define N_STSYM 0x26 /* static symbol: name,,0,type,address */ #define N_LCSYM 0x28 /* .lcomm symbol: name,,0,type,address */ #define N_RSYM 0x40 /* register sym: name,,0,type,register */ #define N_SLINE 0x44 /* src line: 0,e of data relocation */ }; #define OMAGIC 0407 /* old impure format */ #define NMAGIC 0411 /* read-only text (seperate I&D) */ #define SYMNMLEN 8 /* size of symbol name */ /* * Macros which take exec structures as arguments and tell whether * the file has a reasonable magic number or offsets to text|symbols|strings. */ #define N_BADMAG(x) \ (long)(((x).a_magic)!=OMAGIC && ((x).a_magic)!=NMAGIC) #define N_TXTOFF(x) \ (long)sizeof(struct exec) #define N_SYMOFF(x) \ (long)(N_TXTOFF(x) + (x).a_text+(,0,linenumber,address */ #define N_SSYM 0x60 /* structure elt: name,,0,type,struct_offset */ #define N_SO 0x64 /* source file name: name,,0,0,address */ #define N_LSYM 0x80 /* local sym: name,,0,type,offset */ #define N_SOL 0x84 /* #included file name: name,,0,0,address */ #define N_PSYM 0xa0 /* parameter: name,,0,type,offset */ #define N_ENTRY 0xa4 /* alternate entry: name,linenumber,address */ #define N_LBRAC 0xc0 /* left bracket: 0,,0,nesting level,address */ #define N_RBRAC 0xe0 /* right bracketx).a_data + (x).a_trsize + (x).a_drsize) #define N_STROFF(x) \ (long)(N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms) /* * Format of a relocation datum. */ struct relocation_info { long r_address; /* address which is relocated */ short r_symbolnum; /* local symbol ordinal */ short r_pcrel:1, /* was relocated pc relative already */ r_length:2, /* 0=byte, 1=word, 2=long */ r_extern:1, /* does not include value of sym referenced */ :12; }; /* Format of the old symbol table entry. This is here for compatability. * Th: 0,,0,nesting level,address */ #define N_BCOMM 0xe2 /* begin common: name,, */ #define N_ECOMM 0xe4 /* end common: name,, */ #define N_ECOML 0xe8 /* end common (local name): ,,address */ #define N_LENG 0xfe /* second stab entry with length information */ /* * for berkeley Pascal compiler */ #define N_PC 0x30 /* * Format for namelist values. */ #define N_FORMAT "%08lx" #endif er,address */ #define N_LBRAC 0xc0 /* left bracket: 0,,0,nesting level,address */ #define N_RBRAC 0xe0 /* right bracket/* @(#)aouthdr.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)aouthdr.h 2.4 12/15/82 */ typedef struct aouthdr { short magic; /* see magic.h */ short vstamp; /* version stamp */ long tsize; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry */ long dsize; /* initialized data " " */ long bsize; /* uninitialized data " " */ #if u3b long dum1; long dum2; /* pad to entry point */ #endif long entry; /* entry pt. */ long text_start; /* base of text used for this file */ long data_start; /* base of data_____________________________________| * */ #define ARMAG "!\n" #define SARMAG 8 #define ARFMAG "`\n" struct ar_hdr /* archive file member header - printable ascii */ { char ar_name[16]; /* file member name - `/' terminated */ char ar_date[12]; /* file member date - decimal */ char ar_uid[6]; /* file member user id - decimal */ char ar_gid[6]; /* file member group id - decimal */ char ar_mode[8]; /* file member mode - octal */ char ar_size[10]; /* file member size - decimal */ char ar_fmag[2/usr/include/alarm.h 644 2 2 1766 3453177533 7615 used for this file */ } AOUTHDR; /* @(#)aouthdr.h 2.4 12/15/82 */ typedef struct aouthdr { short magic; /* see magic.h */ short vstamp; /* version stamp */ long tsize; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry */ long dsize; /* initialized data " " */ long bsize; /* uninitialized data " " */ #if u3b long dum1; long dum2; /* pad to entry point */ #endif long entry; /* entry pt. */ long text_start; /* base of text used for this file */ long data_start; /* base of data/* @(#)alarm.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)alarm.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Hardware bits */ #define DTR 00002 /* Data Terminal Ready (primary alarm) */ #define R2S 00004 /* Request to Send (clear signal) */ #define RCT 00010 /* Secondary Transmit Data (auxiliary alarm) */ #define RCR 02000 /* Secondary Received Data (primary alarm status) */ #define C2S 020000 /* Clear to Send (auxiliary alarm status) */ #define RCHAR 063 /* The "reset character" */ /* * Function codes */ #define ALPRI /usr/include/ar.h 644 2 2 3324 3453177534 7114 002000 /* Primary set, and test mask */ #define ALAUX 020000 /* Auxiliary set, and test mask */ #define ALTIME 000377 /* Timeout delay value mask */ #define ALSET 001000 /* Set timer delay */ #define ALRESET 004000 /* Restart watchdog timer */ #define ALCLEAR 010000 /* Clear all alarms */ struct sgtty alsgtty; #define alrmopn(name) (alfildes = open(name,2)) #define alrmclo() close(alfildes) #define alrm(cmd) \ (&alsgtty->sg_flags = cmd, stty(alfildes, &alsgtty), &alsgtty->sg_flags) ne ALPRI /* @(#)ar.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)ar.h 2.3 */ #if vax || u3b || u3b5 || m86 /* COMMON ARCHIVE FORMAT * * ARCHIVE File Organization: * _______________________________________________ * |__________ARCHIVE_MAGIC_STRING_______________| * |__________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_1______________| * | | * | Archive File Header "ar_hdr" | * |.............................................| * | Member Contents | * | 1. External symbol directory | * | 2. Text file | * |____________________/usr/include/aouthdr.h 644 2 2 1042 3453177533 10152 _________________________| * |________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_2________________| * | "ar_hdr" | * |.............................................| * | Member Contents (.o or text file) | * |_____________________________________________| * | . . . | * | . . . | * | . . . | * |_____________________________________________| * |________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_n________________| * | "ar_hdr" | * |.............................................| * | Member Contents | * |________/usr/include/bcurses.h 644 2 2 10557 3453224307 10175 () VOID(wclrtoeol(stdscr)) # define insertln() VOID(winsertln(stdscr)) # define deleteln() VOID(wdeleteln(stdscr)) # define refresh() VOID(wrefresh(stdscr)) # define inch() VOID(winch(stdscr)) # define insch(c) VOID(winsch(stdscr,c)) # define delch() VOID(wdelch(stdscr)) # define standout() VOID(wstandout(stdscr)) # define standend() VOID(wstandend(stdscr)) /* * mv functions */ #define mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch) VOID(wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddch(win,ch)) #define mvwgetch(win,y,x) VOID(wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?E/* @(#)bcurses.h 1.2 */ /* 4/17/81 (Berkeley) @(#)curses.h 1.7 */ # ifndef WINDOW # include #ifdef L_ctermid /* Identify as a System V */ #define USG #include typedef struct termio SGTTY; #else #include typedef struct sgttyb SGTTY; #endif # define bool char # define reg register # define TRUE (1) # define FALSE (0) # define ERR (0) # define OK (1) # define _SUBWIN 01 # define _ENDLINE 02 # define _FULLWIN 04 # define _SCROLLWIN 010 # define _FLUSH 020 # define _STARR:wgetch(win)) #define mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) VOID(wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddstr(win,str)) #define mvwgetstr(win,y,x) VOID(wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetstr(win)) #define mvwinch(win,y,x) VOID(wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : winch(win)) #define mvwdelch(win,y,x) VOID(wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : wdelch(win)) #define mvwinsch(win,y,x,c) VOID(wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR:winsch(win,c)) #define mvaddch(y,x,ch) mvwaddch(stdscr,y,x,ch) #define mvgetch(y,x) mvwgetch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvaddstr(y,x,str) mvwaddst]; /* ARFMAG - string to end header */ }; #else /* u370 || pdp11 */ #define ARMAG 0177545 struct ar_hdr { char ar_name[14]; long ar_date; char ar_uid; char ar_gid; int ar_mode; long ar_size; }; #endif name - `/' terminated */ char ar_date[12]; /* file member date - decimal */ char ar_uid[6]; /* file member user id - decimal */ char ar_gid[6]; /* file member group id - decimal */ char ar_mode[8]; /* file member mode - octal */ char ar_size[10]; /* file member size - decimal */ char ar_fmag[2NDOUT 0200 # define _NOCHANGE -1 # define _puts(s) tputs(s, 0, _putchar); /* * Capabilities from termcap */ extern bool AM, BS, CA, DA, DB, EO, GT, HZ, IN, MI, MS, NC, OS, UL, XN; extern char *AL, *BC, *BT, *CD, *CE, *CL, *CM, *DC, *DL, *DM, *DO, *ED, *EI, *HO, *IC, *IM, *IP, *LL, *MA, *ND, *SE, *SF, *SO, *SR, *TA, *TE, *TI, *UC, *UE, *UP, *US, *VB, *VE, *VS, PC, *K0, *K1, *K2, *K3, *K4, *K5, *K6, *K7, *K8, *K9, *KU, *KD, *KR, *KL; /* * From the tty modes... */ extern bool NONL, U/usr/include/assert.h 644 2 2 301 3453177534 7763 PPERCASE, normtty, _pfast; struct _win_st { short _cury, _curx; short _maxy, _maxx; short _begy, _begx; short _flags; bool _clear; bool _leave; bool _scroll; char **_y; short *_firstch; short *_lastch; }; # define WINDOW struct _win_st extern bool My_term, _echoit, _rawmode, _endwin; extern char *Def_term, ttytype[]; extern int LINES, COLS, _tty_ch, _res_flg; extern SGTTY _tty; extern WINDOW *stdscr, *curscr; /* * Define VOID to stop lint from generating "null effect" * comments. */ # i/* @(#)assert.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)assert.h 1.4 */ #ifdef NDEBUG #define assert(EX) #else extern void _assert(); #define assert(EX) if (EX) ; else _assert("EX", __FILE__, __LINE__) #endif r_size; }; #endif name - `/' terminated */ char ar_date[12]; /* file member date - decimal */ char ar_uid[6]; /* file member user id - decimal */ char ar_gid[6]; /* file member group id - decimal */ char ar_mode[8]; /* file member mode - octal */ char ar_size[10]; /* file member size - decimal */ char ar_fmag[2fdef lint int __void__; # define VOID(x) (__void__ = (int) (x)) # else # define VOID(x) (x) # endif /* * psuedo functions for standard screen */ # define addch(ch) VOID(waddch(stdscr, ch)) # define getch() VOID(wgetch(stdscr)) # define addstr(str) VOID(waddstr(stdscr, str)) # define getstr(str) VOID(wgetstr(stdscr, str)) # define move(y, x) VOID(wmove(stdscr, y, x)) # define clear() VOID(wclear(stdscr)) # define erase() VOID(werase(stdscr)) # define clrtobot() VOID(wclrtobot(stdscr)) # define clrtoeol _echoit = FALSE, stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #define nl() (_tty.sg_flags |= CRMOD,_pfast = _rawmode,stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #define nonl() (_tty.sg_flags &= ~CRMOD, _pfast = TRUE, stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #endif #ifdef USG #define getdel() (_tty.c_cc[VERASE]) #else #define getdel() (_tty.sg_erase) #endif WINDOW *initscr(), *newwin(), *subwin(); char *longname(); #endif ALSE,stty(_tty_ch,&_tty)) #define echo() (_tty.sg_flags |= ECHO, _echoit = TRUE, stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #define noecho() (_tty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO,/* @(#)ctype.