PDP-11 Instruction Set

		We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as
		are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.
			      Isaac Newton, Principles: A System of the World

This paper describes the PDP-11/40 Instruction Set, including the
Extended Instruction Set (EIS) and the Memory Management Unit (MMU).
This particular configuration is similar to the machine John Lions used
during his studies of Unix Version 6 at the University of New South
Wales in 1976/1977. Features of the more powerful models PDP-11/45 and
PDP-11/70 are appended since on these machines Ken Thompson and Dennis
Ritchie developed Unix V6 and V7 in the 1970s.

Notation: The contents of registers, memory and addresses are
represented as nonnegative integers. Leading zero indicates octal and
leading "0x" indicates hexadecimal notation.  The (horizontal or
vertical) sequence of digits starts always with the most significant
one. "Low memory" are cells with low addresses. "K" equals 2^10.
Integer ranges "[i, k)" include i and exclude k if i < k and are empty
otherwise. The C language is employed for expressions.

0 Registers

All registers are 16-bit wide.

0.0 General Registers R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 (FP), R6 (SP), R7 (PC)

The PDP-11 has eight general registers. They are addressed explicitly
by a 3-bit register number which is encoded in instruction words. In
addition to this, three registers are used implicitly, namely:

R7, the program counter (PC), points to the instruction to be executed
next.  After each fetch of a word addressed implicitly by the PC, the PC is
incremented by 2, before being used in address calculations.

R6, the stack pointer (SP), supports subroutine, trap and interrupt
linkage by employing a "last in/first out" memory allocation scheme. It
is used implicitly among others by jsr, rts, mark, sys and rtt. There
are two SPs, one active in user mode (USP), the other active in kernel
mode (KSP). "Push x" allocates memory and saves the value x, "pop y"
restores y and frees the memory allocated for y. The stack builds
toward low memory. If the SP was initalized to i, the stack occupies
the memory at [SP, i). Thus the SP addresses the item allocated last.

R5, the frame pointer (FP), is used implicitly solely by the mark
instruction to support subroutine linkage.
0.1 Processor Status Word PSW (at 0777776)

The bits of the PSW are assigned as:

name	width	meaning
CM    	2	current operation mode, 00 is kernel mode, 11 user mode
PM    	2	previous operation mode
****  	4	not used
IPL   	3	interrupt priority level
T     	1	enable trace trap
NZVC	4	condition codes

A pending interrupt will be served if the hardwired bus request number
(BR) of the interrupting device is greater than the IPL.

If the T-bit is set, a trap at 14 is taken after execution of an
instruction. The T-bit enables debuggers to single-step a program.

Arithmetical and boolean instructions modify the condition codes (CCs)
to be sensed later by conditional branch instructions.

N indicates "result is negative"
Z indicates "result is zero"
V indicates "signed overflow"
C indicates the carry bit, i.e., unsigned additive overflow

0.2 Panel Registers (at 0777570)

There are two panel registers: a read only switch register (SR), which
mirrors the state of the panel switches, and a write only display
register (DR) to control the panel lights.

After power on, all but two registers are set to zero.  The IPL in the
PSW is set to 7 and the switch register is left as it is.

1 Addresses

16-bit (virtual) addresses are translated to 18-bit (physical) bus
addresses. The first 58K addresses are mapped to memory, the remaining
8K addressses are used to access device registers and are mapped to the
last 8K bus addresses. The last 8K block is called "I/O page".

This, this mapping is defined as:
	[0,   56K) --> [0,     56K),	x --> x
	[56K, 64K) --> [248K, 256K),	x --> x + 192K (== x | 0600000)

The memory management unit (MMU) can be enabled to set this mapping
under software control. The MMU handles two mappings (aka address
spaces)--one is active in user mode, the other in kernel mode. After
power on, the MMU is disabled.
2 Operands and Operations

Operands are stored in 8-bit bytes, 16-bit words and 32-bit longwords. The
multiplicative instructions multiply, divide, and "arithmetic shift
concatenated" (i.e., mul, div, ashc) are the only ones that operate on

The instruction set provides signed integer arithmetic (byte, word and
longword), operations on boolean arrays of length 8 or 16, and additive
artithmetic on unsigned integers.

