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(K|7name used but not definednaucture or unionfunction returns illegal typegcos BCD constant illegalillegal array size combinationillegal breakillegal character: %03o (octal)illegal classillegal combination of pointer and integer, op %sillegal comparison of enumsillegal continueillegal field sizeillegal field typeillegal functionillegal hex constantillegal indirectionillegal initializationillegal lhs of assignment operatorillegal member use: %.8sillegal member use: %.8sillegal member use: perhaps %.8s.%.8sillegal poinme defined but never usedname declared but never used or definedname multiply declaredvalue type used inconsistentlyvalue type declared inconsistentlyfunction argument ( number ) used inconsistentlyfunction called with variable number of argumentsfunction value type must be declared before usefunction value is used, but none returnedfunction returns value which is always ignoredfunction returns value which is sometimes ignored--: illegal option -- : illegal option -- : option requires ater combinationillegal pointer subtractionillegal register declarationillegal structure pointer combinationillegal type combinationillegal types in :illegal use of fieldillegal zero sized structure member: %.8sillegal {loop not entered at topmember of structure or union requirednewline in BCD constantnewline in string or char constantno automatic aggregate initializationnon-constant case expressionnon-null byte ignored in string initializernonportable character comparisonnonportable field tn argument -- : option requires an argument -- 0 doxfegcslu"rNh(null)bbj6hich is always ignoredfunction returns value which is sometimes ignored--: illegal option -- : illegal option -- : option requires ad() { return (0); } /* IOCTL(2) */ /*VARARGS2*/ int ioctl(f, r, a) { return (f); } /* KILL(2) */ int kill(i, s) { return (i); } /* LINK(2) */ int link(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0); } /* LSEEK(2) */ long lseek(f, o, w) long o; { return (o); } #if pdp11 /* MAUS(2) PDP-11 IPC */ int dismaus(s) char *s; { return (0); } char * enabmaus(m) { return (""); } int freemaus(m) { return (m); } int getmaus(p, o) char *p; { return (o); } char * switmaus(m, s) char *s; { return (s); } #endif /* MKNOD(2) */ int mknod(n> int ustat(d, b) struct ustat *b; { return (d); } /* UTIME(2) */ int utime(f, t) char *f; struct { time_t x, y; } *t; { return (0); } /* WAIT(2) */ int wait(s) int *s; { return (0); } /* WRITE(2) */ int write(f, b, n) char *b; unsigned n; { return (f); } /* A64L(3C) */ long a64l(s) char *s; { return (0L); } char * l64a(l) long l; { return (""); } /* ABORT(3C) */ int abort() { return (0); } /* ABS(3C) */ int abs(i) { return (i); } /* ASSERT(3X) */ void _assert(a, f, n) char *a, *f; {} /* BSEARCH(3C) */ cha/usr/lib/llib-lc 644 2 2 34107 3446647561 6754 , m, d) char *n; { return (m); } /* MOUNT(2) */ int mount(s, d, r) char *s, *d; { return (r); } /* MSGCTL(2) */ int msgctl(m, c, b) struct msqid_ds *b; { return (m); } /* MSGGET(2) */ int msgget(k, m) key_t k; { return (m); } /* MSGOP(2) */ int msgsnd(q, p, s, f) struct msgbuf *p; { return (q); } int msgrcv(q, p, s, t, f) struct msgbuf *p; long t; { return (q); } /* NICE(2) */ int nice(i) { return (i); } /* OPEN(2) */ /*VARARGS2*/ int open(f, o, m) char *f; { return (o); } /* PAUSE(2) */ int pause() { retu/* @(#)llib-lc 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)llib-lc 2.14 */ /*LINTLIBRARY*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ACCESS(2) */ int access(f, m) char *f; { return (m); } /* ACCT(2) */ int acct(f) char *f; { return (0); } /* ALARM(2) */ unsigned alarm(s) unsigned s; { return (s); } /* BRK(2) */ int brk(e) char *e; { return (0); } char * sbrk(i) { return (""); } /* CHDIR(2) */ int chdir(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* CHMOD(2) */rn (0); } /* PIPE(2) */ int pipe(f) int f[2]; { return (0); } /* PLOCK(2) */ int