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)ctype.h 1.4 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.2 */ #define _U 01 /* Upper case */ #define _L 02 /* Lower case */ #define _N 04 /* Numeral (digit) */ #define _S 010 /* Spacing character */ #define _P 020 /* Punctuation */ #define _C 040 /* Control character */ #define _B 0100 /* Blank */ #define _X 0200 /* heXadecimal digit */ #ifndef lint extern char _ctype[]; #define isalpha(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_U | _L)) #define isupper(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _U) #define islower(c) ((_ctype + 1)[/usr/include/core.h 644 2 2 1220 3453177534 7433 c] & _L) #define isdigit(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _N) #define isxdigit(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _X) #define isalnum(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_U | _L | _N)) #define isspace(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _S) #define ispunct(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _P) #define isprint(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_P | _U | _L | _N | _B)) #define isgraph(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_P | _U | _L | _N)) #define iscntrl(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _C) #define isascii(c) (!((c) & ~0177)) #define _toupper(c) ((c) - 'a' + 'A') #define _tolower(c) ((c) - 'A' + 'a') #de/* @(#)core.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)core.h 1.2 */ /* machine dependent stuff for core files */ #if vax #define TXTRNDSIZ 512L #define stacktop(siz) (0x80000000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x80000000L-siz) #endif #if pdp11 #define TXTRNDSIZ 8192L #define stacktop(siz) (0x10000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x10000L-siz) #endif #if u3b #define TXTRNDSIZ 0x20000 #define stacktop(siz) 0xC0000 #define stackbas(siz) (0xC0000 + siz) #endif #if u3b5 #define TXTRNDSIZ 2048L #define stacktop(siz) (0xF00000 + siz) #deffine toascii(c) ((c) & 0177) #endif + 1)[c] & _N) #define isxdigit(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _X) #define isalnum(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_U | _L | _N)) #define isspace(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _S) #define ispunct(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _P) #define isprint(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_P | _U | _L | _N | _B)) #define isgraph(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_P | _U | _L | _N)) #define iscntrl(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _C) #define isascii(c) (!((c) & ~0177)) #define _toupper(c) ((c) - 'a' + 'A') #define _tolower(c) ((c) - 'A' + 'a') #der(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvgetstr(y,x) mvwgetstr(stdscr,y,x) #define mvinch(y,x) mvwinch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvdelch(y,x) mvwdelch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvinsch(y,x,c) mvwinsch(stdscr,y,x,c) /* * psuedo functions */ #define clearok(win,bf) (win->_clear = bf) #define leaveok(win,bf) (win->_leave = bf) #define scrollok(win,bf) (win->_scroll = bf) #define flushok(win,bf) (bf ? (win->_flags |= _FLUSH):(win->_flags &= ~_FLUSH)) #define getyx(win,y,x) y = win->_cury, x = win->_curx #define winch(win) ine stackbas(siz) 0xF00000 #endif #if m86 #define TXTRNDSIZ 8192L #define stacktop(siz) (0x10000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x100000L-siz) #endif p(siz) (0x80000000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x80000000L-siz) #endif #if pdp11 #define TXTRNDSIZ 8192L #define stacktop(siz) (0x10000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x10000L-siz) #endif #if u3b #define TXTRNDSIZ 0x20000 #define stacktop(siz) 0xC0000 #define stackbas(siz) (0xC0000 + siz) #endif #if u3b5 #define TXTRNDSIZ 2048L #define stacktop(siz) (0xF00000 + siz) #def(win->_y[win->_cury][win->_curx]) #ifndef USG #define raw() (_tty.sg_flags|=RAW, _pfast=_rawmode=TRUE, stty(_tty_ch,&_tty)) #define noraw() (_tty.sg_flags&=~RAW,_rawmode=FALSE,_pfast=!(_tty.sg_flags&CRMOD),stty(_tty_ch,&_tty)) #define crmode() (_tty.sg_flags |= CBREAK, _rawmode = TRUE, stty(_tty_ch,&_tty)) #define nocrmode() (_tty.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK,_rawmode=FALSE,stty(_tty_ch,&_tty)) #define echo() (_tty.sg_flags |= ECHO, _echoit = TRUE, stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #define noecho() (_tty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO,/usr/include/ctype.h 644 2 2 2044 3453177534 7634 /* @(#)curses.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* "@(#)curses.h 1.3" (1.20 3/16/83) */ /* 5/15/81 (Berkeley) @(#)curses.h 1.8 */ #ifndef WINDOW # ifndef NONSTANDARD # include /* * This trick is used to distinguish between USG and V7 systems. * We assume that L_ctermid is only defined in stdio.h in USG * systems, but not in V7 or Berkeley UNIX. */ # ifdef L_ctermid # define USG # endif # include # ifdef USG # include typedef struct termio SGTTY; # else # incl(stdscr,c) # define delch() wdelch(stdscr) # define standout() wstandout(stdscr) # define standend() wstandend(stdscr) # define attron(at) wattron(stdscr,at) # define attroff(at) wattroff(stdscr,at) # define attrset(at) wattrset(stdscr,at) # define setscrreg(t,b) wsetscrreg(stdscr, t, b) # define wsetscrreg(win,t,b) (win->_tmarg=(t),win->_bmarg=(b)) /* * mv functions */ #define mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddch(win,ch)) #define mvwgetch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetch(win)) ude typedef struct sgttyb SGTTY; # endif # else NONSTANDARD /* * NONSTANDARD is intended for a standalone program (no UNIX) * that manages screens. The specific program is Alan Hewett's * ITC, which runs standalone on an 11/23 (at least for now). * It is unclear whether this code needs to be supported anymore. */ # define NULL 0 # endif NONSTANDARD # define bool char # define reg register /* * chtype is the type used to store a character together with attributes. * It can be set to#define mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddstr(win,str)) #define mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetstr(win,str)) #define mvwinch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winch(win)) #define mvwdelch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wdelch(win)) #define mvwinsch(win,y,x,c) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsch(win,c)) #define mvaddch(y,x,ch) mvwaddch(stdscr,y,x,ch) #define mvgetch(y,x) mvwgetch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvaddstr(y,x,str) mvwaddstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvgetstr(y,x,str) "char" to save space, or "long" to get more attributes. */ # ifdef CHTYPE typedef CHTYPE chtype; # else typedef unsigned short chtype; # endif CHTYPE # define TRUE (1) # define FALSE (0) # define ERR (-1) # define OK (0) # define _SUBWIN 01 # define _ENDLINE 02 # define _FULLWIN 04 # define _SCROLLWIN 010 # define _FLUSH 020 # define _ISPAD 040 # define _STANDOUT 0200 # define _NOCHANGE -1 struct _win_st { short _cury, _curx; short _maxy, _maxx; short _begy, _begx; short _flags; chtype _attrsmvwgetstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvinch(y,x) mvwinch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvdelch(y,x) mvwdelch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvinsch(y,x,c) mvwinsch(stdscr,y,x,c) # else MINICURSES # define addch(ch) m_addch(ch) # define addstr(str) m_addstr(str) # define move(y, x) m_move(y, x) # define clear() m_clear() # define erase() m_erase() # define refresh() m_refresh() # define standout() wstandout(stdscr) # define standend() wstandend(stdscr) # define attron(at) wattron(stdscr,at) # define attroff(at) wa; bool _clear; bool _leave; bool _scroll; bool _use_idl; bool _use_keypad; /* 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes/timeout */ bool _use_meta; /* T=use the meta key */ bool _nodelay; /* T=don't wait for tty input */ chtype **_y; short *_firstch; short *_lastch; short _tmarg,_bmarg; }; extern int LINES, COLS; typedef struct _win_st WINDOW; extern WINDOW *stdscr, *curscr; extern char *Def_term, ttytype[]; typedef struct screen SCREEN; # ifndef NOMACROS # ifndef MINICURSES /* * psuedo functions for standard scrttroff(stdscr,at) # define attrset(at) wattrset(stdscr,at) # define mvaddch(y,x,ch) move(y, x), addch(ch) # define mvaddstr(y,x,str) move(y, x), addstr(str) # define initscr m_initscr # define newterm m_newterm /* * These functions don't exist in minicurses, so we define them * to nonexistent functions to help the user catch the error. */ #define getch m_getch #define getstr m_getstr #define clrtobot m_clrtobot #define clrtoeol m_clrtoeol #define insertln m_insertln #define deleteln m_deleteln #/usr/include/curses.h 644 2 2 21153 3453177535 10037 een */ # define addch(ch) waddch(stdscr, ch) # define getch() wgetch(stdscr) # define addstr(str) waddstr(stdscr, str) # define getstr(str) wgetstr(stdscr, str) # define move(y, x) wmove(stdscr, y, x) # define clear() wclear(stdscr) # define erase() werase(stdscr) # define clrtobot() wclrtobot(stdscr) # define clrtoeol() wclrtoeol(stdscr) # define insertln() winsertln(stdscr) # define deleteln() wdeleteln(stdscr) # define refresh() wrefresh(stdscr) # define inch() winch(stdscr) # define insch(c) winschdefine inch m_inch #define insch m_insch #define delch m_delch /* mv functions that aren't valid */ #define mvwaddch m_mvwaddch #define mvwgetch m_mvwgetch #define mvwaddstr m_mvaddstr #define mvwgetstr m_mvwgetstr #define mvwinch m_mvwinch #define mvwdelch m_mvwdelch #define mvwinsch m_mvwinsch #define mvgetch m_mvwgetch #define mvgetstr m_mvwgetstr #define mvinch m_mvwinch #define mvdelch m_mvwdelch #define mvinsch m_mvwinsch /* Real functions that aren't valid */ #define box m_box #define delwin405 /* ... */ #define KEY_HOME 0406 /* Home key (upward+left arrow) */ #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /* backspace (unreliable) */ #define KEY_F0 0410 /* Function keys. Space for 64 */ #define KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n)) /* keys is reserved. */ #define KEY_DL 0510 /* Delete line */ #define KEY_IL 0511 /* Insert line */ #define KEY_DC 0512 /* Delete character */ #define KEY_IC 0513 /* Insert char or enter insert mode */ #define KEY_EIC 0514 /* Exit insert char mode */ #define KEY_CLEAR 0515 /* Clear s m_delwin #define longname m_longname #define makenew m_makenew #define mvprintw m_mvprintw #define mvscanw m_mvscanw #define mvwin m_mvwin #define mvwprintw m_mvwprintw #define mvwscanw m_mvwscanw #define newwin m_newwin #define _outchar m_outchar #define overlay m_overlay #define overwrite m_overwrite #define printw m_printw #define putp m_putp #define scanw m_scanw #define scroll m_scroll #define subwin m_subwin #define touchwin m_touchwin #define _tscroll m_tscroll #define _tstp m_tstp #decreen */ #define KEY_EOS 0516 /* Clear to end of screen */ #define KEY_EOL 0517 /* Clear to end of line */ #define KEY_SF 0520 /* Scroll 1 line forward */ #define KEY_SR 0521 /* Scroll 1 line backwards (reverse) */ #define KEY_NPAGE 0522 /* Next page */ #define KEY_PPAGE 0523 /* Previous page */ #define KEY_STAB 0524 /* Set tab */ #define KEY_CTAB 0525 /* Clear tab */ #define KEY_CATAB 0526 /* Clear all tabs */ #define KEY_ENTER 0527 /* Enter or send (unreliable) */ #define KEY_SRESET 0530 /*fine vidattr m_vidattr #define waddch m_waddch #define waddstr m_waddstr #define wclear m_wclear #define wclrtobot m_wclrtobot #define wclrtoeol m_wclrtoeol #define wdelch m_wdelch #define wdeleteln m_wdeleteln #define werase m_werase #define wgetch m_wgetch #define wgetstr m_wgetstr #define winsch m_winsch #define winsertln m_winsertln #define wmove m_wmove #define wprintw m_wprintw #define wrefresh m_wrefresh #define wscanw m_wscanw #define setscrreg m_setscrreg #define wsetscrreg m_wsetscrreg soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */ #define KEY_RESET 0531 /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */ #define KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */ #define KEY_LL 0533 /* home down or bottom (lower left) */ /* The