Most binary and unary operations are implemented for byte and word
sized operands.  Addition and subtraction operate on words only.

Words are stored in memory or registers, bytes in memory only. The
address of a word is even and equals the address of the word's low byte
("Little Endian"). If a register is the destination of a byte
operation, the signed value of the byte is stored in the register,
i.e., the sign bit is extended to the high byte of the register. A
register is truncated to its low byte if it is the source of a byte

A longword operand is stored in a pair of general registers RS, with
r, the number of R, being even and the number of S being r+1.  R holds
the high word ("Big Endian").
3 Instruction Formats and Address Modes

The parts of an instruction word are:

name	width	meaning	
w 	1	operand width, 0 specifies word, 1 specifies byte
ss 	6	source operand specification
dd	6	destination operand specification
a	3	address mode
r	3	register number
o	varying	operation code
nn	8	signed word offset (in branches) ; system call number (in sys)
nn	6	unsigned number
m	4	mask to select condition flags NZVC in CC operations

The operand specifications ss and dd consist of the address mode
and the register number.

Notation: Instructions containing 4-bit or 8-bit parts are notated
hexadecimal, the others octal. If octal, the first character stands for
1 bit and the others for 3 bits each; if hexadecimal each character
stands for 4 bits. Hexadecimal notation is prefixed by "0x".

name			format	example
double operand		wossdd  mov src,dst
register and operand	woordd  jsr r5,subr
register and operand	woorss	ash 2,r0
single operand		wooodd  inc a
single register		ooooor  rts r5
zero operand		oooooo  halt
branch			0xoonn	br label
CC operation		0xooom	sec

The operand is specificied depending on the address mode:
a-mode	operand		name
0	R		register
1	m[R]		register indirect
2	m[R]; R=R+w 	auto-increment		(pop)
3	m[m[R]]; R=R+2	auto-increment indirect	(pop)
4	R=R-w; m[R]	auto-decrement		(push)
5	R=R-2; m[m[R]]	auto-decrement indirect	(push)
6	m[m[PC]+R]	indexed
7	m[m[m[PC]+R]]	indexed indirect

Here R is the register selected in the operand specification, m the
memory, and w the operand width, i.e., w equals 1 for byte operands and
2 for word operands. If R is the SP, w == 2, even for byte operands.
4 Instructions

The instructions are sorted into four lists:
- Traps and other special instructions
- Arithmetic, boolean and data transfer
- Jump and subroutine linkage 
- Branches

Notation: Throughout the instruction lists, s and d denote source
respective destination operands. On the right side of an assignment
("=") d stands for the value before the operation is applied.

4.0 Traps and other Special Instructions

The memory at [0, 0400), the "yellow stack", is reserved for the
interrupt vector. An entry spans two words.  The first one holds an
address of a trap routine respective of an interrupt service routine
(ISR) and the second one the program status (PS), which is the low
byte of the PSW.

When a trap or interrupt is executed, the CPU switches to kernel mode,
pushes the previous PSW and the PC onto kernel stack, sets PM to the
previous operation mode, and executes the trap routine with the PS set
from the vector. This sequence is abbreviated by "trap at n" where n is
the address of the vector entry.

Return to interrupted/trapped program (rti, rtt) pops the PC and the PSW and
thus undoes the change of the state done by the trap or interrupt.  In
user mode, these instructions won't change CM, PM and IPL when they pop
the PSW from stack.

rtt differs from rti, in that it will not be trapped even if the T-bit
is set during execution. This enables debuggers to execute one
instruction of the debugged program.

Accessing word operands or instructions with an odd address, accessing
nonexisting memory, executing the halt instruction in user mode, or
pushing into the yellow stack while in kernel mode will trap at 4,
whereas executing an illegal (i.e., not implemented) instruction traps
at 10.

Execution of a trap might fail because a memory error occures while
saving PSW and PC. In that case, both words are saved in an emergency
stack at [0, 4) and a "red stack trap" is executed at 4.