plock(o) { return (o); } /* PROFIL(2) */ void profil(b, s, o, i) char *b; {} /* PTRACE(2) */ int ptrace(r, i, a, d) { return (r); } /* READ(2) */ int read(f, b, n) char *b; unsigned n; { return (f); } /* SEMCTL(2) */ union semun { int val; struct semid_ds *buf; ushort *array; }; /*VARARGS3*/ int semctl(i, n, c, a) union semun a; { return (i); } /* SEMGET(2) */ int semget(k, n, s) key_t k; { return (n); } /* SEMOP(2) */ int sem int chmod(s, m) char *s; { return (m); } /* CHOWN(2) */ int chown(s, o, g) char *s; { return (o); } /* CHROOT(2) */ int chroot(p) char *p; { return (0); } /* CLOSE(2) */ int close(f) { return (f); } /* CREAT(2) */ int creat(s, m) char *s; { return (m); } /* DUP(2) */ int dup(f) { return (f); } /* EXEC(2) */ char ** environ; /*VARARGS1*/ int execl(f, a) char *f, *a; { return (0); } int execv(s, v) char *s, *v[]; { return (0); } /*VARARGS1*/ int execle(f, a, e) char *f, *a, *e[]; { return (0); } int execveop(i, o, n) struct sembuf *o; { return (i); } /* SETPGRP(2) */ int setpgrp() { return (0); } /* SETUID(2) */ int setuid(u) { return (u); } int setgid(g) { return (g); } /* SIGNAL(2) */ int (* signal(s, a))() int (*a)(); { return (a); } /* STAT(2) */ #include int stat(s, b) char *s; struct stat *b; { return (0); } int fstat(f, b) struct stat *b; { return (f); } /* STIME(2) */ int stime(t) long *t; { return (0); } /* SYNC(2) */ void sync() {} #if u3b || u3b5 /* SYS3B(2) (3B20 and 3B5 only) */ /*(f, a, e) char *f, *a[], *e[]; { return (0); } /*VARARGS1*/ int execlp(f, a) char *f, *a; { return (0); } int execvp(s, v) char *s, *v[]; { return (0); } /* EXIT(2) */ void exit(s) {} void _exit(s) {} /* FCNTL(2) */ int fcntl(f, c, a) { return (f); } /* FORK(2) */ int fork() { return (0); } /* GETPID(2) */ int getpid() { return (0); } int getpgrp() { return (0); } int getppid() { return (0); } /* GETUID(2) */ int getuid() { return (0); } int geteuid() { return (0); } int getgid() { return (0); } int getegiVARARGS2*/ void sys3b(c, a, b) {} #endif /* TIME */ long time(t) long *t; { return (0L);} /* TIMES(2) */ #include long times(b) struct tms *b; { return (0L); } /* ULIMIT(2) */ daddr_t ulimit(c, n) daddr_t n; { return (n); } /* UMASK(2) */ int umask(c) { return (c); } /* UMOUNT(2) */ int umount(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* UNAME(2) */ #include int uname(n) struct utsname *n; { return (0); } /* UNLINK(2) */ int unlink(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* USTAT(2) */ #include int dial(c) CALL c; { return (0); } void undial(f) {} /* DRAND48(3C) */ double drand48() { return (0.0); } double erand48(x) unsigned short x[3]; { return (0.0); } long lrand48() { return (0L); } long nrand48(x) unsigned short x[3]; { return (0L); } long mrand48() { return (0L); } long jrand48(x) unsigned short x[3]; { return (0L); } void srand48(s) long s; {} unsigned short * seed48(s) unsigned short s[3]; { return (s); } void lcong48(p) unsigned short p[7]; {} /* ECVT(3C) */ char * ecvt(v, n, d, s) do*/ /* GETPASS(3C) */ char * getpass(s) char *s; { return (s); } /* GETPW(3C) */ int getpw(u, b) char *b; { return (u); } /* GETPWENT(3C) */ struct passwd * getpwent() { static struct passwd x; return (&x); } struct passwd * getpwuid(u) { static struct passwd x; return (&x); } struct passwd * getpwnam(n) char *n; { static struct passwd x; return (&x); } void setpwent() {} void endpwent() {} struct passwd * fgetpwent(f) FILE *f; { static struct passwd x; return (&x); } /* GETS(3S) */ char * gets(s) char *s; {uble v; int *d, *s; { return (""); } char * fcvt(v, n, d, s) double v; int *d, *s; { return (""); } char * gcvt(v, n, b) double v; char *b; { return (b); } /* END(3C) */ int end, etext, edata; /* FCLOSE(3S) */ int fclose(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int fflush(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* FERROR(3S) */ #undef feof #undef ferror #undef clearerr #undef fileno int feof(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int ferror(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } void clearerr(f) FILE *f; {} int fileno(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* FOPE return (s); } char * fgets(s, n, f) char *s; FILE *f; { return (s); } /* HSEARCH(3C) */ #include ENTRY * hsearch(i, a) ENTRY i; ACTION a; { return (&i); } int hcreate(n) unsigned n; { return (0); } void hdestroy() {} /* L3TOL(3C) */ void l3tol(l, c, n) long *l; char *c; {} void ltol3(c, l, n) char *c; long *l; {} /* LD...