keypad is arranged like this: */ /* a1 up a3 */ /* left b2 right */ /* c1 down c3 */ #define KEY_A1 0534 /* upper left of keypad */ #define KEY_A3 0535 /* upper right of keypad */ #define KEY_B2 0536 /* center of keypad */ #define KEY_C1 0537 /* # endif MINICURSES /* * psuedo functions */ #define getyx(win,y,x) y = win->_cury, x = win->_curx #define winch(win) (win->_y[win->_cury][win->_curx]) WINDOW *initscr(), *newwin(), *subwin(), *newpad(); char *longname(); char erasechar(), killchar(); int wgetch(); /* because it can return KEY_*, for instance. */ SCREEN *newterm(); /* Various video attributes */ #define A_STANDOUT 0000200 #define A_UNDERLINE 0000400 #define A_REVERSE 0001000 #define A_BLINK 0002000 #define A_DIM 0004000 #define lower left of keypad */ #define KEY_C3 0540 /* lower right of keypad */ # endif NOMACROS #endif WINDOW e KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */ #define KEY_LL 0533 /* home down or bottom (lower left) */ /* The keypad is arranged like this: */ /* a1 up a3 */ /* left b2 right */ /* c1 down c3 */ #define KEY_A1 0534 /* upper left of keypad */ #define KEY_A3 0535 /* upper right of keypad */ #define KEY_B2 0536 /* center of keypad */ #define KEY_C1 0537 /*A_BOLD 0010000 /* The next three are subject to change (perhaps to colors) so don't depend on them */ #define A_INVIS 0020000 #define A_PROTECT 0040000 #define A_ALTCHARSET 0100000 #define A_NORMAL 0000000 #define A_ATTRIBUTES 0377600 #define A_CHARTEXT 0000177 /* Funny "characters" enabled for various special function keys for input */ #define KEY_BREAK 0401 /* break key (unreliable) */ #define KEY_DOWN 0402 /* The four arrow keys ... */ #define KEY_UP 0403 #define KEY_LEFT 0404 #define KEY_RIGHT 0/usr/include/dial.h 644 2 2 3162 3453177535 7424 /usr/include/errno.h 644 2 2 212 3453177535 7611 /* @(#)fatal.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)fatal.h 1.2 */ extern int Fflags; extern char *Ffile; extern int Fvalue; extern int (*Ffunc)(); extern int Fjmp[10]; # define FTLMSG 0100000 # define FTLCLN 040000 # define FTLFUNC 020000 # define FTLACT 077 # define FTLJMP 02 # define FTLEXIT 01 # define FTLRET 0 # define FSAVE(val) SAVE(Fflags,old_Fflags); Fflags = val; # define FRSTR() RSTR(Fflags,old_Fflags); ld the name of the device used /* to make a connection. */ int dev_len; //* @(#)dial.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)dial.h 1.9 */ #ifndef IUCLC #include #endif #define LDEVS "/usr/lib/uucp/L-devices" #define SYSFILE "/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys" #define DIALFILE "/usr/lib/uucp/L-dialcodes" #define DEVDIR "/dev/" /* device path */ #define LOCK "/usr/spool/uucp/LCK.." /* lock file semaphore */ #define DVC_LEN 30 /* max NO of chars in TTY-device path name */ /* error mnemonics */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define INTRPT (-1) /* interrupt occured */ #define D_HUNG (-2)/* @(#)errno.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)errno.h 1.2 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ /* * Error codes */ #include extern int errno; rmio attribute struct */ int baud; /* transmission baud-rate */ int speed; /* 212A modem: low=300, high=1200 */ char *line; /* device name for out-going line */ char *telno; /* ptr to tel-no digits string */ int modem; /* allow modem control on direct lines */ char *device; /* Will hold the name of the device used /* to make a connection. */ int dev_len; / /* dialer hung (no return from write) */ #define NO_ANS (-3) /* no answer within 10 seconds */ #define ILL_BD (-4) /* illegal baud-rate */ #define A_PROB (-5) /* acu problem (open() failure) */ #define L_PROB (-6) /* line problem (open() failure) */ #define NO_Ldv (-7) /* can't open LDEVS file */ #define DV_NT_A (-8) /* requested device not available */ #define DV_NT_K (-9) /* requested device not known */ #define NO_BD_A (-10) /* no device available at requested baud */ #define NO_BD_K (-11) /* no device /usr/include/execargs.h 644 2 2 400 3453177536 10265 known at requested baud */ #define DV_NT_E (-12) /* requested speed does not match */ typedef struct { struct termio *attr; /* ptr to termio attribute struct */ int baud; /* transmission baud-rate */ int speed; /* 212A modem: low=300, high=1200 */ char *line; /* device name for out-going line */ char *telno; /* ptr to tel-no digits string */ int modem; /* allow modem control on direct lines */ char *device; /* Will hold the name of the device used /* to make a connection. */ int dev_len; //* @(#)execargs.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)execargs.h 1.2 */ #if vax char **execargs = (char**)(0x7ffffffc); #endif #if pdp11 || m86 char **execargs = (char**)(-2); #endif #if u3b || u3b5 /* empty till we can figure out what to do for the shell */ #endif har *line; /* device name for out-going line */ char *telno; /* ptr to tel-no digits string */ int modem; /* allow modem control on direct lines */ char *device; /* Will hold the name of the device used /* to make a connection. */ int dev_len; /* The length of the device used to make /* a connection. */ } CALL; extern int dial(); extern void undial(); rmio *attr; /* ptr to termio attribute struct */ int baud; /* transmission baud-rate */ int speed; /* 212A modem: low=300, high=1200 */ char *line; /* device name for out-going line */ char *telno; /* ptr to tel-no digits string */ int modem; /* allow modem control on direct lines */ char *device; /* Will hold the name of the device used /* to make a connection. */ int dev_len; //usr/include/fatal.h 644 2 2 662 3453177536 7565 /usr/include/filehdr.h 644 2 2 4761 3453177536 10137 62 #define MTVMAGIC 0561 /* VAX 11/780 and VAX 11/750 */ /* writeable text segments */ #define VAXWRMAGIC 0570 /* readonly sharable text segments */ #define VAXROMAGIC 0575 /* Motorola 68000 */ #define MC68MAGIC 0520 #define MC68TVMAGIC 0521 #define M68MAGIC 0210 #define M68TVMAGIC 0211 /* IBM 370 */ #define U370WRMAGIC 0530 /* writeble text segments */ #define U370ROMAGIC 0535 /* readonly sharable text segments */ #define FILHDR struct filehdr #define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR) ne RBOMAGIC 05/* @(#)filehdr.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)filehdr.h 2.3 1/19/83 */ struct filehdr { unsigned short f_magic; /* magic number */ unsigned short f_nscns; /* number of sections */ long f_timdat; /* time & date stamp */ long f_symptr; /* file pointer to symtab */ long f_nsyms; /* number of symtab entries */ unsigned short f_opthdr; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */ unsigned short f_flags; /* flags */ }; /* * Bits for f_flags: * * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file * F_EXEC file is executabl/usr/include/ftw.h 644 2 2 517 3453177536 7275 /usr/include/fcntl.h 644 2 2 1472 3453177536 7624 e (i.e. no unresolved * externel references) * F_LNNO line nunbers stripped from file * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file * F_MINMAL this is a minimal object file (".m") output of fextract * F_UPDATE this is a fully bound update file, output of ogen * F_SWABD this file has had its bytes swabbed (in names) * F_AR16WR this file has the byte ordering of an AR16WR (e.g. 11/70) machine * (it was created there, or was produced by conv) * F_AR32WR this file has the byte ordering of an AR3/* @(#)fcntl.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)fcntl.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.2 */ /* Flag values accessible to open(2) and fcntl(2) */ /* (The first three can only be set by open) */ #define O_RDONLY 0 #define O_WRONLY 1 #define O_RDWR 2 #define O_NDELAY 04 /* Non-blocking I/O */ #define O_APPEND 010 /* append (writes guaranteed at the end) */ #define O_SYNC 020 /* synchronous write option */ /* Flag values accessible only to open(2) */ #define O_CREAT 00400 /* open with file create (uses third open arg)*/ #de2WR machine(e.g. vax) * F_AR32W this file has the byte ordering of an AR32W machine (e.g. 3b,maxi) * F_PATCH file contains "patch" list in optional header * F_NODF (minimal file only) no decision functions for * replaced functions */ #define F_RELFLG 0000001 #define F_EXEC 0000002 #define F_LNNO 0000004 #define F_LSYMS 0000010 #define F_MINMAL 0000020 #define F_UPDATE 0000040 #define F_SWABD 0000100 #define F_AR16WR 0000200 #define F_AR32WR 0000400 #define F_AR32W 0001000 #define F_fine O_TRUNC 01000 /* open with truncation */ #define O_EXCL 02000 /* exclusive open */ /* fcntl(2) requests */ #define F_DUPFD 0 /* Duplicate fildes */ #define F_GETFD 1 /* Get fildes flags */ #define F_SETFD 2 /* Set fildes flags */ #define F_GETFL 3 /* Get file flags */ #define F_SETFL 4 /* Set file flags */ guaranteed at the end) */ #define O_SYNC 020 /* synchronous write option */ /* Flag values accessible only to open(2) */ #define O_CREAT 00400 /* open with file create (uses third open arg)*/ #dePATCH 0002000 #define F_NODF 0002000 /* * Magic Numbers */ /* Basic-16 */ #define B16MAGIC 0502 #define BTVMAGIC 0503 /* x86 */ #define X86MAGIC 0510 #define XTVMAGIC 0511 /* n3b */ /* * NOTE: For New 3B, the old values of magic numbers * will be in the optional header in the structure * "aouthdr" (identical to old 3B aouthdr). */ #define N3BMAGIC 0550 #define NTVMAGIC 0551 /* XL */ #define XLMAGIC 0540 /* MAC-32 3b-5 */ #define FBOMAGIC 0560 #define RBOMAGIC 05/* @(#)grp.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)grp.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ struct group { /* see getgrent(3) */ char *gr_name; char *gr_passwd; int gr_gid; char **gr_mem; }; ine FTW_F 0 /* file */ #define FTW_D 1 /* directory */ #define FTW_DNR 2 /* directory without read permission */ #define FTW_NS 3 /* unknown type, stat failed */ GIC 0530 /* writeble text segments */ #define U370ROMAGIC 0535 /* readonly sharable text segments */ #define FILHDR struct filehdr #define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR) ne RBOMAGIC 05ndard I/O library procedures */ LDFILE *ldopen(); LDFILE *ldaopen(); #define GETC(ldptr) getc(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define GETW(ldptr) getw(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FEOF(ldptr) feof(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FERROR(ldptr) ferror(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FGETC(ldptr) fgetc(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FGETS(s,n,ldptr) fgets(s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FILENO(ldptr) fileno(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FREAD(p,s,n,ldptr) fread(p,s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FSEEK(ldptr,o,p) fseek(IOPTR(ldptr),(p==BEGINNING)?(OFFSET(ldptr)+o):o,p) #define FTELL/usr/include/ldfcn.h 644 2 2 4514 3453177537 7605 (ldptr) ftell(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FWRITE(p,s,n,ldptr) fwrite(p,s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define REWIND(ldptr) rewind(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define SETBUF(ldptr,b) setbuf(IOPTR(ldptr),b) #define UNGETC(c,ldptr) ungetc(c,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define STROFFSET(ldptr) (HEADER(ldptr).f_symptr + HEADER(ldptr).f_nsyms * 18) /* 18 == SYMESZ */ #endif ENO(ldptr) fileno(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FREAD(p,s,n,ldptr) fread(p,s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FSEEK(ldptr,o,p) fseek(IOPTR(ldptr),(p==BEGINNING)?(OFFSET(ldptr)+o):o,p) #define FTELL/* @(#)ldfcn.