In both the emulator and system trap instruction its low byte is
reserved for operating systems. In Unix it holds the system call

ass	read		code	operation
halt	halt		000000  stop the processor (privileged)
wait	wait		000001  wait for interrupt
rti	return to intr  000002  PC = SP++*; PSW = SP++*
bpt	breakpoint	000003  trap at 14 (for debugging)
iot     i/o trap	000004  trap at 20
reset	reset		000005	reset I/O devices (no-op in user mode)
rtt	return to trap  000006  PC = SP++*; PSW = SP++*
emt	emulator trap	0x88nn	trap at 30 (used by DEC)
sys	system trap	0x89nn	trap at 34 (used by Unix)
4.1 Arithmetic, Boolean and Data Transfer

Shift/rotate: ror, rot, asr, asl, ash, ashc
These instructions implement multiplicative operations with one
operand being a power of two. The C flag is set to the bit shifted out.

Integer Division: div, asr, ror, ash, ashc.
div truncates towards zero (notated by "/") whereas the right shifts
truncate to the smaller integer, notated by "//".

Access memory via previous address space: mfpi, mtpi
The mapping of the operand's virtual address is controlled by the
previous instead of the current mode's address space.  The previous
mode is determined from PM. If the operand is the SP, the previous
mode's SP is chosen.  Mfpi pushes and mtpi pops the operand using the
current stack.

CC operations: cln, clz, clv, clc, sen, sez, sev, sec
These instructions clear rsp. set condition codes. The CCs are selected
by the mask m in the instruction word. More then one flag can be
selected by oring instructions of either the set or the clear type.
When no flag is selected, the CC operations degenerate to no-ops.

The list is sorted by instruction code. The byte instructions (codes
[100000, 104000), [105000, 106400), [110000, 170000)) are left out.

ass	read		code	operation	Condition Codes affected
cl?     clear CC	0x00Am			NZVC = NZVC & ~m
se?	set CC		0x00Bm			NZVC = NZVC | m
swab	swab bytes	0003dd	d.hi <-> d.lo	N, Z from low byte; V=C=0
clr(b)	clear (byte)	w050dd	d=0		N, Z, V, C
com(b)  complement	w051dd	d=~d		N, Z; V=0; C=1
inc(b)	increment	w052dd	d=d+1		N, Z, V
dec(b)	decrement	w053dd	d=d-1		N, Z, V
neg(b)  negate		w054dd	d=0-d		N, Z, V, C
adc(b)	add carry	w055dd	d=d+C		N, Z, V, C
sbc(b)  sub carry	w056dd	d=d-C		N, Z, V, C
tst(b)  test		w057dd			N, Z; V=C=0
ror(b)  rotate right	w060dd	d=d//2 - C*2^15 N, Z, V; C=d%2
rol(b)  rotate left	w061dd	d=d*2 + C	N, Z, V, C
asr(b)  shift right	w062dd	d=d//2		N, Z, V; C=d%2
asl(b)  shift left	w063dd	d=d*2		N, Z, V, C
mfpi	mv fr prev i-sp	0065ss	--SP* = s	N, Z; V=0
mtpi	mv to prev i-sp	0066dd	d = SP++*	N, Z; V=0
sxt	sign extend	0067dd  d=-N		N, Z, V
mov(b)	move (byte)	w1ssdd	d=s		N, Z; V=0
cmp(b)	compare		w2ssdd			N, Z, V, C as if d = s-d
bit(b)	bit test	w3ssdd  		N, Z as if d = s&d; V=0
bic(b)	bit clear	w4ssdd	d = d & ~s	N, Z; V=0
bis(b)	bit set		w5ssdd	d = d | s	N, Z; V=0
add	add		06ssdd	d = d + s	N, Z, V, C
sub	subtract	16ssdd	d = d - s	N, Z, V, C
mul	multiply, r evn	070rss  RS = s*R	N, Z, V	(C see next line)
mul	     "	, r odd 070rss  R = s*R		C="s*R does not fit in word"
div	divide		071rss	R=RS/s; S=RS%s	N, Z, V; C="/ by zero"
ash	arith shift     072rss	R=R*2^s		N, Z, V, C
ashc	" conct., r evn 073rss  RS=RS*2^s	N, Z, V, C (C=RS%2 if s > 0)
ashc	" conct., r odd 073rss  R=R*2^s		N, Z, V, C (C=R%2 if s > 0)
xor	exclusive or	074rdd  d = d ^ R	N, Z; V=0
4.2 Subroutine Linkage and Jump

Jump subroutine (jsr) pushes R, saves the return address (i.e., PC, the
address of the next instruction) in R, and jumps to the address of d.
It follows that if R is the PC, jsr simply pushes the PC and jumps.