(3X) libld -- shouldn't be documented in Section 3! */ /* LOGNAME(3X) libPW -- shouldn't be documented */ /* LSEARCH(3C) */ char * lsearch(k, b, n, w, c) char *k, *b; unsigned *r * bsearch(k, b, n, w, c) char *k, *b; unsigned n, w; int (*c)(); { return (k); } /* CONV(3C) */ #undef _toupper #undef _tolower #undef toascii int toupper(i) { return (i); } int tolower(i) { return (i); } int _toupper(i) { return (i); } int _tolower(i) { return (i); } int toascii(i) { return (i); } /* CLOCK(3C) */ long clock() { return (0L); } /* CRYPT(3C) */ char * crypt(k, s) char *k, *s; { return (k); } void setkey(k) char *k; {} void encrypt(b, e) char *b; {} /* CTERMID(3S) */ char * ctermid(s) char *N(3S) */ FILE * fopen(f, t) char *f, *t; { return (stdin); } FILE * freopen(f, t, s) char *f, *t; FILE *s; { return (s); } FILE * fdopen(f, t) char *t; { return (stdin); } /* FPTRAP(3X) */ /* FREAD(3S) */ int fread(b, s, n, f) char *b; FILE *f; { return (n); } int fwrite(b, s, n, f) char *b; FILE *f; { return (n); } /* FREXP(3C) */ double frexp(x, e) double x; int *e; { return (x); } double ldexp(v, e) double v; { return (v); } double modf(v, i) double v, *i; { return (v); } /* FSEEK(3S) */ int fseek(f, o, s; { return (s); } /* CTIME(3C) */ char * ctime(t) long *t; { return (""); } #include struct tm * localtime(c) long *c; { static struct tm x; return (&x); } struct tm * gmtime(c) long *c; { static struct tm x; return (&x); } char * asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return (""); } void tzset() {} long timezone; int daylight; char * tzname[2]; /* CTYPE(3C) */ #undef isalpha #undef isupper #undef islower #undef isdigit #undef isxdigit #undef isalnum #undef isspace #undef ispunct #undef isprint #undef isgraphp) FILE *f; long o; { return (p); } long ftell(f) FILE *f; { return (0L); } void rewind(f) FILE *f; {} /* FTW(3C) */ int ftw(p, f, d) char *p; int (*f)(); { return (d); } /* GETC(3S) */ #undef getc #undef getchar int getc(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int getchar() { return (0); } int fgetc(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int getw(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* GETCWD(3C) */ char * getcwd(b, s) char *b; { return (b); } /* GETENV(3C) */ char * getenv(n) char *n; { return (n); } /* GETGRENT(3C) */ #include #undef iscntrl #undef isascii int isalpha(c) { return (c); } int isupper(c) { return (c); } int islower(c) { return (c); } int isdigit(c) { return (c); } int isxdigit(c) { return (c); } int isalnum(c) { return (c); } int isspace(c) { return (c); } int ispunct(c) { return (c); } int isprint(c) { return (c); } int isgraph(c) { return (c); } int iscntrl(c) { return (c); } int isascii(c) { return (c); } char _ctype[129]; /* CUSERID(3S) */ char * cuserid(s) char *s; { return (s); } /* DIAL(3C) */ #include int vprintf(s, v) char *s; va_list v; { return (0); } int vfprintf(f, s, v) FILE *f; char *s; va_list v; { return (0); } int vsprintf(p, s, v) char *p, *s; va_list v; { return (0); } /* UNDOCUMENTED (not for general use) */ /*VARARGS3*/ int syscall(n, r, s, a) { return (n); } long tell(f) { return (0L); } int ttyslot() { return (0); } int _filbuf(); } /*VARARGS2 SCANFLIKE2*/ int sscanf(p, s) char *p, *s; { return (0); } /* SETBUF(3S) */ void setbuf(f, b) FILE *f; char *b; {} int setvbuf(f, t, b, s) FILE *f; char *b; { return (t); } /* SETJMP(3C) */ #include int setjmp(e) jmp_buf e; { return (0); } void