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)ldfcn.h 2.2 2/28/83 */ /* * The following two declarations appear in the IH versions of * "stdio.h" but do not appear in the normal 1.2 versions. */ long ftell(); char *fgets(); #ifndef LDFILE struct ldfile { int _fnum_; /* so each instance of an LDFILE is unique */ FILE *ioptr; /* system I/O pointer value */ long offset; /* absolute offset to the start of the file */ FILHDR header; /* the file header of the opened file */ unsigned short type; /* indica/usr/include/linenum.h 644 2 2 1232 3453177537 10160 /* @(#)ftw.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)ftw.h 1.1 */ /* * Codes for the third argument to the user-supplied function * which is passed as the second argument to ftw */ #define FTW_F 0 /* file */ #define FTW_D 1 /* directory */ #define FTW_DNR 2 /* directory without read permission */ #define FTW_NS 3 /* unknown type, stat failed */ GIC 0530 /* writeble text segments */ #define U370ROMAGIC 0535 /* readonly sharable text segments */ #define FILHDR struct filehdr #define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR) ne RBOMAGIC 05tor of the type of the file */ }; /* provide a structure "type" definition, and the associated "attributes" */ #define LDFILE struct ldfile #define IOPTR(x) x->ioptr #define OFFSET(x) x->offset #define TYPE(x) x->type #define HEADER(x) x->header #define LDFSZ sizeof(LDFILE) /* define various values of TYPE(ldptr) */ #define ARTYPE 0177545 /* define symbolic positioning information for FSEEK (and fseek) */ #define BEGINNING 0 #define CURRENT 1 #define END 2 /* define a structure "type" for/usr/include/grp.h 644 2 2 255 3453177537 7265 an archive header */ typedef struct { char ar_name[16]; long ar_date; int ar_uid; int ar_gid; long ar_mode; long ar_size; } archdr; #define ARCHDR archdr #define ARCHSZ sizeof(ARCHDR) /* define some useful symbolic constants */ #define SYMTBL 0 /* section nnumber and/or section name of the Symbol Table */ #define SUCCESS 1 #define CLOSED 1 #define FAILURE 0 #define NOCLOSE 0 #define BADINDEX -1L #define OKFSEEK 0 /* define macros to permit the direct use of LDFILE pointers with the staaddress of line number */ } l_addr ; unsigned short l_lnno ; /* line number */ } ; #define LINENO struct lineno #define LINESZ 6 /* sizeof(LINENO) */ Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; the first entry in a function grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the symbol table index of the function name. */ struct lineno { union { long l_symndx ; /* sym. table index of function name iff l_lnno == 0 */ long l_paddr ; /* (physical) 1) which becomes static char Sccsid "@(#)macros.h 1.1" */ # define SCCSID(arg) static char Sccsid[]="arg" /* Use of ERRABORT() will cause libS.a internal errors to cause aborts */ # define ERRABORT() _error() { abort(); } /* Use of USXALLOC() is required to force all calls to alloc() (e.g., from libS.a) to call xalloc(). */ # define USXALLOC() \ char *alloc(n) {return((char *)xalloc((unsigned)n));} \ free(n) char *n; {xfree(n);} \ char *malloc(n) unsigned n; {int p; p=xalloc(n); \ return((ch/usr/include/macros.h 644 2 2 4300 3453177537 7774 ar *)(p != -1?p:0));} # define NONBLANK(p) while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++ /* A global null string. */ extern char Null[1]; /* A global error message string. */ extern char Error[128]; ERRABORT() _error() { abort(); } /* Use of USXALLOC() is required to force all calls to alloc() (e.g., from libS.a) to call xalloc(). */ # define USXALLOC() \ char *alloc(n) {return((char *)xalloc((unsigned)n));} \ free(n) char *n; {xfree(n);} \ char *malloc(n) unsigned n; {int p; p=xalloc(n); \ return((ch/* @(#)macros.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)macros.h 1.1 */ /* numeric() is useful in while's, if's, etc., but don't use *p++ max() and min() depend on the types of the operands abs() is absolute value */ # define numeric(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9') # define max(a,b) (ab ? b : a) # define abs(x) (x>=0 ? x : -(x)) # define copy(srce,dest) cat(dest,srce,0) # define compare(str1,str2) strcmp(str1,str2) # define equal(str1,str2) !strcmp(str1,str2) # define length(str) strl/usr/include/malloc.h 644 2 2 1762 3453177540 7762 en(str) # define size(str) (strlen(str) + 1) /* The global variable Statbuf is available for use as a stat(II) structure. Note that "stat.h" is included here and should not be included elsewhere. Exists(file) returns 0 if the file does not exist; the flags word if it does (the flags word is always non-zero). */ # include "sys/stat.h" extern struct stat Statbuf; # define exists(file) (stat(file,&Statbuf)<0 ? 0:Statbuf.st_mode) extern long itol(); /* libS.a interface for xopen() and xcreat() */ # d/* @(#)malloc.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)malloc.h 1.2 */ /* Constants defining mallopt operations */ #define M_MXFAST 1 /* set size of blocks to be fast */ #define M_NLBLKS 2 /* set number of block in a holding block */ #define M_GRAIN 3 /* set number of sizes mapped to one, for small blocks */ #define M_KEEP 4 /* retain contents of block after a free until another allocation */ /* structure filled by */ struct mallinfo { int arena; /* total space in arena */ int ordblks; /* number of /* @(#)linenum.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)linenum.h 2.1 */ /* There is one line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section. Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; the first entry in a function grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the symbol table index of the function name. */ struct lineno { union { long l_symndx ; /* sym. table index of function name iff l_lnno == 0 */ long l_paddr ; /* (physical) efine xfopen(file,mode) fdfopen(xopen(file,mode),mode) # define xfcreat(file,mode) fdfopen(xcreat(file,mode),1) # define remove(file) xunlink(file) /* SAVE() and RSTR() use local data in nested blocks. Make sure that they nest cleanly. */ # define SAVE(name,place) { int place = name; # define RSTR(name,place) name = place;} /* Use: DEBUG(sum,d) which becomes fprintf(stderr,"sum = %d\n",sum) */ # define DEBUG(variable,type) fprintf(stderr,"variable = %type\n",variable) /* Use: SCCSID(@(#)macros.h 1.ordinary blocks */ int smblks; /* number of small blocks */ int hblks; /* number of holding blocks */ int hblkhd; /* space in holding block headers */ int usmblks; /* space in small blocks in use */ int fsmblks; /* space in free small blocks */ int uordblks; /* space in ordinary blocks in use */ int fordblks; /* space in free ordinary blocks */ int keepcost; /* cost of enabling keep option */ }; char *malloc(); void free(); char *realloc(); int mallopt(); struct mallinfo mallinfo(); /* number of (c)[2]) #define _POLY3(x, c) (_POLY2((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[3]) #define _POLY4(x, c) (_POLY3((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[4]) #define _POLY5(x, c) (_POLY4((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[5]) #define _POLY6(x, c) (_POLY5((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[6]) #define _POLY7(x, c) (_POLY6((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[7]) #define _POLY8(x, c) (_POLY7((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[8]) #define _POLY9(x, c) (_POLY8((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define S/usr/include/math.h 644 2 2 4127 3453177540 7442 ING 2 #define OVERFLOW 3 #define UNDERFLOW 4 #define TLOSS 5 #define PLOSS 6 #endif OLY3((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[4]) #define _POLY5(x, c) (_POLY4((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[5]) #define _POLY6(x, c) (_POLY5((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[6]) #define _POLY7(x, c) (_POLY6((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[7]) #define _POLY8(x, c) (_POLY7((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[8]) #define _POLY9(x, c) (_POLY8((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define S/* @(#)math.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)math.h 2.5 */ #ifndef _POLY9 extern int errno, signgam; extern double atof(), frexp(), ldexp(), modf(); extern double j0(), j1(), jn(), y0(), y1(), yn(); extern double erf(), erfc(); extern double exp(), log(), log10(), pow(), sqrt(); extern double floor(), ceil(), fmod(), fabs(); extern double gamma(); extern double hypot(); extern int matherr(); extern double sinh(), cosh(), tanh(); extern double sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2(); /* some useful c/usr/include/memory.h 644 2 2 212 3453177540 7770 onstants */ #define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 #define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 #define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 #define M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 #define M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 #if/* @(#)memory.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)memory.h 1.2 */ extern char *memccpy(), *memchr(), *memcpy(), *memset(); extern int memcmp(); (_POLY4((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[5]) #define _POLY6(x, c) (_POLY5((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[6]) #define _POLY7(x, c) (_POLY6((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[7]) #define _POLY8(x, c) (_POLY7((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[8]) #define _POLY9(x, c) (_POLY8((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define S u3b || u3b5 || m86 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #endif #if pdp11 || vax #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.701411733192644299e+38) #endif #if gcos #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.7014118219281863150e+38) #endif #define HUGE MAXFLOAT #define _ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x)) #define _REDUCE(TYPE, X, XN, C1, C2) { \ double x1 = (double)(TYPE)X, x2 = X - x1; \ X = x1 - (XN) * (C1); X += x2; X -= (XN) * (C2); } #define _POLY1(x, c) ((c)[0] * (x) + (c)[1]) #define _POLY2(x, c) (_POLY1((x), (c)) * (x) + /usr/include/mnttab.h 644 2 2 455 3453177540 7756 /* @(#)nan.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)nan.h 1.3 */ /* Handling of Not_a_Number's (only in IEEE floating-point standard) */ #define KILLFPE() (void) kill(getpid(), 8) #if u3b || u3b5 #define NaN(X) (((union { double d; struct { unsigned :1, e:11; } s; } \ *)&X)->s.e == 0x7ff) #define KILLNaN(X) if (NaN(X)) KILLFPE() #else #define Nan(X) 0 #define KILLNaN(X) #endif ), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define S/* @(#)prof.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)prof.h 1.3 */ #ifndef MARK #define MARK(L) {} #else #undef MARK #ifdef vax #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .data");\ asm(" .align 4");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .long 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" nop;nop");\ asm(" movab .L.,r0");\ asm(" jsb mcount");\ } #endif #ifdef u3b #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .data");\ asm(" .align 4");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .word 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" movw &.L.,%r0");\ asm(" jsb _mcount");\ }/* @(#)mnttab.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)mnttab.h 1.2 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ #ifdef NMOUNT # undef NMOUNT #endif #define NMOUNT 20 /* Format of the /etc/mnttab file which is set by the mount(1m) * command */ struct mnttab { char mt_dev[32], mt_filsys[32]; short mt_ro_flg; time_t mt_time; }; c) (_POLY7((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[8]) #define _POLY9(x, c) (_POLY8((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define S/usr/include/nlist.h 644 2 2 1257 3453177541 7644 /usr/include/mon.h 644 2 2 463 3453177541 7262 /* @(#)nlist.