The destination of jmp and jsr must not be a register, i.e., the
address mode must not equal zero. If it does, a trap at 10 occurs.

Return from subroutine (rts) restores the PC from R and pops R.
It follows that if R is the PC, rts just pops it.

With the mark instruction being the word last pushed, jmp (sp) means:
Free nn+1 (i.e. including mark) words from the stack, restore the
caller's FP and return; nn is a 6-bit unsigned integer.

Subtract one and branch (sob) decrements R and, if R != 0, jumps up
nn words, where nn is a 6-bit unsigned integer.

ass	read		code	operation
jmp	jump		0001dd  PC = &d (a-mode > 0)
rts	return fr subr	00020r  PC = R; R = *SP++
jsr     jump subroutine	004rdd  *--SP = R; R = PC; PC = &d (a-mode > 0)
mark    mark		0064nn  SP = PC + 2*nn; PC = FP; FP = *SP++
sob	subtract one    077rnn  R = R - 1; if R != 0: PC = PC - 2*nn 

4.3 Branches

If the condition holds, these instructions set PC = PC - 2*nn.  The
column labeled "s/u" indicates whether the tested condition is
appropiate for signed respective unsigned artithmetic.

ass	read		code	s/u	condition	cmp a, b 	tst a
br	branch		0x01nn	s/u	always 
bne	not equal	0x02nn	s/u	!Z		a != b		a != 0
beq	equal		0x03nn	s/u	Z		a == b		a == 0
bge	greater equal	0x04nn	s	N == V  	a >= b
blt	less than	0x05nn	s	N != V  	a <  b
bgt	greater than	0x06nn	s	!Z && N == V	a >  b
ble	less equal	0x07nn	s	Z | N != V	a <= b
bpl	plus		0x80nn	s	!N				a >= 0
bmi	minus		0x81nn	s	N				a <  0
bhi	high		0x82nn	u	!C & !Z		a >  b
blos	lower or same	0x83nn	a	C | Z		a <= b
bvc	overflow clear	0x84nn	s	!V		no overflow
bvs	overflow set	0x85nn	s	V		overflow
bcc	carry clear	0x86nn	u	!C		a >= b
bhis    higher or same		another name for bcc	
bcs	carry set	0x87nn	u	C		a <  b
blo	lower			another name for bcs
5 Memory Management Unit

5.0 The Mapping as Controlled by Paging Registers

The virtual address range [0, 64K) is partitioned into eight pages
	[0*8K, 1*8K), [1*8K, 2*8K), ... , [7*8K, 8*8K) .
Each page is assigned a page description register (PDR) and a page
address register (PAR).  The virtual address in a page are mapped
to a range of physical addresses which starts at p = PAR*64.

The meaning of the PDR bits are:
name	width	meaning
*	1	not used
S	7	with b=64*S, the lower part of page n is [n, n+b].
*	1	not used
C	1	set, when memory addressed by this page is changed
                cleared, when the PDR is changed
**	2	not used
U	1	upper part of the page is valid, i.e., mapped
W	1	write permission
R	1	read permission
*	1	not used

Let v be a virtual address contained in the page [n, n+8K).  This page
is divided into a lower part [n, n+b] and an upper part [n+b, n+8K].  U
controls which part of the page is mapped:

If U off:	[n,   n+b]  --> [p, p+b],    v  --> p + v - n
If U on:	[n+b, n+8K) --> [p, p+8K-b), v  --> p + v - (n+b)

A trap at 0250 is executed if one of the following conditions holds:
	R is off
	v is not mapped, i.e. not in the lower respective upper part
	W is off and the program tried to write to the memory

Physical addresses of the page registers:
kernel:	PDR 0-7: [0772300, 0772320), PAR 0-7: [0772340, 0772360)
user:	PDR 0-7: [0777600, 0777620), PAR 0-7: [0777640, 0777660)

5.1 Control and status registers

MMR0 register (at 0777572) 
The MMU is enabled if the low bit is set. The other bits are set when
the MMU traps. They indicate the reason and identify the page that
caused the trap.

mask	width	meaning
010000	1	write access and !W
004000	1	address not mapped; not in valid part of the page
002000	1	read or write access, and page not readable
000140	2	operation mode to which the page belongs
000020	1	if set, page is from data space (PDP-11/45, /70 only)
000016	3	page number
000001	1	enable MMU 

MMR2 (at 0777576) is a status register that holds the address of an
instruction that caused an MMU trap.
6 PDP-11/45 and PDP-11/70

6.0 Extensions of the Instruction Set.

Instructions that are illegal on the PDP-11/40 might be implemented by
other PDP-11 models or by optional hardware extensions.