longjmp(e, v) jmp_buf e; {} /* SLEEP(3C) */ unsigned sleep(n) unsigned n; { return (n); } /* SSIGNAL(3C) */ int (* ssignal(s, a))() int (*a)(); { return (a); } int gsignal(s) { return (s); } /* STDIO(3S) */ FILE _iob[_NFILE]; unsigned charf) FILE *f; { return (0); } int _flsbuf(c, f) FILE *f; { return (c); } C(3S) */ int ungetc(c, f) FILE *f; { return (c); } /* VPRINTF(3S) */ #include int vprintf(s, v) char *s; va_list v; { return (0); } int vfprintf(f, s, v) FILE *f; char *s; va_list v; { return (0); } int vsprintf(p, s, v) char *p, *s; va_list v; { return (0); } /* UNDOCUMENTED (not for general use) */ /*VARARGS3*/ int syscall(n, r, s, a) { return (n); } long tell(f) { return (0L); } int ttyslot() { return (0); } int _filbuf(n, w; int (*c)(); { return (k); } char * lfind(k, b, n, w, c) char *k, *b; unsigned *n, w; int (*c)(); { return (k); } /* MALLOC(3C) */ char * malloc(s) unsigned s; { return (""); } void free(s) char *s; {} char * realloc(s, n) char *s; unsigned n; { return (s); } char * calloc(n, e) unsigned n, e; { return (""); } /* MEMORY(3C) */ char * memccpy(a, b, c, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * memchr(s, c, n) char *s; { return (s); } int memcmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (n); } char * memcpy(a, b, n) ch * _bufendtab[_NFILE]; /* STDIPC(3C) */ key_t ftok(s, i) char *s; { return ((key_t)0); } /* STRING(3C) */ char * strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * strncat(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } int strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0); } int strncmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (n); } char * strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * strncpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } int strlen(s) char *s; { return (0); } char * strchr(a, b) char *a, b; { return (a); } char * strrchr(a, bar *a, *b; { return (a); } char * memset(s, c, n) char *s; { return (s); } /* MKTEMP(3C) */ char * mktemp(t) char *t; { return (t); } /* MONITOR(3C) */ #include void monitor(l, h, b, s, n) int (*l)(), (*h)(); WORD *b; {} /* NLIST(3C) */ #include int nlist(f, n) char *f; struct nlist *n; { return (0); } /* PERROR(3C) */ void perror(s) char *s; {} int errno; char * sys_errlist[1]; int sys_nerr; /* PLOT(3X) not in libc */ /* POPEN(3S) */ FILE * popen(c, t) char *c, *t; { return (stdin); } int) char *a, b; { return (a); } char * strpbrk(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } int strspn(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0); } int strcspn(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0); } char * strtok(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } /* STRTOD(3C) */ double strtod(s, t) char *s, **t; { return (0.0); } double atof(s) char *s; { return (0.0); } /* STRTOL(3C) */ long strtol(s, t, b) char *s, **t; { return (0L); } long atol(s) char *s; { return (0L); } int atoi(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* SWAB(3C) */ void swab(f, t, n) llib-lc access $access acct$acctalarm.alarmbrk$brksbrkbsbrkchdir$chdirchmod$chmodchown$chownchroot$chrootclose$closecreat$creatps$setpgrpssetuidu$setuidusetgidv$setgidvsignalxdsignalxstat{$stat{fstat|$fstat|stime~$stime~sync time%timetimes% timesulimit%ulimitumask$umaskumdup!$dup!environ#Rexecl%$execl%execv&$Rexecv&execle($execle(execve)$RRexecve)execlp+$execlp+execvp,$Rexecvp,exit. _exit/ fcntl1$fcntl1fork3$fork3getpid5$ount$umountuname$unameunlink$unlinkustat$ustatutime$autimewait$waitwrite$writea64l%a64ll64abl64aabort$abortabs$abs_assert getpid5getpgrp6$getpgrp6getppid7$getppid7getuid9$getuid9geteuid:$geteuid:getgid;$getgid;getegid<$getegid<ioctl?