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* * "@(#) nlist.h: 1.2 3/19/83" */ #if vax || u3b || u3b5 /* symbol table entry structure */ struct nlist { char *n_name; /* symbol name */ long n_value; /* value of symbol */ short n_scnum; /* section number */ unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */ char n_sclass; /* storage class */ char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */ }; #else /* pdp11 || u370 */ struct nlist { char n_name[8]; /* symbol name */ #if pdp11 int n_type; /* type of symb/* @(#)mon.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)mon.h 1.6 */ struct hdr { char *lpc; char *hpc; int nfns; }; struct cnt { char *fnpc; long mcnt; }; typedef unsigned short WORD; #define MON_OUT "mon.out" #define MPROGS0 (150 * sizeof(WORD)) /* 300 for pdp11, 600 for 32-bits */ #define MSCALE0 4 #define NULL 0 OLY7((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[8]) #define _POLY9(x, c) (_POLY8((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define Sol in .o */ #else char n_type; char n_other; #ifndef m86 short n_desc; #endif #endif #ifdef m86 long #else unsigned #endif n_value; /* value of symbol */ }; #endif */ long n_value; /* value of symbol */ short n_scnum; /* section number */ unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */ char n_sclass; /* storage class */ char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */ }; #else /* pdp11 || u370 */ struct nlist { char n_name[8]; /* symbol name */ #if pdp11 int n_type; /* type of symb/usr/include/nan.h 644 2 2 561 3453177541 7244 /usr/include/prof.h 644 2 2 1301 3453177541 7447 /usr/include/ranlib.h 644 2 2 1167 3453177542 7763 atic int nodelim; int circf; static int low; static int size; static char bittab[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 }; char * compile(instring, ep, endbuf, seof) register char *ep; char *instring, *endbuf; { INIT /* Dependent declarations and initializations */ register c; register eof = seof; char *lastep = instring; int cclcnt; char bracket[NBRA], *bracketp; int closed; int neg; int lc; int i, cflg; lastep = 0; if((c = GETC()) == eof || c == '\n') { if(c == '\n') { UNGETC(c); nodeli/* @(#)ranlib.h 1.1 venturcom */ #ifdef m86 /* * Structure of the __.SYMDEF table of contents for an archive. * __.SYMDEF begins with a word giving the number of ranlib structures * which immediately follow, and then continues with a string * table consisting of a word giving the number of bytes of strings * which follow and then the strings themselves. * The ran_strx fields index the string table whose first byte is numbered 0. */ struct ranlib { union { off_t ran_strx; /* string table index of m = 1; } if(*ep == 0 && !sed) ERROR(41); RETURN(ep); } bracketp = bracket; circf = closed = nbra = ebra = 0; if(c == '^') circf++; else UNGETC(c); while(1) { if(ep >= endbuf) ERROR(50); c = GETC(); if(c != '*' && ((c != '\\') || (PEEKC() != '{'))) lastep = ep; if(c == eof) { *ep++ = CCEOF; RETURN(ep); } switch(c) { case '.': *ep++ = CDOT; continue; case '\n': if(!sed) { UNGETC(c); *ep++ = CCEOF; nodelim = 1; RETURN(ep); } else E #endif #ifdef pdp11 #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .bss");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .=.+2");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" mov $.L.,r0");\ asm(" jsr pc,mcount");\ } #endif #endif " .long 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" nop;nop");\ asm(" movab .L.,r0");\ asm(" jsb mcount");\ } #endif #ifdef u3b #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .data");\ asm(" .align 4");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .word 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" movw &.L.,%r0");\ asm(" jsb _mcount");\ }*/ char *ran_name; /* symbol defined by */ } ran_un; off_t ran_off; /* library member at this offset */ }; #endif YMDEF begins with a word giving the number of ranlib structures * which immediately follow, and then continues with a string * table consisting of a word giving the number of bytes of strings * which follow and then the strings themselves. * The ran_strx fields index the string table whose first byte is numbered 0. */ struct ranlib { union { off_t ran_strx; /* string table index of /usr/include/pwd.h 644 2 2 470 3453177542 7262 /usr/include/regexp.h 644 2 2 14307 3453177542 10026 /* @(#)pwd.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)pwd.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.2 */ struct passwd { char *pw_name; char *pw_passwd; int pw_uid; int pw_gid; char *pw_age; char *pw_comment; char *pw_gecos; char *pw_dir; char *pw_shell; }; struct comment { char *c_dept; char *c_name; char *c_acct; char *c_bin; }; #endif #ifdef u3b #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .data");\ asm(" .align 4");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .word 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" movw &.L.,%r0");\ asm(" jsb _mcount");\ }/* @(#)regexp.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)regexp.h 1.2 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ #define CBRA 2 #define CCHR 4 #define CDOT 8 #define CCL 12 #define CDOL 20 #define CCEOF 22 #define CKET 24 #define CBACK 36 #define STAR 01 #define RNGE 03 #define NBRA 9 #define PLACE(c) ep[c >> 3] |= bittab[c & 07] #define ISTHERE(c) (ep[c >> 3] & bittab[c & 07]) #define ecmp(s1, s2, n) (!strncmp(s1, s2, n)) static char *braslist[NBRA]; static char *braelist[NBRA]; static int ebra; int sed, nbra; char *loc1, *loc2, *locs; st(bracketp <= bracket || ++ebra != nbra) ERROR(42); *ep++ = CKET; *ep++ = *--bracketp; closed++; continue; case '{': if(lastep == (char *) 0) goto defchar; *lastep |= RNGE; cflg = 0; nlim: c = GETC(); i = 0; do { if('0' <= c && c <= '9') i = 10 * i + c - '0'; else ERROR(16); } while(((c = GETC()) != '\\') && (c != ',')); if(i > 255) ERROR(11); *ep++ = i; if(c == ',') { if(cflg++) ERROR(44); if(p++; ep += 2; goto star; case CCL | RNGE: getrnge(ep + 16); while(low--) { c = *lp++ & 0177; if(!ISTHERE(c)) return(0); } curlp = lp; while(size--) { c = *lp++ & 0177; if(!ISTHERE(c)) break; } if(size < 0) lp++; ep += 18; /* 16 + 2 */ goto star; case CBACK: bbeg = braslist[*ep]; ct = braelist[*ep++] - bbeg; if(ecmp(bbeg, lp, ct)) { lp += ct; continue; } return(0); case CBACK | STAR: bbeg = braslist[*ep]; (c = GETC()) == '\\') *ep++ = 255; else { UNGETC(c); goto nlim; /* get 2'nd number */ } } if(GETC() != '}') ERROR(45); if(!cflg) /* one number */ *ep++ = i; else if((ep[-1] & 0377) < (ep[-2] & 0377)) ERROR(46); continue; case '\n': ERROR(36); case 'n': c = '\n'; goto defchar; default: if(c >= '1' && c <= '9') { if((c -= '1') >= closed) ERROR(25); *ep++ = CBACK; *ep++ = c; continue; ct = braelist[*ep++] - bbeg; curlp = lp; while(ecmp(bbeg, lp, ct)) lp += ct; while(lp >= curlp) { if(advance(lp, ep)) return(1); lp -= ct; } return(0); case CDOT | STAR: curlp = lp; while(*lp++); goto star; case CCHR | STAR: curlp = lp; while(*lp++ == *ep); ep++; goto star; case CCL | STAR: curlp = lp; do { c = *lp++ & 0177; } while(ISTHERE(c)); ep += 16; goto star; star: do { if(--lp == locs) break; if} } /* Drop through to default to use \ to turn off special chars */ defchar: default: lastep = ep; *ep++ = CCHR; *ep++ = c; } } } step(p1, p2) register char *p1, *p2; { register c; if(circf) { loc1 = p1; return(advance(p1, p2)); } /* fast check for first character */ if(*p2 == CCHR) { c = p2[1]; do { if(*p1 != c) continue; if(advance(p1, p2)) { loc1 = p1; return(1); } } while(*p1++); return(0); } /* regular algorithm */ do { if(advance(p1, (advance(lp, ep)) return(1); } while(lp > curlp); return(0); } } } static getrnge(str) register char *str; { low = *str++ & 0377; size = (*str == 255)? 20000: (*str &0377) - low; } | STAR: curlp = lp; while(*lp++); goto star; case CCHR | STAR: curlp = lp; while(*lp++ == *ep); ep++; goto star; case CCL | STAR: curlp = lp; do { c = *lp++ & 0177; } while(ISTHERE(c)); ep += 16; goto star; star: do { if(--lp == locs) break; ifRROR(36); case '*': if(lastep == 0 || *lastep == CBRA || *lastep == CKET) goto defchar; *lastep |= STAR; continue; case '$': if(PEEKC() != eof && PEEKC() != '\n') goto defchar; *ep++ = CDOL; continue; case '[': if(&ep[17] >= endbuf) ERROR(50); *ep++ = CCL; lc = 0; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) ep[i] = 0; neg = 0; if((c = GETC()) == '^') { neg = 1; c = GETC(); } do { if(c == '\0' || c == '\n') ERROR(49); if(c == '-' && lc != p2)) { loc1 = p1; return(1); } } while(*p1++); return(0); } advance(lp, ep) register char *lp, *ep; { register char *curlp; int c; char *bbeg; int ct; while(1) { switch(*ep++) { case CCHR: if(*ep++ == *lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOT: if(*lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOL: if(*lp == 0) continue; return(0); case CCEOF: loc2 = lp; return(1); case CCL: c = *lp++ & 0177; if(ISTHERE(c)) { ep += 16; continue; } r0) { if((c = GETC()) == ']') { PLACE('-'); break; } while(lc < c) { PLACE(lc); lc++; } } lc = c; PLACE(c); } while((c = GETC()) != ']'); if(neg) { for(cclcnt = 0; cclcnt < 16; cclcnt++) ep[cclcnt] ^= -1; ep[0] &= 0376; } ep += 16; continue; case '\\': switch(c = GETC()) { case '(': if(nbra >= NBRA) ERROR(43); *bracketp++ = nbra; *ep++ = CBRA; *ep++ = nbra++; continue; case ')': ifeturn(0); case CBRA: braslist[*ep++] = lp; continue; case CKET: braelist[*ep++] = lp; continue; case CCHR | RNGE: c = *ep++; getrnge(ep); while(low--) if(*lp++ != c) return(0); curlp = lp; while(size--) if(*lp++ != c) break; if(size < 0) lp++; ep += 2; goto star; case CDOT | RNGE: getrnge(ep); while(low--) if(*lp++ == '\0') return(0); curlp = lp; while(size--) if(*lp++ == '\0') break; if(size < 0) l/* @(#)reloc.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)reloc.h 2.1 */ struct reloc { long r_vaddr; /* (virtual) address of reference */ long r_symndx; /* index into symbol table */ unsigned short r_type; /* relocation type */ }; /* * relocation types for all products and generics */ /* * All generics * reloc. already performed to symbol in the same section */ #define R_ABS 0 /* * X86 generic * 8-bit offset reference in 8-bits * 8-bit offset reference in 16-bits * 12-bit segment reference * auxiliary/* @(#)scnhdr.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)scnhdr.h 2.2 12/15/82 */ struct scnhdr { char s_name[8]; /* section name */ long s_paddr; /* physical address */ long s_vaddr; /* virtual address */ long s_size; /* section size */ long s_scnptr; /* file ptr to raw data for section */ long s_relptr; /* file ptr to relocation */ long s_lnnoptr; /* file ptr to line numbers */ unsigned short s_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */ unsigned short s_nlnno; /* number of line number entries */ long s relocation entry */ #define R_OFF8 07 #define R_OFF16 010 #define R_SEG12 011 #define R_AUX 013 /* * B16 and X86 generics * 16-bit direct reference * 16-bit "relative" reference * 16-bit "indirect" (TV) reference */ #define R_DIR16 01 #define R_REL16 02 #define R_IND16 03 /* * 3B generic * 24-bit direct reference * 24-bit "relative" reference * 16-bit optimized "indirect" TV reference * 24-bit "indirect" TV reference * 32-bit "indirect" TV reference */ #define R_DIR24 04 #define R_R_flags; /* flags */ }; #define SCNHDR struct scnhdr #define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR) /* * Define constants for names of "special" sections */ #define _TEXT ".text" #define _DATA ".data" #define _BSS ".bss" #define _TV ".tv" /* * The low 4 bits of s_flags is used as a section "type" */ #define STYP_REG 0x00 /* "regular" section: allocated, relocated, loaded */ #define STYP_DSECT 0x01 /* "dummy" section: not allocated, relocated, not loaded */ #define STYP_NOLOAD 0x02 /* "nEL24 05 #define R_OPT16 014 #define R_IND24 015 #define R_IND32 016 /* * 3B and M32 generics * 32-bit direct reference */ #define R_DIR32 06 /* * M32 generic * 32-bit direct reference with bytes swapped */ #define R_DIR32S 012 /* * DEC Processors VAX 11/780 and VAX 11/750 * */ #define R_RELBYTE 017 #define R_RELWORD 020 #define R_RELLONG 021 #define R_PCRBYTE 022 #define R_PCRWORD 023 #define R_PCRLONG 024 #define RELOC struct reloc #define RELSZ 10 /* sizeof(RELOC) */ /* Definition ooload" section: allocated, relocated, not loaded */ #define STYP_GROUP 0x04 /* "grouped" section: formed of input sections */ #define STYP_PAD 0x08 /* "padding" section: not allocated, not relocated, loaded */ #define STYP_COPY 0x10 /* "copy" section: for decision function used by field update; not allocated, not relocated, loaded; reloc & lineno entries processed normally */ #define STYP_TEXT 0x20 /* section contains text only */ #define Sf a "TV" relocation type */ #if N3B #define ISTVRELOC(x) ((x==R_OPT16)||(x==R_IND24)||(x==R_IND32)) #endif #if B16 || X86 #define ISTVRELOC(x) (x==R_IND16) #endif #if M32 #define ISTVRELOC(x) (x!