The  MMU in the PDP-11/45/70 supports two mappings per operation mode.
One is used for words addressed by the PC, i.e., instructions, the
other for the rest. This feature is called "separate I/D space".

Floating point instructions are offered either by the "Floating Point
Instruction Set" (FIS), a small extension, or by the "FP11", a full
blown floating point processor.

The mtps/mfps instructions are only needed by models that cannot
access the PSW, and therefore the PS, via the I/O page.

ass	read			 code		implemented in
mfpt	move from processor type 000007		other models
spl	set IPL to m		 00023m		PDP-11/45, PDP-11/70
csm	call supervisor mode	 0070dd		PDP-11/45, PDP-11/70
tstset	test & set		 0072dd		multiprocessor machines
wrtlck	write locked		 0073dd		multiprocessor machines
FIS	floating pt. instr. set	 075000-075777	optional for PDP-11/40
CIS	commercial instr. set	 076000-076777	optional for other models
mtps	move to PS		 1064dd		other models
mfpd	move from prev d-space	 1065dd		PDP-11/45, PDP-11/70
mtpd	move to prev d-space	 1066dd		PDP-11/45, PDP-11/70
mfps	move from PS		 1067dd		other models
FP11	floating pt. processor	 170000-177777	PDP-11/70, optionial for /45
6.1 The MMU of the PDP-11/45 and PDP-11/70

The CPUs with separate I/D space need another four sets of paging
registers, namely PDRs and PARs for the kernel data space and for the
user data space.  Each of these sets is located in the I/O page below
the corresponding set of the instruction space. Since these PDP-11s
offer a third operation mode (supervisor mode), they also have another
two sets of paging registers for this mode. (at [772200, 772300))

MMR1 (at 777574) identifies the registers changed by the incrementing /
decrementing address modes in an instruction that caused an MMU trap.
The increment is in the range [-2, +2] and encoded as a 3-bit integer
which is negative in case of decrementing address modes.

The meanings of the bits are:
width	meaning
2	not used
3	increment from source a-mode
3	register from source a-mode
2	not used
3	increment from destination a-mode
3	register from destination a-mode

MMR3 (at 777516) is a control register used to enable separate I/D
space and the CSM instruction, i.e. the supervisor mode.

The bits are assigned as:
width	meaning
10	not used
1	enable 22bit I/O addresses (PDP-11/70 only)
1	enable 22bit physical addresses (PDP-11/70 only)
1	enable csm
1	enable seperate kernel data space
1	enable seperate supervisor data space
1	enable seperate user data space

7 Assignment of Instruction Codes
"Illegal" means illegal on Lions' PDP-11/40

000000-000006	traps; halt, reset ...
000007-000077	illegal; mfpt
000100-000207	jump, rts 
000210-000237	illegal; spl
000240-000377	arithmetic, boolean and data trnsfr; CC operations, swab bytes
000400-003777	branches
004000-004777	jsr
005000-006377	arithmetic, boolean and data transfer; single word operand
006400-006477	mark
006500-006777	arithmetic, boolean and data transfer; single word operand
007000-007777	illegal, csm, tstset, wrtlck
010000-067777	arithmetic, boolean and data transfer; two word operands
070000-073777	extended instruction set (EIS); mul, div, ash, ashc
074000-074777	boolean; XOR
075000-076777	illegal
077000-077777   sob
100000-103777	branches
104000-104777	traps; emt, sys
105000-106377	arithmetic, boolean and data transfer; single byte operand
106400-107777	illegal; mtps, mfpd, mtpd, mfps
110000-167777	arithmetic, boolean and data transfer; two byte operands
170000-177777	illegal; FP11