$ioctl?killA$killAlinkC$linkClseekE%lseekEdismausH$dismausHenabmabsearchbbsearchtoupper$touppertolower$tolower_toupper$_toupper_tolower$_tolowertoascii$toasciiclock%clockcryptbcryptsetkey encrypt ctermidbctermidctimebctimeusIbenabmausIfreemausJ$freemausJgetmausK$getmausKswitmausLbswitmausLmknodO$mknodOmountQ$mountQmsgctlS$pmsgctlSmsggetU$msggetUmsgsndW$msgsndWmsgrcvX$msgrcvXniceZ$localtimhlocaltimgmtimehgmtimeasctimebasctimetzset timezonedaylighttznamerisalpha$isalphaisupper$isupperislower$islowerisdigit$isdigitisxdigit$isxdigitisalnum$isalnumisspace$is/usr/lib/llib-lc.ln 644 2 2 12100 3446647631 7347 niceZopen]$open]pause_$pause_pipea$pipeaplockc$plockcprofile ptraceg$ptracegreadi$readisemctlm$semctlmsemgeto$semgetosemopq$ semopqsetpgrspaceispunct$ispunctisprint$isprintisgraph$isgraphiscntrl$iscntrlisascii$isascii_ctype2cuseridbcuseriddial$dialundial drand48'drand48erand48'erand48lrand48%lrand48nrand48%t exception *p; { return (0); } /* SINH(3M) */ double sinh(x) double x; { return (x); } double cosh(x) double x; { return (x); } double tanh(x) double x; { return (x); } /* TRIG(3M) */ double sin(x) double x; { return (x); } double cos(x) double x; { return (x); } double tan(x) double x; { return (x); } double asin(x) double x; { return (x); } double acos(x) double x; { return (x); } double atan(x) double x; { return (x); } double atan2(x, y) double x, y; { return (x); } MATHERR(3M) */ int matherr(p) strucnrand48mrand48%mrand48print$isprintisgraph$isgraphiscntrl$iscntrlisascii$isascii_ctype2cuseridbcuseriddial$dialundial drand48'drand48erand48'erand48lrand48%lrand48nrand48%/usr/lib/llib-lm.ln 644 2 2 2550 3446650067 7346 /usr/lib/llib-lm 644 2 2 2734 3446650020 6727 llib-lm j0'j0j1'j1jn 'jn y0 'y0 y1 'y1 yn 'yn erf'erferfc'erfcexp'explog'loglog10'log10/* @(#)llib-lm 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)llib-lm 2.4 */ /*LINTLIBRARY*/ #include /* BESSEL(3M) */ double j0(x) double x; { return (x); } double j1(x) double x; { return (x); } double jn(n, x) double x; { return (x); } double y0(x) double x; { return (x); } double y1(x) double x; { return (x); } double yn(n, x) double x; { return (x); } /* ERF(3M) */ double erf(x) double x; { return (x); } double erfc(x) double x; { return (x); } /* EXP(3M) */ double exp(x) double x; { return (x); } double log(x) doupow'powsqrt'sqrtfloor'floorceil'ceilfmod'fmodfabs'fabsgamma'gammasigngamhypot'hypotmatherr!$matherr!sinh#'sinh#cosh$'cosh$ble x; { return (x); } double log10(x) double x; { return (x); } double pow(x, y) double x, y; { return (x); } double sqrt(x) double x; { return (x); } /* FLOOR(3M) */ double floor(x) double x; { return (x); } double ceil(x) double x; { return (x); } double fmod(x, y) double x, y; { return (x); } double fabs(x) double x; { return (x); } /* GAMMA(3M) */ double gamma(x) double x; { return (x); } int signgam; /* HYPOT(3M) */ double hypot(x, y) double x, y; { return (x); } /* MATHERR(3M) */ int matherr(p) structanh%'tanh%sin''sin'cos('cos(tan)'tan)asin*'asin*acos+'acos+atan,'atan,atan2-'atan2-hypotmatherr!$matherr!sinh#'sinh#cosh$'cosh$lower #undef toascii int toupper(i) { return (i); } int tolower(i) { return (i); } int _toupper(i) { return (i); } int _tolower(i) { return (i); } int toascii(i) { return (i); } /* CLOCK(3C) */ long clock() { return (0L); } /* CRYPT(3C) */ char * crypt(k, s) char *k, *s; { return (k); } void setkey(k) char *k; {} void encrypt(b, e) char *b; {} /* CTERMID(3S) */ char * ctermid(s) char *s; { return (s); } /* CTIME(3C) */ char * ctime(t) long *t; { return (""); } #include struct tm * localtime(c) longlong o; { return (p); } long ftell(f) FILE *f; { return (0L); } void rewind(f) FILE *f; {} /* GETC(3S) */ #undef getc #undef getchar int getc(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int getchar() { return (0); } int fgetc(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int getw(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* GETOPT(3C) */ int getopt(c, v, o) char **v, *o; { return (c); } char * optarg; int optind; int opterr, optopt; /* undocumented */ /* GETS(3S) */ char * gets(s) char *s; { return (s); } char * fgets(s, n, f) char *s; FILE *f; { return /usr/lib/llib-lmalloc.l 644 2 2 274 3476427331 10163 *c; { static