=x) /* never the case */ #endif _DIR32S 012 /* * DEC Processors VAX 11/780 and VAX 11/750 * */ #define R_RELBYTE 017 #define R_RELWORD 020 #define R_RELLONG 021 #define R_PCRBYTE 022 #define R_PCRWORD 023 #define R_PCRLONG 024 #define RELOC struct reloc #define RELSZ 10 /* sizeof(RELOC) */ /* Definition oTYP_DATA 0x40 /* section contains data only */ #define STYP_BSS 0x80 /* section contains bss only */ /* * In a minimal file or an update file, a new function * (as compared with a replaced function) is indicated by S_NEWFCN */ #define S_NEWFCN 0x10 /* * In 3b Update Files (output of ogen), sections which appear in SHARED * segments of the Pfile will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform * dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will update all process invocations. */ #define S_SHRSEG /usr/include/reloc.h 644 2 2 3344 3453177543 7620 /usr/include/scnhdr.h 644 2 2 4005 3453177543 7770 0x20 ATA 0x40 /* section contains data only */ #define STYP_BSS 0x80 /* section contains bss only */ /* * In a minimal file or an update file, a new function * (as compared with a replaced function) is indicated by S_NEWFCN */ #define S_NEWFCN 0x10 /* * In 3b Update Files (output of ogen), sections which appear in SHARED * segments of the Pfile will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform * dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will update all process invocations. */ #define S_SHRSEG /usr/include/sgtty.h 644 2 2 3174 3453177544 7670 /usr/include/search.h 644 2 2 360 3453177543 7734 /* @(#)sgtty.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)sgtty.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Structure for old-style stty and gtty system calls. */ struct sgttyb { char sg_ispeed; /* input speed */ char sg_ospeed; /* output speed */ char sg_erase; /* erase character */ char sg_kill; /* kill character */ int sg_flags; /* mode flags */ }; /* * Modes */ #define TANDEM 0001 /* different flags */ #define CBREAK 0002 #define LCASE 0004 #define ECHO 0010 #define CRMOD 0020 #define RAW 0040 #define ODDP 0100 #d/* @(#)search.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)search.h 1.1 */ /* HSEARCH(3C) */ typedef struct entry { char *key, *data; } ENTRY; typedef enum { FIND, ENTER } ACTION; /* TSEARCH(3C) */ typedef enum { preorder, postorder, endorder, leaf } VISIT; ine S_NEWFCN 0x10 /* * In 3b Update Files (output of ogen), sections which appear in SHARED * segments of the Pfile will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform * dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will update all process invocations. */ #define S_SHRSEG efine EVENP 0200 #define ANYP 0300 #define NLDELAY 001400 /* delays (not supported under VENIX) */ #define TBDELAY 002000 #define CRDELAY 030000 #define VTDELAY 040000 #define BSDELAY 0100000 #define ALLDELAY 0177400 /* * Delay algorithms */ #define CR0 0 #define CR1 010000 #define CR2 020000 #define CR3 030000 #define NL0 0 #define NL1 000400 #define NL2 001000 #define NL3 001400 #define TAB0 0 #define TAB1 002000 #define NOAL 004000 #define FF0 0 #define FF1 040000 #define BS0 0 #define BS1 0100000 /usr/include/setjmp.h 644 2 2 514 3453177544 7773 /* * Speeds */ #define B0 0 #define B50 1 #define B75 2 #define B110 3 #define B134 4 #define B150 5 #define B200 6 #define B300 7 #define B600 8 #define B1200 9 #define B1800 10 #define B2400 11 #define B4800 12 #define B9600 13 #define EXTA 14 #define EXTB 15 /* * ioctl arguments */ #define FIOCLEX (('f'<<8)|1) #define FIONCLEX (('f'<<8)|2) #define TIOCHPCL (('t'<<8)|2) #define TIOCGETP (('t'<<8)|8) #define TIOCSETP (('t'<<8)|9) #define TIOCEXCL (('t'<<8)|13) #define TIOCNXCL (('t'<<8)|14) #define T/* @(#)setjmp.h 1.3 venturcom */ /* @(#)setjmp.h 1.3 */ #ifndef _JBLEN #if vax || u3b5 #define _JBLEN 10 #endif #if pdp11 #define _JBLEN 5 #endif #if u370 #define _JBLEN 4 #endif #if u3b #define _JBLEN 11 #endif #if m86 #define _JBLEN 6 #endif typedef int jmp_buf[_JBLEN]; extern int setjmp(); extern void longjmp(); #endif ED * segments of the Pfile will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform * dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will update all process invocations. */ #define S_SHRSEG IOCQCNT (('t'<<8)|30) /* get char counts on i/o queues */ #define TIOCSETN (('t'<<8)|10) /* set parameters without flush */ e B300 7 #define B600 8 #define B1200 9 #define B1800 10 #define B2400 11 #define B4800 12 #define B9600 13 #define EXTA 14 #define EXTB 15 /* * ioctl arguments */ #define FIOCLEX (('f'<<8)|1) #define FIONCLEX (('f'<<8)|2) #define TIOCHPCL (('t'<<8)|2) #define TIOCGETP (('t'<<8)|8) #define TIOCSETP (('t'<<8)|9) #define TIOCEXCL (('t'<<8)|13) #define TIOCNXCL (('t'<<8)|14) #define Toutput will be buffered line by line * In addition to being flags, _IONBF, _IOLBF and _IOFBF are possible * values for "type" in setvbuf. */ #define _IOFBF 0000 #define _IOREAD 0001 #define _IOWRT 0002 #define _IONBF 0004 #define _IOMYBUF 0010 #define _IOEOF 0020 #define _IOERR 0040 #define _IOLBF 0100 #define _IORW 0200 #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #ifndef EOF #define EOF (-1) #endif #define stdin (&_iob[0]) #define stdout (&_iob[1]) #define stderr (&_iob[2]) #define _bufend(p) _buBEL 7 /* undefined label */ #define C_MOS 8 /* member of structure */ #define C_ARG 9 /* function argument */ #define C_STRTAG 10 /* structure tag */ #define C_MOU 11 /* member of union */ #define C_UNTAG 12 /* union tag */ #define C_TPDEF 13 /* type definition */ #define C_USTATIC 14 /* undefined static */ #define C_ENTAG 15 /* enumeration tag */ #define C_MOE 16 /* member of enumeration /usr/include/signal.h 644 2 2 172 3453177544 7746 fendtab[(p)->_file] #define _bufsiz(p) (_bufend(p) - (p)->_base) #ifndef lint #define getc(p) (--(p)->_cnt < 0 ? _filbuf(p) : (int) *(p)->_ptr++) #define putc(x, p) (--(p)->_cnt < 0 ? \ _flsbuf((unsigned char) (x), (p)) : \ (int) (*(p)->_ptr++ = (unsigned char) (x))) #define getchar() getc(stdin) #define putchar(x) putc((x), stdout) #define clearerr(p) ((void) ((p)->_flag &= ~(_IOERR | _IOEOF))) #define feof(p) ((p)->_flag & _IOEOF) #define ferror(p) ((p)->_flag & _IOERR) #define fileno(p) (p)->_fi/* @(#)signal.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)signal.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ #include extern (*signal())(); / e B300 7 #define B600 8 #define B1200 9 #define B1800 10 #define B2400 11 #define B4800 12 #define B9600 13 #define EXTA 14 #define EXTB 15 /* * ioctl arguments */ #define FIOCLEX (('f'<<8)|1) #define FIONCLEX (('f'<<8)|2) #define TIOCHPCL (('t'<<8)|2) #define TIOCGETP (('t'<<8)|8) #define TIOCSETP (('t'<<8)|9) #define TIOCEXCL (('t'<<8)|13) #define TIOCNXCL (('t'<<8)|14) #define Tle #endif extern FILE _iob[_NFILE]; extern FILE *fopen(), *fdopen(), *freopen(), *popen(), *tmpfile(); extern long ftell(); extern void rewind(), setbuf(); extern char *ctermid(), *cuserid(), *fgets(), *gets(), *tempnam(), *tmpnam(); extern unsigned char *_bufendtab[]; #define L_ctermid 9 #define L_cuserid 9 #define P_tmpdir "/usr/tmp/" #define L_tmpnam (sizeof(P_tmpdir) + 15) #endif IOERR | _IOEOF))) #define feof(p) ((p)->_flag & _IOEOF) #define ferror(p) ((p)->_flag & _IOERR) #define fileno(p) (p)->_fi/usr/include/stdio.h 644 2 2 3605 3453177545 7640 /usr/include/storclass.h 644 2 2 3162 3453177545 10531 /* @(#)stdio.h 1.2 venturcom */ /* @(#)stdio.h 2.7 */ #ifndef _NFILE #define _NFILE 20 #if u370 #define BUFSIZ 4096 #endif #if vax || u3b || u3b5 #define BUFSIZ 1024 #endif #if pdp11 || m86 #define BUFSIZ 512 #endif /* buffer size for multi-character output to unbuffered files */ #define _SBFSIZ 8 typedef struct { #if vax || u3b || u3b5 int _cnt; unsigned char *_ptr; #else unsigned char *_ptr; int _cnt; #endif unsigned char *_base; char _flag; char _file; } FILE; /* * _IOLBF means that a file's /* @(#)storclass.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)storclass.h 2.2 12/15/82 */ /* * STORAGE CLASSES */ #define C_EFCN -1 /* physical end of function */ #define C_NULL 0 #define C_AUTO 1 /* automatic variable */ #define C_EXT 2 /* external symbol */ #define C_STAT 3 /* static */ #define C_REG 4 /* register variable */ #define C_EXTDEF 5 /* external definition */ #define C_LABEL 6 /* label */ #define C_ULA/* @(#)string.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)string.h 1.2 */ extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strchr(), *strrchr(), *strpbrk(), *strtok(); extern int strcmp(), strncmp(), strlen(), strspn(), strcspn(); /* end of structure */ #define C_FILE 103 /* file name */ /* * The following storage class is a "dummy" used only by STS * for line number entries reformatted as symbol table entries */ #define C_LINE 104 #define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */ #de } _n_n; char *_n_nptr[2]; /* allows for overlaying */ } _n; #ifndef pdp11 unsigned #endif long n_value; /* value of symbol */ short n_scnum; /* section number */ unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */ char n_sclass; /* storage class */ char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */ }; #define n_name _n._n_name #define n_nptr _n._n_nptr[1] #define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes #define n_offset _n._n_n._n_offset /* Relocatable symbols have a section number of the section /usr/include/symbol.h 644 2 2 274 3453177545 10002 in which they are defined. Otherwise, section numbers have the following meanings: */ /* undefined symbol */ #define N_UNDEF 0 /* value of symbol is absolute */ #define N_ABS -1 /* special debugging symbol -- value of symbol is meaningless */ #define N_DEBUG -2 /* indicates symbol needs transfer vector (preload) */ #define N_TV (unsigned short)-3 /* indicates symbol needs transfer vector (postload) */ #define P_TV (unsigned short)-4 /* The fundamental type of a sy*/ #define C_REGPARM 17 /* register parameter */ #define C_FIELD 18 /* bit field */ #define C_BLOCK 100 /* ".bb" or ".eb" */ #define C_FCN 101 /* ".bf" or ".ef" */ #define C_EOS 102 /* end of structure */ #define C_FILE 103 /* file name */ /* * The following storage class is a "dummy" used only by STS * for line number entries reformatted as symbol table entries */ #define C_LINE 104 #define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */ #de/* @(#)symbol.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)symbol.