Subject: v24i077: Tool to salvage data from damaged tar tapes Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix Approved: rsalz@uunet.UU.NET X-Checksum-Snefru: d94d3357 5075df9b f91b5436 4bc6db49 Submitted-by: Posting-number: Volume 24, Issue 77 Archive-name: tarx Tarx is a newer, cleaner, more versatile replacement for my old targ/tarl programs for salvaging information from damaged tar tapes. It does a better job on various details and has been extensively tidied up. It uses a simplistic pattern-matching approach to identify tar header blocks. It will cheerfully persist despite all sorts of bad things about the archive (such as wrong checksums, read errors, and scraped-off magnetic surface...), up to a maximum of "errlimit" hard errors in a row It can be used to list the files, and extract as much of them as is possible. Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology utzoo!henry