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Insufficient memory$Ersatz-11 V1.0 BETA, Copyright (C) 1994 by John Wilson. All rights reserved.   -  E11>?What? Emulation: PDP-11/??& ?ASSIGNBOOT  CALCULATE DEPOSIT DEASSIGNY DEVICEEXAMINE  FPREGISTER} GO^HALTlSHELP INITIALIZE1 INSTRUCTIONLIST7LOGMMOUNTPROCEED=QUITREGISTER/SETPSHOW ` STEP$ASSIGN pdpdev dosdev /switches ASSIGN pdpdev fkey Assigns a PDP-11 character device (TTn: or LPn:) a physical DOS device, which is either a COM port, COM1:-COM4:, an LPT port, LPT1:-LPT4:, or an F-key, F1-F12 (i.e. the keyboard and primary monitor may be switched to that port by pressing Alt and that key, or the secondary monitor may be switched to that port if you press Ctrl and that key). Switches are /IRQn and /SHARE for COM or LPT ports. BOOT pdpdev [/switches] Boots the PDP-11 from the specified mass storage device (must be MOUNTed). Switches are /RT11 or /RSTS (to control mechanism for passing date/time information to those systems) or /HALT to stop the CPU after loading the boot block. CALCULATE expr & expr Calculate the value of an octal expression, operators are */+- and (). DEASSIGN pdpdev Undoes an ASSIGN command, disconnecting the specified PDP-11 device from its assigned PC device. DEPOSIT absloc data Deposits the specified word in the specified absolute address (doesn't work on device registers). EXAMINE absloc Examines the word at the specified absolute address (doesn't work on device registers). FPREGISTER [ac v1 v2 v3 v4] Displays all FP registers, optionally setting the value of the specified AC (0-5) to the specified four octal words. GO reladdr Starts the CPU at the specified virtual address. HALT Halts the CPU immediately if it is running. INITIALIZE Reinitializes all devices, disables the MMU, sets kernel mode. LIST [reladdr] Disassembles the next eight instructions starting at reladdr if it is given, or at the instruction following the last LIST or REGISTER display if not. LOG ddu: filename Logs TT: or LP: output to a file, or turns off logging if no filename is given. MOUNT pdpdev dosfile /switches MOUNT pdpdev f: /switches Mounts the specified PDP-11 mass storage unit using the specified DOS container file, or floppy drive if only "f:" is given (RX01/02/03 only). Switches are /RONLY (or /WPROTECT) and /RW, floppies also allow /SSSD /SSDD etc. Device types are DL: (RL01/02 5/10 MB disk, file size tells which), DM: (RK06/07, file size tells which) or DX: (DY: is synonymous, RX01/02/03 floppy disk, distinguished by MOUNT switch, SET DX: command, file size, or disk format if real drive is mounted). PROCEED [breakaddr] Restarts the CPU at the current address, optionally setting a single hard breakpoint (i.e. not visible to software) at the specified virtual address. QUIT Exits Ersatz-11. REGISTER [r v] Displays the CPU general registers and disassembles the next instruction, or sets the specified register (0-7) to the specified value if r and v are specified. STEP Executes a single PDP-11 instruction. F1AF2CF3{EF4GGF5IF6JF7LF8wNF9CPF10RF11SF12UAUX:sWCOM1:sWCOM2:?YCOM3: [COM4:\PRN:^LPT1:^LPT2:o`LPT3:;bLPT4:dIRQ0IRQ1IRQ2 IRQ3IRQ4IRQ5IRQ6IRQ7IRQ8IRQ9 IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ13 IRQ14IRQ15SHARERSTSRSXRT11HALTRONLY=WPROTECT=RW=pSSSDSSDD DSSD'DSDD.CPUvDEVICEDISPLAYDRFLOPPY=HERZ9HZ9KEYBOARD=NOSCOPESCOPESCROLLQSRASWITCHASET SWITCH n SET SWITCH PORT n SET DISPLAY NONE SET DISPLAY PORT n These commands specify either that the switch and display registers do not exist and that the switch register should read the specified value, or that one or both physically exists and can be accessed as 16-bit I/O port(s) using 8086 word IN or OUT instructions at the specified octal address(es). Building the interface is left as an exercise to the reader. SET FLOPPY RX11 SET FLOPPY RX211 Sets which floppy interface is emulated. RX211 is the default, and is superior in all ways to RX11, but RX11 may be needed for compatibility with old software. May be changed on the fly, but the OS won't like it. SET KEYBOARD SWAP/NOSWAP Tells Ersatz-11 whether to swap the functions of the Caps Lock and left Ctrl keys. Useful for people who have 101-key keyboards, and hate them. SET HERZ 50/60 Sets the actual frequency of the emulated KW11L line clock. This should be changed only if your software expects 50 Hz, 60 Hz is the default. SET SCOPE (default) SET NOSCOPE Sets the style of rubout processing used with input typed to the Ersatz-11 prompt. Mainly useful if you ASSIGN TT0: to an LT33/LA36/LA120 on a COM port. SET SCROLL HARD (default) SET SCROLL SOFT Sets the type of scrolling to use for video display. HARD scrolling works by resetting the base address of the screen and is very fast, but may expose bugs in the video emulation in your favorite GUI OS's DOS box. SOFT scrolling works by copying the whole screen up a line on each line feed and should work in even the most brain-damaged DOS window. SET ddu: parm1 [parm2...] Sets various device-specific parameters for the specified PDP-11 device and unit. Examples are "CSR=n" and "VECTOR=n" for SET TTn: or SET LPn:, or "SSSD," "SSDD," etc. for SET DYn:. 34A"35#40#CPUERRCSMDSPACE DUALREGSETEISFPP MMTRAPSMXPSNOCPUERRNOCSMNODSPACE NODUALREGSETNOEISNOFPP NOMMTRAPSNOMXPSNOPIRQNOSPL NOSUPMODENOTSTSET NOUNDOAUTOPIRQSPLSUPMODETSTSET UNDOAUTO@CPUERRCSMDSPACE DUALREGSETEIS FPPMMTRAPS@MMU22MXPSPIRQSPLSR1SUPMODE TSTSET@UNDOAUTORX11RX211SSSDSSDDDSSDDSDD50Z60fNOSWAPSWAPNONEPORTHARDSOFTCSRVECTOR CSR~VECTORFLOATCPU DEVICE DISPLAY!DR!MMU!SHOW ddu: Shows current parameters for the specified PDP-11 device. KERNEL`= SUPERVISOR<USER> INSTRUCTIONDATANRRONRRW ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.%0123456789? Missing device name ? Invalid device name ? Invalid unit number ? Invalid image file size ? Syntax error % Not confirmed ? Bad switch ? Switch conflict ? Error opening file ? Error creating file ? Bus error % MMU disabled % HALT ? Device doesn't support ? Device not mounted ? Read error ? No such port ? IRQ already in use ? IRQ sharing error, ISR list corrupt ? Drive already in use ? Log file write error -- ? Can't usurp CTY ? Can't deassign CTY ? Can't change geometry of image file ? Insufficient memory ? Device not defined ? CSR in use ? CSR out of range ? Vector out of range ? Invalid keyword? 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