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Structure of a symbol table entry */ struct symbol { char sy_name[8]; char sy_type; int sy_value; }; , strncmp(), strlen(), strspn(), strcspn(); /* end of structure */ #define C_FILE 103 /* file name */ /* * The following storage class is a "dummy" used only by STS * for line number entries reformatted as symbol table entries */ #define C_LINE 104 #define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */ #define C_HIDDEN 106 /* special storage class for external */ /* symbols in dmert public libraries */ OCK 100 /* ".bb" or ".eb" */ #define C_FCN 101 /* ".bf" or ".ef" */ #define C_EOS 102 /* end of structure */ #define C_FILE 103 /* file name */ /* * The following storage class is a "dummy" used only by STS * for line number entries reformatted as symbol table entries */ #define C_LINE 104 #define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */ #de/usr/include/syms.h 644 2 2 11572 3453177546 7534 /usr/include/string.h 644 2 2 354 3453177545 10002 /* @(#)syms.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)syms.h 2.4 2/28/83 */ /* Storage Classes are defined in storclass.h */ #include "storclass.h" /* Number of characters in a symbol name */ #define SYMNMLEN 8 /* Number of characters in a file name */ #define FILNMLEN 14 /* Number of array dimensions in auxiliary entry */ #define DIMNUM 4 struct syment { union { char _n_name[SYMNMLEN]; /* old COFF version */ struct { long _n_zeroes; /* new == 0 */ long _n_offset; /* offset into string table */ _FCN 2 /* function */ #define DT_ARY 3 /* array */ /* * type packing constants */ #define N_BTMASK 017 #define N_TMASK 060 #define N_TMASK1 0300 #define N_TMASK2 0360 #define N_BTSHFT 4 #define N_TSHIFT 2 /* * MACROS */ /* Basic Type of x */ #define BTYPE(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK) /* Is x a pointer ? */ #define ISPTR(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_PTR << N_BTSHFT)) /* Is x a function ? */ #define ISFCN(x) (((x) & N/usr/include/sys.s 644 2 2 1365 3453177720 7343 _TMASK) == (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT)) /* Is x an array ? */ #define ISARY(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_ARY << N_BTSHFT)) /* Is x a structure, union, or enumeration TAG? */ #define ISTAG(x) ((x)==C_STRTAG || (x)==C_UNTAG || (x)==C_ENTAG) #define INCREF(x) ((((x)&~N_BTMASK)<>N_TSHIFT)&~N_BTMASK)|((x)&N_BTMASK)) /* * AUXILIARY ENTRY FORMAT */ union auxent { struct { long x_tagndx; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */ union / @(#)sys.pdp 1.4 venturcom / @(#)sys.pdp 1.1 indir = 0. exit = 1. fork = 2. read = 3. write = 4. open = 5. close = 6. wait = 7. creat = 8. link = 9. unlink = 10. exec = 11. chdir = 12. time = 13. mknod = 14. chmod = 15. chown = 16. break = 17. stat = 18. lseek = 19. getpid = 20. mount = 21. umount = 22. setuid = 23. getuid = 24. stime = 25. ptrace = 26. alarm = 27. fstat = 28. pause = 29. utime = 30. stty = 31. gtty = 32. access = 33. nice = 34. sync = 36. kill = 37. setpgrp = 39. dup = 41. pipe = 42. tim { struct { unsigned short x_lnno; /* declaration line number */ unsigned short x_size; /* str, union, array size */ } x_lnsz; long x_fsize; /* size of function */ } x_misc; union { struct /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */ { long x_lnnoptr; /* ptr to fcn line # */ long x_endndx; /* entry ndx past block end */ } x_fcn; struct /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */ { unsigned short x_dimen[DIMNUM]; } x_ary; } x_fcnary; unsigned short x_tvndx; /* tv indexes = 43. profil = 44. setgid = 46. getgid = 47. signal = 48. sdata = 49. phys = 52. lock = 53. plock = 53. ioctl = 54. utssys = 57. umask = 60. chroot = 61. cmap = 62. ulimit = 63. lockf = 64. locking = 64. fcntl = 65. msgsys = 66. semsys = 67. stat = 18. lseek = 19. getpid = 20. mount = 21. umount = 22. setuid = 23. getuid = 24. stime = 25. ptrace = 26. alarm = 27. fstat = 28. pause = 29. utime = 30. stty = 31. gtty = 32. access = 33. nice = 34. sync = 36. kill = 37. setpgrp = 39. dup = 41. pipe = 42. timmbol packed into the low 4 bits of the word. */ #define _EF ".ef" #define T_NULL 0 #define T_ARG 1 /* function argument (only used by compiler) */ #define T_CHAR 2 /* character */ #define T_SHORT 3 /* short integer */ #define T_INT 4 /* integer */ #define T_LONG 5 /* long integer */ #define T_FLOAT 6 /* floating point */ #define T_DOUBLE 7 /* double word */ #define T_STRUCT 8 /* structure */ } x_sym; struct { char x_fname[FILNMLEN]; } x_file; struct { long x_scnlen; /* section length */ unsigned short x_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */ unsigned short x_nlinno; /* number of line numbers */ } x_scn; struct { long x_tvfill; /* tv fill value */ unsigned short x_tvlen; /* length of .tv */ unsigned short x_tvran[2]; /* tv range */ } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent */ #define T_UNION 9 /* union */ #define T_ENUM 10 /* enumeration */ #define T_MOE 11 /* member of enumeration */ #define T_UCHAR 12 /* unsigned character */ #define T_USHORT 13 /* unsigned short */ #define T_UINT 14 /* unsigned integer */ #define T_ULONG 15 /* unsigned long */ /* * derived types are: */ #define DT_NON 0 /* no derived type */ #define DT_PTR 1 /* pointer */ #define DTof symbol .tv)) */ }; #define SYMENT struct syment #define SYMESZ 18 /* sizeof(SYMENT) */ #define AUXENT union auxent #define AUXESZ 18 /* sizeof(AUXENT) */ /* Defines for "special" symbols */ #if vax #define _ETEXT "_etext" #define _EDATA "_edata" #define _END "_end" #else #define _ETEXT "etext" #define _EDATA "edata" #define _END "end" #endif #define _START "_start" unsigned short x_tvlen; /* length of .tv */ unsigned short x_tvran[2]; /* tv range */ } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent /* @(#)term.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* * term.h - this file is automatically made from caps and maketerm.ex. * * Guard against multiple includes. */ #ifndef auto_left_margin #define auto_left_margin CUR Auto_left_margin #define auto_right_margin CUR Auto_right_margin #define beehive_glitch CUR Beehive_glitch #define ceol_standout_glitch CUR Ceol_standout_glitch #define eat_newline_glitch CUR Eat_newline_glitch #define erase_overstrike CUR Erase_overstrike #define generic_type CUR Generic_tye dis_status_line CUR strs.Dis_status_line #define down_half_line CUR strs.Down_half_line #define enter_alt_charset_mode CUR strs.Enter_alt_charset_mode #define enter_blink_mode CUR strs.Enter_blink_mode #define enter_bold_mode CUR strs.Enter_bold_mode #define enter_ca_mode CUR strs.Enter_ca_mode #define enter_delete_mode CUR strs.Enter_delete_mode #define enter_dim_mode CUR strs.Enter_dim_mode #define enter_insert_mode CUR strs.Enter_insert_mode #define enter_secure_mode CUR strs.Entpe #define hard_copy CUR Hard_copy #define has_meta_key CUR Has_meta_key #define has_status_line CUR Has_status_line #define insert_null_glitch CUR Insert_null_glitch #define memory_above CUR Memory_above #define memory_below CUR Memory_below #define move_insert_mode CUR Move_insert_mode #define move_standout_mode CUR Move_standout_mode #define over_strike CUR Over_strike #define status_line_esc_ok CUR Status_line_esc_ok #define teleray_glitch CUR Teleray_glitch #define tilde_glier_secure_mode #define enter_protected_mode CUR strs.Enter_protected_mode #define enter_reverse_mode CUR strs.Enter_reverse_mode #define enter_standout_mode CUR strs.Enter_standout_mode #define enter_underline_mode CUR strs.Enter_underline_mode #define erase_chars CUR strs.Erase_chars #define exit_alt_charset_mode CUR strs.Exit_alt_charset_mode #define exit_attribute_mode CUR strs.Exit_attribute_mode #define exit_ca_mode CUR strs.Exit_ca_mode #define exit_delete_mode CUR strs.Exit_deletetch CUR Tilde_glitch #define transparent_underline CUR Transparent_underline #define xon_xoff CUR Xon_xoff #define columns CUR Columns #define init_tabs CUR Init_tabs #define lines CUR Lines #define lines_of_memory CUR Lines_of_memory #define magic_cookie_glitch CUR Magic_cookie_glitch #define padding_baud_rate CUR Padding_baud_rate #define virtual_terminal CUR Virtual_terminal #define width_status_line CUR Width_status_line #define back_tab CUR strs.Back_tab #define bell _mode #define exit_insert_mode CUR strs.Exit_insert_mode #define exit_standout_mode CUR strs.Exit_standout_mode #define exit_underline_mode CUR strs.Exit_underline_mode #define flash_screen CUR strs.Flash_screen #define form_feed CUR strs.Form_feed #define from_status_line CUR strs.From_status_line #define init_1string CUR strs.Init_1string #define init_2string CUR strs.Init_2string #define init_3string CUR strs.Init_3string #define init_file CUR strs.Init_file #define insert_charaCUR strs.Bell #define carriage_return CUR strs.Carriage_return #define change_scroll_region CUR strs.Change_scroll_region #define clear_all_tabs CUR strs.Clear_all_tabs #define clear_screen CUR strs.Clear_screen #define clr_eol CUR strs.Clr_eol #define clr_eos CUR strs.Clr_eos #define column_address CUR strs.Column_address #define command_character CUR strs.Command_character #define cursor_address CUR strs.Cursor_address #define cursor_down CUR strs.Cursor_down #define cursor_homecter CUR strs.Insert_character #define insert_line CUR strs.Insert_line #define insert_padding CUR strs.Insert_padding #define key_backspace CUR strs.Key_backspace #define key_catab CUR strs.Key_catab #define key_clear CUR strs.Key_clear #define key_ctab CUR strs.Key_ctab #define key_dc CUR strs.Key_dc #define key_dl CUR strs.Key_dl #define key_down CUR strs.Key_down #define key_eic CUR strs.Key_eic #define key_eol CUR strs.Key_eol #define key_eos CUR strs.Key_eos #de/usr/include/term.h 644 2 2 41550 3453177547 7510 CUR strs.Cursor_home #define cursor_invisible CUR strs.Cursor_invisible #define cursor_left CUR strs.Cursor_left #define cursor_mem_address CUR strs.Cursor_mem_address #define cursor_normal CUR strs.Cursor_normal #define cursor_right CUR strs.Cursor_right #define cursor_to_ll CUR strs.Cursor_to_ll #define cursor_up CUR strs.Cursor_up #define cursor_visible CUR strs.Cursor_visible #define delete_character CUR strs.Delete_character #define delete_line CUR strs.Delete_line #definfine key_f0 CUR strs.Key_f0 #define key_f1 CUR strs.Key_f1 #define key_f10 CUR strs.Key_f10 #define key_f2 CUR strs.Key_f2 #define key_f3 CUR strs.Key_f3 #define key_f4 CUR strs.Key_f4 #define key_f5 CUR strs.Key_f5 #define key_f6 CUR strs.Key_f6 #define key_f7 CUR strs.Key_f7 #define key_f8 CUR strs.Key_f8 #define key_f9 CUR strs.Key_f9 #define key_home CUR strs.Key_home #define key_ic CUR strs.Key_ic #define key_il CUR strs.Key_il #define key_left Ccursor #define scroll_forward CUR strs2.Scroll_forward #define scroll_reverse CUR strs2.Scroll_reverse #define set_attributes CUR strs2.Set_attributes #define set_tab CUR strs2.Set_tab #define set_window CUR strs2.Set_window #define tab CUR strs2.Tab #define to_status_line CUR strs2.To_status_line #define underline_char CUR strs2.Underline_char #define up_half_line CUR strs2.Up_half_line #define init_prog CUR strs2.Init_prog #define key_a1 CUR strs2.Key_a1 #define key_a3 UR strs.Key_left #define key_ll CUR strs.Key_ll #define key_npage CUR strs.Key_npage #define key_ppage CUR strs.Key_ppage #define key_right CUR strs.Key_right #define key_sf CUR strs.Key_sf #define key_sr CUR strs.Key_sr #define key_stab CUR strs.Key_stab #define key_up CUR strs.Key_up #define keypad_local CUR strs.Keypad_local #define keypad_xmit CUR strs.Keypad_xmit #define lab_f0 CUR strs.Lab_f0 #define lab_f1 CUR strs.Lab_f1 #define lab_f10 CUR strs.Lab_f10 # CUR