struct tm x; return (&x); } struct tm * gmtime(c) long *c; { static struct tm x; return (&x); } char * asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return (""); } void tzset() {} long timezone; int daylight; char * tzname[2]; /* CTYPE(3C) */ #undef isalpha #undef isupper #undef islower #undef isdigit #undef isxdigit #undef isalnum #undef isspace #undef ispunct #undef isprint #undef isgraph #undef iscntrl #undef isascii int isalpha(c) { return (c); } int isupper(c) { return (c); } int islower(c) { return (c); } llib-lmalloc.csmallopt$malloptmallinfo (mallinfo llib-lmalloc.c?sfree mallocbreallocb*'asin*acos+'acos+atan,'atan,atan2-'atan2-hypotmatherr!$matherr!sinh#'sinh#cosh$'cosh$int isdigit(c) { return (c); } int isxdigit(c) { return (c); } int isalnum(c) { return (c); } int isspace(c) { return (c); } int ispunct(c) { return (c); } int isprint(c) { return (c); } int isgraph(c) { return (c); } int iscntrl(c) { return (c); } int isascii(c) { return (c); } char _ctype[129]; /* CUSERID(3S) */ char * cuserid(s) char *s; { return (s); } /* DRAND48(3C) */ double drand48() { return (0.0); } double erand48(x) unsigned short x[3]; { return (0.0); } long lrand48() { return (0L); } long nrand4/usr/lib/llib-port 644 2 2 15271 3446647701 7337 8(x) unsigned short x[3]; { return (0L); } long mrand48() { return (0L); } long jrand48(x) unsigned short x[3]; { return (0L); } void srand48(s) long s; {} unsigned short * seed48(s) unsigned short s[3]; {} void lcong48(p) unsigned short p[7]; {} /* FCLOSE(3S) */ int fclose(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int fflush(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* FERROR(3S) */ #undef feof #undef ferror #undef clearerr #undef fileno int feof(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } int ferror(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } void clearerr(f) FILE/* @(#)llib-port 1.1 venturcom */ /* @(#)llib-port 2.9 */ /*LINTLIBRARY*/ #include /* EXIT(2) */ void exit(s) {} void _exit(s) {} /* SIGNAL(2) */ int (* signal(s, a))() int (*a)(); { return (a); } /* TIME(2) */ long time(t) long *t; { return (0L); } /* UNLINK(2) */ int unlink(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* ABORT(3C) */ /*VARARGS0*/ int abort() { return (0); } /* ABS(3C) */ int abs(i) { return (i); } /* ASSERT(3X) */ void _assert(a, f, n) char *a, *f; {} /* CONV(3C) */ #undef _toupper #undef _to *f; {} int fileno(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* FOPEN(3S) */ FILE * fopen(f, t) char *f, *t; { return (stdin); } FILE * freopen(f, t, s) char *f, *t; FILE *s; { return (s); } /* FREAD(3S) */ int fread(b, s, n, f) char *b; FILE *f; { return (n); } int fwrite(b, s, n, f) char *b; FILE *f; { return (n); } /* FREXP(3C) */ double frexp(x, e) double x; int *e; { return (x); } double ldexp(v, e) double v; { return (v); } double modf(v, i) double v, *i; { return (v); } /* FSEEK(3S) */ int fseek(f, o, p) FILE *f; b; {} /* SETJMP(3C) */ #include int setjmp(e) jmp_buf e; { return (0); } void longjmp(e, v) jmp_buf e; {} /* SLEEP(3C) */ unsigned sleep(n) unsigned n; { return (n); } /* SSIGNAL(3C) */ int (* ssignal(s, a))() int (*a)(); { return (a); } int gsignal(s) { return (s); } /* STDIO(3S) */ FILE _iob[_NFILE]; unsigned char * _bufendtab[_NFILE]; /* STRING(3C) */ char * strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * strncat(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } int strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0)llib-port exit _exit signal dsignal time %time unlink$unlinkabort$abortabs$abs_asser touppe$touppetolowe$tolowe_toupp$_toupp_tolow$_tolowtoasci$; } int strncmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (n); } char * strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * strncpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } int strlen(s) char *s; { return (0); } char * strchr(a, b) char *a, b; { return (a); } char * strrchr(a, b) char *a, b; { return (a); } char * strpbrk(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } int strspn(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0); } int strcspn(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (0); } char * strtok(a, b) char *a, *b; { return (a); } /* STRTOD(3C) */ double strttoasciclock!