strs2.Key_a3 #define key_b2 CUR strs2.Key_b2 #define key_c1 CUR strs2.Key_c1 #define key_c3 CUR strs2.Key_c3 #define prtr_non CUR strs2.Prtr_non typedef char *charptr; struct strs { charptr Back_tab, /* Back tab (P) */ Bell, /* Audible signal (bell) (P) */ Carriage_return, /* Carriage return (P*) */ Change_scroll_region, /* change to lines #1 thru #2 (vt100) (PG) */ Clear_all_tabs, /* Clear all tab stops. (P) */ Clear_screen, /* Clear screen (P*) */ Clr_eol, /* Clear define lab_f2 CUR strs.Lab_f2 #define lab_f3 CUR strs.Lab_f3 #define lab_f4 CUR strs.Lab_f4 #define lab_f5 CUR strs.Lab_f5 #define lab_f6 CUR strs.Lab_f6 #define lab_f7 CUR strs.Lab_f7 #define lab_f8 CUR strs.Lab_f8 #define lab_f9 CUR strs2.Lab_f9 #define meta_off CUR strs2.Meta_off #define meta_on CUR strs2.Meta_on #define newline CUR strs2.Newline #define pad_char CUR strs2.Pad_char #define parm_dch CUR strs2.Parm_dch #define parm_delete_line CUR strs2.Parmto end of line (P) */ Clr_eos, /* Clear to end of display (P*) */ Column_address, /* Set cursor column (PG) */ Command_character, /* Term. settable cmd char in prototype */ Cursor_address, /* Cursor motion to row #1 col #2 (PG) */ Cursor_down, /* Down one line */ Cursor_home, /* Home cursor (if no cup) */ Cursor_invisible, /* Make cursor invisible */ Cursor_left, /* Move cursor left one space. */ Cursor_mem_address, /* Memory relative cursor addressing. */ Cursor_normal, /* Make cursor appe_delete_line #define parm_down_cursor CUR strs2.Parm_down_cursor #define parm_ich CUR strs2.Parm_ich #define parm_index CUR strs2.Parm_index #define parm_insert_line CUR strs2.Parm_insert_line #define parm_left_cursor CUR strs2.Parm_left_cursor #define parm_right_cursor CUR strs2.Parm_right_cursor #define parm_rindex CUR strs2.Parm_rindex #define parm_up_cursor CUR strs2.Parm_up_cursor #define pkey_key CUR strs2.Pkey_key #define pkey_local CUR strs2.Pkey_local #define pkey_xmit ar normal (undo vs/vi) */ Cursor_right, /* Non-destructive space (cursor right) */ Cursor_to_ll, /* Last line, first column (if no cup) */ Cursor_up, /* Upline (cursor up) */ Cursor_visible, /* Make cursor very visible */ Delete_character, /* Delete character (P*) */ Delete_line, /* Delete line (P*) */ Dis_status_line, /* Disable status line */ Down_half_line, /* Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed) */ Enter_alt_charset_mode, /* Start alternate character set (P) */ Enter_blink_mode, /* TurnCUR strs2.Pkey_xmit #define print_screen CUR strs2.Print_screen #define prtr_off CUR strs2.Prtr_off #define prtr_on CUR strs2.Prtr_on #define repeat_char CUR strs2.Repeat_char #define reset_1string CUR strs2.Reset_1string #define reset_2string CUR strs2.Reset_2string #define reset_3string CUR strs2.Reset_3string #define reset_file CUR strs2.Reset_file #define restore_cursor CUR strs2.Restore_cursor #define row_address CUR strs2.Row_address #define save_cursor CUR strs2.Save_ on blinking */ Enter_bold_mode, /* Turn on bold (extra bright) mode */ Enter_ca_mode, /* String to begin programs that use cup */ Enter_delete_mode, /* Delete mode (enter) */ Enter_dim_mode, /* Turn on half-bright mode */ Enter_insert_mode, /* Insert mode (enter); */ Enter_secure_mode, /* Turn on blank mode (chars invisible) */ Enter_protected_mode, /* Turn on protected mode */ Enter_reverse_mode, /* Turn on reverse video mode */ Enter_standout_mode, /* Begin stand out mode */ Enter_underline_mminal left arrow key */ Key_ll, /* Sent by home-down key */ Key_npage, /* Sent by next-page key */ Key_ppage, /* Sent by previous-page key */ Key_right, /* Sent by terminal right arrow key */ Key_sf, /* Sent by scroll-forward/down key */ Key_sr, /* Sent by scroll-backward/up key */ Key_stab, /* Sent by set-tab key */ Key_up, /* Sent by terminal up arrow key */ Keypad_local, /* Out of "keypad transmit" mode */ Keypad_xmit, /* Put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode */ Lab_f0, /* Labrsor position. (P) */ Scroll_forward, /* Scroll text up (P) */ Scroll_reverse, /* Scroll text down (P) */ Set_attributes, /* Define the video attributes (PG9) */ Set_tab, /* Set a tab in all rows, current column. */ Set_window, /* Current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4 */ Tab, /* Tab to next 8 space hardware tab stop. */ To_status_line, /* Go to status line */ Underline_char, /* Underscore one char and move past it */ Up_half_line, /* Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed) */ Init_prog, ode, /* Start underscore mode */ Erase_chars, /* Erase #1 characters (PG) */ Exit_alt_charset_mode, /* End alternate character set (P) */ Exit_attribute_mode, /* Turn off all attributes */ Exit_ca_mode, /* String to end programs that use cup */ Exit_delete_mode, /* End delete mode */ Exit_insert_mode, /* End insert mode; */ Exit_standout_mode, /* End stand out mode */ Exit_underline_mode, /* End underscore mode */ Flash_screen, /* Visible bell (may not move cursor) */ Form_feed, /* Hardcopy teels on function key f0 if not f0 */ Lab_f1, /* Labels on function key f1 if not f1 */ Lab_f10, /* Labels on function key f10 if not f10 */ Lab_f2, /* Labels on function key f2 if not f2 */ Lab_f3, /* Labels on function key f3 if not f3 */ Lab_f4, /* Labels on function key f4 if not f4 */ Lab_f5, /* Labels on function key f5 if not f5 */ Lab_f6, /* Labels on function key f6 if not f6 */ Lab_f7, /* Labels on function key f7 if not f7 */ Lab_f8; /* Labels on function key f8 if not f8 rminal page eject (P*) */ From_status_line, /* Return from status line */ Init_1string, /* Terminal initialization string */ Init_2string, /* Terminal initialization string */ Init_3string, /* Terminal initialization string */ Init_file, /* Name of file containing is */ Insert_character, /* Insert character (P) */ Insert_line, /* Add new blank line (P*) */ Insert_padding, /* Insert pad after character inserted (P*) */ Key_backspace, /* Sent by backspace key */ Key_catab, /* Sent by clear-a*/ }; struct strs2 { charptr Lab_f9, /* Labels on function key f9 if not f9 */ Meta_off, /* Turn off "meta mode" */ Meta_on, /* Turn on "meta mode" (8th bit) */ Newline, /* Newline (behaves like cr followed by lf) */ Pad_char, /* Pad character (rather than null) */ Parm_dch, /* Delete #1 chars (PG*) */ Parm_delete_line, /* Delete #1 lines (PG*) */ Parm_down_cursor, /* Move cursor down #1 lines. (PG*) */ Parm_ich, /* Insert #1 blank chars (PG*) */ Parm_index, /* Scroll forward #1 linesll-tabs key. */ Key_clear, /* Sent by clear screen or erase key. */ Key_ctab, /* Sent by clear-tab key */ Key_dc, /* Sent by delete character key. */ Key_dl, /* Sent by delete line key. */ Key_down, /* Sent by terminal down arrow key */ Key_eic, /* Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode. */ Key_eol, /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key. */ Key_eos, /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key. */ Key_f0, /* Sent by function key f0. */ Key_f1, /* Sent by function key f1. */ Key_f10, /* Sent by. (PG) */ Parm_insert_line, /* Add #1 new blank lines (PG*) */ Parm_left_cursor, /* Move cursor left #1 spaces (PG) */ Parm_right_cursor, /* Move cursor right #1 spaces. (PG*) */ Parm_rindex, /* Scroll backward #1 lines. (PG) */ Parm_up_cursor, /* Move cursor up #1 lines. (PG*) */ Pkey_key, /* Prog funct key #1 to type string #2 */ Pkey_local, /* Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2 */ Pkey_xmit, /* Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2 */ Print_screen, /* Print contents of the screen */ Prt function key f10. */ Key_f2, /* Sent by function key f2. */ Key_f3, /* Sent by function key f3. */ Key_f4, /* Sent by function key f4. */ Key_f5, /* Sent by function key f5. */ Key_f6, /* Sent by function key f6. */ Key_f7, /* Sent by function key f7. */ Key_f8, /* Sent by function key f8. */ Key_f9, /* Sent by function key f9. */ Key_home, /* Sent by home key. */ Key_ic, /* Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key. */ Key_il, /* Sent by insert line. */ Key_left, /* Sent by terr_off, /* Turn off the printer */ Prtr_on, /* Turn on the printer */ Repeat_char, /* Repeat char #1 #2 times. (PG*) */ Reset_1string, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */ Reset_2string, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */ Reset_3string, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */ Reset_file, /* Name of file containing reset string. */ Restore_cursor, /* Restore cursor to position of last sc. */ Row_address, /* Like hpa but sets row. (PG) */ Save_cursor, /* Save cuolumns, /* Number of columns in a line */ Init_tabs, /* Tabs initially every # spaces. */ Lines, /* Number of lines on screen or page */ Lines_of_memory, /* Lines of memory if > lines. 0 => varies */ Magic_cookie_glitch, /* Number blank chars left by smso or rmso */ Padding_baud_rate, /* Lowest baud rate where padding needed */ Virtual_terminal, /* Virtual terminal number (CB/Unix) */ Width_status_line; /* # columns in status line */ struct strs strs; struct strs2 strs2; short Filedes; /* file descriptor being written to */ #ifndef NONSTANDARD SGTTY Ottyb, /* original state of the terminal */ Nttyb; /* current state of the terminal */ #endif }; #ifndef NONSTANDARD extern struct term *cur_term; #endif #endif auto_left_margin #ifdef SINGLE extern struct term _first_term; # define CUR _first_term. #else # define CUR cur_term-> #endif * Virtual terminal number (CB/Unix) */ Width_status_line; /* # columns in status line */ struct strs strs; struct strs2 strs2; short Filedes; /* fi/* Path name of program for init. */ Key_a1, /* Upper left of keypad */ Key_a3, /* Upper right of keypad */ Key_b2, /* Center of keypad */ Key_c1, /* Lower left of keypad */ Key_c3, /* Lower right of keypad */ Prtr_non; /* Turn on the printer for #1 bytes. */ }; struct term { char Auto_left_margin, /* cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column */ Auto_right_margin, /* Terminal has automatic margins */ Beehive_glitch, /* Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C) */ Ceol_standout_glitch, /* Stand/usr/include/termio.h 644 2 2 144 3453177547 7772 out not erased by overwriting (hp) */ Eat_newline_glitch, /* newline ignored after 80 cols (Concept) */ Erase_overstrike, /* Can erase overstrikes with a blank */ Generic_type, /* Generic line type (e.g. dialup, switch). */ Hard_copy, /* Hardcopy terminal */ Has_meta_key, /* Has a meta key (shift, sets parity bit) */ Has_status_line, /* Has extra "status line" */ Insert_null_glitch, /* Insert mode distinguishes nulls */ Memory_above, /* Display may be retained above the screen */ Memory_below, /* @(#)termio.h 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)termio.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ #include al */ Nttyb; /* current state of the terminal */ #endif }; #ifndef NONSTANDARD extern struct term *cur_term; #endif #endif auto_left_margin #ifdef SINGLE extern struct term _first_term; # define CUR _first_term. #else # define CUR cur_term-> #endif * Virtual terminal number (CB/Unix) */ Width_status_line; /* # columns in status line */ struct strs strs; struct strs2 strs2; short Filedes; /* fi /* Display may be retained below the screen */ Move_insert_mode, /* Safe to move while in insert mode */ Move_standout_mode, /* Safe to move in standout modes */ Over_strike, /* Terminal overstrikes */ Status_line_esc_ok, /* Escape can be used on the status line */ Teleray_glitch, /* Tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061) */ Tilde_glitch, /* Hazeltine; can't print ~'s */ Transparent_underline, /* underline character overstrikes */ Xon_xoff; /* Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking */ short C