%clock!crypt#bcrypt#setkey$ encryp% ctermi'bctermi'ctime)bctime)localt+hlocalt+gmtime,hgmtime,asctim-basctim-tzset. timezo/daylig0tzname1risalph?$isalph?(s); } /* MALLOC(3C) */ char * malloc(s) unsigned s; { return (""); } void free(s) char *s; {} char * realloc(s, n) char *s; unsigned n; { return (s); } char * calloc(n, e) unsigned n, e; { return (""); } /* MEMORY(3C) */ char * memccpy(a, b, c, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * memchr(s, c, n) char *s; { return (s); } int memcmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (n); } char * memcpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return (a); } char * memset(s, c, n) char *s; { return (s); } /* POPEN(3S) */ FILE * popen(c, t) chod(s, t) char *s, **t; { return (0.0); } double atof(s) char *s; { return (0.0); } /* STRTOL(3C) */ long strtol(s, t, b) char *s, **t; { return (0L); } long atol(s) char *s; { return (0L); } int atoi(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* SYSTEM(3S) */ int system(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* TMPNAM(3S) */ char * tmpnam(s) char *s; { return (s); } /* TTYNAME(3C) */ char * ttyname(f) { return (""); } int isatty(f) { return (f); } /* UNGETC(3S) */ int ungetc(c, f) FILE *f; { return (c); } /* UNDOCUMENTED -- declarear *c, *t; { return (stdin); } int pclose(f) FILE *f; { return (0); } /* PRINTF(3S) */ /*VARARGS1 PRINTFLIKE1*/ int printf(s) char *s; { return (0); } /*VARARGS2 PRINTFLIKE2*/ int fprintf(f, s) FILE *f; char *s; { return (0); } /*VARARGS2 PRINTFLIKE2*/ int sprintf(p, s) char *p, *s; { return (0); } /* PUTC(3S) */ #undef putc #undef putchar int putc(c, f) FILE *f; { return (c); } int putchar(c) { return (c); } int fputc(c, f) FILE *f; { return (c); } int putw(w, f) FILE *f; { return (w); } /* PUTS(3S) */ d in UNIX stdio.h, not really in the port lib */ FILE * fdopen(f, t) char *t; { return (stdin); } char * tempnam(d, s) char *d, *s; { return (d); } FILE * tmpfile() { return (stdin); } L); } int atoi(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* SYSTEM(3S) */ int system(s) char *s; { return (0); } /* TMPNAM(3S) */ char * tmpnam(s) char *s; { return (s); } /* TTYNAME(3C) */ char * ttyname(f) { return (""); } int isatty(f) { return (f); } /* UNGETC(3S) */ int ungetc(c, f) FILE *f; { return (c); } /* UNDOCUMENTED -- declareint puts(s) char *s; { return (0); } int fputs(s, f) char *s; FILE *f; { return (0); } /* QSORT(3C) */ void qsort(b, n, w, c) char *b; unsigned n, w; int (*c)(); {} /* RAND(3C) */ void srand(s) unsigned s; {} int rand() { return (0); } /* SCANF(3S) */ /*VARARGS1 SCANFLIKE1*/ int scanf(s) char *s; { return (0); } /*VARARGS2 SCANFLIKE2*/ int fscanf(f, s) FILE *f; char *s; { return (0); } /*VARARGS2 SCANFLIKE2*/ int sscanf(p, s) char *p, *s; { return (0); } /* SETBUF(3S) */ void setbuf(f, b) FILE *f; char */usr/lib/llib-port.ln 644 2 2 13124 3446647751 7747 aferroracleareb afilenoc$afilenocfopenehafopeneafreopefhaafreopefafreadh$afreadhfwritei$afwriteifrexpk'frexpkldexpl'ldexplmodfm'modfmfseeko$afseekoftellstrncm$strncmstrcpybstrcpystrncpbstrncpstrlen$strlenstrchrbstrchrstrrchbstrrchstrpbrbstrpbrstrspn$strspnstrcsp$strcspstrtokbstrtokstrtod'p%aftellprewindq agetcu$agetcugetchav$getchavfgetcw$afgetcwgetwx$agetwxgetoptz$Rgetoptzoptarg{optind|opterr}optopt}getsbgetsfgetsbafgetsmallocbmallocfreeRstrtodatof'atofstrtol%Rstrtolatol%atolatoi$atoisystem$systemtmpnambtmpnamttynambttynamisatty$isattyungetc$aungetcfdopenhafdopenatempnab reallobreallocallocbcallocmemccpbmemccpmemchrbmemchrmemcmp$memcmpmemcpybmemcpymemsetbmemsetpopenhapopenapclose$apcloseprintf$printffptempnatmpfilhatmpfila_iob8a%Rstrtolatol%atolatoi$atoisystem$systemtmpnambtmpnamttynambttynamisatty$isattyungetc$aungetcfdopenhafdopenatempnabisuppe@$isuppe@isloweA$isloweAisdigiB$isdigiBisxdigC$isxdigCisalnuD$isalnuDisspacE$isspacEispuncF$ispuncFisprinG$isprinGisgrapH$isgrapHiscntrI$iscntrIisasciJ$isasciJ_ctypeK2cuserirint$afprintsprint$sprintputc$aputcputcha$putchafputc$afputcputw$aputwputs$putsfputs$afputsqsort srand rand$randscanf$scanfMbcuseriMdrand4O'drand4Oerand4P'erand4Plrand4Q%lrand4Qnrand4R%nrand4Rmrand4S%mrand4Sjrand4T%jrand4Tsrand4U seed48Vmlcong4W fcloseY$afcloseYfflushZ$afflushZfeof`$afeof`ferrora$fscanf$afscanfsscanf$sscanfsetbuf asetjmp$setjmplongjm sleep.sleepssignadssignagsigna$gsigna_iob8a_bufen|strcatbstrcatstrncabstrncastrcmp$strcmp  0  6 >  67! % 7:5 %i_xE N 2 %ff ~%5%Cfefe P%555Ne 5 @E%  u= (fefe P%5Ne dfe e  w_7 "   E % 5     "   8    " w67@ ND @ e-  (&& %4 E %  4 w| 7 D ԋwd 7n DCԔwL f@wZwV<w 74 DCԋ Ԕw 7 5 uDC5 5 5  % _ @w e@-U +U U  #U 0U  `u5 U5  . >u5 D 1  4 %2  Q 2 % & fe2 e h  w7D&  t 2  eP~", , ,, w,76 55E&efe P%55$E% Nefe &e& @ &fe je5 Nefe j% w7D E  $ Ce t_E  xN u-u @  A ZU5BBw JU5   5 5  5     U &  C ~CB5W-o0ʋW-x0 ʋ x5ʕX05-eW-da5+Z5V S v r@ r ! f e0 9e'5e= !AtӋC~ @ AB 5wHBAe 6*t Ne $  $wӕ(ӕ) ӕ[ӕ]7D  ˋ  ! @w7 @e5ff  % w7D   wfAupC   % -@m A &@&f %`5` (  @  @7DCB 5 Ԕ @w7 %)w- @mȥ- x @mc `&V @m&  @ @mm6 5u`u` u`ff` Hew5  @0   Wp ` e0eӕ?7DCB@ N   @ ȕ N E&  @ @ EH @ N   @ ȕ w7$ &e-w7D w      4 44  7D4  wv   -  7ND E7n%:f h ? 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T @  ! be)UDU%pT  t te)UD t % vt t  wD x% 0t Vt.  Pc compiles pascal programs. Pascal program file names must end with '.p' The most simple use is pc prog.p This creates a file "e.out". To run it, type em1 For more information type man pc Note that the current compiler conforms to the latest British standard proposal of March 1980. For an earlier version of this proposal see A.M.Addyman e.a., "A draft description of Pascal", Software, practice and experience, May 1979. The latest news about pc can always be found on /etc/pc_news. gram heading:  w8D }~% t t~T% 4> ` wDU% L % L _   Jt  %   % @PE \   r@e0 @ DA re0 T e0 &* %"  %\ @P  \ r  \ _wDU% n  t clared label '%i' multiple defined statement: ':' expected unlabeled statement expected compound statement: ';' or 'end' expected compound statement: ';' expected compound statement: 'end' expected case statement: 'end' expected body: ';' or 'end' expected body: ';' expected body: label '%i' declared, but never defined program parameter '%s' not declared function '%s' never assigned block: declaration or body expected block: 'const', 'type', 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected block: 'type', /usr/lib/pc/pc_decode 755 2 2 14354 3454340652 7740 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected block: 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected block: 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected block: unsatisfied forward proc/func declaration(s) block: 'begin' expected block: 'end' expected program heading: 'program' expected program heading: program identifier expected program heading: file identifier list expected program heading: file identifier expected program heading: ',' or ')' expected program heading: ',' expected program heading: L0 % %  @eU0&fAB   ~ <U @f~A@7w7@ we`P$ 0  V$``z$wV 8d7HЋ >7<n0N r e0bD 2$0# 0# $0# 0#e t0# 7# wPDeB#maximum number of file arguments exceeded (12) program heading: ')' expected program heading: ';' expected program: '.' expected 'program' expected module: 'const', 'type', 'var', 'procedure' or 'function' expected module: 'type', 'var', 'procedure' or 'function' expected module: 'var', 'procedure' or 'function' expected module: 'procedure' or 'function' expected garbage at end of program m heading: file identifier expected program heading: ',' or ')' expected program heading: ',' expected program heading:  ! 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